Intermediate Functional Analysis PART ONE |
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Neuropiraterie - Tutoriels | |||
Écrit par NHA | |||
Vendredi, 08 Février 2013 03:12 | |||
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INTRODUCTION This Functional Analysis is designed specifically for Intermediate level NH students and not for the general public, therefore it assesses some skills that beginners may not yet have, and some skills that they may not yet be aware of. If you are NOT an intermediate NH student this FA will be of limited use to you and you may not understand some of the questions. For a more 'universal' Functional Analysis, see NHA Tutorial 3.
THIS FA IS HERE THANKS TO THE EFFORTS OF AR, LeScal, MigZ, Sakiro, Prof CBC, Arcane Jill, and all students who kept asking where it was.
Index model: (a)for each network we are testing the following functions: 1 senses/tools for comprehending 2 simple behaviors, system stability & response dynamics 3 memory & association 4 complex behaviors/ abilities & processing 5 tools for awareness, feedback, monitoring 6 integration into whole system Each section also provides: (b) comparative testing for that network's key skills. (c) network connectivity function testing
KEY: 6 Always true of me 5 Very frequently true of me 4 True of me about half the time 3 Not very often true of me 2 Very rarely true of me 1 Never true of me
Don't try to fill in the answer gaps in this document; that's impossible. Instead, try to realize the truth...that you gotta cut & paste the FA to turn it into a document on your own machine. You may wish to keep the key above in view as you do the FA, to avoid scrolling about. There are six sections; one for each network. Parts (a) and (b) of each section are a collection of statements about yourself and your everyday experience. Using the 1-6 key above, please number them to rate how frequently or infrequently each is true of you. For an accurate analysis, please answer according to what really reflects your experience rather than what you think your experience should be. Please treat each statement separately from every other statement. On your copy, type your chosen answer number in the space provided. If you do not understand a statement, or you're not sure it is true of you, or if your answer is 'don't know', type ? in the space provided. You will be told how to calculate your score at the end of each part and each section. Part (c) of each section tests each networks' connectivity by posing problems that require multi-network communication and cooperative function. You can only do these parts once because you need to view the answers to calculate your score. In these parts you may NOT use tools (eg, calculator, dictionary, reference books) -we are testing the quality of our mind functions; not how well our tech works. You CAN write down your workings when doing maths problems, or sketch spatial puzzles to solve them, since humans have been doing this since the dawn of time : ) You should be able to use the word processing app you do this FA on to increase the size of pictures or to zoom in closer to the pictures for picture-based questions, so don't strain your eyes -hit the zoom button. You should do this FA in your NORMAL EVERYDAY STATE for accurate results. Don't deliberately stop or start taking anything or suddenly change your diet just before you start. Don't go near this FA if you're feeling ill, or going through a big bummer, as it will not reflect your normal state. There is no time limit, no grades, no personal details required, and no data collecting -you don't send the FA to us, and nobody sees your results but you.
(a)Network 1 abilities & functions [ ]A I have no tactile sensory problems, numbness or lack of sensation. [ ]B My body responds well to changes in ambient temperature right away. [ ]C I'm able to distinguish all basic tastes [hot(curry)/cool(minty)/sweet /sour/salty/bitter] and I'm aware of the interaction between taste and odor. [ ]D I'm aware of any discomfort on my body and I don't wear uncomfortable or restrictive clothing. [ ]E If I touch something new (without looking) I can tell what material/s it is made of. [ ]F I deliberately use my favorite textures in clothing and surroundings. 