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Buscar palabra clave aging

Total: 45 resultados encontrados.

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31. Understanding nutrition - Simple Guide to Food chemistry
(Neurohacking/Lifestyle & Nutrition)
... aging   good immunity good mental health   Healthy growth fast healing  ...
32. Passages in the Void
(Workshop/Stuff by Members)
... Earth. There was a universal consensus that it was insane, and it was thought that making it clean up the mess it had made by managing the Earth's population might show it the folly of its way and bring ...
33. Physiological methods - Epigenetics - Hacking the genome
(Neurohacking/Methods & Technology)
... - one of the longest recorded life-span extensions in any organism. Human cells with reduced SIRT1 activity also appear to confirm that SIRT1 has a pro-aging effect. These findings do not negate discoveries ...
34. Alternatives to work
(Homeworld/School & Work Alternatives)
... us. With all their baggage added to ours and everyone aboard, the vast canoe still looked rather empty. Portaging it, this time with only four or five Indians to help, over half a mile of boulders beside ...
35. Grow your own food
(Homeworld/Permaculture & Self Sufficiency)
... such as a scarecrow. Cherries are prone to attack from aphids, so if you grow them it’s worth encouraging ladybirds and lacewings to visit your garden, which will keep the aphid population in check. ...
36. Permaculture: the basics
(Homeworld/Permaculture & Self Sufficiency)
... about designing and creating healthy systems that meet our needs without damaging the planet. 2. CARE OF PEOPLE: Provision for people to access those resources necessary to their development, health ...
37. Books: The Nature of Being Human
... restraints. At each point of this intellectual journey, Fromm is honest, engaging, and unsparing. Philosophical, critical, often personal, Fromm's sweeping, interdisciplinary, and sometimes combative ...
38. Glutamate & Empathy
(Neurohacking/Drugs & Chemicals)
... provided the original author and source are credited. Funding: Support from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Project Berlin Neuroimaging Center, No. 01G00208), is gratefully ...
39. Anatomy & physiology - Neurogenesis
(Neurohacking/Theory & Research)
... new neurons to their proper place improves the understanding of neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus, a process that is believed to be aberrant in cognitive aging, Alzheimer disease, and some forms of ...
40. Memory - Processing Experience
(Neurohacking/Theory & Research)
... of the brain consolidate the neural traces of these episodes into more enduring memories. Behavioral and neuroimaging studies have implicated a network of brain structures—including the medial temporal ...
41. Learning - Memory & Timing
(Neurohacking/Theory & Research)
... Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, United States of America   Abstract  Recent functional neuroimaging evidence suggests a bottleneck between learning new information and remembering ...
42. Epigenetics - Exploring the Genome Project
(Neurohacking/Theory & Research)
... wide spectrum of techniques and approaches. These involve structural, molecular, and developmental biology, advanced imaging, genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, and mathematical analysis. Epigenetic ...
43. Anatomy & Physiology - Chandelier Cells
(Neurohacking/Theory & Research)
... study utilizing GABA uncaging has reported a depolarizing shift in EGABA from dendrite to soma to the axon, and further showed that high axonal expression of the chloride importer NKCC1, perhaps in addition ...
44. Methods & Technology Intro - Part II: Technology
(Neurohacking/Methods & Technology)
... behavioral tasks, and to do so in real time.   (1927) Angiography Or arteriography is a medical imaging technique in which an X-ray picture is taken to visualize the inner opening of blood ...
... cell survival. By six months old, the researchers report, the engineered mice had lost many of their Pomc or Agrp neurons but no other neurons. Like aging humans, mice in which Pomc neurons had died ...
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