ICMM REFS & further reading |
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Workshop - I've Changed My Mind | |
Автор: Alex | |
25.08.2009 23:11 | |
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REFS & further reading
R1: http://www.neuroguide.com/index.html http://www.med.uwo.ca/physiology/courses/medsweb/ R2: Piaget, J. Inhelder, B. & Weaver, H.(Translator);'Psychology of the Child' New York, Basic Books, (1969;) Paperback, (October 1972) Piaget, J. 'Play, Dreams, and Imitation in Childhood', New York, W.W. Norton & Co, (1962) 'The Origins of Intelligence in Children' New York, International Universities Press, (1952) R3: www.brainstages.net/Publications.htm Epstein, Herman.'Phrenoblysis: Special Brain and Mind Growth Periods. I. Human Brain and Skull Development. II. Human Mental Development'; Developmental Psychobiology, New York: John Wiley & Sons, (1974) R4: Pearce, Joseph Chilton. 'Magical Child' Plume (Penguin group) (1977) R5: Rochlin, G. 'The Dread of Abandonment: A Contribution to the Etiology of the Loss Complex and to Depression' The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, vol 16, edited by Ryth Eisler. New York, International Universities Press, (1961) Dantzer in: Psychopharmacology, vol 24, p50 McKay, R & Cameron, H in: Nature Neuroscience, vol 2, p804 Related reading: Tinbergen, N. 'Ethology and stress disease' Science, pp. 20-27.(5 July 1974) www.coursework.info/i/24970.html ..and for AI buffs on this: Filename: 9862 Neuropsychology Artificial Intelligence.doc. ... 7. 11778 'How General Anxiety Disorder Affects The Human Information Processing Systems'. ...www.paperresearch.com/ cgi-bin/navigate.cgi?cat=Psychology+%2F+Cognitive+Studies R6: Gage, F. in Nature Medicine vol 4, p1313 (Nov 1998). Gould, Elizabeth .'Neurogenesis in adulthood: a possible role in learning': Trends in Cognitive Sciences, vol 3, p186 (1999). Related reading: LeDoux, J.'Synaptic Self'; Viking Penguin, New York (2002) Stewart, I & Cohen, J.'Figments of Reality'; Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge (1997) R7: McGrath, J. in: New Scientist, p38 (21 July 2001) XXXXXXXXXNEEDS MOREXXXXXXXXXXXX R8: Windle, W F. 'Brain Damage by Asphyxia' Scientific American, pp 76-84 (October 1969) R9: Harlow, H. F. 'Love in Infant Monkeys' Scientific American, pp68-74 (June 1959) Kaufman, C. & Rosenbloom, L. 'Depression in Infant Monkeys' Science, pp1030-1031 (24 Feb 1967) Massie, H. 'Patterns of Mother-Infant Behavior and Subsequent Childhood Psychoses: A Research and Case Report' Mt. Zion Hospital & Medical Centre, San Fransisco (1975). Mitchell,G. 'What Monkeys Can Tell Us about Human Violence' The Futurist, (Apr 1975) R10: Ainsworth, M. D. 'Deprivation of maternal care: A Reassessment of its Effects' Public Health Papers no. 14, pp97-165. Geneva (World Health Organisation). Liedloff, J., 'The Continuum Concept' XXXXXXXXXXXXXLOOK UP DETAILSXXXXX R11: http://cloudbreak.ucsd.edu/~triesch/courses/development/papers/Nelson.pdf. Blakemore, C. & Cooper, A. 'Development of the Brain depends on Visual Environment' Nature, 228, pp. 477-8 (1970) R12: Ainsworth, m. A. 'Infancy in Uganda'. Baltimore: Johs Hopkins University Press (1967) Feldman, R., Eidleman, A. I., Sirota, L. & Weller, A. 'Comparison of skin-to-skin ('kangaroo') and traditional care: parenting outcomes and pretern infant development' Pediatrics, 110, pp. 16-26 (2002) R13: http://www.tigertouch.org/cubsresearch.html R14: http://courses.unb.ca/soci2534/chapter/12/ http://www.123helpme.com/view.asp?id=17540 http://www.wholefamily.com/aboutyourkids/child/television.html R15: http://www.signiform.com/erik/pubs/ddijcai.htm R16: Condon, W., & Sander, L. 'Neonate Movement Is Synchronised with Adult Speech: Interactional Participation and Language Acquisition'. Science, pp. 99-101 (11 Jan. 1974). Furth, H., 'Thinking Without Language'. New York: The Free Press (1966) Zipf, J. K. 