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Hello Dudes,

quick question, does anyone here have experience with the NeuroSky Mindcap?  It costs a pretty penny, but it only has "one EEG channel", which if I remember correctly is way below the 16 channels necessary for accurate readings?  How does NeuroSky compare with Proteus or other brands on the market?


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Re: neurosky

Hi dude,
There was a post (or posts) somewhere where Localroger tried out Neurosky. One of the posts was called 'Rogers knee and neurosky'. I thought the post was in this forum, but I look at the older posts and cannot find it, and localroger dos not seem to post here anymore. Before I trawl the whole forum, does anyone remember where this was and/or when? I think neurosky had only just come out.

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Re: neurosky

I'm almost shure that it was in the old yahoo group, i tried to access but i don't remember anymore the login/pass i used to sign up lol.

Not shure how practical can be with that features (only one channel) ..?

I was looking to buy someday in the future a emotiv epoc (or similar tech) that seems more advanced (14 channels) but more pricey too https://emotiv.com/

Basically to be aware to my own states (brain waves wise) oh ok so this is like alpha feels? beta? etc .. that feedback can be very valuable!

EDIT: BTW i just remember and old talk in residents quarters related to this .. i don't know alex if i can copy+past the talk here if not just to to residents quarters topic "brain scans!"

"Alex Said:
Hi dude,

BCI gaming/health tech is improving a lot, and in some cases if you chase it up you can find the source code (which may broaden the possibilities somewhat). If you find the picture source, let me know, but if it's mapped as Brainwave=Area, it's got to be wrong, because in real life most brainwaves turn up in various locations despite also having their 'favorite' or usual areas to manifest (which is one reason why EEGs need many channels to be accurate).

Sometimes several networks at once are all firing in sync, sometimes they're all different. Sometimes there really are active areas and dormant areas, but sometimes this is an illusion caused by poor sensors. On the whole when awake, N2 & N5 prefer beta and N1 & N4 alpha. There should be a table or list of brainwaves' correlation with neurotransmitters and networks somewhere in the library, please  complain at me if there isn't  :  )

Any tech with accurate enough sensors is usable for brainwave mapping, but I would beware of some of the games, as they can actually end up increasing anxiety by pumping up beta all the time!

Neuro/ biofeedback is really very useful, so unless you're a technophobe it is good to give it a try as soon as you can, since it may save you so much time and gets a lot of rapid results especially on rear nets and the body/mind connection. It brings unconscious awareness into conscious awareness, and that's a vital skill for future control.

What puts a lot of people off is the ridiculous cost of some units and 'training workshops' etc but don't be misled -even a very simple unit (temperature or GSR for example) will start you off with the method, and if anything makes it easier to tune up your own natural awareness in a shorter time. Reliance on tech or drugs should ideally be temporary, since the whole idea is to improve our innate skills as much as possible and THEN augment them.

When you finish your first spiral of training, do an FA, then plan your next strategy. Otherwise, we can end up underestimating ourselves and not noticing how much we have improved!
AR "

"Sakiro said

This is the picture i saw


Ok it seems like it is only the brainwaves?

Yeh, probably i will not wait to finish my first cycle to try some neurofeedback stuff

What are my options? emotiv is a little expensive, but seems one of the most advanced?

This one can be an option too http://www.neurosky.com/

But neurosky has only two sensors, and emotiv a lot more so probably the second is more accurate (but the first more time in the market so it has more research/aplications to use).

And an FMRI can't be bought? i mean it can be done only in hospitals or something like that? "

"Alex Said

Hi dudes,
There was an extensive conversation about Neurosky, I think on the old yahoo NH forum? Localroger bought one and did some experiments, including wearing it on his knee  :  )  We were trying to ascertain what exactly was being measured.

It looks like what is being picked up is location-related electrical activity; nowhere near as accurate as full EEG but for gaming it really doesn't need to be. What Emotiv is calling 'brain waves' is in fact 'brain activity' in certain locations (for main example, activity happens in the motor cortex whenever we imagine performing an action.)

