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Hi dudes.

Just stopping in to make my first post,  hi to everyone.
I'm new to you, but many here I feel like I've known for years. 
I first found Alex's "i changed my mind" and it really resonated with me. From there I found the Bavarian cyclists forum, and then followed you all here, checking in once in a while, reading the material in the Library, seeing what's new, and generally doing all the N5 (over) analysis stuff that I do...
You have my deepest gratitude for existing as a model of intelligence to follow.  This website has been a beacon of stability for me in times when the entire world seemed to be shit, and I thank you for that.  smile

  why i didn't join years ago, and where would I be now if I had...  anxiety of course.  While a part of me knew there was an issue, another part talked me out of it, at least once I was functional enough to move on.
  A big change came for me when I started having various "unrelated idiopathic chronic illnesses" that got worse and worse as i followed my doctors advice.  My own research led me to possible dietary causes (all the diseases could be traced back to autoimmune disorders) which led me to adopt first gluten free, then sugar/processed food free, ever more and more stringent diet until I finally ended up on a ketogenic diet, upon which the issues all resolved themselves.  The other benefit this gave me was a clarity of mind that I had not had before... either due to reduced inflammation or my brains flexibility in using ketones for fuel.. life had more colour, a brightness and contrast to it I had never experienced before... and enough clarity to both recognize I still had a long way to go,  and that had I started walking the path you dudes had laid out for me years ago (beginning with the low GI diet)  I might already be well along the way.  smile

I'm here now to walk the path, to interact and to ask for help seeing the path, as I recognize my own limitations in being able to perceive correctly with my wrong-wired nets. 

  so cheers,  many questions to follow,
and special thanks to Scal for helping me dock my ship here.  It took a few tries, but nothing was damaged and I got a good introduction to just how friendly and helpful you dudes are.


Edited By:  Robert
Mar-02-14 18:23:26

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Re: Hi dudes.

Hi Robert, welcome along dude..


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Re: Hi dudes.

Hi dude,
Good to meet you.
Long mail; get comfortable  :  )

People deciding to set themselves free is what makes this all worthwhile. Once we get out of the shit and start to really grow, I think it matters little how we got here.  :  ) 

All our experiences are different, yet all have their metaphor in the opening chapters of the 'Hero's Journey'; the path towards optimal intelligence. Realizing there is a problem in the first place, deciding to do something about it (often because we're sick of feeling sick and tired of being tired), actually trying out methods; these are the first steps we all must take -and the cool part; the 'leap of awareness' comes with finding out that we really DO have the power to change stuff. We all have to discover that for ourselves through personal experience (not merely be told it's possible), before we really understand NH and start thinking about our real potential.

The leap in awareness this sort of experience enables is inspiring, but (as you've no doubt now discovered) the next chapter of the story -the next requirement- is tenacity; 'staying power'; our ability to keep new habits permanent rather than temporary; and that's where a lot of us can get snapback. Once the initial motivation wears off, it does take determination and mindfulness to keep it together.

Well, you've obviously done it; so well done you!  :  ) 

It's a great feeling of relief, not to feel crappy anymore. It's our relaxation time; our reward for successful learning; so enjoy... yet bear in mind  the next stage will be to stretch once more; by moving forward into ever-greater improvements (rather than just being contented not to feel so anxious anymore). If we don't move forward, thoughts such as 'why didn't I do this years ago' start to throw us off balance by shoving our awareness back into memories of the past (and reemploying the dysfunctional mind states that went with them), instead of staying in the here and now to consolidate the new healthy mind state and form new connections. A good NH keyphrase to snap out of it if you catch yourself doing this is, “No Time Traveling After Eleven!” because it's funny and nonsensical yet reminds us to stop dwelling on the past, and past anxieties. Telling our unconscious this (and I sometimes say it aloud) returns it abruptly to mindfulness of the here and now. “Back to Reality!” is another similar keyphrase.

