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Tutorial 9

Hi folks,
T9 is mainly up. Missing are the references, answers to questions, hacks and exercises, which I'll endeavor to get done asap.
There may also be bits added I think of over the weekend, and any corrections. I'll inform here of any changes as they happen.

...It's a quarter to midnight here...We've got half a pack of tobacco, a small quiche, we're in the workroom, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses...
Nighty night  :  )

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Re: Tutorial 9

Thanks, alex!

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Re: Tutorial 9

Hi folks,
Those concerned about 'bits missing' from T9 missed this other post in 'creativity & imagination':

I wrote:
T9 is like, one section away fom finished. Should I put it up without the exercises/hacks section and finish it online? (you won't have any references or answers to puzzles, so that could be a laugh) but you'll have the info?

...And various people said yes.


Apologies for any confusion!

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Re: Tutorial 9

hehehe ending first read, going for the second  =)

Complexity going up, but worth every second of effort! Good stuff!


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Re: Tutorial 9

Well after a second (basic) read, let's the question begin LOL =)

This a lot of good stuff in this tutorial Alex! especially because i was wondering how all the "unconcious" play a role in all our behaviour, and it "open my eyes" when i found in myself a lot of stuff i do in my daily live that i thought was "free will" actions when in reality are more like automatic behaviour prompted by the release of emotions and in same case sentiments.

So let's keep this simple and, for now, i throw to you two questions ..

1º Chemistry and "Jekyll and Hyde"

Makes sense when you explain that if you throw up (for example) dopamine in your system, even in an artifical way (drugs or supplements) you can avoid the reality that you will get excited or get desire to DO something, not matter what if there are something really exciting going there, you will respond to that not matter what.

And is there when i think that can be a good idea for me, looking at my initial FA scores, and try to hack the neurochemistry of the neurotrasmitter that probably are out of balance (because they have a low F score).

In my case is N1-N2 and N4 the networks who probably lack enough trasmitter (even if right now are a little better because i was exercising them a few months) still think that compared to other parts of the brain (specially N5-N3) are low.

N1-N2: F score: 46,42%  Wrong Use: 28,57% Non Use: 24,99%
N3: F score: 44,1%  Wrong Use: 24,41% Non Use: 26,47%
N4: F score: 26,66% Wrong Use: 20%  Non Use: 53,33%
N5: F score: 50%  Wrong Use: 26,92%  Non Use: 23,07%
N6: F score: 23,52%  Wrong Use: 32,35%  Non Use: 44,11%

That results are from an "old FA" i did, so i suspect that right now my scores are a bit better, but still i think that is not balanced from N1-N2-N4-N6 related to N5 and N3.

I think i will get more details when i do it again, so i will wait for the new FA to doing a new one, so i get more details (specially to know the difference in scores from N1 and N2)

So we are talking of Serotonin-Dopamine and acetylcholine.

The thing is i was researching of foods/supplements/drugs that can affect tha levels of that transmitter (i read the drugs and chemicals files in the library)

I think the best idea is try to increase all the three, because if for example i focus only in dopamine, even if it helps to have dopamine more in the "green zone" it will affect my serotonin levels even worse (because when dopamine goes up, serotonin goes down, and vicerversa).

The idea is do this only short term (maybe a few months) till i finish my first cycle of NH (when i finish the spiral training N6) hopefully accelerating the process and feeling better during it.

I think i don't have big chance of down-regulation of receptors/addiction because that should happend when the brain detect an excess in that chemicals and if i start below expect levels in the first place it won't happend?

So this are the stuff i think about:

: Banana, Enough Sun Exposure, Hack Smile, Humour, and basically everything that can do wich help to to tigger the relaxation response daily, i was thinking in prozac but i don't think i can get that one without a prescription.

Dopamine: Caffeine - Levodopa - Sulbutiamine - Yerba Mate

Acetylcholine: Nicotine - Choline - Piracetam

That's all the stuff i get in my hands right now, i think is enough to start playing to get a better balance?

About foods: The thing is, i know that a lot of neurotrasmitter come from proteins (aminoacids) the problem is you are not 100% shure that you will get the trasmitter you want to have in that moment because it will depends of what are you doing (behaviour) when it reach the brain.

