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Re: Floating Home

Hi dude,
Well, good luck, but ...if you add up what it's going to cost you to insure this venture (or how much the fine may cost if you don't), then add how much it will cost you to get the premises up to standard to pass health & safety regs, then add your overheads as a self employed dude (rent, bills, tax etc), equipment maintenance and any advertising costs, I'll be very surprised if you end up with a positive figure.

Don't believe me -do the experiment. Let us all know where it's at, for a young entrepreneur starting out with a good idea for a business, but don't get yourself dragged into accepting any debts.

Good luck,

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Re: Floating Home

Mnemo wrote:

Here is a pretty good article that gives an overview of the dangers of cellphones:
  http://www.gq.com/cars-gear/gear-and-ga … -radiation

Ok, so here is the problem, now what is the solution?
...One solution is, don't have one  :  )
Second choice is have one with the battery removed that you can slot together in emergencies (eg to call ambulances etc) and never use it for anything else.

I haven't noticed any inconvenience to not having a phone. In fact its much better because people don't ring me up, so there are fewer interruptions.

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Re: Floating Home

As for not accepting any debts.  That is what these sorts of sites are for; one can get all the financing taken care of by preselling.  No money changes hands until the total goal has beeen reached.  The down side is that this method requires a credit card.  Oh well, we are attempting to work with the system to get what we want.  I guess this mean that rather than accepting any one large debt from a lender I am accepting a whole bunch of tiny debts from people who will then trade in that debt for services.  They inturn accept a small debt until they repay the credit card bill.   

It turns out that Kickstarter, per se, is not for the percise sort of thing I am planning.  However, www.thepoint.com seems to to work for this.  Check out the campaign I created to get a open a float tank here in Keene, NH.  Better yet, pledge smile   http://www.thepoint.com/campaigns/campaign-0-1382


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Re: Floating Home

Hey all,
    It's been a while and I just couldn't end another day with out first posting a hello to a lot of the coolest folks on the planet.  Thanks for being.  It is so good to have this sacred play to ease my mind.
    on the float front, I am working out a program that will spread the word and hopefully generate the cash we need to open up a chain of affordable flotation centers here in the States.

More later, must sleep to play like this ;)


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Re: Floating Home

So gret to finally be back chating again.  There has been a ton of progress with the float tank.  I am using a 3D Cad program called solidwork to create a virtual assembly of a float tank.  I'll post images and perhaps blueprints very soon.  The goal is to have all the primary installation materials ordered by the end of this week so I can get started with the process.  Then I'll have two week to complete it.  That's a personal goal an for the purpose of having a running float tank available for the end of the semester stress friends will be dealing with.  It's been such a wonderful experience so far and we're just gettin' started. 
More later.
    Best to all,
         Johnny Mne

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Re: Floating Home

Here is a web site that has proven invaluable in this persuit to master the fine art of float tank building http://www.floatqa.com/questions

Best wishes,

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Re: Floating Home

Found this article whilst researching epsom salt.  It suggests that baths in epsom salt may be helpful in the treatment of autism.  I've included a link for your review and reflection.http://healingautismandadhd.wordpress.c … ical-fact/

btw, can anyone direct me to information on the differences in standards of the various grades of epsom salt?

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Re: Floating Home

Great news!  The float tank I am building is nearly complete.  Just have the filtration system and wiring to put together.  Wish me luck smile

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Re: Floating Home

May the force be with you  :  )

Hey, I wonder what it would be like to have a small (secluded) "float pool" like an artificial 'sea pond' with saltwater plants and fish, under a plastic dome tent with jungle flora all around...?

I expect it would be a nightmare to keep the salinity correct and the water freshly oxygenated, but it would be so cool to sit in your own little jungle pool! The heat & humidity in the summer would be stunning, but I think I'd love it. Plus you could use edible flora like pineapple guava and mangoes and enormous marijuana plants, and a bar at one end, and...okay Imagination... stop  :  )

But I've gotta use this idea somehow, somewhen. Sounds great.

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Re: Floating Home

Mnemo wrote:

can anyone direct me to information on the differences in standards of the various grades of epsom salt?

Hi dude, only just caught up with this!
I've used epsom over the years as an alternative to soap (it gets you clean just sitting in it, and helps get rid of zits). I don't know about any other external therapeutic benefits, but proper epsom should be made from Dolomite.
Dolomite is a rock salt that contains carbon, oxygen, calcium and magnesium, better known as magnesium sulphate. 'Epsom' made from seawater (alternatively named “Bitten”) also contains sodium chloride; not at all the same as the genuine article.
Internally, epsom is used as a laxative because it softens stools, and as a diuretic & bronchiodilator.
Anyway to stay on point, if you are buying it you need to look for 'dolomite' or 'made from dolomite' or just 'magnesium sulfate' on its own without sodium chloride, and avoid anything that says 'made from bitten'.
Happy floating  :  )

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Re: Floating Home

Guess that's why it's so important to shower thoroughly prior to floating if I intend to keep the water clean. 

Here's and update on my project.  Built the tank and floated for about 18 combined hours smile  Went on vacation and the mother/homeowner when batty and demanded I remove the tank. (bummer).  Oh well, onto phase two: taking the float on the road.  I'll be picking up a 12 foot consessions trailer and outfitting that with one ( soon to be functional) float tank!  Lot's to figure out, but have a blast.  I'll let you know how it's going :D

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Re: Floating Home

Ah, ah! smile

you're a pod-wizard...

And why not building one inside a floating house...? Sth like a french barge could be just the right spot!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:P%C3% … u_Midi.jpg

Have fun anyway,


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Re: Floating Home

Wow dude,
This is a brilliant idea! Mobile float tanks! I mean you could live in a camper and tow it around or anything. Now that sounds very funky.

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Re: Floating Home

It's gonna be great!  For the meantime, I have to do a bit of fund raising.  The last guy to own this trailer ran a cork gun shooting gallery and made some pretty big money handing out prizes to kids.  I may modify the unit so as to accomidate both activities. 

I'm planning to include a solar heated shower and salt water system as well as a biodigesting toilet for power light and cooking plus a rocket stove for added warmth in the winter and to pyrolisize (sp?) the biomass to elliminate all pathogenes and render is safe for food ferlization.  How's that for funky?

I'm cyphening off the salt water into 55 gallon barrels right now as I am moving the tank.  Better go check on it.

I'll be out on festie tour for a few weeks.  Talk to ya'll in August if not sooner.


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Re: Floating Home

...Fund raising? Arrr, Johnny lad...shiver me timbers...strikes me all you needs to get out on the road is a tube and a funnel and a woman in a designer outfit, or a nun*
Have a great time dude!
Where you get your nun is nun of my business.
Old Pirate

*Because there is no way a woman in a designer outfit, or a nun, would be suspected of siphoning diesel outta rich twats' cars, right?  LOL

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