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BH - Hacking a broken body

I fell out of tree flat on my back a little over a week ago and while I am extremely luckly to not have been more seriously injured, there are some minor aches comming from what seem to be my thoracic spinal region.  That combined with a few other joint pains resulting fomr unrelated incidents has left me wondering if my cartilage is a little thin and if there is anything I can do to bulk up these padded parts of me.

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Re: BH - Hacking a broken body

Hi dude,

If it's the 'unrelated incidents' that lead you to suspect cartilage rather than ligament, muscle or tendon damage or bone bruising, maybe its wise to remember that they ARE unrelated? Dropping out of trees (or the sky generally) often causes lumbar or thoracic damage on landing because nerves get trapped. Professional paratroopers are recommended to do pull-ups and stretching bar work for this reason.

If you've been having general joint problems you should get someone else to roll them (joke).
Seriously, the most popular cause of joint probs. is inflammation, and the quickest way to stop inflammation is to avoid fast release sugars (and of course anxiety, which makes all pain more painful).

Fish, fruit and walnuts have all been useful to me in improving joint problems. Some swear by co-enzyme Q10, I tried it once and didn't notice any difference, but only took it for 3 months. Herbalists swear by Comfrey ointment, aptly known as 'knitbone'  :  )
Try & stay the right way up, yeh?

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Re: BH - Hacking a broken body

Cool, thanks for the suggestions.  I certainly use your recommendation and the desire to "get better" as motivation to cut out the fast release sugars.  Pull up sound like a good way to go.  I am also interested in using an inversion bed (hanging upside down)

Now for another inquiry.  What can you say about the usefulness of network chiropractic care.  I've started entrainment with a local center in effort to aid my recover and reduce any long term problems.

The doctor at that office pointed out that while inversion can be helpful, there is risk of damaging cells in the pons with inversion therapy if the spine is not sufficiently relaxed.  This make sense to you?

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Re: BH - Hacking a broken body

Hi dude,
I only have experience of traction inversion in the context of osteopathy & spinal injury, and breech birth turning. I haven't heard of any problems operating within recommended time guidelines. I don't however know anything about chiropractic employment of the technique, sorry!

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Re: BH - Hacking a broken body

Quick update to my recovery the combination of this chiropactic treatment (until my fund dwindled) and inversion really seem to have done the trick.  I am now pain free and with the help of all those pull up I'm stronger than ever.  Gotten into rockclimbing again, too!

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Re: BH - Hacking a broken body

Hi dude!

Well done you  :  )  Keep it up! Now entering my third year of “no illness at all” so pretty sure I've got NH factors right for this context.
Are you going to continue working with flotation?

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Re: BH - Hacking a broken body

I am certainly eager to do so Alex.  Currently in the process of recouping from an unfortunate end of my last floatation endevour.  I'll keep you updated.

For now I have a different technical issue to sort out.  It seems I have a sinus infection brought on by prolonged dehydration.  I began having oddly fearful thoughts during this time.  Realizing that the amygdala is responsible for the fear response also located near the sinuses, I wonder if there is a correlation between increase sinus pressure and this accute sense of foreboding.

Thanks for your feedback
   Captain Mnemo

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Re: BH - Hacking a broken body

Hi dude  :  )

There's a link between ANY physical problem and a vague sense of foreboding. We always know unconsciously and feel more vulnerable when we're not up to strength. Also, with sinus probs we can become hyper sensitive to air pressure change and feel 'creeped out' before storms.

On top of this dehydration will creep you out all by itself. It's the unconscious's way of sending a 'something's wrong' signal. Sounds like you need some good food and rest dude, take it easy on yerself  :  )  'Tis the season to be lying around eating. And in your case, drinking fluids  :  )

...While you're here, may I ask have you any experience with small animals such as chickens or rabbits? I'm looking for small edible species that don't require restraints like cages or pens, can live free on the land as part of the ecosystem, doesn't give you loads of hassle, won't be eaten by local cats, doesn't stray far, and tastes good. I know we discussed fish briefly way back when, but looking at all options (if in doubt, do everything)  LOL  :  )

Forest gardening recommends chickens, but I have tried them in the past and they were a pain in the ass.

In advance, have a very happy solstice!

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Re: BH - Hacking a broken body

Alex wrote:

On top of this dehydration will creep you out all by itself. It's the unconscious's way of sending a 'something's wrong' signal.
I see that now.  Yes indeed it was creepy, however at the start I was comforted by a sense of simple bliss and the zen-like acknowledgement that dispite the circumstances all is beautiful right and now. The terror soon followed.

Alex wrote:

have you any experience with small animals such as chickens or rabbits? I'm looking for small edible species that don't require restraints like cages or pens, can live free on the land as part of the ecosystem, doesn't give you loads of hassle, won't be eaten by local cats, doesn't stray far, and tastes good. I know we discussed fish briefly way back when, but looking at all options
There are no creatures that come to mind that would fullfill all these requirements. Krill perhaps.  I've got a buddy who has raised chickens and rabbits, both in cages unfortunatly.  One possibility would  be to start encouraging native species of rabbits to hang around.  They would be much better suited to evading predators. Not sure how tasty they would be, but if you're supplimenting their diet that could improve the quality of meat.  Plus you'd be doing this species a favor and helping the ecosystem thrive.

Tough order to fill.  I'll keep stormin'

Update: Word is geese are a good option. They lay eggs, are good eatin', and are tough as nails. The feathers are great for keeping you warm, they'll hold their own against most predators especially if you have a pond.

