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the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Topics: More anxiety; input control; school system

I've been doing visualization, meditation etc. in increasing amounts the last 3 months. When I wrote here the question about the N6 questions (maybe 2 weeks ago?) I began doing exercises and hacks daily. It's not been a burden.

however today I ran into anxiety stopping me a lot. I've had clear snapbacks before but I don't know about this. It might be just that my previously unconscious anxiety is coming conscious now. And that's great! Maybe it's the input control that I've finally now embraced although it's still not as good as it could be but what ever it is, I'm a bit :o about it. As learning just a few minutes at a time brought anxiety and required relaxation made me think about the school system; just how much more powerless I was as a child with Asperger's to resist the system at least in the way rebel kids do. It's a totally sadistic system and I never realized the extent of it. It is totally unethical to bring children to this world and have them go through school. Of course more normal kids have it a bit easier but that doesn't still make it acceptable to me.

Edited By:  empathia
Jun-21-12 10:25:47

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Yes, for me, awareness of anxiety was/is the first step to start to taking control (input control) of it.

And i'm not very sure of this, but i'm think if you have anxiety problems, training N3 (your imagination/visualization) i think that have  the potential to be a problem if you are not carefull, from my personal experience i think that i have strong visualization/imagination skills, and sometimes that can backfire on me because the anxiety that i have in x moment "use" that skills to create shitty possible scenarios and the body you now can't tell the difference of what you imagine and what is being "real" because as far as i know, it uses the same part of the brain to imagine and perception of real stuff (that thing i read in the tutorial of imagination) and is like a bad cycle. Makes sense?

What is helping me to do that? (still working!)

Doing the things in the right order (I mean, dont train n3, before i have build up N1-N2)

Exercises (specially intense aerobic)

Mindfulness Meditation

Still need to work in being constant smile


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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Sakiro wrote:

Yes, for me, awareness of anxiety was/is the first step to start to taking control (input control) of it.
It might have been for me too, but I wasn't really consciously aware of it until today and for example I stopped watching Ray William Johnson's channel because the guy is such an overactor and the videos were often promoting wronguse or just not that funny to me so it was at least partially the other way round. I'd *really* like to find as much possible of input that I could learn play from. One solution might be to just to befriend at least semi-intelligent people with children and spend a lot of time with them. Have to give that a shot soon. Though I don't know what I should settle for; if I feel anxiety while being there is it because the parents are doing so much wrong things or have I just become more sensitive.

And i'm not very sure of this, but i'm think if you have anxiety problems, training N3 (your imagination/visualization) i think that have  the potential to be a problem if you are not carefull, from my personal experience i think that i have strong visualization/imagination skills
The thing is that I have overuse of N3. But I feel that I should give my mind a chance to see what proper use of N3 means. Remember, if you drop a behaviour you should introduce something in it's place and I'm constantly dropping bad N3 game.

Your description of your problem did not include an example of a situation and the warped thinking so I can't comment on that. But yeah, it might be related to your weak N1/N2 because even though for example I'm not very courageous, in the FA I had little wronguse there so it's doing "ok" though not good.

OR I'll _soon_ be in the same situation as you as my N3 gets trained a little.. we'll see.

Doing the things in the right order (I mean, dont train n3, before i have build up N1-N2)
One thing you might consider doing might be to somehow include N1-N2 to the N3 training. Don't ask me if it is possible, maybe something comes to your mind?

Exercises (specially intense aerobic)
You saying you didn't pursue any martial art/dancing after all? I haven't yet myself, I'm going to have to start testing myself. Today when I did the Ninja a second time, I for some reason broke out laughing for almost a minute. I was laughing at how bad I am it. Maybe that's a sign..

Mindfulness Meditation
This can bring anxiety. If you want to learn a meditation that at least for me has been only about the relaxation response, get Open Focus (first the book and then the audio sets if you don't want to do your own).