1.2 Motion, self care & hygiene, system maintenance & repair [ ]A I enjoy a range of healthy foods, my BMI is between 18 & 24, and my body doesn't store excess fat. [ ]B My gut flora is healthy, my digestive system efficient, and excretion of waste is regular. [ ]C I sleep naturally whenever I'm tired, and wake up easily and naturally without stimulants. [ ]D I take care of and regularly clean my body, clothes, bedding and home. [ ]E My immunity is good, injuries heal fast, I catch infections less than once a year [ ]F I enjoy sensuality and physical pleasure and I know the difference between sensuality and sexuality. 1.3 Sensorimotor memory & association [ ]A I'm good at recognizing faces even if I only saw them once before (this doesn't mean with their names). [ ]B Once I have performed a new physical task successfully, I won't forget how to do it. [ ]C I'm good at telling people's mood, intent or intention from their facial expression. [ ]D I can identify a known object or material by touch alone. [ ]E If I taste a food with many ingredients, (eg soup, stew, curry) I can identify what individual things are in it. [ ]F The things that taste nicest to me are foods containing nutrients I currently need most. 1.4 Sensorimotor processing & categorization [ ]A I can consciously change how ticklish I am [ ]B I can consciously control my own body temperature, heart rate and BP to some extent. [ ]C I can deliberately move my palate to close off my nose from my throat if foul odors are encountered [ ]D I can deliberately initiate the relaxation response and the fight/flight response [ ]E My body can tolerate sudden large changes in ambient temperature without triggering a shock response [ ]F I can change my sensitivity to pain to some degree without medication. 1.5 Attention [ ]A I'm aware right away of any changes in my body's usual state. [ ]B I notice hazards like obstacles in the path or stinging insects before others do. [ ]C I can ignore distractions simply by paying more attention to what I'm doing [ ]D I can prevent my mind wandering if I want to. [ ]E I'm the first to notice when something interesting is going on [ ]F I'm aware of inattentional blindness and I don't have accidents such as slips, trips, collisions or falls. 1.6 Concentration [ ]A I can pay attention to someone doing something and imagine how it's done at the same time. [ ]B I notice the background details in movies as well as the main action, on first watching. [ ]C I'm aware when I'm in danger of sentiment right away [ ]D I am able to clear my mind of verbal thought and watch or listen closely and receptively [ ]E When I'm listening to someone, there is no 'inner voice' in my head doing a commentary [ ]F When I'm going somewhere I notice things all along the route.
Scoring: add up all the numbers from your answers to part a for your N1 'a' subscore
(b)Comparative testing for N1 key skills: [ ]1 I am conscious of what emotions or sentiments I'm experiencing in the here and now; not at some time later. [ ]2 I don't break or spill things because of carelessness, not concentrating, or thinking of something else. [ ]3 I find it easy to concentrate on what’s happening in the present [ ]4 I notice feelings of physical tension or discomfort immediately [ ]5 I notice facial expression and am good at interpreting it [ ]6 I concentrate on the goal I want to achieve, but not so much that I lose touch with what I’m doing right now to get there. [ ]7 I listen to people with full attention, even if doing physical tasks at the same time. [ ]8 I don't find myself preoccupied with the future and/or the past. [ ]9 I don't make mistakes due to doing things without concentrating. [ ]10 I'm aware of what I'm doing and I don't snack/drink/smoke without even being aware that I’m eating/drinking/smoking.
Scoring: Add up all the numbers from part b for your N1 'b' subscore.....................
(c) network 1 connectivity function testing 1 match pairs Match the pairs from the selections below a
2 a Matching pairs Only two of the pictures in the selections below are identical -which two?
3 spot the differences in the pictures below a
4 In the figures shown below, one of the group is identical to the first figure but has been rotated. Choose which figure is identical to the first in each example
Scoring: Now view the Answer Sheet for N1 (c) in the Tutorials section of NHA website and add up your points for subscore
Add the subscores from parts a, b and c for your total score for N1........................