Obvious example: if you take cocaine, no matter what you are doing, you will get the effect of extremely high levels of dopamine.

My doubt is, how it should use this? I think like i can just choose one or two of it of every trasmitter and take it from Monday to Friday (and get the weekend to rest)

Like this:


Serotonin: Eat a Banana, and stay in Sun Light relaxing for 20-30 min
Dopamine: Levodopa
Aceyticholine: Smoke 1 ciggarette.

And tuesday i can swap, and replace levodopa for a cup of caffeine of something like that.

The weekeds i can just take my Multivitamin and omega 3 only and exercise that networks "naturally".

Of course i will exercise that networks from monday to friday too, i just do it that days so they can get an "extra help".

I know that in the process i need to be aware in the change in my behaviours to know that i stay most of the time in "the green zone", etc.

I thought to about brain wave entretainment, but i don't know how the different frequency (alpha-delta-theta, etc) are related with the different trasmitter (if they really are) i think that reaching alpha could help to N4, but to n1-n2 are any optimal frecuency?

What do you think alex, is a good strategy??

2º I like when you explained that everything we do is for get away from pain (nasty stuff) or get some benefit to the organism (nice stuff) because (explained in a non scientific way) that is what for example people like Tony Robbins teach to exploit to get people do the stuff they need to do and they don't

For example how could exploit it associating to pain if we "don't do x stuff something nasty will hapend" so doing that you get motivated to "move away" from that nasty stuff and indirectly start doing that stuff you avoided doing.

Ok ok .. i know that in the first place a healthy brain shouldn't do that because you naturally will get the desire to do the stuff that are nice for you and avoid the stuff that doesn't (specially if you have a balanced chemistry) but is there when i think about all you say about having congruency in your associations and probably is there when it can backfire?

Example: If I associate going to party with friends with shame, having bad moments, recalling bad experience in the past, so i will NOT get motivated to do that because y made an association of "going to party = nasty".

And a lot of self-help books (at least the ones which i think are reasonably decent) talk a lot about the core beliefs we can have and maybe is that stuff which are slowing us down (which i basically see beliefs like association we have about ourselves, another people, etc)

Can be if a person, who has difficult for example of getting enough money, have negative beliefs (associations) about it? maybe it think that money is bad, or you must must be a genius to make good money, or they don't deserve it etc

Is there when i resonate when in T9 says how we must aim to have the unconcious (most of your intelligence) in synchronie with your concious, basically having CONGRUENCE.

In that example above (money) can be a case of that? and that person will probably sabotage him self because his concious "wants money" but the unconcious have that beliefs that are incompatible with it?

And how we can achieve that synchronie with what your concious want to have with your unconcious? there will be in the exercises of T9?

As far as i know, based in "mainstream" stuff, the book psycho-cybernetics talk a lot about the self-image (who basically is the sum of beliefs you have about you) and that you could change them just using your imagination, and having "synthetic experience".

For example i have the belief that i'm bad at "public speaking" and somehow that is congruent with my past experience (because i always did it bad) so i imagine myself doing it great, being relaxed etc, i create new data in my brain being good at public speaking, and the unconcious slowly will override that belief because now it have reason to think that (you experience it).

Well, that's it =)

I wrote a lot, and fast so probably something could not make sense, so ask me if you don't understand something!

See ya!

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Re: Tutorial 9

Hi dudes,
Sakiro wrote:

[s] Makes sense when you explain that if you throw up (for example) dopamine in your system, even in an artifical way (drugs or supplements) you can avoid the reality that you will get excited or get desire to DO something, not matter what if there are something really exciting going there, you will respond to that not matter what.

Mr. Spock dept: By, 'if you throw up' I'm guessing you don't mean 'if you be sick, vomit, puke etc'? ...Do you mean "If you increase"?
By 'avoid the reality' do you mean 'ignore the reality'?
If I have understood these right, the answer's yes. Often we 'blame' emotions or sentiments on externals when in fact its our own inner chemistry that gives a situation meaning or makes it interpretable in particular (often wrong) ways by weighting it more strongly than it warrants or weighting it with incongruent chemistry.