Knowing about this sort of thing in advance helps prevent delays & snapback, which is why I'm saying it  :  )  and once we have experienced it, it gives us a deep insight about how sneakily anxiety can creep back in undetected. It IS of course good to understand why past mistakes were made, but once we have seen clearly how anxiety is the main culprit in ALL mistakes (because it stops us thinking), it's not good to dwell on their details unnecessarily. ...Much like the contents of a toilet, we must recognize shit, flush it away, wash our hands, and move on to where all the interesting  stuff is happening.  LOL  :  ) 

Obviously, you've already started to reap the benefits of better input, and that's very cool; your mind will thank you for it as well as your body. So this would be a great time to do a functional analysis and get the 'big picture' which you can then use as a map for the next part of your journey.
I'm very glad you found ICMM inspiring, although we must remember that it is now fairly out of date and the Tutorials are a more accurate source of info; taking an approach of Model-Dependent Realism based on the latest research. I hope to commence book #2 during this year which will be based on and expanding this material.

We are all following the path that other dudes laid out for us years ago; culture is like that, but never before have we had so much opportunity in the here and now to (openly) study so much about intelligence and take control of our own minds and lives.

Understanding our own limitations and boundaries is all part of “Know Thyself”, but remember we must also understand our potential for improvement and the fact that it is possible to break those limitations and remove those boundaries in many instances. 'Wrong-wired nets' can and will become 'Healthy networks'; but only if we behave as though they ARE healthy networks and give them healthy input (it is our using healthy input that rewires those nets).

Taking control of our own time and using it as a tool for augmenting intelligence is now possible, so as well as maintaining current good input, we constantly need to be seeking new healthy input. (This means we have no time for any old unhealthy input, so that potential problem sorta solves itself)  :  )
You may be interested to follow up research on your biome (gut flora), psychobiotics, and info about 'GAPS' (Gut & Psychology Syndrome). There are some useful papers below.

Welcome aboard  :  )

"Research uncovers the "gut-brain axis"." November 27th, 2013. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-11-u … -axis.html

http://www.scientificamerican.com/artic … nce-of-gut

http://www.nature.com/news/bacteria-fro … rs-1.13693

http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic … _mice_lean

http://www.scientificamerican.com/artic … &WT.mc


http://www.nature.com/news/gut-microbe- … es-1.12975

http://www.nature.com/news/2011/111026/ … 1.614.html

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Re: Hi dudes.

Thanks for friendly the welcome's neu, Alex. It's good to finally be "here",  and thanks for the full coffee pot worthy reply, chock full of personalized, and valued input.
There has been a long delay in replying, partly due to conflicting toilet empire demands on time, partly due to anxiousness about what to say.  I've sat down to reply before but had difficulty putting into words what I wanted to say, concerned about what image I might present, so knowing this, and wishing to present myself as transparently as I can, I will instead just start writing and see what comes out.  Disjointed and incomplete thoughts they may be, they are made with the highest regard for all taking the time to read them. smile  This post can stand as a time capsule, an example of my state "pre-interactive neurohacking" that I can use as a datum to measure progress by.

Each of our experiences are different, and it may not matter how we got here, but for myself reading other peoples early experiences is very valuable in understanding how to embark on the journey and even believing it possible in the first place.  For instance, ICCM may be out of date but that demonstrates an important point.  The value of taking a first step without needing to understand everything perfectly before you start.   You did not know for certain what was true when you started, or even for certain any of it would work, but you started anyway, and while this may be an obvious necessity or truth to some, I've always struggled with needing to collect all information possible, and analyse it all to death before actually starting anything.   Intellectually, I might have known that it  makes sense, and 'know' what I should do, but discovering through experience,  is what's required to convince this incongruent mind on the unconscious level.  I also find the stylization of ICCM to be easier to follow, simpler and more direct than the tutorials are when initially being introduced to the concepts of neurohacking.

Speaking of paths traveled, and despite the difficult terrain, I also appreciate the path that I have followed come to where I am. Otherwise where else might I be? (is exploring alternate universes considered time traveling?)
  Not that I don't feel crappy anymore... I'm not close to well yet, just far better than I was.  I still experience a lot of anxiety on a daily basis.  Perpetually really...  I just never realized that's what it was before.   I thought it was just my personality for as long as I can remember.  Shy, nervous, introverted, I've always made a concerted effort to put on a brave face but have always been the observer to my interactions with others. I am making progress, mostly focusing on relaxation exercises right now, and gaining steadily albeit slowly.  I'm also learning (over and over, so not well learned) that what I think to be isn't necessarily so. I am figuring out which are the dysfunctional mind states, trying to notice when I'm in beneficial ones, and when I snapback into the old ones. This is a hard thing to accept, to know that as sure as I am about something at the moment, that I cannot know for certain if I am making the assessment using faulty algorithms as it were.  It's only when I am in a functional state that I can easily look back and see how nonsensically I was perceiving things.  I believe this is what has drawn me most to this particular path, a clear congruent description of what one can consider to be reality.  The more I read and explore things, the more I keep coming up on  supporting data that makes me think "hey, this research supports what you dudes (bavariancyclists/neurohackers.com)have been saying all along!"  (confirmation bias is a possibility of course, yet you appear to have what seems an uncanny ability to filter the noise and home in on the important stuff)