NETWORK 2 (a) Network 2, abilities & functions [ ]A I have no known problems with vision or hearing. [ ]B I am able to tell where sounds are coming from. [ ]C I am not afraid of heights or depths [ ]D I judge distances and the position of objects in space well, and find accurate throwing and catching easy. [ ]E I don't lose my balance standing up in moving vehicles [ ]F I can clap or dance in time to music and if I sing or recite poetry I can keep a rhythm. 2.2 Proprioception/ kinesthesia, dexterity & locomotion [ ]A If something falls unexpectedly close to me I can catch it before it lands [ ]B I don't bump into people or objects, trip, fall, or step in anything nasty. [ ]C I would be confident walking in wilderness, uneven or slippery conditions [ ]D I would be confident climbing a tree or scaffolding without a rope [ ]E I pronounce words clearly and have no speech impediment, lisp or stutter [ ]F I can swim, dance, and climb. 2.3 Spatial memory & association [ ]A If you name a familiar object I can remember where I saw it last [ ]B I don't get lost, and if I visit a place once I am able to find it again without directions [ ]C I'm good at telling people's mood from their body language [ ]D If I hear someone's voice and I know them, I recognize who it is [ ]E If I need to use a rarely-used item I know where to find it in my home [ ]F I can describe the content of any room in my home accurately from memory [ ]A I use hand tools adeptly and very rarely have accidents [ ]B My handwriting is neat and legible if I want it to be [ ]C I hardly ever lose things [ ]D I find it easy to do close detailed physical tasks (eg, sewing/soldering/jewellery or model making/calligraphy/knitting/microscope work/circuit wiring/origami/drawing/playing an instrument) [ ]E When going somewhere new, I can navigate from A to B without a map if I view the map first [ ]F I'm 'crowd aware' and I don't bump into others in a crowded mall or on a sidewalk 2.5 Motivation, Orientation [ ]A I explore new things or ideas that attract me keenly and with interest [ ]B I can stay on topic in a complex conversation and not lose track of the main subject [ ]C I'm usually in the here and now and don't think much about the past [ ]D I can shave/apply makeup/clean my teeth without a mirror [ ]E I have no problem with motivation [ ]F I rarely lose track of what I'm doing 2.6 Observation [ ]A I pay close attention to things I'm interested in and look for details [ ]B I watch carefully when trying to learn a new skill [ ]C I look for patterns of change that offer me benefits [ ]D I notice right away when I haven't done something quite correctly [ ]E I keep up to date with new discovery in my areas of interest [ ]F If I go somewhere new I explore the place with interest
Scoring: add up all the numbers from your answers to part a for your N2 'a' subscore
(b)Comparative test for N2 key skills:
[ ]2 I don't have trouble keeping track of things, even under pressure [ ]3 when running I can change speed and direction easily without overbalancing [ ]4 Observing anything interesting I encounter or experience motivates me to learn more. [ ]5 I'm a good judge of how fast I'm moving, on foot or by vehicle [ ]6 I know what direction I'm facing most of the time, even in a vehicle I'm not driving [ ]7 I am motivated to do something when I observe specific issues that matter to me. [ ]8 If you take me somewhere new I can retrace the same route home on my own. [ ]9 When I'm observing anything I automatically feel motivated to learn more or get involved. [ ]10 I feel motivated to observe more closely anything that I find interesting and am trying to learn.
Scoring: add up all the numbers from your answers to part b for your N2 'b' subscore
(c) network 2 connectivity function testing
find the odd one out in each group below
2 2D jigsaws In the figures shown below, which group of shapes can be assembled to make the example shape in each case?
3 2D reverse jigsaw -In the figure shown below, which of the four shapes could be made using all the pieces in the top enclosure?
Below is a map of an imaginary village. Using it for reference, answer the following questions:
1 Alice is facing the river with building 150 to her right. What direction is she facing? 2 She turns and walks to the junction at 147. She then turns left and walks to the next junction where she turns left again. Where is building 169 in relation to her position? 3 Where is building 261 in relation to her position? 4 Bob enters the village at clearing 275 and proceeds as follows: left at the first junction, heading West, takes the second stepped path on the left heading south, turns right, takes the next stepped path on his right and goes in the second building on his right. What is Bob's location?
5 odd one out times four find the odd one out in each group of four symbols below
6 spot the difference landscapes
How many differences can you find in the pairs of pictures below?
Scoring: Now view the Answer Sheet for N2 (c) in the Tutorials section of NHA website and add up your points for subscore
Add the subscores from parts a, b and c for your total score for N2........................