[s] And is there when i think that can be a good idea for me,

...I don't understand that bit

[s] looking at my initial FA scores, and try to hack the neurochemistry of the neurotrasmitter that probably are out of balance (because they have a low F score).

...This sounds like a good plan, but remember the 'X' network on our personal plan is the first one to hack, and the 'Z' network is the first one to exercise. That way we address both ends of the 'green zone' continuum and halt any current degradation right away. In other words the first thing we are doing is stopping any further damage from happening, because it's no use having a great hat if we have no trousers.  :  )

It's fine to 'redo' the original FA; in fact its a good idea, because then we can see how much we've improved, and of course it may give us 'new' X and Z networks to work on.
Working on tramsmitters: it is best to do one at a time, as getting the right amount of one may automatically balance out all the others. It's also a lot easier to 'get the feel' of what different transmitters are doing to your body & brain, if you work on them one at a time.
When DA goes up, 5HT goes down, AT FIRST. Later they have a little party and balance themselves out, and you have a new 'baseline' for both. We gotta give them time to do their thing, and depending on what methods we're using this can take hours (with stuff like food, tobacco, marijuana) or months (with stuff like SSRIs, meditation, hormone replacement).
Down regulation (and not incidentaly, addiction) is only a problem with long term regular use of any one method or substance.

[s] About foods: The thing is, i know that a lot of neurotrasmitter come from proteins (aminoacids) the problem is you are not 100% shure that you will get the trasmitter you want to have in that moment because it will depends of what are you doing (behaviour) when it reach the brain.

If there is transmitter deficiency, it can be for several reasons. It may be lack of receptors (and foods won't help that because the transmitters get made but have nowhere to go) in which case we need to develop the network as well as 'fueling' it. It may be we have too much enzyme-dissembler (for example, acetylcholinesterase) knocking out transmitter as fast as it's made, in which case we need to inhibit that. It may be that other chemicals (eg, cortisol) are preventing synthesis of transmitters, in which case we need to reduce that. It may be that one transmitter is overproducing, knocking out another complementary one. It may be that lack of natural sleep is interfering with the mechanism of transport, and so on, and so on, Once again 'knowing ourselves' means finding out what's going on before fixing it.

[s] Obvious example: if you take cocaine, no matter what you are doing, you will get the effect of extremely high levels of dopamine.
Not necessarily -if there are no receptors, nothing will happen. !0% of the population cannot metabolise morphine at all, for example. No matter how much of it they take, nothing happens.
If you know your own system really well, then proceed as you see fit. But if you don't, do some experiments first to see WHY some transmitters are lower than others.
If you are taking multivitamins, unless they are chelated we can't digest them. By far the best source of vitamins is good food.
If we create stability in the system by eating and sleeping well and staying off stimulants, then we get a clear idea of what transmitters may or may not be deficient; it's not possible to tell what's wrong with the system while its still full of junk food and drugs like coffee or sugar. We need to know what it does when in 'natural state', that's an experiment we've all had to do  :  )
Finally, don't rely on false time to regulate things -in real life there is no 'weekend'. Biology needs to take a break whenever it needs to, regardless of what 'day' people believe it is.
Re: Brainwave entrainment/ behavior: It's very cool that when a new tutorial comes up, you're already asking questions about the next one. That sorta gives me feedback that I'm going in the right direction for what people need to know next.

Messy Preview:  (These are notes, not an article yet)

