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One Fine Day

So it popped into my head one day that if I could create a list of all the most benenficial activities I could do that it would be so much easier to get the most out of my days.  Without that sense of what to do it can be all too easy to waste away the hours on unhealthy input.  Therefore, I begin this potentially endless list of healthy to-dos:

(note: some activies may not be beneficial for everyone. Know thy self.)

Smile continuously for 60 seconds
Take a brisk walk through the woods
Smell dirt
Do pull-ups, sit-ups and jumping jacks
Sit up-right and breath
Make a priority list and cross off the least important, one at a time, until only one is remaining
Hug someone (with informed consent)
Hug yourself
Envision your ideal life
Start a new good habit
End an old bad one
Barter your time
Do yoga, tensegrity, tai chi, pilotes...
Learn about your brain
Buy a lobster, drive to the beach and have a cook-out (ha! Just kidding. Set it free :D)
Walk down the street while smiling and saying hello to strangers
Grow your own food
Collaborate with other intelligent people
Ride a bike
Learn to be lucid, both in your dreams and waking life.
Attempt to walk on water and laugh along with on-lookers when you find yourself all wet.

Please add your suggestions smile

Edited By:  Mnemo
Jan-15-13 17:18:15

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Re: One Fine Day

Hi dude, some stuff that i like to do:

- listen sound nature stuff (birds, water cascades, raining etc, one could download this if you don't have access to that)

- listen music that makes me feel good

- run a few miles and then take a shower

- do some meditation or "active" meditation where you just chill out and sit around and contemplate whatever is going in the present moment

- play the guitar

- sing

- do a few minutes of "body postures" hacks

- try to evoke yourself some healthy emotion (curiosity, motivation, comfort, etc)

- humor, read/watch something funny, i like too invoke myself imaginated scenarios were something funny is happening (like a movie being me the director)

- visit NH site 

- eat some healthy and delicious stuff

- take a short nap

- use sites like http://wallbase.cc/home or http://www.deviantart.com/ and make your own databse of "great pictures" of whatever inspires you, and see a few of them every day or when you need it.

- Kiss someone

- Have sex or DIY sex (well maybe not everyday? LOL)

- "From time to time, you will forget all this"  =)

PS: Input Control FTW!

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Re: One Fine Day

Hi dudes,
Hey we could rhyme things to do each day we know improve ourselves, from these sorts of little activities, like 'mini-resolutions', or what folks used to call 'proverbs' - you remember those, “A bird in the hand is worth two up yer bum,” or something...only let's make ours true. Here's mine for today:

Smile when you read this, and your levity
Will ensure your own longevity

A roll in the grass like lazy lions
Shakes off all those positive ions

Interact with your community
To improve your own immunity

Skin in the sun for vitamin D
Skin on the earth for 5HT

Laugh your ass off every day
It keeps the colds and flu away

Every moment you spend moaning
Is robbing you of Serotonin
Every moment being mean
Is robbing you of Dopamine
You don't need expensive Morphine
If you make your own Endorphin

...one from an old song: “If you have a cold, pneumonia's worse, but if you start to worry you can order the hearse”

...and actually, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” was quite a good one so we'll keep that.

...so, somebody make up some more  :  )

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Re: One Fine Day

I'll give a few a go:)

Recall your mood can swivel
When your emotions start to quibble.

If you've not the courage to glance
then my friend you haven't a chance.

Time goes by, whether we like it or not,
so don't sit around for too long
lest your bum begins to rot.

Beware of those too easy
Else your pants become too breezy smile

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Re: One Fine Day

It may take a while to find it,
But later you'll need only reminded.

When new friends put up red flags
it's best to just take a pass.

The only difference between me and you
is the action that we choose to do.

Learn from the bird on a wire
first rehearse that funny one-liner.

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Re: One Fine Day

Haiku Sunday

Sunshine, apple tree
Butterfly flits around, lands
In my yogurt, yuck.

Just beer in the fridge
We drink it all up because
Tidy fridge we love

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