(a) Network 3, abilities & functions 3.1 Senses of smell, pheromone detection [ ]A I can detect all main odor types [musky (aromatic)/putrid (sour)/pungent (smoky)/floral (sweet)/minty(cool)/salty(sea)] [ ]B If I detect an odor I can trace its source [ ]C I detect a sour/putrid/vinegar-like odor when I or others nearby are anxious [ ]D I can tell the difference between chemical and natural smells [ ]E There don't seem to be any gaps in my sense of smell [ ]F People I'm sexually attracted to smell nice 3.2 Emotional stability & weighting [ ]A I can think of examples of when I have clearly felt each of the 12 main healthy emotions [ ]B I know which sentiments are most likely to affect me and what kinds of circumstances are most likely to trigger them [ ]C I am never too anxious to be honest [ ]D I know how to calm myself down and how to motivate myself [ ]E I find it easy to assess my own emotional or sentimental state [ ]F I am emotionally in the green zone most of the time 3.3 Eidetic memory/ RAM & congruent association [ ]A My personal tastes in what I 'like' correlate with what is good for me biologically [ ]B I feel just as comfortable and 'at home' out in the wild or in an office [ ]C A smell, a picture or a song can trigger a memory of times past [ ]D I pick up known skills again fast even if I haven't used them for ages [ ]E I recognize and remember patterns (visual, audio, behavioral & circumstantial) very well [ ]F On the whole, my life makes sense to me 3.4 Eidetic processing; Imagination, Perception & 3D mapping [ ]A I'm very quick to detect new patterns in events [ ]B If I was asked to make up a short story right now I could do so easily [ ]C I don't make any assumptions about people before I've met them [ ]D I have no trouble deciding what I like and what I don't, and it tends to remain consistent [ ]E If I listen to a story, I imagine the events like a video rather than separate pictures [ ]F I can work out clear paths through circumstances to reach my goals 3.5 Empathy, Intuition, Prediction [ ]A I find it easy to see someone else's emotional or sentimental state [ ]B In navigating through life, my intuition is almost always later proved correct [ ]C I have strong empathy with those close to me [ ]D I can deliberately change my brain chemistry to more closely resemble someone else's [ ]E In my group of friends, I am generally aware of how each person feels about the other people in our social circle. [ ]F I am rarely taken by surprise by people's behavior 3.6 Modeling & Bonding [ ]A I regularly experience embodiment [ ]B I make friends easily [ ]C I can operate in symbiosis with different environmental contexts and adapt to changes in the current ones. [ ]D I regularly experience behavioral sync [ ]E I use modeling deliberately during learning [ ]F I'm bonded with those I care about
Scoring: add up all the numbers from your answers to part a for your N3 'a' subscore
…................ Comparative test for N3 key skills: [ ]1 I can think of many ways my favorite movie/story characters have gotten out of a jam. [ ]2 I find it easy to 'put myself in others' shoes' and see how a problem must look from their pov. [ ]3 I feel everyone can teach us something new; it's up to us to discover what it is. [ ]4 I tend to model solutions to problems or creative constructs in my head when working them out. [ ]5 I deliberately copy others' skills and abilities; I know exactly how modeling works. [ ]6 I'm good at explaining/understanding things with analogies. [ ]7 My past experiences of following in accomplished people's footsteps have prepared me well for my future. [ ]8 I deliberately hang out with inspiring, happy people for input control. [ ]9 I can predict how a situation will unfold or progress by modeling it in my head and viewing probable outcomes. [ ]10 I learn fast by watching someone else do something and then trying myself.
Scoring: add up all the numbers from your answers to part b for your N3 'b' subscore
(c) network 3 connectivity function testing 1 3D jigsaws
Which of the templates, when folded up, would make the figure shown? (a)
Which of the given examples is the next one in the series? (a)
3 statements
Which of the given examples completes the statement? (a)
4 odd series
Which of the series below is the odd one out?
5 key selection
Which of the new keys below have been extracted from the selection according to the same selection pattern? Your task is to detect the relationship between the key and the example set, then to choose the answer that has the same relationship with the example set as the key.
6 Congruous analogies
In the examples below, choose the answer that is congruous to the given analogy: (a) Square is to cube as circle is to............ A round B ball C pi D sphere (b) Nib is to pen as lens is to................. A seeing B glass C focus D telescope
(c) paper is to tree as glass is to.............. A clear B sand C window D stone
(d) see is to look as feel is to ….......... A sense B nerve C hand D touch
(e) water is to pump as blood is to.............. A artery B vein C heart D flow
7 congruous categorization
In the items below, identify the association between the example words, then choose the analogous answer that is most congruous (a) Example: color / spectrum
A verse / rhyme B tone / scale C noise / waves D waves / sound
(b) Example: heel / foot A beam / ship B hand / palm C stern / boat D cruiser / vessel
(c) Example: blade / slice A dig / shovel B spade / hole C bit / drill D iron / grid (d) Example: note / bar A word / sentence B writing / paper C picture / pencil D word / letter
Scoring: Now view the Answer Sheet for N3 (c) in the Tutorials section of NHA website and add up your points for subscore (c)........................