Still need to work in being constant smile
If you need to work on meditation being constant at least from my experience that's a sign that something's off. Meditation is a wonderful thing. Maybe you're not doing the right imaginative exercises, like grounding. Unfortunately I can't give you my set, at least not right now, 'cause we've been told we get karma if we do and ... well they have me for now ;)

Oh do checkout Trauma Release Process as well. By Dr. Berceli. Buy the book if you want to support him but you can get the moves from a video torrent. Tell me if you can't find it. That'll help with N3 wronguse. As will EMDR.

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

This is a great idea for a thread and for me could work like co counseling!

Being sociable whilst trying to avoid bad input at the same time has been one of the greatest challenges for me.

The sound of children crying goes via my unconscious either straight to my fist (and induces me to plant it firmly in the face of the ignoring parent), or straight to my legs (which run away). Obviously this is not acceptable social behavior, so I've had to learn distraction mechanisms but sometimes they don't work and I still have to leave. It's quite a good test of how 'together' I am at any given moment.

I still get periodic real distress at the behavior and state of many human beings, but on the other hand I feel facing up to the real shitstorm that is humanity is what gives us appreciation of our own lives (thank fuck I'm not that dumbass dude), pride in our accomplishments (thank fuck I'm not that dumbass dude any more) and self esteem (I'm going in the right direction, and I'm a lot more aware of the anxiety issues of dumbassed dudes).

More importantly, I think it also gives us awe at the adventure of intelligence that so few get free enough to participate in, and satisfaction that our progress is becoming ever more apparent to us and we feel more and more in control, calmer, and free from artifice. 

Maybe seeing and facing the truth literally shocks the shit right out of us! LOL  :  )

What I need is more oxytocin  :  )  But I'd really like to start producing more myself, because of healthy input, rather than just dosing up...ah, decisions, decisions...

I'm not gonna talk about the school system because for me it was a concentration camp, pure and simple. And I found the tunnel, Sarge! it's this way...

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

I have begun to reduce sentiment. Just now I tried to listen to music without being sentimental. I ended up with stomach pains because of muscle tension. I think that I grasped the idea of emotion because the songs I listened to where ones that have made me cry before and now I experienced these tangible but small emotions although sometimes I didn't feel anything. I thought I breathed with the diaphraghm but maybe I didn't if this happened.

edit: I'll give muscle relaxation training a go. or GSR.

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Its a real adventure innit?

Tummy pains are caused by the anxiety; remember, cortisol shuts down the digestive system to prioritize the peripheral muscles & bones for fight/flight response. It causes immediate indigestion and muscle cramps if there's any food in there. In babies, it's called 'colic' and people think it's normal.

The sort of awareness you are developing -being aware of these symptoms right when they are happening, and their cause, is the very feedback experience that enables you to get control of them and reduce anxiety. This is why we tell newbies 'you have to have the experience' -you cannot learn control from a book. Thanks for posting this, it will help others recognize feedback in themselves.


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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is


I don't know if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but some anxiety is to be expected when we first delve deep into neurohacking and start distancing ourselves from (many of) mainstream society's values if that shift isn't accompanied by a corresponding lifestyle change, as we start suffering from incongruence. It's as common and often mutually reinforcing as the anxiety we experience when we become aware of the damage we've been subjected to. Of course, radical change can be overwhelming and a source of anxiety itself, which leads me to...

As much as I approve of learning to be calm whatever your circumstances with the aid of techniques or drugs to address problems like the one above, I believe congruence should be a big priority too, and that requires living with intelligent people around whom we'll be encouraged to flourish - no hassle and severe value clashes. Moving to a place where you can interact frequently with intelligent people is a great opportunity to start over without being dragged down by old habits and harmful influences.

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is


Adventure? Yeah.

It's possible I was stressing to not stress.

meta process:

I know. Would you have any tips on where to find intelligent people? What if I have so much anxiety within me that it is difficult to be with people without any anxiety or tension even if there's no talking? I feel it's the truth of the situation as I now have anxiety over the smallest of thoughts even though I'm getting better and better at relaxing and finding out a bit more about what made me anxious.

Could it not be that my ability to have interactional conversation that does not concern myself or my life is not there at the moment and so I should just concentrate on myself until nature directs me towards that?