   I do spend a lot of time in the past, mostly trying to analyse potential past causes to present effects in a belief that understanding will benefit my progress now.  Most of the time it's questions like.. "maybe a contributing factor to X is Y"  in the belief that if I can figure out what Y is, then I could repair a fundamental defect rather than bandage or brace/splint a symptom.  I'm hearing you say that my time and effort  would be better spent "behaving as though", rather than attempting to deduce.

It is amazing, the effect that diet can have on the mind.  The dietary correlated improvements to both my physical and mental conditions have been great, but have not been everything.  The sense of clarity I spoke of lasted initially for a transition period of a few months,  long enough to give me a sense of what is possible.  As for GAPS, I've never followed the exact protocol, but I can personally attest to the power ones microbiome has on mood and emotion.  After being on a ketogenic diet for quite some time, the initial mood lift slowly started to fade even though physically I had never felt better.   Within days of adding in substantial amounts of soluble fibre (to feed the flora) the changes in my perception were quite apparent.   I continue to experiment with diet, changing here and there looking to improve things further, but I think I'm spending too much time focusing on diet where lifestyle and relationships adjustments would be a more prudent use of resources and time, and have immediate greater benefit.   I just find diet to be an easily isolatable and manipulated variable, as eating is something one must do and only includes myself.

I completed a functional analysis a month ago.  I also did one in 2008 that I am trying to find, because it would be interesting to see how I've progressed over the past few years without following a consistent plan but knowing some of the principles from the early tutorials. From what I remember of the initial assessment, I'm certain N4 has grown substantially in relation to N5, but still heavy on the N5 with a lot of wrong use.  This makes sense as in the interim I started a new job that requires a lot more N4 specific skills. I'll post it, along with some personal observations that may help fill out a picture of where I am starting from.  I'm pretty good at seeing my limitations, maybe you dudes can help me to understand my potential. I have a sense of possibility, but cannot know what I cannot even imagine.

  I've read just about everything on the website through the years, except for any of the tutorials past tutorial 6.  This is by intent, because although I feel a need to analyse all data available, consistently mentioned is the importance of doing things in the right order.  Somehow I feel that by racing ahead too quickly I will slow myself down.... or I feel like I might mess up and 'waste' an opportunity to develop, like reading the answers at the end of a puzzle book instead of working them out for myself.  It is difficult for me to assess when I might be ready to move onward.  Just how does one know when N1/2 are sufficiently developed to move ahead?  My FA tells me I have much work (play) to do yet.

So, onwards and upwards, let us play, and rewire some stuff, and see what emerges.
Thanks again for the information and thereby, the opportunity.  smile

Best to all,

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Re: Hi dudes.

Hi dudes,
Robert wrote: Re:  I will instead just start writing and see what comes out.

DeGrasse Tyson calls the result of this process his 'brain droppings'  :  )

Re: discovering through experience, is what's required to convince this incongruent mind on the unconscious level.

This is the case for  everyone; we are biologically geared to merge top-down declarative info & facts with bottom-up experiential info & experience. It's putting the two together that brings congruity and puts the facts into their coherent context with what we already know.

Re: This is a hard thing to accept, to know that as sure as I am about something at the moment, that I cannot know for certain if I am making the assessment using faulty algorithms as it were.

This is a part of everyday science  :  )  We always know that around 20% of what we think are facts now will prove to be incomplete or wrong. ...But we never know WHICH 20%  LOL  :  )

Re: It's only when I am in a functional state that I can easily look back and see how nonsensically I was perceiving things.

