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woo woo watch

Hi folks,
Recently I've had a few letters that refer to "an article" that tells you how
528 Hz is "the frequency that biochemists are using for DNA repair".

They go on to talk about where to find "solfeggio harmonics" and I recommend Bach or Gregorian chant. Both can release endorphins, which ok fair enough boosts your immune system and can induce some quite trance-like states which is probably why Bach was so beloved by many seeking spiritual experiences. But I've never met any 'biochemists' or anyone else who would claim one note can cure all known diseases  :  )

My question is, Where is this "article", who wrote it, and has it got anything to do with science? If one could 'repair DNA' by wedging down one note on a synthesizer, life would be very easy.

If anyone has the time, go hunting!

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Re: woo woo watch

Hey, i'm not shure, but probably the guy is Pjotr Garajajev? a Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist.

If it helps in something  http://www.rexresearch.com/gajarev/gajarev.htm

"    DNA programming

    The most astonishing experiment that was performed by Garjajev’s group is the reprogramming of the DNA codon sequences using modulated laser light. From their discovered grammatical syntax of the DNA language they were able to modulate coherent laser light and even radio waves and add semantics (meaning) to the carrier wave. In this way they were able to reprogram in vivo DNA in living organisms, by using the correct resonant frequencies of DNA. The most impressive discovery made so far is that spoken language can be modulated to the carrier wave with the same reprogramming effect. Now this is a baffling and stunning scientific discovery! Our own DNA can simply be reprogrammed by human speech, supposing that the words are modulated on the correct carrier frequencies!

    Whereas western science uses complicated bio chemical processes to cut and paste DNA triplets in the DNA molecule, Russian scientist use modulated laser light to do exactly the same thing. The Russians have proven to be very successful in repairing damaged DNA material in vivo ... "

An a forum talk about that famous 528 hz frequency  http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20512

Another. http://www.lightwithin.com/SomaEnergeti … feggio.htm

" .. The frequency of 528 Hz supposedly has healing effects on DNA. The frequency seems to influence the water molecules that surround the DNA helix.

Glen Rein of the Quantum Biology Research Lab in New York has performed experiments with in vitro DNA that was exposed to different recordings of musical styles. He used a technique to convert the music into audio scalar waves. He used two phase opposite sound sources from the same music to self-cancel the waves and create scalar audio waves. In the experiment a CD player, an amplifier and a spiral like self-canceling coil were used. Four styles of music were played to test tubes containing in vitro DNA. The absorption of UV light of the DNA test tube samples was measured after an hour.

Gregorian chants had caused a 5 to 9.1 % increase in the absorption of UV light due to the unwinding of the DNA helix. Sanskrit chanting caused a similar 5.8% to 8.2% effect. Rock (0-1%) and classical music (0-1.1%) had little or no effect. Glen Rein finally concluded that the audible sound waves of the Solfeggio scale can cause resonance in DNA and can have healing effects .. "

Let's hack ADN now? LOL!


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Re: woo woo watch

Sakiro Wrote:
Hey, i'm not shure, but probably the guy is Pjotr Garajajev? a Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist. If it helps in something http://www.rexresearch.com/gajarev/gajarev.htm

This is a good lead but unfortunately from the article above, I can find no reference to this frequency or any mention of sonics and biology -the area Garjajev is exploring here is the optical spectrum rather than sonics or cymatics. Google does link him to this idea but only through sites such as below and UFO people. I can't actually find any proof that he wrote any such thing...?
Even if he did, who are these 'biologists' who are 'using this frequency to repair DNA'? Can you find any reference to them? I can't.

An a forum talk about that famous 528 hz frequency http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20512

Ah well the thing is, I'm not even going to click on something with david icke involved in it  :  )  That's a bit like trying to look up science on the fundamental christians' clipboard or astrology weekly; pretty much guaranteed to be bollox.

Another. http://www.lightwithin.com/SomaEnergeti … feggio.htm

Again, this says “an article was given to me that reported how biochemists are using the frequency 528Hz to repair human DNA. “ -but no reference as to where it is or how we can read it.
Also about this site: Solfeggio frequencies are part of every music school student's studies -what maked this dude think they've been 'forgotten'...?

" .. The frequency of 528 Hz supposedly has healing effects on DNA. The frequency seems to influence the water molecules that surround the DNA helix.

Water molecules do not 'surround the DNA helix'. Histones surround the DNA helix, otherwise it would fall to bits. They are partly hydrophilic and partly hydrophobic, in part so that water is kept firmly on the OUTside.

I see no scientific references (which is usually a dead giveaway), no footnotes, no names and in short no proof whatsoever that this isn't entirely made up. Which is a shame, cos it's a cool idea. Cymatics is stunningly interesting and it would be really cool if stuff like this could be tested. But we'd need to find the original paper (if it exists) even to start, and that's one of those things that will probably get forgotten about due to lack of time. If you (or anyone) gets any closer, please share  :  )

As always, be really careful about what site sources you can believe and which ones you can't. If they are not showing you the proof up front, don't fall for the story, even if it seems like it should be true.

