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Recherche de mots-clés neurons

50 résultats trouvés.

1. Ressources
(Catégorie - French (Fr))
"Je vais aux archives ; si je suis pas revenu Lundi, appelez les pompiers." Gaston Lagaffe     Un coin pour le stockage de diverses ressources, parce qu'on a tous besoin ...
2. IMMMUN Chapter 7
(Workshop/Stuff by Members)
... branching patterns resemble larger ones. No matter the size you are looking at, the general branching shape is the same. Natural systems abound with fractals. Neurons, trees, rivers, the respiratory ...
3. IMMMUN chapter 5
(Workshop/Stuff by Members)
... our moral norms, our brain signals the neurons that control our stomach and tongue movements—just as it does when something tastes bad.[39] Moral disgust, therefore, is not just a consequence of ...
4. IMMMUN chapter 4
(Workshop/Stuff by Members)
... the way our neurons form new connections depends on their prior history of practice doing it; a phenomenon called metaplasticity.[9] Experience and environmental stimuli appear to almost constantly affect ...
5. IMMMUN chapter 3
(Workshop/Stuff by Members)
... such as: <@c002 /30.5s@700Thz/=1> which means something like: at a coordinate in system section 2, a critical mass of neurons fired indicating that an eyeball registered a frequency interpreted as ...
6. IMMMUN chapter 2
(Workshop/Stuff by Members)
... term ones) can be carried out. Growth (the birth of new neurons and the construction of new connections between neurons) takes place in this mode in response to learning. A healthy organism spends most ...
7. IMMMUN Chapter 1
(Workshop/Stuff by Members)
... is largely unconscious; that is to say we are not aware of it ordinarily because it's automatic. It uses a graphic format and employs the brain's visual cortex along with 'mirror neurons' to scan what's ...
8. Subject Index for Archives
...    Neurons glia & astrocytes    ...
... neurons which are responding to different aspects of the same conscious experience; and that this activity must recruit a selection of brain structures or areas, via conduits of anatomical and/or functional ...
... also shows a decreased signal in the caudate. The state of uncertainty or ambiguity also appears to correlate with specific neurons in the amygdala.[4] The posterior medial frontal cortex (pMFC), which ...
... of receptors with a specific modality. This direct association between a receptor and a sensation modality is called 'labeled line coding'. location The spatial distribution of sensory neurons activated ...
... via mirror neurons and results in ToM, empathy, appropriate emotions, and moral behavior.[75] Our natural aversion to harm and desire to benefit is all it takes to keep a well-balanced congruous system ...
13. Sakiro's Hackipedia Volume 3
... coming together in different ways. Research explains why this happens: written language and spoken language are processed in different parts of the brain and activate different neurons.   Exercise ...
...  Previous studies have shown that when we have to make a decision based on visual input, for example, assemblies of neurons start accumulating visual evidence in favor of the various possible outcomes. ...
... respect and love). We already know that we make bonds whenever interaction happens. For examples, physiologically two networks bond (connect) together when interaction happens between their neurons. ...
... more information—more good (and free) information—exists today than at any point since Santiago Ramón y Cajal penned his stunning line drawings of neurons.   In fact, there has never ...
... systems of the body, in individual heart cells, in synesthesia, in the physiology of multisensory neurons, and in brainwaves. We'll look at a few of these examples below to consolidate our knowledge of ...
18. Toxins in food - Aspartame - info 1981-2013
(Neurohacking/Lifestyle & Nutrition)
...  Aspartate acts as a neurotransmitter in your brain by facilitating the transmission of information from neuron to neuron. Too much aspartate in your brain kills certain neurons by allowing the influx ...
19. Emotion - methods for mood & anxiety disorders
(Neurohacking/Theory & Research)
... the application of brief electrical pulses to the scalp to induce depolarization of cortical neurons and resultant brain seizures. ECT is among the most effective treatments in psychiatry for refractory ...
20. Emotion - disorders of emotion
(Neurohacking/Theory & Research)
... in cell bodies and dendritic processes of visual cortex neurons25. These promoters are differentially activated in response to diverse and varied signaling events. Interestingly, different antidepressants ...
... It’s not necessary in this task to recruit neurons from N4 or N6.   Some tasks use multiple networks:     This person is watching a video and answering simple questions ...
... for what we are learning about or learning to do. Nerve cell activity in the hippo is maintained in the green zone -too much synchronized communication between neurons can trigger a seizure, and too ...
23. Sakiro's Hackipedia Volume 2
... window or the pattern on a cushion, for examples, you will probably find they go a little fuzzy. This is because enough neurons are firing to give you a low resolution inner picture, but not enough ...
24. Sakiro's Hackipedia Volume 1
... consent, so want you to be informed that if you decide to try the GI diet, you are hacking more than your neurons here –you are hacking your genome. If you follow a low GI diet for any length of ...
... enables us to learn how to do new things, and in concrete anatomical terms plasticity is what builds new connections between neurons and ultimately increases network density. The more connections we have ...
... depth perception and finding our way around in the dark. (In darkness, hippocampal place cells fire at a lower rate, so N3 has to rely more on the cerebellar neurons involved in self-motion cues to remember ...
27. Memory - memory editing update, 2004-2011
(Neurohacking/Theory & Research)
... tone intact. The same research team also confirms the idea that the baso-lateral amygdala is central to this process - communication between neurons in this part of the brain usually increases when the ...
... We'll show you how basic rules of association lead to the emergence of a complex inner model that the mind uses to process everything, how network 3's physiology and mirror neurons allow us to connect ...
... the second kind required for learning. Concentration on the object of enquiry due to its weighting of ‘importance’ causes signals from ‘teams’ or whole populations of neurons that ...
... has dawned. The discovery of mirror neurons (see Marco Iacoboni’s exciting Mirroring People, 2008) has made a real science out of psychology, for it gives the study of consciousness and the host ...
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