I'm sure we have all experienced this; the state known as 'Captain Hindsight'  :  )  Personally I found the step between realizing dysfunctional thinking is happening and actually sitting down and doing some relaxation to get clarity back was the hardest gap to leap. The conscious mind seems to believe that brain chemistry 'should' just be automatically altered by realizing something is amiss -without realizing that other practical steps need to be taken once that realization is made. It's a bit like believing that noticing your leg is broken should automatically fix the leg  :  )  Then it remembers -oh yeh! We have to actually fix the leg before using it again! And off I go to do meditation or whatever. Practice will obviously tie these two together at some point as the response becomes automatic and you get “IF anxiety is detected THEN take practical steps right now to change the mood.”

Re: I do spend a lot of time in the past, mostly trying to analyse potential past causes to present effects in a belief that understanding will benefit my progress now.

Considering past responses in stuff such as interactional analysis or discourse analysis can be beneficial, but remember all the time we spend contemplating the past, we are missing what is going on right here and now. Mindfulness of that is more important, so time can be deliberately set aside for such exercises without allowing them to intrude on current experience. That sort of puts them in perspective as something we are considering as an exercise, not as a habit.

Re: It is amazing, the effect that diet can have on the mind.

This and uninterrupted natural sleep have made the most profound changes for me, and it's a sad thing that most folks don't seem to notice they're malnourished and sleep deprived, because they're malnourished and sleep-deprived. This is exactly like not noticing we're drunk due to being drunk and not noticing we're anxious due to being anxious. The damage report machine is damaged!  :  )

Re: Somehow I feel that by racing ahead too quickly I will slow myself down....

If all NHers could grasp this, our progress would be much accelerated  :  ) The associated proverb used to be “More haste = less speed”. There is no harm, however, in reading through intermediate tutorials, as long as we don't jump ahead with the practical work. We'll notice that the first time we read them, many things may not be comprehensible, but the next time we come back to the material after a bit more practice, some of those things will make more sense. Sort of like 'priming' the mind to look for associations ahead of time, which it appreciates.
Mistakes, however, are to be appreciated as part of our fine-tuning process; we can't develop without them.

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Re: Hi dudes.

RE:  We always know that around 20% of what we think are facts now will prove to be incomplete or wrong. ...But we never know WHICH 20%  LOL  :  )

true enough, and we tend to believe the 80% that 80% of other people believe is true.  Unfortunately what is often the case is the opposite, and the 80% believe what they believe because everyone else is believing it.  Not because it makes sense.

RE: Personally I found the step between realizing dysfunctional thinking is happening and actually sitting down and doing some relaxation to get clarity back was the hardest gap to leap.
RE: The damage report machine is damaged!
I'd appreciate some more description and direction on this, as it seems fundamental to me to be able to do this, but how can you be functional enough to notice "while" dysfunctional? 

RE:The conscious mind seems to believe that brain chemistry 'should' just be automatically altered by realizing something is amiss -without realizing that other practical steps need to be taken once that realization is made.

^^^this.    Its like the mind creates it's internal reality, "ok, all fixed". I have issues with completing projects that I start, as once the thing is 'complete' in my head, i lose interest in physically completing it

RE: uninterrupted natural sleep
this is a big one for me to work on.  I have a terrible sleep schedule

RE:There is no harm.......many things may not be comprehensible

when things are incomprehensible, It makes me anxious, so I'll be going slow for a while. Thanks Alex  smile

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Re: Hi dudes.

Long mail!

Robert Wrote:
80% believe what they believe because everyone else is believing it. Not because it makes sense.

I was unclear here -This is certainly true among general public/mainstream press/society, but theirs is not the pov I'm coming from. I think as scientists in the context of human culture we have fairly sensible reasons to believe 80% of what we now consider true to actually be true; having done experiments and built tech and all, based on the principles we believe to be true (such as gravity, geometry & aerodynamics). If science were that wrong, nobody would have got off planet yet.
For clarity: I never speak of 'us' or 'we' here on NHA as comparable with 'ordinary people'. I perceive us as quite extraordinary people, in that we want to learn and develop and improve ourselves and we want to hunt the truth out wherever it may be. Our beliefs are so far distant from those of 'most people' the two cannot reliably be compared, but the '20-80 rule' often applies in such areas (80% of what most people believe is nonsense; 80% of what scientists believe is probably verifiable).

RE: how can you be functional enough to notice "while" dysfunctional?

The same way we can protect against hypothermia, heatstroke or (in the case of astronauts & divers,) CO2 excess. -Conscious awareness of the symptoms & behaviors associated with the problem, and the procedures to avoid it must become habitual. Practice, not just in the imagination but in real life, is necessary to form good habits.