This is NOT brainwaves. Brain activity means an area of the cortex firing in a short burst (in this case the area that would be normally used for motor activity is imagining that motor activity and firing the memories associated with the movements). Brainwaves are synchronized patterns of activity across whole sections of the brain or on occasion, all of it. They can have long duration, which would be pretty useless for gaming techniques as they require short sharp separate bursts -exactly what's available from localized scanning.

The Emotiv system also picks up the local activity created by neurochemicals triggered by emotion (and also by sentiment, or drugs, or any number if things) and data from facial expression (muscular movement), but this isn't brainwaves either; it's still localized bursts of activity.

For any of you with an Emotiv EPOC EEG headset, you can now access the raw data:

http://hackaday.com/2010/09/13/python-l … motiv-eeg/


The power of these devices to cause harm shouldn't be underestimated -training people to operate their computer by deliberately invoking sentiments is not doing any of us any favors. For those who know what they're doing, choose games that assist in reaching alpha states rather than beta states. Most of us know only too well how to get anxious and jumpy on demand, but not many of us are good at calming down, staying cool and remaining excited and motivated at the same time.

Certainly MRI tech can be bought:
if you have this sort of money:
https://www.ehow.com/about_4731161_much … -cost.html
but I've always found it more practical to use somebody elses, in particular because you can also help with research by doing that, but mainly because it avoids needing an extra room built on your house.  :  )
AR "

Here is a youtube video of someone using the emotiv with the software maybe alex can take a quick look and have more insight of what actually picks up

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rWVzMdZ15A   (7:30 mark)

So seems like there isn't affordable products to read our own brainwaves? like +1000 dollars

https://brain-trainer.com/product-categ … -training/


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Re: neurosky

Hi dude,
Well remembered  :  )

It's fairly obvious when we're predominantly in a given brainwave 'mode' as our behavior and feelings are correlated with brainwave states. Alpha & beta are the most popular waking state brainwave frequencies for most people; alpha during relaxation, assimilation, the consolidation part of learning, concentration; and beta during arousal, the 'stretch' part of learning, and physical activity. GSR shows up the difference clearly between arousal and relaxation, which is how it works.

For finer detail we do need finer instruments, and medical grade eeg is going to be expensive, at least for a while.

There's a rumor about that some dodgy toilet lord bought out epoc, no idea whether its true.
There's also some info regarding censorship of critics, here:

I think the main consumer of epoc doesn't care a hoot about brainwaves, they just want to be able to play games without getting up. :  )

It is possible to become aware of what brainwave predominates at any given time, and to control it, by attentive self-observation and practice using no tech at all. This is especially true of the alpha/beta polarity which stuff like epoc exploits to mean 'up' or 'down'; 'left' or 'right' as applicable. This is exactly what the old style 'mental games' were doing via GSR, which you could use with a simple hand sensor and without needing a load of hardware on your head.

Good luck hunting!

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Re: neurosky

Ok, dudes,

thanks for the feedback.  I will not buy Neurosky.  I will stick to simple GSR device and other lo-tech techniques, such as meditation.  The gadgets, like Neurosky, are not "advanced" enough to make them worthy of usurping my more "traditional" strategies to control my states of consciousness.  If I had programming skills, or lots and lots of mula for the "real deal" machines, that would be another story. 

Keep on keeping on dudes and thanks again for the info!


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Re: neurosky

Yeap, GSR devices are cool, i bought toughstream a few years back, but just the last few months i'm using it intensely.

There are some downside tough, because when you start relaxing you only can know if you are relaxing or stressing (using feedback of the beeps or the colour of the bar) that's cool at the beggining levels, but then you want MORE data, for example if you are ALREADY in a relaxed state you could not move the bar pretty much at all and you can't know for sure if it's because you are not progressing with the training or because you are very relaxed in the first place (yeah i know that you have some idea if you are or not but i like objetive numbers sometimes)

The only solution that i found to this is installing the software thoughstream USB and you have something called

Res: (number) Kohms
Cond: (number) us

So it seems the more relaxed you are the higher the Resistance and Cond, so i'm using that tou gauge my progress (basically trying to achieve higher numbers overtime) but i don't know if this values are totally unique to each person or there is some kind of "universal" values range when you are relaxed or stressed .. something like a range of cortisol level?