WHAT: 30 Hz - 100 Hz
Smallest amplitude
WHERE: cortex, thalamus, posterior intralaminar nucleus
N TRANS: endorphins
NOTES:  gamma brainwave is a known natural antidepressant. Not only does it increase our level of compassion for others, it boosts our overall levels of happiness.
WHAT: 12 Hz to 30 Hz
WHERE: appear in left hemisphere (may be opposite in R-H-dominance).
N TRANS: norepinephrine, dopamine
NOTES: Beta waves kick in when logically thinking, but also when feeling stressed or  tense. Increased BP
WHAT:  8-12Hz
WHERE: appear in Rt hemisphere & occipital cortex (may be opposite in R-H-dominance)
N TRANS: Serotonin endorphins DHEA melatonin acetylcholine
NOTES: Decreased BP
alpha brain waves can result in calmness, peacefulness, and focus - which helps block anxiety from crippling our immune system.
WHAT: 4 Hz to 8 Hz.
WHERE: parietal cortex, hippo, entorhinal cortex
N TRANS: oxytocin & serotonin endorphins vasopressin GABA acetylcholine DHEA melatonin
NOTES: Decreased BP
Prompted by emotion
Rhythm when dreaming. Boosting theta can improve our health by making us feel younger, giving us more energy, and improving our immune system. A carefree state of mind that makes you feel emotionally connected with others.
MU [6-13]/ SIGMA / SPINDLE [12-14]  N2
WHAT: 6-14Hz
WHERE thalamus and sensorimotor cortex, rear networks
NTRANS: DA, modulated by many
Mu waves are a tonic 'alpha'rhythm that is suppressed when mirror neurons are active or when motor activity takes place. Hence Mu waves are known as the 'sensorimotor rhythm'.
Spindle waves appear during unconsciousness/non-REM sleep, in the thalamus and cortex, waxing and waning periodically.
WHAT: 0 - 5 Hz, but are the highest in amplitude
WHERE:  N1 cortex & thalamus. Stimulate pituitary.
N TRANS: melatonin DHEA serotonin [default] dopamine [when fluctuating with theta]
NOTES: Deficit causes ADD/ADHD
Increase OR decrease BP
Delta brainwaves are considered the most relaxing brainwave frequency range. Delta brainwaves are commonly associated with the deepest sleep [stages 3 & 4] and a state of unconscious awareness. Delta brain waves allow us to produce anti-aging hormones, they boost our immune system, and allow our body to replenish itself.

I'll get to question 2 when I get more time.

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Re: Tutorial 9

let me just say wow and congratulations!  i have read it and will repeat reading it.  a lot to obsorb and experientially understand.  i unfortunately do not have time to discuss here and process it through online conversations.  but i will have some questions to look forward to asking at some point in the next weeks...

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Re: Tutorial 9

Hello Dude (Alex)

the "write-your-ideas-down" idea I find difficult.  Turns out to seem that ALL thoughts are ideas.I say this from my own short experience of trying it out and I would also say the same thing after looking at the examples of ideas that you gave.

Anyways, just some input for what it's worth.

Otherwise, I am still studying the tutorial and I am very inspired by the other hacks and exercises.  Plus, I need to spend some time connecting all the information you have given. I have some bigger questions that I am still trying to find the right words for.   

In case it is of interest (to me at least), I redid the FA.  Here were my improved scores.

N1N2 F 35 O 3
N3   F 31 O 7
N4   F 21
N5   F 33 O 1
N6   F 25 O 7

Seems good, but I still feel like I have A LOT to work on!  Good scores do not explain this major issue I seem to have in finding a life partner...  sad


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Re: Tutorial 9

Re:  Sakiro question 2
Yes the coincidence-detection/ weighting system is vulnerable and that's exactly how it gets wrong associations, gets conned, and also problems like superstition and prejudice, although our degree of vulnerability can be reduced by simply knowing stuff (the more facts we know, the less likely we are to get fooled).

That's why it's a good idea to be able to tell consciously what the unconscious is up to, as we can moderate the weighting of coincidental input by adding our own input. For example, every time I leave my window open at night, I find small parts of mouse (not computer mouse, rodent mouse) on the carpet in the morning. Every time I close the window, I don't. It would be easy for my unconscious to get superstitious about this correlation and blame the window-opening behavior for the spontaneous appearance of rodent remains, but my conscious mind knows the fact that there is the 'ship's cat' around here who takes care of her own diet.

Core beliefs (ontology) is something else for tutorial 10. I can't send you the notes for that because they're currently on a lot of different bits of  paper  :  )

Believing anything without proof is superstition and also prejudice, and they abound in various forms.
But it's more complex than this, because someone who is brainwashed into believing something is 'good' isn't really running the show with their conscious mind. They're being deceived and other people (maybe parents, acquaintances, teachers or their favorite soap stars) are dictating what is 'good' and 'bad' to their unconscious. They think this is so 'normal' that they won't notice, they'll just blindly repeat it all, because the part of their brain that could reason is switched off via anxiety.