Someone recently told me when confusion strikes, he imagines he is in a submarine, where anxiety tries to close all hatches and dive below (cutting off the conscious networks) -so whenever he finds himself feeling a bit 'down below' where all is dark and confusing and murky, he imagines giving the commands to rise to the surface and open the hatches and coming out into the air -that's his meditaton. Physically he gets up and goes outside, saying aloud, 'Opening hatches!' Consciously he knows that he's re-opening access to the networks he needs for thinking clearly, unconsciously he's calming down, tuning in to natural surroundings and starting to relax.

RE: I have issues with completing projects that I start, as once the thing is 'complete' in my head, i lose interest in physically completing it

This may well be the most usual experience for those who are developing network 4. Tenacity can't happen until we've built the connections and habits to sustain it. The good news is it does pass with time -I too had this exact problem and have hacked it nicely. I'm still slow finishing thngs, but they DO eventually get finished. One thing that helped is some forward planning -I was working on 23 different things and decided to put 10 of them on hold until another 10 were done. Things got finished much faster.

RE: uninterrupted natural sleep this is a big one for me to work on.

This is a pretty universal experience for ALL students  :  )  We don't realize how big a difference it makes until after having the experience of uninterrupted sleep for a while. The freedom to sleep when we're tired and wake up naturally is a basic freedom -like eating when we're hungry. Consequently having it boosts self-esteem and confidence a lot and lightens our attitude to life to one of greater optimism. As time goes by without alarm messages waking us, unconscious anxiety falls all by itself.

RE:when things are incomprehensible, It makes me anxious, so I'll be going slow for a while.

Sorry, this too was unclear; I didn't mean we ought to read incomprehensible things. The 'priming' technique is to flick through the unknown stuff and look at the pictures, diagrams, any headlines that catch our eye, and just skip over most of the text to see what sort of names future subjects have, with an attitude of curiosity about what subjects might come up. We're aware we are not supposed to be learning this stuff yet, just playing with it; having a brief look at what sort of thing it might contain, simply because humans are nosey  :  )  The way we might flick through an article about a movie before we've seen it, to see what it's basically about.
Doing this primes memory in a very simple way; when it comes to comprehending those same things in future we feel more comfortable and 'at home' with the subject simply because our mind  has seen some of the words and pictures before. Familiarity hacks anxiety about the unknown, and it's a good technique for any subject; not just NH. We sometimes prematurely introduce some subject in a tutorial that is too complex for the level and then tell you, 'we'll talk about this later on', for this exact reason.

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Re: Hi dudes.

Alex said:
"You may be interested to follow up research on your biome (gut flora), psychobiotics, and info about 'GAPS' (Gut & Psychology Syndrome). "

Beginning right NOW!


With info on the impact on behavior as well! (week 5)

See ya dudes inside! ;-) (so to speak)

btw, Richard, I'd just like to say I had a similar trajectory to yours getting here. =) Cool!


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Re: Hi dudes.

Greetings fellow planet dwellers.
I've spent the last year walking the walk as much as I've been capable. *
I've not been around here interacting, as one thing I wanted to improve was spending less time online. I was also feeling anxious when posting here, and was therefore unable to maintain the core conditions for effective interaction.

For clarity: I never speak of 'us' or 'we' here on NHA as comparable with 'ordinary people'.........
  this is why I am back posting here today.  I have become substantially clearer over the past year, and crave interaction with functional allies. More and more I feel alone surrounded by 'ordinary people' and hope one day others are as we are, so we can all be ordinary, as we are meant to be.

] ... 'Opening hatches!' Consciously he knows that he's re-opening access to the networks he needs for thinking clearly, unconsciously he's calming down, tuning in to natural surroundings and starting to relax.
  thanks for this! This imagery has been a great tool that automatically presents itself at the required time.  I've actually laughed and said it aloud in difficult situations. When asked, I explain the intent, and it engenders discussion that often turns a Floyd whine, or Margaret confrontation into a Rush interaction. Or, they look at me funny and walk away.  Either way, it's beneficial.