'The Psycho Biology of Language: An Introduction to Dynamic Philology' Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press (1965) R17: http://www.aafp.org/afp/20000401/2037.html R18: See statistics from: http://www.tdh.state.tx.us/default.htm R19: Holt, J. 'Instead of Education: Ways to Help People Do Things Better' New York: E. P. Dutton (1976) R20: http://www.gentlebirth.org/nwnm.org/Breaking_Bond.htm R21: Carpenter, E. 'Oh, What a Blow That Phantom Gave Me!' New York: Bantam Books (1973) R22: http://www.ulm.edu/~palmer/TheBiochemistryofStatusandtheFunctionofMoodStates.htm R23: http://designweb.otago.ac.nz/grant/psyc/COMPLIANCE.HTML R24: http://www.ciadvertising.org/sa/spring_03/382j/analiza/Advertising.htm R25: Werbach, M. R., 'Nutritional Influences on Aggressive Behavior' Journal of Orthomoleculer Medicine, Vol 7, No. 1 (1995) http://www.healthy.net/library/journals/ortho/issue7.1/Jom-mw1.htm R26: http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/pubs/understanding_sleep_brain_basic_.htm R27: http://www.neuro.fsu.edu/researchHighlights/pages/wang.htm R28: Ramonsky, A. & Beddoe, A. 'What We Did On Our Holidays: An Exploration of Things People Don't Do With PET Scanners', unpublished paper, (1982). Available from the Entelechy Institute. R29: Lutz, B. in Nature,vol 418 p530 (2002) R30: Bliss, T. V., and Lomo, T. in J. Physiol. (London) 232:331-56 (1973) R31: http://sulcus.berkeley.edu/mcb/165_001/papers/manuscripts/_67.html R32: http://www.vankuyen.net/brain/ R33: http://www.cortisol-control.com/health/memory.html R34: Price, D. D. Assessing placebo effects without placebo groups: An untapped possibility? Pain, 90, 201–203. (2001) R35: http://www.trans4mind.com/holosync/research.html R36: http://www.toolsforwellness.com/nm400.html R37: Fisher, H. 'Why We Love: The nature and chemistry of romantic love' Henry Holt & Co., New York (2004) R38: Ekman, P. 'Emotions Revealed' Weidenfeld & Nicholson (2003) R39: (The Good Drug Guide: The Responsible Parent's Guide to Healthy Mood-Boosters for all the Family) Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute at www.ceri.com. Alexander Shulgin interview here: http://users.lycaeum.org/~paracel/NEUROMEDICA/People/Shulgin/shulgininterv.html And you can ask him questions here: http://www.cognitiveliberty.org/shulgin/ R40: http://www.med.umich.edu/opm/newspage/2003/paingene.htm R41: http://www.alzheimers.org/nianews/nianews6.html R42: Snyder, A. in: Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, vol 13, p19 (2004) R43: http://www.wireheading.com/brainstim/godbrain.html R44: A brilliant guide: R45: http://forth.stir.ac.uk/~pmbc1/elective/46ha_nts.htm R46: Kendler, K. in: Archives of General Psychiatry, vol 60, p292 R47: Moffit, T. in: Science, vol 301, p386 (2003) R48: Baker Heart Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia. In: The Lancet, p1840 (Dec 7th, 2002) R49: Science, vol 300, p1952. Harvard Medical School. R50: Potter, A. presented at: the Society for Neurosciences meeting, New Orleans (Nov 2003) R51: Study published by Science, vol 297, p851 (Aug 2002) R52: http://www.rpi.edu/~verwyc/BIGFIVEOH.html R53: Ramachandran, V. S. 'Mirror Neurons and Imitation Learning as the driving force behind "the great leap forward" in human evolution' http://www.egde.org/documents/archive/edge69.html R54: http://www.nbr.co.nz/home/column_article.asp?id=6707&cid=17&cname= R55: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/1263758.stm R56: (This is a paper that Damien Broderick presented at the three-day symposium 'Australia at the Crossroads? Scenarios and Strategies for the Future', 31 April-2 May 2000, at the John Curtin International Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WA, Australia.) R57: 'Nootropics'. Roberts, J.C. (Organic chemist, NeuroChem/Physics, Neurotechnology:Inventor, Theory, Author, NeuroTech Device Designer, CosmicQuantumVisionary, Bold User of "mind"(sic) Tech 'Future Phfarmacuticals' R58: -Traecie K. Meyer Lott, dJinni BioPsychology/Biochemistry: Psychophfarmacology/NeuroEndocrinology. PuzzlePieceSeeker. Brazen User of NeuroTech.
Обновлено 25.08.2009 23:13 |