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relaxation response
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IMMMUN chapter 2
(Workshop/Stuff by Members)
... of protection mode fight/flight responses and back into GRM is the
relaxation response
(RR); which resets the HPA axis to balance after the danger has passed or been successfully navigated; returning us ...
IMMMUN Chapter 1
(Workshop/Stuff by Members)
... experience small amounts of stress hormones AND there is a successful
relaxation response
following them, THEN we will adapt more easily to more stressful situations later in life. I'll explain ...
Neurohacking Tutorial 18 - Intelligence, Consciousness and Comprehension
... and development and ever-increasing adaptation to perpetual change. Receptors in the system must interpret signals correctly and respond appropriately, to initiate the
relaxation response
. Actions or ...
Neurohacking Tutorial 17 - Biopsychology and Belief
... mind to communicate to our body the message that it is currently safe and not in any danger. By activating the
relaxation response
, which allows us to "rest and digest," we can immediately ease ...
Neurohacking Tutorial 16 -Working memory & Executive functions
... their physical and mental health daily. Eating six fresh nuts (yeh just six) per day is doing the same thing. So is one good
relaxation response
session or other anxiety reduction. Being ...
Neurohacking Tutorial 15 - Morality, Judgment and Decisions
... of it on the fly. 3 Briefly meditate or initiate the
relaxation response
daily Meditation or relaxation can help increase our focus. A few minutes a day is all we really need. Mindfulness training ...
Neurohacking Tutorial 14 - Intellect, formal language and declarative memory
... as depression. It takes time to recover what's been lost, and some never do. Recovery IS possible, but only by rebuilding networks from the bottom up as biology intended. Standard '
relaxation response
' ...
Sakiro's Hackipedia Volume 3
... or initiate the
relaxation response
daily Meditation or relaxation can help increase our focus. A few minutes a day is all we really need. Mindfulness training teaches us to pay attention to ourselves ...
Neurohacking Tutorial 12 - Creativity, Bonding and Play
... only way to break out of such habitual circles is to go looking for something WITHIN OURSELVES that will reduce anxiety, (because that's where it is) -and that's the
relaxation response
. Changing our own ...
Intermediate Functional Analysis PART ONE
... deliberately move my palate to close off my nose from my throat if foul odors are encountered [ ]D I can deliberately initiate the
relaxation response
and the fight/flight response [ ]E My body can ...
Neurohacking Tutorial 10 -Emotion, relationships & interaction
... we find pleasing and that is beneficial, it is a tool for interaction, for cultural and diplomatic success, and it induces the
relaxation response
. Most importantly, humor has a powerful effect on cortisol ...
Sakiro's Hackipedia Volume 2
... incorporating natural elements into our buildings through windows and indoor plants. Hacking Oxytocin Oxytocin is a primary hormone involved in the
relaxation response
. You can initiate ...
Sakiro's Hackipedia Volume 1
... response (hack + exercise) With practice, this hack should cause the ‘
relaxation response
’. Practice the technique once or twice daily, but not within two hours after any meal, since the ...
Neurohacking Tutorial 9 - Emotional Stability & Unconscious Mind
... is subject matter in this tutorial that those who cannot initiate the
relaxation response
may find psychologically upsetting. People can have especial difficulty if they are unbonded themselves or have ...
Neurohacking Tutorial 8 - Imagination, Memory and Prediction
... all the stress hormones that were needed for physical birth, we experience our first
relaxation response
and development goes right ahead calibrating the details of those new sensory systems. After a good ...
Neurohacking Tutorial 7 - Imagination & Related Abilities
... to control the tension before it gets worse or causes other physical problems, and learn to initiate a full
relaxation response
. It’s not easy to find a cheap reliable EMG machine. The cheapest ...
Neurohacking Tutorial 6 - Association, Perception and Learning
... what we are learning ever more fully. Whenever we reach this point in the learning cycle, your brain releases serotonin. This initiates the
relaxation response
. Other chemicals are triggered ...
Methods & Technology Intro - Part I: Methods
(Neurohacking/Methods & Technology)
... methods to create a conditioned
relaxation response
to an internal stimulus, such as a word or phrase. AT is a technique that teaches your body to respond to your verbal commands. These commands "tell" ...
Drugs & Chemicals Intro - Part 1: Indigenous Chemicals
(Neurohacking/Drugs & Chemicals)
... cortisol levels. The
relaxation response
balances cortisol to healthy levels. Being in a natural environment reduces cortisol production. Serotonin, ...
Neurohacking Tutorial 5 - Improving & Augmenting N1 & N2
... interactive. We have already talked about the
relaxation response
and its effect on reducing anxiety, and here we will extend on the nature of the stress/relaxation polarity so that in the next tutorial ...
ICMM 11 Processor Upgrade (conditioning & learning)
(Workshop/I've Changed My Mind)
... don't believe the 'dopamine circuit' is the reward network so much as the excitement/desire network. There are two aspects of pleasure in matrix theory, aligned with the stress/
relaxation response
and ...
ICMM 16 Advanced Applications Level 1 (hacking pain)
(Workshop/I've Changed My Mind)
... pain here though for another reason. Pain is a great temporal lobe emotion stimulator, because the stress/
relaxation response
networks overlap with those of the temporal lobes. Before there was TMS or ...
BTPT 3, 6
(Workshop/Beyond The Porcelain Throne)
... that's because they push me towards the
relaxation response
; the 'satisfaction' part of pleasure that Mick Jagger couldn't get no. "Over here on the other side, I've got a bunch of things that make me ...
BTPT 3, 5
(Workshop/Beyond The Porcelain Throne)
... the real meanings of the words they chant. This simple factor, one thing missing, slows it down. Correctly done meditation should initiate the
relaxation response
, in which your unconscious brain can learn ...
BTPT 3, 3
(Workshop/Beyond The Porcelain Throne)
... from the bottom up, shortcutting via the Gnomes is simply about using sensory or chemical input like nutrition, supplements, smells, sounds, soft or bright lights, meditation or the
relaxation response
, ...
BTPT 3, 1
(Workshop/Beyond The Porcelain Throne)
... at a higher level –you perceive that as dreaming- but all the rest passes through quietly to its long-term destinations when you're in deep sleep; at the deep end of the
relaxation response
. As they defrag ...
BTPT 2, 1
(Workshop/Beyond The Porcelain Throne)
relaxation response
. There is no fear of loss in a bonding. There is constant fear of loss in attachment, causing possessiveness and jealousy. And despite all that, despite the 'high' of unbridled sentiment, ...
Psychological methods - Meditation - benefits
(Neurohacking/Methods & Technology)
... physiological benefits such as reduced heart, metabolic, and breathing rates. His 1975 book The
Relaxation Response
detailed the first scientific validation of meditative practice and fostered the growth ...
Learning - Learning & Memory - The Basics
... half of our pleasure system. We are 'drawn towards' and attracted to whatever we want to learn more about, and we become more alert, excited and observant. The
relaxation response
is the ‘fulfilment’ ...
Input control - Anxiety & Input Control - The Basics
... anxiety is only triggered in people who cannot handle stress because they can't trigger the
relaxation response
(due to already being too anxious!) Anxiety is caused by our not being able to process ...