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Re: Confession

Hi dude,
If you remain stable and continue to feel 'improved', very slowly reduce dosage until you reach the lowest effective level. That way you make the most of your resources and avoid dosing yourself up for no reason.
Since the FDA is outlawing it, I wonder how long it will be before black market piracetam is available in the US? Probably about three tenths of a second :  )

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Re: Confession

Thanks Alex,
That's my rough 'educated' guess. The first initially-3-kg black jar of Piracetam is about half gone. I have another one full though. I am thinking of reducing the dosage more or less exponentially. The expiration label says "Dec. 2012" (when the "civilization ends" ... ha ha. Hopefully my hemispheres merge before that date and some explosion of intelligence occurs and saves the world ha ha].
By the time I finish both jars other better products may be around and/or I may have changed my mind about continuing taking Piracetam. I am not that concerned about 'things' too far ahead.


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Re: Confession

Hi dude,

Afrim wrote:
That's my rough 'educated' guess. The first initially-3-kg black jar of Piracetam is about half gone. I have another one full though. I am thinking of reducing the dosage more or less exponentially. The expiration label says "Dec. 2012" (when the "civilization ends" ... ha ha. Hopefully my hemispheres merge before that date and some explosion of intelligence occurs and saves the world ha ha].

Be careful what you wish for...LOL  :  )

By the time I finish both jars other better products may be around and/or I may have changed my mind about continuing taking Piracetam. I am not that concerned about 'things' too far ahead.

Well it's always a good idea to try a few things; even if you discover something that really works well for you, it's sometimes possible to find something either even better or equally effective but gentler.  Piracetam is pretty good for not causing unpleasant side effects, but the one thing we don't know much about is what happens with long term use. If you decide to keep using it, let us know if you notice anything different after months or years.
Most things have different effects long term than they do short term -a phenomenon easily dealt with by physicists but a real nuisance for biochemists. Living things adapt and change in unpredictable ways. Of course adaptation is one of our greatest strengths as a species, but it can backfire  :  )

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Re: Confession

Alex wrote:

Living things adapt and change in unpredictable ways. Of course adaptation is one of our greatest strengths as a species, but it can backfire  :  )
As opposed to what!? Seems like it always backfires. Maybe 'the secret' is to change so rapidly that there is no time for addaptation to creep in, say, us. I just thought of a change: How about we also change the words/language as we go along (e.g. [pronouns] i = I, u = you (singular), e = she or he [he/she])!?


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Re: Confession

I have been taking 30-50 g/day of Piracetam and eating sparsely/sporadically but various foods.
Two days ago I went to an Outback restaurant and felt like eating a lot of meat (it could be the other way around: I felt like eating a lot of meat and then went to Outback). So, I ordered a 20-oz prime-rib with some mixed veggies. I was getting facinated by the idea that now that i am leaner (about 60 kg) I can eat and enjoy more food (infrequently) than when I was, say, 70kg, amd putting much more effort without any exceptional enjoyment to eat, say, a 10-oz meat peace. At some time, as I was finishing eating that piece, I don't know what I was thinking when a big chunk of meat stuck in my throat. I felt panicky. Quickly I grabbed the beer mug and tried to drink some. No way. That was a stupid move; besides choked, I felt like I was drowning. Got the beer out of my mouth, made some mess on my plate. Quickly I was trying to decide to try to get the big chunk out or in. I decided to get it in for a stupid reason "many people around probably wouldn't want to see more food coming out of my mouth". I managed to get it down to the stomach but I had a sore esophagus for few days. Many saw (in their own ways) what happened there. The bartender insisted to give me another meal even though I told her that I could eat whatever is left on my plate but a jumpy woman said "you can't eat that; you just vomit on it!" I was trying to explain that it was just some foamy beer spill. Anyways I ended up eating about 0.5-1.0kg meat that night (the second piece I cut it in smaller pieces and ate it politely).


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Re: Confession

Hi dude,
Afrim Wrote:
Two days ago I went to an Outback restaurant and felt like eating a lot of meat (it could be the other way around: I felt like eating a lot of meat and then went to Outback).