You have to be able to reason to realize that stuff like money is not directly useful in the real world. We can't eat it, drink it or use it for anything, animals won't exchange their body parts for it, we can light a fire with it but only once, it' not waterproof, and it would take a lot of it to comfortably stuff a mattress.

We only get dependent on artificial systems when our intelligence fails to provide our needs or is artificially blocked from doing so. But we can still creatively interact with them without becoming dependent, and we can even interact with them in ways that make them obsolete (imagine funding a project that nanobuilt materials, like the star trek replicator, or a project that created a resource-sustainable scenario where people could live without needing artificial systems).

[s] And how we can achieve that synchronie with what your concious want to have with your unconcious? there will be in the exercises of T9?

There should be some exercises in T9, if they are not there, tell me right away! There will be more in the next few tutorials too.

[s] As far as i know, based in "mainstream" stuff, the book psycho-cybernetics talk a lot about the self-image (who basically is the sum of beliefs you have about you) and that you could change them just using your imagination, and having "synthetic experience".

See above (Core beliefs (ontology) is something else for tutorial 10.) But basically yes; although I think first we've got to (a) recognise that assuming any belief ahead of time without proof is prejudice, and (b) understand how holding that sort of prejudice about ourselves is a very good way of making our performance bad because the faithful unconscious always tries to do what it thinks you expect it to do. It assumes what is expected is what we want. So why not expect ourselves to be what we actually are -embodiments of something pretty awesome, whenever we don't take life too seriously  :  )

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Re: Tutorial 9

sirhinojo Wrote:
Turns out to seem that ALL thoughts are ideas.

Yes  :  )   all thoughts are ideas. Realizing that is one of the points of the exercise. Pulling out realizations from experiments like this and thinking about them and about the nature of 'thought' itself is ever-more important as we go on. We need a solid awareness that all thought is processing and all thought is imaginative; our 'ideas' about what is going on 'out there'.

Re: FA: Looks like you don't need much hacking (although you don't give an 'O' score for N4)

Re: lifepartners: We all have this issue. It's really hard finding other intelligent people in this mess. But I reckon I've met one or two peeps here who will be friends for life, and that's a start  :  )

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Re: Tutorial 9

Hello Dudes!

it is so funny for me to write "dudes".  I am liking it.  But this really feels like PG.  Because in my social circles nobody says dude without feeling campy.  Being artsy-homos that we are. 

Just to add to the topic of "all thoughts are ideas" and "all thought is process, imagination, etc"...

I kind of had like a "snap-back" once I started the exercise of writing down all my ideas.  At first I came to be over-whelmed by the realization that ALL my thoughts were ideas.  So I stopped the exercise, but then for days on, including now, I feel bad noticing how many many many thoughts there are.  And I feel a certain loss of control now.  Kind of like when you are meditating and you are trying to not think, and this is just stressful, and the wrong way to do it. 

Well, an interesting situation that I will ride out, using more input control, to get calm again. 

But what is the deal, actually?  Conscious thought is heard by the Unconscious and then the Unconscious shoots off what it hears and then this is felt by the conscious mind and thus goes the feedback loop?  Because what really stuns me is that this loop is all just one process of prediction.  And so my neurohacking job it to get my mind to predict what what I want it to predict. 

hmmm, I am not sure if I am making sense here.  I will just throw this thought-bait out there and see if anybody bites. 

thanks, Sir Hinojo

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Re: Tutorial 9

Oh, and by the way, in regards to my N4 and N4 in general. 

I have no "O" in N4.  But I have a very low overall percentage usage. 

This makes sense to me.  My big problem is impatience.  N4 has to do with time.  I have an awkward relationship to time. 

So, I am thinking of ways to use N4 more, and better.

sir hinojo

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Re: Tutorial 9

sirhinojo wrote:

Hello Dudes!

