ICMM 4 Find (key factors of damage) |
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Workshop - I've Changed My Mind | |||
Автор: Alex | |||
26.08.2009 00:50 | |||
There are no translations available. 4. Find (Key factors of damage, or, what matrix you may be stuck in)
Why people are what they're like When I first found out about all this, for me there was one requirement only; to get the information out there. Having found not only the problem but also a solution, it seemed all that remained necessary was to tell everybody as soon as possible and set things on the road to recovery. First of course, we needed more research and we needed results. We needed cold, hard, irrefutable scientific proof (although the truth seemed so self-evident). We needed people doing the experiments. What I didn't realize was that the extent of change necessary to implement a solution on a large scale was far too vast for most people to take on board precisely because of the damage already done. It was like living in a world where everyone saw only in black and white, and trying to tell people they had a disease which prevented color vision...everyone just thought, 'but I can see just fine; what the hell is he going on about?' Trying to explain to people that there's something wrong with them that prevents their intelligence developing is just like that. You cannot even explain what color is to a person who has never experienced it, and even if you could, they would be unlikely to believe that they were meant to see it. I have never suffered from 'gotta save the world' syndrome, especially not for selfless reasons (because I'm not stuck in matrix 3 or 4). I'm well aware of the pitfalls of thinking that you know what is good for other people. If I do what is good for me, and the world gets saved by accident, or as a side effect of that, that's fine, obviously. Similarly, if something threatens me that also threatens us all, I have a problem with that for mainly personal reasons. I'm not sociopathic; I quite like humans and I'm married to one, but I don't think I am responsible personally for their survival, or for their access to intelligence. When I found a solution to this problem for me, and it was found to be elitist by default, I therefore decided to proceed anyway, whilst also looking for a way to extend that solution. The formation of Matrix Theory and this current work was a pivotal point for me in studying the development of intelligence, in that it pins down clear factors of damage to that development and explains their effect in terms of real, everyday life. So the discussion of these factors is not in any way an intellectual or emotional protest against 'wrongs' long past set into motion. My issue is, we cannot act to deal with any hypothetical 'wrongs' affecting our intelligence unless we first improve it sufficiently to understand the information available about itself. People have been trying to 'put right what is wrong' with society, based on how they would like it to be, ever since we figured out how to light fires and hit things, but any attempt at action without the relevant knowledge or ability is doomed to the same fate as the Titanic. More research does need to be done. The key points themselves can only stand or fall according to the proof for or against. So far, they stand. The damaging factors cited, in list form, are as follows: 1. Prenatal nutrition, blood and oxygen levels affected adversely by current western diet and lifestyle, causing under-development of vital brain tissue, neuro/psychological effects being mental subnormality. 2. Induction of birth before the fetal intelligence is sufficient to cope with life outside the womb, causing sensory overload, which produces hormones that prevent brain growth, neuro/psychological effects being development difficulties. 3. Anesthetics at birth interfering deleteriously with body and brain chemistry of the fetus and affecting the development of intelligence on a long-term basis. 4. Prolonged labor in the supine position causing fetal distress, leading to the production of hormones that prevent brain growth. 5. Premature cutting of the umbilical cord at birth causing oxygen-deprivation-related lesions in the reticular formation and cerebellum, damaging brain tissue and causing some types of asthma, neuro/psychological effects being dysfunction or underdevelopment of these regions, problems with information processing, sensory motor systems, timing and rhythm, orientation and balance. 6. Inappropriate and traumatic physical treatment at birth causing shock and sensory overload, producing hormones that prevent brain growth. 7. Failure of mother and newborn to activate the newborn's sensory systems by full sensory interaction within a short 'window of opportunity' immediately after birth, causing sensory overload and an ongoing series of problems with brain development, neuro/psychological effects being insufficient reticular formation activation, difficulty processing information, and an inability to form personal relationships. 8. Isolation and abandonment (i.e., lack of human interaction) at any time during the first year or so of life, causing the production of hormones which prevent the growth of intelligence, neuro/psychological effects being personality based on insecurity and a subconscious chronic fear of abandonment. 