Love this  :  )  I WISH most scientists would think like this! Two things happening in correlation means either could have caused the other or a third thing may have caused both.

[afrim] I don't know what I was thinking when a big chunk of meat stuck in my throat.

Good lesson; it's amazing how many people allow themselves to die because of what other people might think  :  )

Alex wrote:
Living things adapt and change in unpredictable ways. Of course adaptation is one of our greatest strengths as a species, but it can backfire : )

[afrim] As opposed to what!? Seems like it always backfires.

Don't understand this? Adaptation is why humans are still here and dinosaurs aren't.

[afrim] Maybe 'the secret' is to change so rapidly that there is no time for addaptation to creep in, say, us.

Changing rapidly IS adaptation. Sorry, you've lost me here...??

[afrim] I just thought of a change: How about we also change the words/language as we go along (e.g. [pronouns] i = I, u = you (singular), e = she or he [he/she])!?

...But then everyone else reading later posts would get really confused  :  )

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Re: Confession

Alex wrote:

Living things adapt and change in unpredictable ways. Of course adaptation is one of our greatest strengths as a species, but it can backfire : )

[afrim] As opposed to what!? Seems like it always backfires.

Don't understand this? Adaptation is why humans are still here and dinosaurs aren't.

[afrim] Maybe 'the secret' is to change so rapidly that there is no time for addaptation to creep in, say, us.

Changing rapidly IS adaptation. Sorry, you've lost me here...??

[afrim] I just thought of a change: How about we also change the words/language as we go along (e.g. [pronouns] i = I, u = you (singular), e = she or he [he/she])!?

...But then everyone else reading later posts would get really confused  :  )
... ha ha ... sometimes I think that languages are there to basically confuse people. In our case, e could be deconfused by reading the previous posts.

'Changing rapidly', 'adaptation' and 'backfiring' r so relatively vague that 1 could swing or bend them from 1 extreme to another 1 (especially by using the current crappy languages); that's probably why i don't know how to answer those above questions. I may attempt to answer them some other day.

Somehow i thought adaptation was closly related to 'stagnation'.

I am going out for a drink now to relax my brain.


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Re: Confession

I intentionally forgot to intake piracetam for few days. I can live with or without it. Maybe I have 'saturated' my body with piracetam to such a point that it doesn't seem to make much difference, in taking or not some, in these November days. Somehow I have even forgotten to eat for about 2 days while being busy thinking and organizing stuff.

Before going to the outback today (I hadn't been there since when I almost choked to death) I thought of seeing a movie (about once a month I may go to a cinema/IMax if I spot an interesting movie title/discription). Today I saw MegaMind (in 3-D). I enjoyed it. I think, Alex et al. would also enjoy it. [I wrote this message primarily to let you guys know about this movie].

Outback is about 100m from this movie place. Immidiately as I got out of the cinema I smelled the smell of food coming from outback; I was thinking "maybe my senses are getting better/'sharper'" but coincidentally the wind also was blowing in the outback-cinama direction. Anyways, today I had a 20oz prime rib with steam veggies, sweet potato, a 22oz of coastal-wheat-sam-adams beer, and a large dizert with plenty of chocolate.

Soon I'll go to sleep.
gud nayt,


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Re: Confession

Cool, thanks dude I'll look for the movie  :  )

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Re: Confession

Some days ago (on Nov. 17) i successfully defended 'my' Physics Ph.D. Dissertation.  I don't know if piracetam has anything to do with that. After that 'defense' I feel like ingesting less piracetam, kafein or alkol. Hopefully I don't get intangled/stuck in some stupidity room in the Castle of Academia. I saw the 'getting of' Ph.D. as one of the obstacles I needed to overcome to facilitate my goal of getting more intelligent, living better and longer.


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Re: Confession

Afrim Wrote:
Some days ago (on Nov. 17) i successfully defended 'my' Physics Ph.D. Dissertation. I don't know if piracetam has anything to do with that. After that 'defense' I feel like ingesting less piracetam, kafein or alkol. Hopefully I don't get intangled/stuck in some stupidity room in the Castle of Academia.