I kind of had like a "snap-back" once I started the exercise of writing down all my ideas.  At first I came to be over-whelmed by the realization that ALL my thoughts were ideas.  So I stopped the exercise, but then for days on, including now, I feel bad noticing how many many many thoughts there are.  And I feel a certain loss of control now.  Kind of like when you are meditating and you are trying to not think, and this is just stressful, and the wrong way to do it. 
Well, someting similar happend to me when i found that exercise, when i read it i said to myself "damn i can't write all my IDEAS i will get crazy!" and make the mistake to assume that ideas was something more related to "creative" thoughts, like "wondering stuff" "what might happend" etc, and not every kind of thought that you could have like "oh this taste horrible, i will never come here again", of course not every thought have the same emotional attachment (chemistry) so maybe not all thought are equal in the sense that some ones have more "power" to make some change in our system.

But is good to know now, that every thought is an idea at a basic level.

And yes, now that i'm concious of that process running in background, is a little annoying because it feels like two sides fighting each other looking to control my will, and is a surprise how many stuff we (I) do in that automatic mode on.

Now i see working in N3, a very challange/time consuming task, not only in the sense of exercises "per se" (eg: training your imagination) but because cleaning out all the crap associations/beliefs/incongruence that you must aligned first to have in run smoothly (garbage in garbage out).

And probably the tools of Cognitive Behavioural Theraphy, Dicourse Analysis, Emotional Freedom Technique, Sedona Method, all are tools (using for one network) to target N3 (where the association is made in the first place) and try to get it correct.

But still i'm not shure if we must "hunt" all that bad association and override it with one that is aligned with reality or just going out without anxiety and a more balanced brain will "respond different" automatically and it will do the job wihout using that tools.

sirhinojo wrote:

Oh, and by the way, in regards to my N4 and N4 in general.

I have no "O" in N4.  But I have a very low overall percentage usage. 

I'm not shure, but, if you have no O score and is all F score, the percenage of use should be ok? i mean is like the 6 networks should use 100% / 6 or something like that?

From Tutorial 2

Some Q & As From Previous Students, to Help You Understand More About Your Assessment

Q: What’s the ‘perfect’ score?

A: The ideal situation is to have all your network scores within a similar range, N1&2 being treated as two networks.

Here's a representation of a perfectly balanced brain:

N1 & 2 (33.33)
N3 (16.9)

N4 (16.71)

N5 (16.66)

N6 (16.4)


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Re: Tutorial 9

Alex wrote:

You have to be able to reason to realize that stuff like money is not directly useful in the real world. We can't eat it, drink it or use it for anything, animals won't exchange their body parts for it, we can light a fire with it but only once, it' not waterproof, and it would take a lot of it to comfortably stuff a mattress.

We only get dependent on artificial systems when our intelligence fails to provide our needs or is artificially blocked from doing so. But we can still creatively interact with them without becoming dependent, and we can even interact with them in ways that make them obsolete (imagine funding a project that nanobuilt materials, like the star trek replicator, or a project that created a resource-sustainable scenario where people could live without needing artificial systems).
Yeap i know, i mean, the idea here is just interact with it without being obssesed/dependant of it, it have advantages in the sense that i can use it for example, to only work the hours i want to, o go to travel the world, invest in new tech to my NH purpose, etc.

I know that if you get creative, you can even get a lot of the stuff you usually need money without it or very little (for example travel around), but doing it more simple/faster is a sign of intelligence too =)

Alex wrote:

[s] And how we can achieve that synchronie with what your concious want to have with your unconcious? there will be in the exercises of T9?

There should be some exercises in T9, if they are not there, tell me right away! There will be more in the next few tutorials too.
There are exercise, but i think that there are not to "target" some belief/association in particular, but i remember in T9 when it say that in T10 will see techniques like CBT and others, so probably it will be there.

I like the idea of one tool "using" one network to approach N3, for example T9 says that CBT works good for people with strong N5, and makes sense looking at the way that CBT works, so is like you are using N5 to access to N3 or something like that?

And the are some technique to acesss directly to N3? maybe the approach to using imagination and create imaginate scenarios is the way to "talk" to N3?