For example the higher number i could get was 650 Koms, and the average number i get just when i start the session is around 350 Koms.

Another nice game i play is take a few deeps breaths and see how the resistance goes lower and lower (seems like it activates the parasympathetic nervous system) the curiosty is that it takes only a few second to go let's say 500 from 300 ..and it tames to me like a few minutes to GET BACK to the value before the deep breaths .. i don't know it should be that way? i mean .. i'm not expecting a 1:1 ratio, but maybe a much closer value if your strech/relax system is working optimally?

Anyways i'm having a lot of fun with this!

If someone can share some "protocols" from your GSR trainings ... welcome smile


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Re: neurosky

Hi dude,
The Proteus gives you loads more info plus self-programming options, and is not anything like as expensive as the neurosky kit. If you have a safe postal address you could borrow ours (obviously don't post any address here!  :  ) Mail me privately if you want to have a try.)

Re: 'return time' from relaxation to arousal: I know the opposite effect is an indicator of health (ie, the longer it takes us to return to relaxation after stretching indicates the health of our physical systems like cardiovascular etc, but I have no idea if the opposite question has clinical applications. Does anyone else know? If not I'll look into it.
PS Has anyone else noticed how the name 'Thoughtstream' is weirdly difficult to type 'automatically' (ie, without paying specific attention  to the word?) My various automatic attempts come out as 'thoughtstarem', 'thoughstream' (most usual), or 'thouhtstream'.  What is this 'induced dyslexia' effect? Does anyone know? Any other similar words others have constant trouble with? I have the same problem typing 'TeachFirst'; which comes out as 'teachirst'.

...before any of you smartasses say, 'I have the same problem typing Pheynylmethylpyrazoronamidomethansulphonate', we've heard that one.  :  )

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Re: neurosky

This dude


Has written an open, ad free android app that turns any cheap smartphone into a recording GSR.

For those leery of empty promises not to be evil, there are ways to get the apk without knocking on Google play store door, and ways to use android without calling home to the mother ship.

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Re: neurosky

> What is this 'induced dyslexia' effect? Does anyone know?

English is one beautiful* mess of a language. Full of historico-cultural accidents, as a kid I never understood why TV shows kids always had to do this strange exam at school involving "spelling" words.. it always sounded mildly retarded from a more regular language's perspective as any of the modern Latin strains. (now I think it's merely retardizing)

But now I see how dissonant from actual phonemes the whole mess is.. geez... so much so that it actually makes sense, you know, as a form of torture...

> Any other similar words others have constant trouble with?

Here is an experiment to try: palindromes. Gather a list of such, maybe connect them with otherwise perfectly normal and well behaved words (such as "Stream") and type away... See how many you can get right, I wonder how small the palindrome can get before the effect disappears. ^_^

I'm guessing a MalayalamStream would have plenty of those, hahaha

your "automatic mode" must be extremely honest tho, or one will just fall back to spatial memory (or even just the sensorial pattern of touched fingers) and play the latter half backwards as a musician doing a scale exercise... if that happens, better try again after waking up or something? smile


* if you're a linguist I guess lol

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Re: neurosky

Alex wrote:

PS Has anyone else noticed how the name 'Thoughtstream' is weirdly difficult to type 'automatically' (ie, without paying specific attention  to the word?) My various automatic attempts come out as 'thoughtstarem', 'thoughstream' (most usual), or 'thouhtstream'.  What is this 'induced dyslexia' effect? Does anyone know? Any other similar words others have constant trouble with? I have the same problem typing 'TeachFirst'; which comes out as 'teachirst'.
aha... I got those every f** day dude... my most typical one being: "being" instead of "begin" ;)
i'd say it comes with typing speed improvements vs. individual fingers motor-control, well... sth like that (intuitively)

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Re: neurosky

...Hey dudes, could this be a literary version of Yips? I suppose one could include typing in 'fine motor skills'?

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