Add the subscores from parts a, b and c for your total score for N3........................
NETWORK 4 (a) Network 4, abilities & functions 4.1 Senses of time, perspective, aesthetics and humor [ ]A I don't overreact to minor problems [ ]B My aesthetic tastes correlate with universal ratios and I can retrain my tastes to enjoy things that are good for me [ ]C I am a good judge of how much time is passing/has passed when waiting for something [ ]D I can deliberately change my own perception of time [ ]E When I make mistakes, I never berate or criticize myself and my abilities. [ ]F I have a strong and open-minded sense of humor and can find a funny side to most things 4.2 Complex tool use, dexterity, construction & synchronized motion [ ]A I can use my brain as an alarm clock and wake myself up when required [ ]B I can play music, sing, or whistle along with others or a recording, keeping in time and in tune [ ]C I work well with a team or group that has come together from mutual interest [ ]D I have no problem operating complex machinery as long as I have clear instructions [ ]E I am good at crosswords/ jigsaw puzzles/ word games/ writing software/writing lyrics [ ]F I'm good at bringing people together to do things and building communities 4.3 Procedural memory & association [ ]A I have no difficulty understanding complex instructions as long as they are clear [ ]B I could give verbal directions for walking to my nearest post office/hospital/police station [ ]C I'm rarely taken by surprise by changes in relationships [ ]D I'm good at following written instructions [ ]E I am good at remembering verbal instructions or directions [ ]F I can predict the end of a movie plot correctly 4.4 Cultural/complex behavior processing & synthesis [ ]A I'm good at bringing order out of chaos and maintaining ordered situations [ ]B I am good at explaining complicated things in a simple way [ ]C I don't interrupt others in communication, but always manage to make my contribution [ ]D I can see clearly how I 'fit in' with my social group [ ]E I'm good at synthesis and solving problems by putting things (pieces of a puzzle/facts/data/ideas) together [ ]F I'm good at diplomacy and solving conflicts 4.5 Inspiration, Tenacity, willpower (self control) & propriety [ ]A I am strongly aware of etiquette, polite behavior and rudeness in all cultural situations [ ]B If I am involved in a confrontation, I don't become anxious. [ ]C I don't feel uncomfortable in emotionally charged situations. [ ]D I am able to delay gratification and wait for my rewards, for years if necessary [ ]E I regularly feel inspired [ ]F I enjoy nurturing things and taking care of things and watching them develop 4.6 Play, Metaphoric language & Creativity [ ]A I'm good at role-playing/acting/writing fiction/poetry [ ]B I create things (eg design things/build things/make things/compose things/write things) [ ]C I get new creative ideas frequently [ ]D I take a creative approach to everything I do [ ]E I have no difficulty understanding metaphor [ ]F I am in a happy, playful state of mind most of the time
Scoring: add up all the numbers from your answers to part a for your N4 'a' subscore
Comparative test for N4 key skills: [ ]1 I am prepared to work at something I find worthwhile, even if it's frustrating or difficult. [ ]2 I understand what anxiety does and I persevere at putting others at their ease for all our benefit. [ ]3 I don't mind boring repetitive tasks if they lead to an interesting end or result. [ ]4 I am patient when learning new things or solving problems and keep working at it. [ ]5 I have good self control. [ ]6 I have good self discipline and practice things I want to learn diligently. [ ]7 I learn fast from practical experience when trying to do new things. [ ]8 I can hold on to a strong feeling of purpose or mission throughout a project. [ ]9 I spend most of my time doing things I enjoy [ ]10 I don't shy away from hard work to learn something interesting.