Another stuff i was wondering the last days, is how you can apply "tricks" in your association to do less work in the process of cleaning up your incongruence/bad beliefs

For example, let's put again an example of a person who avoid going to partys and similar because of his bad associations in childhood.

So in a very basic level he have the wrong association in N3 , going to party = nasty.

One way could be target that belief in particular (with any tool discussed above), and hopefully, don't get any more problems with it.

BUT, i thought that if you dig deeper, and if you know that that belief could be associated with just "new stuff = impredictible = incompetence = scary = NASTY", you could approach focus in that one and (indirectly) it will help with the first belief?

And probably it will help you with ALL the other stuff that you associate with "new stuff", maybe you now see it like "new stuff" is, FUN, is ADVENTEROUS, IS LEARNING, IS BECOMING SMARTER, ( = NICE) so it will help you in a lot of more other levels/situations that only the "party example", is like targeting more "core beliefs" who inderictly influence other "small beliefs" .. but only working on the one who is in a more "deep layer"

Makes sense??


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Re: Tutorial 9

sirhinojo Wrote:
Well, an interesting situation that I will ride out, using more input control, to get calm again. But what is the deal, actually?

At this level NH can take us for a bit of an experiential ride, hence the warnings in recent tutorials. Your strategy is exactly the right way to deal with them though  :  )

I first noticed how 'busy' the brain is with thoughts all the time when someone claimed that men think about sex around 20 times a day, but presented no proof for this claim. Determined to do the experiment, some colleagues and I armed ourselves with notepads and made records of any sexual reveries.
Our unsurprising conclusions were that (a) it depends entirely on the context, (b) everyone is different, and (c) knowing we are doing an experiment on a particular subject makes us think about it more  :  )  but we almost all felt very surprised at discovering how constantly busy our minds were. The exception was one dude who already did mindfulness meditation and had 'heard it all before' (mindfulness can give a similar awareness).

It's fascinating how much our minds get up to that we don't ordinarily notice at all. Even when we're asleep, they are still busy shifting bits of data around and building new connections. It can feel like discovering a 'little alien' in our head and that is a bit weird, but rest assured the conscious and unconscious mind is one whole entity. The unconscious doesn't expect to have to speak for us; that's not it's task, so its only when we start looking at what its doing that we see how much constant processing there really is.

The other surprise for some is how much we're NOT paying attention to the here and now.
Unconscious content is, as you have noticed, for the most part almost constant prediction. But that's great, as that's exactly what it's meant to do.

An easier way to approach this exercise is to only observe our thoughts at certain times in a day.

[s] Conscious thought is heard by the Unconscious and then the Unconscious shoots off what it hears and then this is felt by the conscious mind and thus goes the feedback loop?
Because what really stuns me is that this loop is all just one process of prediction. And so my neurohacking job it to get my mind to predict what I want it to predict.

Well, we want it to predict accurate representations of reality, so getting it to do that (if it isn't already) makes good sense.
Feedback- and feedforward-circuits is one of the brains favorite ways to do things because it leads to autonomous development. But it can seem a bit Alice-in-Wonderland when you consider some of these noodle-bakers:

Genetic hardware (our genome) stores codes for building hardware (proteins that build brains/bodies) to run interactive software (mind). The outputs from interactions between mind  software and hard reality are the inputs for N3 that determine our perception, memory and association and affect all future software and hardware modification.

Inside of all this we have the conscious<-->unconscious feedback loop AND feedforward from prediction in N3.

The hardware runs software that rewrites itself and structurally changes the hardware to run the new software that rewrites............(repeat ad infinitum.)

Thought begins in the brain before birth in dream sleep, and never stops totally in the brain until it dies. When inner, cellular motion absolutely stops, all thought stops. Where does it come from, and where does it go to?

If neurons firing is 'thought', and neurons firing causes all motion, are our arms and legs thinking when we walk?

...You think that's air we're breathing now?    LOL  :  )

Just hang on tight dudes, the rabbit hole's deep, but our safety belt is the relaxation response, and input control can always hit the 'pilot eject' button.
PS Re: 'dude': I assume here it just means 'someone cool'  :  )

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