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Can increasing intelligence affect how lucky we are? PDF Imprimir Correo electrónico
Escrito por NHA   
Viernes 10 de Julio de 2009 13:57
Tags Intal - FAQ
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Q – I have a high IQ but I've had various failures due to bad luck. Can increasing intelligence affect how lucky we are?


A - IQ is not intelligence; it is one small part of intelligence. If you don't have the other skills, IQ alone won't help you to control or direct your life.

A lot of what we thought was 'bad luck' is often due to bad planning, bad decisions, and bad judgments! A smart personal strategy for life, or 'personal autonomy', is something all successful people have in common, and this is an ability based on certain habits of mind that can be learned.

This doesn't mean that all successful people have 'better luck'. These habits of thought can be used by anyone; successful people are just the ones who figured out these strategies for themselves early on or were taught them by others. When "shit happens" –as it does to us all at some point- we know how to cope better and achieve better outcomes. Importantly, we learn how to plan better, be prepared for various outcomes, and how to adapt to sudden changes, strategizing for improvement regardless of external factors.

Última actualización el Jueves 25 de Febrero de 2010 23:17
What does 'Intal' mean? PDF Imprimir Correo electrónico
Escrito por NHA   
Viernes 10 de Julio de 2009 13:54
Tags Intal - FAQ
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A – Interactional. The program enables us to look at our life situations in terms of our interactions, and use that overview to apply the decision-making skills that lead to success. By analysis of our interactions we can employ behaviors to increase our success in different kinds of situations (business, health, relationships etc).

Última actualización el Jueves 25 de Febrero de 2010 23:15
Is Intal some kind of assertiveness training, or NLP type of thing? PDF Imprimir Correo electrónico
Escrito por NHA   
Viernes 10 de Julio de 2009 13:50
Tags Intal - FAQ
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A-Intal is not some kind of assertiveness training! Mentally, Intal promotes and enables scenarios where everybody wins. It is based on our growing knowledge of how intelligence works, and what intelligence can do. It is a training program for mental fitness, strength, and flexibility; and it is not coincidental that they are the skills necessary for success. In the modern world, they are survival skills, just as in the ancient world, a human's ability to escape dangers, light fires and hit things accurately with spears were the survival skills enabled by intelligence. Today the mind is still our most expedient tool for personal (and group) success.

Última actualización el Jueves 25 de Febrero de 2010 23:18
What do I do if I can't find the info I need in the tutorials or the files? PDF Imprimir Correo electrónico
Escrito por NHA   
Lunes 01 de Septiembre de 2008 21:39
Tags Intal - FAQ
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If you cannot find all the information about any aspect of neurohacking that you are looking for, feel free to contact us. That's what the forum is for! You should also point out to us areas in which we are lacking, for that is how we shall continue to improve! We will be happy to discuss anything about this program or other n-hacking issues.


Última actualización el Miércoles 10 de Marzo de 2010 12:10
Is there some organisation behind this, or some product you are selling? Who are you guys? PDF Imprimir Correo electrónico
Escrito por NHA   
Lunes 01 de Septiembre de 2008 21:39
Tags Intal - FAQ
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The people compiling this site do so voluntarily in the interests of intelligence augmentation and the people who practise it everywhere. Please read the Neurohackers Community presentation page for more information about our group (click here).

If you'd like to interact on the forum, consider using nicknames for your registration, as we're likely to discuss sensitive matters, sometimes...

Última actualización el Jueves 25 de Febrero de 2010 23:15
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