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Всего найдено 16 записей.

1. IMMMUN chapter 8
(Workshop/Stuff by Members)
... when trying to help someone else we are more likely to make bad decisions and take steps which actually cause harm, including coercion and bullying.   Carl Rogers [3] similarly wrote of 'self ...
2. IMMMUN chapter 4
(Workshop/Stuff by Members)
... areas of developmental programming with some degree of success; for examples Carl Rogers,[2] William Windle,[3] Herman Epstein,[4] JC Pearce,[5] Jean Liedloff [6] Joseph Ledoux [7] ...plus everybody working ...
3. IMMMUN Chapter 1
(Workshop/Stuff by Members)
... Health Perspectives, 2018. AND Rush of wild nature lowers PTSD in veterans, at-risk teens environment & cognition 6 Carl Rogers; https://app.shoreline.edu/dchris/psych236/Documents/Rogers.pdf AND ...
4. Subject Index for Archives
... control 8.301 carl rogers, core conditions, humanistic psychology    ...
...  while others merit punishment. You may notice that most violent communication is framed in an ontology of conditional regard. Indeed, Carl Rogers' research was central to the development of ...
...  What would our optimal personality be like? Carl Rogers noted that for a person to "grow" a healthy congruous personality, they need an environment that provides them with the core conditions: ...
... 'not normal' if we don't 'fit in'. As Carl Rogers puts it, “we have in a very real basic way divorced ourselves from ourselves”.[82] It's a sad way to live for those who don't know they're ...
... earlier there's no need to remember all these details, although we will benefit by coming back to them for reference as we learn more. Carl Rogers summed up the requirements for ensuring interactive ...
... it slows us down.   For You What is on your side in learning effectively is your own biological intent, called by Carl Rogers the actualizing tendency. It could be defined as “the built-in ...
10. Methods & Technology Intro - Part I: Methods
(Neurohacking/Methods & Technology)
... by psychologist Carl Rogers, whose work in implementing them in healthcare, education and international relations led to his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. (If you want to know more in-depth info ...
... Positive Regard Incongruity Reloaded You were introduced to Carl Rogers' personality theory and incongruity in tutorial 4. Incongruity is the dissonance between biology's “real self” ...
12. Matrix Theory - The Basics
(Neurohacking/Theory & Research)
... the necessary interactions for its growth (also discerned by Psychologist Carl Rogers(7), who calls it “The Actualizing Tendency”). In matrix theory we call this innate tendency "Innate ...
... We would like to share it with you, along with some of the techniques neurohackers use that it relates to, such as interaction and the core conditions.   Basics Carl Rogers & personality ...
... for the better". The 'core conditions' are a guide for attitude, communication and behavior. They were elucidated by psychologist Carl Rogers [1] whose work in implementing them in healthcare, education ...
... accumulation of many small changes. Biological psychology in general, and Carl Rogers (who designed the model of personality we use in these tutorials) in particular, see people as basically good and ...
16. For Newbies
(FAQs/General Issues)
... and unconditional respect.  Carl Rogers' Core Conditions are mainstream science, all over the web, and a major feature on the NHA site. It isn't difficult to keep them, even if you don't yet understand ...