Scoring: add up all the numbers from your answers to part b for your N4 'b' subscore
…................ (c) network 4 connectivity function testing
1 Group pic
In the diagram below, which box does not belong in either group?
2 Gears In the examples below, if gear X turns clockwise at a constant speed of 10rpm, choose the answer that describes how gear Y turns: (a)
3 holes The diagrams below show a sheet of paper that has been folded. The dashed lines indicate the whole sheet, each drawing represents a single fold. The black square shows where a hole is punched. Where do the holes appear when the sheet is unfolded? (a)
4 if/then The diagrams below show a tiny system with 'inputs' and 'outputs' in the large boxes. The 'operators' or 'processes' are shown in the small boxes. Your task in each question is to figure out what the processes are in order to find the answer to the questions. You are allowed to make notes to assist you with these questions, but obviously it's great if you don't have to!
5 outputs In this selection we tell you what the processes are, and you figure out which of the columns A-E shows the correct output.
Here are your operators:
6 weights & measures Complete the following puzzles by choosing the answer that replaces the question mark: (a)
7 true/false/cannot know Read the following information, then mark the statements below either 'True', 'False' or 'not enough data to know'. (a) Information “In a survey of 1000 people in 2006 in the United Republic of Meritica: 80% said that security forces were adequate 10% said that security forces were not adequate 10% said they didn't know
Official Crime figures for the URM: 2000: 110 murders, 200 robberies, 270 violent crimes 2002: 90 murders, 170 robberies, 150 violent crimes 2004: 87 murders, 102 robberies, 138 violent crimes 2006: 81 murders, 98 robberies, 104 violent crimes”
Statements: A 80% of Meriticans believe that security forces are adequate B In 2006, 10% of Meriticans believed that security forces were not adequate C Between 2000 and 2006, the crime rate in the URM fell gradually D Meritica was a more dangerous place in 2002 than it was in 2004 E Meritica was a less dangerous place in 2002 than it was in 2004 F There were more robberies than murders in Meritica in 2002 G There were fewer violent crimes in the URM in 2006 than in 2004 H In 2006, 10% of Meriticans said security forces were not adequate
(b) Information: There are seven species of wild Zargon living on the planet Petros. The Red Zargon and the Blue Zargon are native species. Green Zargon were introduced by interstellar traders and, since the seventeenth century, have been joined by three other non-native species: Orange, Purple and Yellow Zargon the ancestors of which either escaped from or were dumped by traders. In addition, a herd of Turquoise Zargon was established in the north in 1952. Most of the Red Zargon on Petros are found in the north, but there are significant wild populations in the south west and north west and the north midlands. Red Zargon can interbreed with the introduced Orange Zargon and in some areas, hybrids are common. Statements: A All of the Red Zargon on Petros are found in the north B Red Zargon can interbreed with Green Zargon C The Green Zargon is not native to Petros D There are no Turquoise Zargon in the south E All of the Purple Zargon have escaped from traders
(c) Information: The Food Replicator on the space station is turned on at 0600, to dispense breakfasts which must be programmed in by 0930. Lunch is replicated between 1145 and 1430. Dinner is replicated between 1800 and 2030. Guests can be accommodated at lunchtimes and dinnertimes provided that 24 hours notice has been given. Vegetarian options are always available but Vegans should notify the deck officer at the beginning of each shift as should any alien crew with special dietary requirements. This includes nut, gluten and umbigumbi seed allergies etc. Statements: A You can program in lunch at 0945 if you want to B Guests cannot be accommodated at breakfast time C Vegetarians should notify the deck officer D A human allergic to eggs should notify the deck officer E Dinner can be programmed in before 1800
8 Best fit In the items below, identify the type of association in the group and choose the answer that best fits with their categorization: (a) wool, silk, leather, ….............
A cotton B nylon C linen D fur (b) bright, gleaming, brilliant, ….................. A vigorous B energetic C radiant D lively
(c) vulture, hyena, crow, ….................... A dolphin B maggot C eagle D tiger
Scoring: Now view the Answer Sheet for N4 (c) in the Tutorials section of NHA website and add up your points for subscore (c)........................
Add the subscores from parts a, b and c for your total score for N4........................
Mise à jour le Mercredi, 20 Février 2013 00:12 |