RE: I have issues with completing projects that I start, as once the thing is 'complete' in my head, i lose interest in physically completing it

I don't believe I was clear here, as tenacity is not an issue for me when it is something I am interested in, but as my interests change I feel no desire to 'complete' what I started, as they are complete. If not complete in form, they are in function, as they have completed their purpose. 
  For example "I want to build a laser"  Why?  my conscious self thinks they are cool! and fun!  but really, what I am interested in is "how does that work? what kinds of forces are involved? I could make this better/ differently"
so I start off learning about lasers, then to build it about electronics, glass blowing, brewster windows, high vacuum pumps, diffusion plating, properties of organic dyes, etc. etc.  Every one of these interests opens up new areas I never was exposed to before that end up being FAR more interesting than the original laser project. I never finished the laser, but built a lot of other cool stuff.

RE: uninterrupted natural sleep this is a big one for me to work on.
.....As time goes by without alarm messages waking us, unconscious anxiety falls all by itself.

"walking the walk": I've not set an alarm clock for the past 6 months. While not as profound a difference as diet, there has been substantial improvement.  I think it could have been better and will be better going forward, as there has been a lot of relationship stress involved in modifying things to accomplish this.

RE:when things are incomprehensible, It makes me anxious, so I'll be going slow for a while.

Sorry, this too was unclear;

You were not unclear to me. My response was self deprecating humour, output control needed. smile
  This is normally how I approach learning everything new. "all at once" then "deeper and detailed".  I am uncertain why I treated these tutorials differently.


* a lot of time spent crawling, wondering if flight, teleportation, or beyond is possible!

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Re: Hi dudes.

Great you're making progress dude!

I know that 'alone surrounded by 'ordinary people' feeling, it can get a little more scary when you notice you're all alone surrounded by nutters, but at about that point you realize that you're not alone   :  )

Good to hear from you. Are you finding that a lot of things go from complicated & confusing to really quite simple & straightforward, as anxiety goes down? Sometimes I look around and it seems amazing how much time is being wasted by people worrying about a lot of stuff that really doesn't matter. Most find it hard to grasp -time is life.

Hatches open and all ahead full  :  )

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Re: Hi dudes.

Alex wrote:

but at about that point you realize that you're not alone
yes I think I get this allusion. 
  I'm reminded of being in church as a child, with everyone around me, heads bowed in reverent prayer. I'd open an eye and sneak a look around, believeing everyone else must be playing pretend as well.  Once in a while I would catch someone elses eye doing the same thing and both of us would quickly look away and go back to pretending.

  now that my eyes are open most of the time, (and I really don't care if the "minister" catches me) it's easier to spot potential allies... the ones who are also looking around and just playing pretend, trying to get along with the least amount of hassle.

I am finding most things are really quite simple and straightforward, and not much of anything bothers me even if things go "wrong"
but, I'm also finding that many people don't appreciate/understand/accept this and will go out of their way in an attempt to make things complicated & confusing!?
These are the new nutters that I never noticed before... and they are everywhere.

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Re: Hi dudes.

Re: “I'm reminded of being in church as a child....”

...This story is profoundly meaningful to me. I met one of my earliest friends in this way during school assembly. I was looking around at the dreadful décor and realised someone else was looking at me. When she caught my eye she grinned at me. That 'recognition', by intelligence of intelligence, was like a light being turned on when all around is dark. It is exciting, not just because we 'might get caught', but because here we are in a roomful of zombies and we just spotted another real person. What potential lies in such a glance between the owners of free minds! As a kid we don't know all this consciously, it's just funny. The next step of course was to try to make each other laugh, without getting caught pulling stupid faces.

The situation framed itself immediately, in the terms of movies we'd both seen, for there were ample points of similarity... We were resistance fighters, stuck in a concentration camp where everyone was being turned into zombies, the teachers were the enemy (they were our jailers; and consequently we never listened to a word they said). At 'exercise time' we marched around the playground boundaries behind the spiked bars, singing 'Hitler has only got one ball' and other old favorites. Soon there were four of us, and our mission became to break every school rule in existence without getting caught, and of course not to become a zombie. When intelligent people are held prisoner against their will, this is what we get; resistance. And that's what we were; prisoners in a war against intelligence. Things were indeed very simple and straightforward. We knew what story we were in, what parts we were playing and we knew there could be tragedy but that at least one of the heroes would come through in the end.