I don't see what's stupid about feeling you need fewer drugs?  :  )  Maybe your experience of using your ability to coherently hold to a scientific argument filled you up with serotonin and norepinephrine and you're now feeling quite rightly more confident and proud of yourself without having to supplement these chemicals artificially?

I saw the 'getting of' Ph.D. as one of the obstacles I needed to overcome to facilitate my goal of getting more intelligent, living better and longer. AA

...Do you mean the learning of the information, or the acquisition of a piece of paper that says some normal people think you're smart?  :  )
Afaik, the only obstacles to intelligence, quality of life and longevity are wrong input or lack of good input.

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Re: Confession

I just caught a mistake on my previous message: "Nov. 17" ['should have been']--> "Nov. 19". (That's what happens when one does not celebrate the getting of a Doctor of Philosophy in Physics [this title almost gives me the feeling of 'me becoming a medical doctor, a philosopher and a physicist at the same time'].

Nothing stupid about me needing fewer drugs. I thought of sharing that good news. I kind of anticipated the drop in drinking those things but I wasn't very sure about it since I don't get Ph.D.'s 'very often'. 

Alex wrote: "...Do you mean the learning of the information, or the acquisition of a piece of paper that says some normal people think you're smart?  :  )"

It was mostly the acquisition of a piece of sheet (view it as a "card") that may give me easier access to better tools, services/surroundings). Concretely, about a year ago I proposed to the university where i am getting this piece of sheet that I teach a new subject there: "Physics of the Human Body".  I learned that I couldn't teach that subject there if I didn't have a Ph.D. degree.  I expect that my proposition get accepted within few weeks. 

I am excited about these new developments in my life; Ph.D. Degree or no degree, I think I still would have continued to pursue my quest toward neuro/body-hacking 'myself' to a better state (healthier, happier and with the prospect of staying around for a long time). : )


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Re: Confession

Hey guys,

Interesting discussion here, piracetam is my most commonly used nootropic too, only problem with it is it seems to make me compleatly intolerant to alcohol for 2 days afterwards!

Have you considered taking any of the other racetams Afrim? The other racetams are a lot more expensive, but active at lower doses, and have slightly different effects.

I had assumed that the FDA ban on piracetam would only affect the US, but it appears that most of the suppliers have stopped stocking it and the ones that do, the price has gone up %400! If I had know that I would have brought a few kilos before it got banned!
It beggars belief that the government forcefeeds children Ritalin but yet won't let adults take a far saver drug.

Actually, if the lack of supply is due to the suppliers being based in the US, this could be a good opportunity for anyone not in the US who has the startup capital, business skill and general resources to go into business selling piracetam.


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Re: Confession

Hey guys,

Interesting discussion here, piracetam is my most commonly used nootropic too, only problem with it is it seems to make me compleatly intolerant to alcohol for 2 days afterwards!

Have you considered taking any of the other racetams Afrim? The other racetams are a lot more expensive, but active at lower doses, and have slightly different effects.

I had assumed that the FDA ban on piracetam would only affect the US, but it appears that most of the suppliers have stopped stocking it and the ones that do, the price has gone up %400! If I had know that I would have brought a few kilos before it got banned!
It beggars belief that the government forcefeeds children Ritalin but yet won't let adults take a far saver drug.

Actually, if the lack of supply is due to the suppliers being based in the US, this could be a good opportunity for anyone not in the US who has the startup capital, business skill and general resources to go into business selling piracetam.


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Re: Confession

Hi dude,
In the toilet, any organisation beginning with 'world' or 'global' means 'American'. If other places don't obey the WTO/WHO, they get fined. The UK pays more and more in fines each year because it won't buy US beef containing growth hormones.

They are the Borg. The FDA has shut down its shields and allowed itself to be boarded. Everybody else will be assimilated; resistance is too expensive.

So queue up for your ritalin implants kids, unless your parents are smart enough to join starfleet  :  )

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