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Re: woo woo watch

and er... as I often say: "if you're not shure, you're most probably Sennheiser..." lol

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Re: woo woo watch

Ahhg! i wrote a long replie and i lost all LOL

Well, i basically said that you are damn right alex, but sometimes is hard to "filter" the data when you don't have the knoweldge or background like you, but yes, i understand your point, and adivce.

For example, the last days i was trying to get some real facts about is milk is good or bad for the health (especially brain), i make me this question because a video i saw a few days ago that don'r recommend milk at all

Is about mental performance related to nutrients maybe some newbie can take something valuable.

And the exactly part when he talk about milk

I'm a little worried about that because i drink about 2 glasses per day of milk the last 4-5 years!

Well .. back at topic, it seems that all this info about 528 frequency is taked from a german book (and only edited in german) named Vernetzte Intelligenz?

http://www.amazon.de/Vernetzte-Intellig … 3930243237

Internet is a double edge sword don't you think lol big_smile


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Re: woo woo watch

Sakiro Wrote:
I was trying to get some real facts about is milk is good or bad for the health [snip]
I'm a little worried about that because i drink about 2 glasses per day of milk the last 4-5 years!

Here you need to know what they mean by “milk” and what you mean by milk.
Milk comes out of cows/goats etc. If you milk a cow and drink the milk it's not in any way the same product as a carton or bottle of milk from a shop, which has had all sorts of processes done to it making it a lot less nutritious and more dodgy (but a lot of these processes have to be done to prevent the diseases caused by intensive farming).
The more processed milk you drink, the easier it is for you body to make mucus (not good if you already had a cold). Apart from that, the fats in processed milk are not that great (but not as bad as the fats in stuff like burgers). If your BP & BMI are good and your cholesterol processing works well, milk isn't that harmful.

Well .. back at topic, it seems that all this info about 528 frequency is taked from a german book (and only edited in german) named Vernetzte Intelligenz? http://www.amazon.de/Vernetzte-Intellig … 3930243237

All right, are there any members here who speak german? (please don't answer in german) :  )

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Re: woo woo watch

Hi dude,
Only just managed to catch up with the nutrition video!  :  )
This is very good indeed and I'd recommend it, I felt it is probably more 'intermediate' level NH than sonething to throw at newbies -a lot of prior knowledge is assumed (eg, ATP, SSRI, and the chemistry of energy production). Even members of the audience are asking 'what does this mean' at some points). But for anyone interested in nutrition it's a great find.

...So what were you thinking of replacing milk with anyway?  LOL  :  ) I haven't actually drunk milk on purpose since the last 'free' bottle at school I was forced to imbibe at rulerpoint in 1969. There's nothing like coercion to put you off a product for life.

But have you noticed how difficult it is to find good clean fresh drinking water?

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Re: woo woo watch


Glad you liked the video, a lot of good stuff to find and learn right?! wish i had speed reading/memory/learning all at once to asimilate all that! LOL

Well about milk .. for now, i'm just limiting the consume at about 1 glass per day, but still thinking of replacing it for another healthy source of drink/food .. the good stuff about milk is that they have "all nutrients" in one product .. proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and some fats (ok bad fats lol).

Right now i'm trying to ajust to doses of omega-3 fats in my diet, do you know how is the optimal for better brain performance? Right now my sources are like this:

- I eat 2 of this per week http://www.mundomascota.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/atun.jpg  (don't know the name in english sorry!)

- 0.5 grams of a supplement of fish oil per day(but you know, you never know if you are cosuming what it said in the product!)

- And 40 grams of Avena Quaker per day. (the one in the middle, the "traditional", this one i eat without cooking is that ok?)


Is this enough for optimal omega 3? or i need  to increase? i was thinking to eat some nuts? how much of it? the problem is i hate the taste of fish (except atun) and i don't like olive oil too!

About water .. you mean commercial products ..?

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Re: woo woo watch

Hi dude,
Sakiro Wrote:
about milk .. for now, i'm just limiting the consume at about 1 glass per day, but still thinking of replacing it for another healthy source of drink/food .. the good stuff about milk is that they have "all nutrients" in one product .. proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and some fats (ok bad fats lol).

Fruit juice has too (only without the fats).

Right now i'm trying to adjust to doses of omega-3 fats in my diet, do you know how is the optimal for better brain performance?

I take omega 3 supplements on days I don't eat fish. Your picture looks like a tin of tuna? Are you able to get fish that isn't in tins?

- And 40 grams of Avena Quaker per day.

I don't have a clue what this is? Is it oats? Are you able to get ordinary oats without added ingredients?
The fresher the food and the less processed, the more nutrients you're getting.

i was thinking to eat some nuts? how much of it?

Walnuts are great  :  )  Especially yummy with grapes.

the problem is i hate the tase of fish (except atun) and i don't like olive oil too!

So curry it, Sushi it, drown it in cheese sauce, sweet & sour, etc etc? Try other similar fish (trout, salmon). I'm not that into white fish either, but the oily kind like Tuna is the best for omega 3 anyway.
Other sources: linseed, flax seed, olives (cut up very small in coleslaw etc you don't notice the taste) other seafood (shellfish, shrimps) and most nuts.

About water .. you mean commercial products ..?