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

You're right that your current emotional needs might be so strong they'd hijack the cognitive resources needed in an optimal interaction, but that's also why we're here, right? I've been there too. Let's get you to a point where you can let reality in.

I'm currently making preparations to move from a city that I consider excessively materialistic to another where people are more empathetic and warm, where I have more fun and social stability to work on my personal goals. In mainstream society, you probably won't find a group of people dedicated to maximization of intelligence - that's why Homeworld was created - but everywhere there are great people to interact with, if you have a good eye for sanity.

Among athletes (working on N1&N2?), nerds (are you of college age?) and musicians (like the nightlife?), I've found healthy chill people who contributed to my growth. Chose an activity you enjoy, become good at it and like-minded people will be drawn to you with positive feelings.

Purely anecdotal, but I strongly believe it's easier to find cheerful people in cities with beaches and I'm naturally attracted to those even though I barely put my feet in the sand.

If you have the means to do so, you can get a much better response from most people without using any social skills, merely by dressing very well. Go to a designer clothing store, tell the salesmen more or less what style you want and let them show you some options that match that style. That's guaranteed to work and will reduce your social anxiety. Yeah, it's fucked up that people consider clothing so important, but, hey, it'll make you more comfortable around everyone and give you more opportunities to make friends, once your fear is reduced. I wish I knew this before I cured my own social anxiety.

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Hi dudes,
Really this is mainly a reply to Meta Process some posts ago, but it is relevant to other posts...

On being surrounded with intelligent people doing intelligent things, you're talking to the already convinced here!
But being part of the Homeworld Network has taught me a lot -and one main thing is that only a small number of visitors here are aware of the reality of their situation and have plans to change it. Almost all of our guests are still firmly stuck in the TE and I would describe them as 'slightly confused' about what they really want to do, and as not fully understanding either the fact that they do have a choice or what HW is really about.

It is about making the pursuit of entelechy more important in your life than anything else, and understanding how emergent intelligence works.

It's about believing that truth is our first duty, to be recorded and explained for the benefit of future generations, to be studied and learned from others' records in the past, but most of all to live by in the here and now. A life freed from bullshit is so exciting and serene, there is no better quality of life.

It is also of course about all the fun things you can do with your friends while pursuing that path, such as living on hovercrafts, hacking into the matrix, running pirate broadcasts on space stations or trying to keep out of the way of the Imperial Fleet.  :  )

But in depth it's about what we really need, to reach our full potential. We need things like real emotion, real interaction, real learning, real relationships, real morality and real love. We cannot get these things by looking in places they don't exist, no matter how long we look. There is no place 'to go' to gather with people who prioritize intelligence; which is exactly why we must create it.
That we have a chance to do so is absolutely marvelous, but it still requires courage to make the leap, and we can only go halfway...because we don't want to encourage the likes of Cypher  :  )

It all comes down to how much of the unknown an individual can face and how stuck (ie, hoodwinked by the TE) they currently are.

We are getting some serious topic drift here btw; I suggest we leave 'personal news' for, well, personal news and discuss this in the lab under the heading "difficulties of intelligent interaction". I'll repost this there.

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Hey, alex!

I had a feeling I was being redundant - a feeling that rarely leaves me - but it doesn't hurt to increase awareness of the importance of basic principles, does it? When I talk about these things, online or not, I'm also reminding myself of the things I must do for my own sake - see plans of moving in my last post. The human environment in the place I'm currently at makes it a lot easier for me to do the things you describe, and I can't see what's wrong with that? Plus, I think moving gives us a blank slate to create a new identity and meet people who are interested in improving themselves.

What I told empathia in my first post here was what I would have liked to be told when I was starting out. Hopefully I haven't given misguided advice out of ignorance or being stuck in the TE myself. I'm certainly at the happiest stage in my life and it has everything to do with strengthening congruence with the right values, giving priority to the pursuit of intelligence and surrounding myself with sensible allies, but let's not derail this further.

