Should I read about it all before I try any of it? |
Written by NHA
Monday, 01 September 2008 21:38 |
If you read through the program like a book straight through from beginning to end, you won't learn very much. If you do the exercises as you go along, you will be able to do things sometimes before you know why they work (You may not be interested in finding out why they work, and not bother reading any 'Theory' files, or you may prefer to have as much information as possible before beginning.) You can do this program any way you want to, but we suggest you will gain most benefit from working through the practical exercises and assessments as suggested, and consulting theoretical information whenever you feel you need it.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 March 2010 12:08 |
How much time and effort is involved in following this program? |
Written by NHA
Monday, 01 September 2008 21:37 |
Just as there are physical habits that improve different parts or all of our bodies (such as diet and physical exercises), so there are mental habits that improve the performance of different parts of our brains.
The series of exercises in the tutorials is organized so that you can train up the whole brain, or just the parts you wish to concentrate on (for example, just memory). You probably know that the brain is made up of a series of neural 'networks'. The exercises teach us how to use all the main brain networks necessary for intelligence both individually and together. If you go for it in a mature yet light-hearted spirit, neurohacking is a fun, challenging, indoor mental workout with no heavy lifting. There is almost no physical effort involved in training the brain.
There is no time schedule you have to adhere to either, because some people have less spare time than others, but remember that the more regularly you practise, the better will be your results. It can become a little like a martial art; and we have come to think if n-hacking as a way of life, rather than a hobby or an amusement. To make a noticeable difference, it should take you no more than a month to explore each tutorial. [If you consult theory throughout it will obviously take you longer.]
Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 March 2010 12:08 |
Why do you think intelligence is so important? Surely it's only one of the human abilities that make us successful? |
Written by NHA
Monday, 01 September 2008 21:35 |
Well, first of all, we now know that intelligence in an individual is not restricted to IQ. In fact, IQ represents only one sixth of your overall intelligence.
This is one of the discoveries science has made: A successful, healthy life is dependent on a healthy brain and a high intelligence more than on any other factors. Any ability you have can be improved by improving your overall intelligence.
A strong intelligence gives us the freedom of informed choice, [rather than letting others, or 'fate', if you like, dictate the courses of our lives.] What's more, there are optimal habits of thinking and behaving in order to achieve success in any venture, and this program is a method of adopting those habits for yourself, for life.
Besides, we also do believe intelligence to be more of a collective phenomenon than an individual one.
Last Updated on Thursday, 25 February 2010 23:18 |
You claim this is the first program for IA to be based on hard science. Can you qualify that? |
Written by NHA
Monday, 01 September 2008 21:35 |
This sort of program could not have been developed before now, quite simply because we did not know enough! With recent developments in research and technology, neuroscientists have been able to study in detail, for the first time, human brains alive and in action. This breakthrough has led to a great deal more certainty than we had even two or three years ago in our knowledge of the brain and how it works, how it controls our moods and our behavior, what can go wrong with it, and how to fix that. Without disputing that there is still much to learn, this is very good news for anyone suffering mental problems, obviously. But another way in which this new information can be used is in improving the effectiveness and quality of the lives of healthy people by augmenting their intelligence, because it turns out that there are optimal ways or 'habits' of using the brain that always lead to an increase of intelligence [not to mention personal and group success.]
Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 March 2010 12:11 |
I've tried 'self-help' programs before, but I never seem to achieve lasting changes for the better. How do I know this is any different? |
Written by NHA
Monday, 01 September 2008 21:34 |
'Self-help' programs only ever work in the short term, because the habits of thinking behind them do not become automatic. That is why we focus here on the power of habit.
Many such programs also come in the 'one method fits all' format, but everyone is different. Individual people need individual programs. The series of exercises you choose in Intal for your fastest progress will depend on your own personal requirements, so we present a whole set to choose from. [There are specific exercises just to improve the memory, for example.] You can plan your personal program during tutorial 3, in which you can assess yourself in various areas to see what shortcuts you can take. |
Last Updated on Thursday, 25 February 2010 23:19 |
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