Re: “many people don't appreciate/understand/accept this and will go out of their way in an attempt to make things complicated & confusing”
...There's a section in Tutorial 13, called 'Nonuse in impoverished environments and our unconscious attempts to avoid it', which discusses one of the reasons people do this.

The good news is, they are not, in fact, 'everywhere'. It can be difficult to see this when we're in urban environments surrounded by nutbags, but it's true. There are still large rural areas in most places where nonsense is tolerated but largely ignored and never taken seriously. It's only when we start paying attention to stupidity and taking it seriously that problems occur.

Sounds like you've made some fast progress; always good to hear.

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Re: Hi dudes.

Alex wrote:

The good news is, they are not, in fact, 'everywhere'.
Ha, when I wrote that, I was picturing the woman in the red dress turing into an agent.  I now find some people when confronted with a simple "why?" become convoluted and stagger in indecision as their programming is questioned. So, they turn into an agent and attempt to restore "order". 

Thems the nutters I mean. I just never noticed these particular ones. At least not conciously, because I never bothered to ask them "why?" before. I must have known unconciously, avoiding certain people knowing the likely response.

What do you do if you see an agent? Don't let it see you, and if it does RUN.  I'm done running, and while not intentionally poking sleeping agents, not submitting to their shoddy programming environment.

speaking of fellow allies, anyone heard  from Mnemo lately?  I'll be down near his last listed embassy location in the next while, and thought I'd stop by for some real life interaction.

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Re: Hi dudes.

Hey guys,

I'm new here, trying to take in as much as I can as I begin to embark on this journey. Dealing with capitalist, consumerist thinking is an everyday struggle. It's so hard watching the people that are closest to you buying into lies that make them miserable, and since these lies sink into them and become their belief system, they constantly have to reinforce it to feel secure about themselves. It's pathetic and heart-wrenching, and I wish they would be more open minded to receive new alternative information so they can help themselves.

When I see an agent, I try to block the hurtful information from my psyche, and approach the person with calm, presenting truthful and logical facts. It definitely brings you down though, seeing so many people being unaware of such basic things.

I also suffer from similar anxieties, Robert, and I found yoga, meditation and caregiving to be the most effective tools to use against those demons. Nutrtion is a big contributing factor as well, and your experiences motivated me to try some new diets. Also, I have this problem where I feel like my mind is dim and incapable during the early day, and accelerates as the day progresses (I know many people experience this to a degree, but it's a pretty dramatic phenomena for me). Does anyone else go through something similar? I've been looking through the tutorials, and they've been super helpful. The connection between my emotions and my brain is a lot clearer now, thanks guys!

Keep on climbing the mountain of truth and intelligence, comrades! I'm truly inspired.
Or Kariv

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Re: Hi dudes.

Hi dude, welcome aboard  :  )
Yeh, it's not an easy path having to watch confusion all around, which is maybe why one can appreciate regular solitude. Perhaps the most difficult thing is getting it through our own heads that we can't help anyone who isn't open to change and the thing is, most are not at all interested in change even when their current conditions bring much suffering.

Having a working mind and healthy emotions makes us sadly more aware of the awful waste of potential, seeing so many people struggle through their self-adopted unworkable systems they believe are their lives. Yet a part of 'caregiving' is taking care not to raise anxiety in folks while still managing to communicate with them. I have a long way to go on practicing this art! I guess most of us do.

Re: slow boot-up in the mornings – list of classic causes: eating before sleeping, sleeping pills, alcohol, too much weed, coffee or tea before sleep, CO2 buildup (open the window), sleep deprivation or inadequate sleep, habitual reliance on 'uppers' (can't wake up without coffee or a cigarette), jet lag, interrupted sleep, room temperature too high or too low (19c is optimal), overfacing (too many tasks to try to concentrate on all at once after waking), hangovers, shift work, and trying to change our natural sleep patterns (some who would naturally sleep in the day try to avoid doing so), and of course our old adversary; anxiety.

Shortcut which worked for me: arranging your schedule so that early tasks are routine and non-mentally-stretching, such as self care, tidying up, reviewing list of today's tasks, etc. Allowing the mind to 'come online' at its own speed and assume it knows what its doing, thus working with it.

I'm thinking that yoga or tai chi in the mornings probably might help, but haven't tried it yet.

Anyway hey, here we are!  :  )  Good to meet you, hope you have fun exploring the site, if there's anything you can't find, just ask.
All ahead full!  :  )

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