Btw, you're a great Morpheus in denial. smile

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Meta Process:

I don't get why you feel redundant in this context? I don't see any problem in anything anyone has posted here. This is not so much advice as information, and getting multiple pov is exactly what helps folks think of their own pov and get on their own course. All of your suggestions are positive and all I can really see in these posts is that we agree with each other. Am I missing something?  :  )

Afaik we are all, to varying extents, stuck with the TE in our lives, because we currently live in this society and it's in your face whenever you leave the countryside even if you're not involved with it. It's in your face all day if you have a television, or look up news sites online, or talk to other humans who are stuck in it to the extent they are swimming in raw sewage  :  )

We also all face the anxiety dragon and it is astonishing how all-pervasive the bugger can be when you really start looking at what its doing to you and how it can twist your whole behavior without you wanting it to. I, too would have loved information from you when I was starting out! Just knowing you are not alone is a big help, being able to say to your mates, "Anxiety, what a c***", that's helpful to me. And believe me, what you are saying is always valuable; communication is the helpful thing.

To add to the notes: I too have found musicians, on the whole, to be a bit more sane than most people, but mostly the older generation of musicians as a lot of those I meet nowadays are not interested in music so much as money and marketing themselves. There was definitely less racism and sexism and more open minded thinking in the music world, when I was in it.

There was also a great deal more light-heartedness and a robust attitude to multinationals' property. And cheaper drugs. Always invite lots of musicians to your parties, as they generally have good drugs with them.

I also use the 'camoflage and inflitrate' hack of dressing like bruce wayne in public, not least because well-dressed people get mugged a lot less often than guys in hoodies and jeans. Sounds weird because the poor guys have less money to steal, but robbers are more afraid of the comeback if you look wealthy (ie, the cops may actually give a shit)  :  )

I've had the opposite experience to you with regard to finding cheerful people in places by the sea though, but in UK the seaside means loads of drunk tourists beating each other up, sexually harassing the few sunbathers who don't weigh 6 tonnes, and nicking wallets. So don't do the beach in the UK  :  )

PS I don't get the morpheus bit either...
...maybe I'm having a particularly dumb day?  :  )

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Empathia: one method I have never known to fail if practised deliberately and with intent: finding stuff you really like doing, especially stuff that makes you smile and laugh, and doing it with all your heart (full-on enthusiasm and application).

When we get into stuff we love, our time is taken up by doing those good things and all these concerns and problems about and over-analyzing of our own behavior, simply go away. There is simply not enough time for anxious thoughts to get in there.
Sounds too simple right? There are no exercises or rules or techniques. And yet there it is, THE best method for combating anxiety, doing stuff you love all day. It takes tenacity and determination to stay on that path, and that often takes one by surprise  :  )

On communication: If you find a post that interests you and you wanna answer, or you want to post but you don't feel coherent, it doesn't matter at all if you go ahead and blurt and get misunderstood, because we are all still here and still listening when you later say 'er -actually that's not what I meant.'

I've posted some absolute crap early in the mornings and had to spend days explaining myself.
I do realize how hard it is to be coherent in anxiety, so if a particular mail really needs a clear head I generally wait a couple days and then approach it in a calmer way. If there is emotional content, I never hit 'send' when drunk  :  )   and sometimes the delete button can be your best friend. But in the end, it's only a forum, everybody here is really nice, and it's not like you're gonna destroy the planet if you post incoherently, right?

PS on forum choices: we're trying to sort that one out right now because various of us has forgotten who can see what forums (I know I have!), hopefully we can reunite people with the posts and/or the forums they should be seeing, so please be patient ok?

EVERYBODY: I guess its best not to move posts from forum to forum until this is sorted out.

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Aha! Dudes, I have just figured out my confusion  :  )

...I was actually replying to a post EMPATHIA wrote several posts ago, NOT Meta Process. Empathia was asking, "where can I find intelligent people".
Sorry! My bad. It's my birthday tomorrow and I've been practicing getting wrecked; that's probably the reason, or at least the excuse LOL  :  )

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Ha! That's clarifying.

Scal, worse than semantics is reading too much into it.

See 9th chapter of Kafka's The Trial!

alex, the Morpheus bit refers to a collection of neurohacking definitions by members. At some point in your mini-essay - if memory serves - you claim not to be Morpheus, and yet... smile

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