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wiring up gsr

Hi Dudes,

so here is my idea.  I want to hook up a theater public of 100 each to their own Galvanic Skin Response and then have all those wires come together into a big cable that connects to some kind of software that can average them out live while they are watching a theater show on stage. 

am i talking about doing something impossible here?  Is that wiring possible without too much discomfort in sitting at the theater and can all 100 converge onto a software program that can process all that input live?

if not, there might be an interesting way to fake it anyway, because the audience they would not know the difference...

the idea is to then take their live "unconscious" reactions to the show and sequence up their reactions to a program of aesthetic tools, like lights, sound, color....

incase you are curious, the show itself is a kind of re-enactment of neurological experiments done on the sense of touch.  the staging of those experiments used a collection of people doing very particular things.  i restage what they did, and use non-sighted people as the performers in this menagerie of experiment subjects. 

thank you!


Edited By:  sirhinojo
Apr-30-14 21:56:00

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Re: wiring up gsr

Hi dude,
Is the overall goal a form of entertainment, an experiment, or both?
Experiments with large groups of people are notoriously hard  :  )  And experiments in public places are very hard -there are so many confounding variables (the theatre is too hot, one person had a cold, one person had too many clothes on, the ambient temperature is too high, a loud noise outside and everybody's readings jump, someone doesn't like the person next to them, the lighting is different in different areas, these two are in love, this one has been drinking, that one's stoned, she just had an argument, he got lost on the way here, they had six coffees).....etc, etc, etc  :  )
Also, people behave differently in groups.

If these gizmos:
can be wired up to GSR, you'd be laughing  :  )  But what you're talking about is a network -each GSR connected to a computer and all the data sent to a central source (where the software lives which does the averaging and turns it into output.)

Something similar has been done with a sync experiment where the audience was given the ability to control computer cursors, I think it was Steve Strogatz; can't find the demo but its out there somewhere  :  )

There's been some experimentation with 'brain music' too where the audience controls the composition, but I'm not having a good day with the archives...  found these:

"Remixed brain waves reveal soundtrack of the human brain." November 14th, 2012. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-11-r … human.html

PLoS One [Open Access] [Inlcudes Six Audio recordings]
http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi … ne.0005915

http://www.medgadget.com/2012/11/the-so … audio.html

'world premier of brain orchestra' (Source: BBC)

...And you probably already know of this journal but:
http://www.aps.org/units/dbp/newsletter … /aug05.pdf


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Re: wiring up gsr

Oh yes, it is entertainment I am talking about.  The word "performance" in Berlin tends to mean avant-garde performance.  Entertainment funnily enough is a no-no word when applying to performance funding.  And your response got me exciting, all the compounding factors you listed when wiring up big groups are in themselves a bunch of little performance projects in themselves....

But this idea is obviously going to have to be scaled down.  I am talking about maybe having 7 thousand euros at my disposal and I would have to pay actors, sets, costumes, salary.... Maybe I concentrate on private performances, done for one person at a time for like 10 or 15 minutes a person.

thanks for the links.  i will check those out and see if i get any inspiration. 



p.s. i have s sneaking suspicion that it seems inappropriate to say the name of the city where i am here in these forums.... is this just my imagination?

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Re: wiring up gsr

and this must be a joke? : ))

Alex posted:

...And you probably already know of this journal but:
http://www.aps.org/units/dbp/newsletter … /aug05.pdf

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Re: wiring up gsr

woops sorry the url automatically reconstructs itself (I hate those!)
you'll have to paste it together, start with

(and then add): aug05.pdf

...this had better work...  :  )
Yep it works. You should get the Biological Physicist newsletter (no really it does exist  :  )

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Re: wiring up gsr

omg!  lol! everytime i look at the link i laugh, because its funny you would assume i would have heard of such a very speicalized bulletin like the Biological Physisit.... i cant even spell it!


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Re: wiring up gsr

Hi dude,
'Interactive art' has a great deal of exploration potential. Beau Lotto:
has done some work with light (your audience guesses how much time has passed under different kinds of light -they will reliably overestimate or underestimate how long one minute is, depending on the light frequency.) There's a selection of approaches here:
The cisco demo is similar to the example I had in mind.

Re: i have s sneaking suspicion that it seems inappropriate to say the name of the city where i am here in these forums.... is this just my imagination?

I don't see any problem telling each other where we live; I mean I wouldn't recommend we put our actual addresses out there, but location is a factor in NH so worth mentioning if relevant. It's a real bugger trying to get enough vitamin D from sunlight where I currently live, for example.
Of course, if anyone here is an ex-hitman, international smuggler or works for the CIA, they might want to keep their location a secret. So we all gotta choose for ourselves.

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