I mean what comes out of your tap or can be bought in bottles. This may depend on where you live, but UK tap water is full of crap and bottled water is usually out of a tap up some mountain. I boil all the water I drink when over here.

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Re: woo woo watch

Alex wrote:

Hi dude,
Sakiro Wrote:
about milk .. for now, i'm just limiting the consume at about 1 glass per day, but still thinking of replacing it for another healthy source of drink/food .. the good stuff about milk is that they have "all nutrients" in one product .. proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and some fats (ok bad fats lol).

Fruit juice has too (only without the fats).
Didn't know that fruit juice has proteins! i mean, i didn't know that any fruits has proteins in it (probably same mistake like when you said me that vegetables has protein too (incompletes ones)

Alex wrote:

Right now i'm trying to adjust to doses of omega-3 fats in my diet, do you know how is the optimal for better brain performance?

I take omega 3 supplements on days I don't eat fish. Your picture looks like a tin of tuna? Are you able to get fish that isn't in tins?
Yeah i can, i eat that way because is so easy to eat that i don't need to cook it.

Alex wrote:

- And 40 grams of Avena Quaker per day.

I don't have a clue what this is? Is it oats? Are you able to get ordinary oats without added ingredients?
The fresher the food and the less processed, the more nutrients you're getting.
Yeah, i think they are oats in english .. i think that the one i eat are 'ordinary' .. but not shure, this is the label.

Every 40g

Calories: 132
Carbohydrates: 27g (Low GI ?)
Proteins: 5g
Fats: 3g
Saturated: 0,5 g
Monounsaturated: 1,5g
Polyunsaturated: 1g

Alex wrote:

i was thinking to eat some nuts? how much of it?

Walnuts are great  :  )  Especially yummy with grapes.
How many walnuts i need to eat to take one gram of omega 3?

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Re: woo woo watch

Sakiro Wrote:
Didn't know that fruit juice has proteins! i mean, i didn't know that any fruits has proteins in it (probably same mistake like when you said me that vegetables has protein too (incompletes ones)

Yeh the problem with plant proteins is it's a lot more hassle making sure you get all the 'pieces'  :  ) But very few foods contain everything you need. I like to keep meals as simple as possible (unless someone else is making them and washing up afterwards) so I try to find combinations that give you a 'whole package'. The “optimal nutrition for beginners” article's first simple low GI diet works for me, but I miss out some alternatives and eat more of the basics.

[a] Are you able to get fish that isn't in tins?
[s] Yeah i can, i eat that way because is so easy to eat that i don't need to cook it.

Sorry; I meant are you able to get cooked fish that isn't in tins? Like smoked mackerel, trout or salmon? Fresh fish is great, but nobody likes gutting fish unless they have no sense of smell whatsoever  :  )

[s] (oats) .. i think that the one i eat are 'ordinary' .. but not sure, this is the label. Every 40g Calories: 132 Carbohydrates: 27g (Low GI ?) Proteins: 5g Fats: 3g Saturated: 0,5 g Monounsaturated: 1,5g Polyunsaturated: 1g

Look for the bit that says “Contents:”...or “Ingredients”...
If they're ordinary the contents list will say “Contains: Oats.”
If they're processed the contents list will say something like “Ingredients: Oats, oatflour, whey, corn solids, sugar, salt, preservatives (a) (b), etc, etc...”
Put simply there should be nothing apart from oats in your oats  :  )
Oats are normally much cheaper bought in small sacks from healthfood stores.

[s] How many walnuts i need to eat to take one gram of omega 3?

About 10g.
28g of walnuts contains 2.5g of omega 3; 10.7g of omega 6. The ratio of 6 to 3 (LA to ALA) is 4:1 (the ideal ratio is 3:1, so you need only a bit more omega 3 to get a good balance)
To get a perspective on that, the ideal ratio for optimal health is 3:1, and most westerners' diets have a ratio of 15:1 !

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Re: woo woo watch

It seems worth mention that there is a lot of mercury in tuna here's a link http://www.nrdc.org/health/effects/mercury/tuna.asp

Please excuse the TE nature of this site.

As an alternative, Sardine are said to contain far less mercury since they are quite low on the food chain.  I eat canned ones in olive oil, but would love to do a little aquaculture of my own if that is feasible.  Any advice?

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Re: woo woo watch

Yeh dude check this out:



Btw we should really have some of these topics on the HW forum, (floating home and this one) as that's the place where folks will look for practical tech-building techniques, fish farming etc...?

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Re: woo woo watch

Cool, thanks for this Alex.  I am so glad you sent this to me.  This is definitly something I will be undertaking as soon a I have a perminent location to do so.  Although, maybe I can get started with just a little aquarium for the mean time.  I'll have to read up on this some more.  I like the idea of being protien independent and that was a very interesting quote about preparing for the worst.  Food for thought and a call to act ;)

Peace, Mnemo

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Re: woo woo watch

I'd like to get into it too; protein autonomy is essential, and they are a lot easier to keep an eye on than rabbits, goats or chickens! (I expect fish don't go eating your neighbors' washing, digging up their vegetables or crapping all over their lawn.)

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