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Re: BH - Hacking a broken body

Just wanted to add a few words about that sensation of foreboding I was having as result of dehydration. I began to have it again today and was simply marveling at the acuity of such fear. Luckily this time I was easialy able to identify the cause.  It occurred to me also that the results of my tensegrity practice and its ability to raise awareness must be causing me to sense such mortal danger far more clearly. In the moment it seems like hell, however as I see now, after a few cups of water, this awareness is a blessing that has kept me alive.

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Re: BH - Hacking a broken body

Ok, it seems I could use some really trouble shooting regarding my odd state of mind lately. I am absolutly going out of my mind with what seems to be the sensation of pure terror.  I've been drinking loads of water, but never seem to get hydrated. I'm normally a completly mellow fellow, but lately have been beside myself with mortal fear! It seem quite foreign.

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Re: BH - Hacking a broken body

Hi dude,
Sorry you're getting some crap!
Okay you need to list any and all symptoms and view any recent changes as potentially connected, so that includes sleep disturbances or unusual thirst, change of diet etc., get a good clear picture of any and all changes in your body and habits.

Anything attacking or upsetting the HPA axis is gonna cause unexpected (and apparently inexplicable) panic attacks. This certainly sounds like the problem area because the sudden changes in hydration homeostasis is too much of a coincidence to ignore. Remember it's also possible to over-hydrate yourself, so just drink normal amounts for health and take it easy until you get a clear diagnosis. Don't drink alcohol!

Diagnostics are urgent, for without them we have no idea what to treat. You might wanna get a standard GP check especially if there's any kidney discomfort, cos misbehaving adrenals can cause this sort of response and it could be something as simple as a kidney infection or a little parasite like the fluke worm from unwashed watercress. Doctors are great for diagnostics. Remember, you don't have to take their choice of treatment, once you know clearly what's wrong you can choose from all options.

It's really important to do this soon in case you're under attack from bacteria/viral source, where time is of the essence because the little buggers are sex maniacs  :  )  fixing small problems stops them growing into big ones. Problems that interfere with hydration or other aspects of homeostasis should always be taken seriously.

Test your pee for infection now if you have multisticks. If you don't have testing sticks and aren't able to get any, mail me privately with forwarding address and I'll post you some (but don't wait for them to arrive before seeing your GP)

Keep in touch and let us know how you get on,

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Re: BH - Hacking a broken body

EThanks Alex,
    You certainly provided some poiniant information here. I hadn't noticed it until you mentioned, but I am having some mild discomfort in my kidneys.  When these panic attacks occur, I drink about about 6 oz. of water and the attack subsides within about 10 minutes.  I've been having increased emotions to some extent. Mostly during the attack, so I guess that's obvious. Not drinking alcohol, and not chugging water by any means.
  On that note, you once mentioned a mixture of salt and molasses as a suitable electrolytic solution. Would that be advisable?

Quit smoking pot a couple of weeks ago. Are those multisticks likely available at a drug store? I'm on vacation and won't be able to see my GP until early next week at best. What OTCs or embibements can I take that might deter any critter action for the meantime?

Also, looking to minimized the toll these adrenaline spikes are having on my body. Would you recommend I excersize during these times or just stay mellow and ride it out?

Found some info that seems to answer my own question about what to drink to combat kidney infection.

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Re: BH - Hacking a broken body

Hi  :  )

Dude it sounds like there's a strong possibility of kidney infection and you need to treat it right away. If you're on vacation there should be provision for you to see a local doctor or maybe A&E walk-in, check it out.
Right away: Hack the little fuckers:
1 Drink a pint of water with one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda (sodium bicarbonate) once a day. This will change the pH of your pee so bacteria can't live in it.
2 Hit a drug store and buy a potassium citrate treatment, tell the pharmacist you think you have cystitis and take it as though you had cystitis.
3 if you are drinking river water, boil it thoroughly before drinking.
4 Avoid all foods containing sugar, sweeteners of HFCS. They're just feeding bacteria.
Don't use salt/molasses; that's for diarhea-related dehydration and in this case could make you worse.
Don't exercise, but do keep moving; fetching wood & carrying water is fine  :  )

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Re: BH - Hacking a broken body

You'll be relieved to know I've been to the doctor and according to the pee test all is well.
My Dad and I went skiing this morning and after the first run down the thrill was so much that I had another attack. I'd been hydrating all morning prior with 100% cranberry juice, apple cider vinegar and water so I had ruled out simple dehydration. The ride induced panic attack combined with and increased pain in my mid to lower back as compared to last night left me convinced that the culprit was my kidneys. That when we went to the ER.

Here are the stats:
Urine pH     7.0
Urine protein, glucose, ketone, bilirubin, blood, nitrite & leukocyte ester      all negative
Urobilinogen   0.2 EU/dL  out of <=1.0

That will likely all make a whole lot more sense to you than me.

The doc and RN both seemed confident that I alright and I was prescribed Ativan to be taken as needed for the panic attacks (I have no intention of doing so, btw)

I've had one attack since returning from the hospital and in general my nerves are pretty edgy. Planning on seeing my GP when I return home.
Meanwhile, I'll certainly heed your advise.

Here comes another wave. This must be what the Hulk goes through.

New correlation: the cold seems to be spurring on these attacks. Could it be that the real problem is infact my heart? How can I assess this? Can a chest cold find it's way into the heart.  I've heard there is threat of tooth decay making it's way to the heart.

Not trying to let paranoia get the best of me. Just looking at all the possibilities.

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