9. Lack of physical contact, ditto. 10. Lack of physical presence of main caretaker at any time before age seven or so, ditto. 11. Exposure to television before about age 11 preventing full sensory interaction, neuro/psychological effects being prevention of full brain growth by default, and inability to use creative imagination. (NB: This has nothing to do with which kinds of subjects or shows are viewed.) 12. Lack of full sensory interaction with environment preventing brain growth. 13. Lack of appropriate stimulus at all times preventing brain growth. 14. Medical interference throughout childhood (mainly immune system intervention) causing brain damage. 15. Literacy before about age ten causing overspecialization of certain parts of the cortex at the expense of other parts, causing a loss of mental abilities, damaging eyesight permanently, and causing premature onset of puberty. 16. School attendance preventing full sensory interaction with environment and appropriate stimuli, causing premature enculturation and preventing the growth of intelligence by default. 17. Infant comfort-derivation solely from material objects, neuro/psychological effects being an inability to form successful human relationships and an obsessive-compulsive attachment to material objects. 18. Premature imposition of an adult value system preventing the successful development of personality. 19. Inhibition of the like/dislike response, ditto. That is a peculiar list and a complicated one. Some of these points may seem excessively fanatical. I intend to share with you what proof there is of each of these assertions, however I wish to keep these studies in context so I shall first cover the basics here, and then explain in detail afterwards. One common denominator in all factors reducing or destroying intelligence is that they cause anxiety, or 'does not compute' space, and anxiety is always the blue screen of death for intelligence. That anxiety cripples intelligence I am aware of one hundred percent, for it is amply backed up by research.R5 So I have to further explain the clinical definition of anxiety here, at first in biological terms. Anxiety is what most people refer to as stress. In a scientific or medical sense, stress is not strictly the same thing as anxiety; stress is, for example, when a muscle is stressed and then relaxed; we call this 'exercise'. In the same way, when the mind is stressed (encounters the unknown) and then relaxed (understands it and incorporates it into the known), we call this 'learning'. Biologically, anxiety is unresolved stress. Unresolved stress leads to cramp in a muscle. In the mind, it causes the production of harmful hormones that prevent the growth of neurons and synapses, which is why humans find it so vital to try to resolve; we cannot concentrate on anything properly if we are anxious because our brains are concentrating so hard on trying to resolve the anxiety (did you ever try to concentrate on a lesson at school when someone much bigger than you had threatened to beat you up at lunch time?) It's a vicious circle. Obviously in a developing mind this slows up thinking and without thinking we not only cannot build new neuronal connections but we will actually start to lose some. This holds up the development of intelligence for as long as it remains unresolved. Eventually, in computer terms, we crash. As biological creatures we go into shock. If this occurs during the physical maturation of the neural net, it causes an ongoing problem, because brain-growth spurts are under genetic control and do not wait; the next brain-growth spurt takes place, neural processing changes, and we move into the next matrix (or should). This is where AI may have an advantage; biology cannot take into consideration or monitor the possibility of failure of the development of intelligence in any particular stage, and since biological development rests on the appropriate use of the brain to establish sufficient synaptic connections, if use is inappropriate those connections will not form.R3 The next stage unfolds, we have to live with it. Puberty happens to teenagers whether or not they are intellectually and emotionally prepared for it, because the genes expect the organism to be sufficiently prepared and mature enough to cope. In the same way, changes in brain processing attempt to take place automatically, whether or not a proper development of the brain has taken place to prepare for those shifts. When it hasn't, we get stuck in a matrix. Intelligence is given or builds for itself sets of tools at certain stages of growth, and if it does not then know how to use them, and so does not, those tools will rot away to oxidization, because the tools themselves are programmed to do so. They're smart software tools. The more they are used, the more efficient they become, and one of their jobs is to construct new hardware (actual physical thickening of connections for speedier and more efficient use of that network). Those that are not used are broken down, the parts recycled to where they are needed. If they don't seem to be needed anywhere, they die. Unused muscle atrophies. So do unused brain cells. We don't grow so many new brain cells after physical maturation so the window of opportunity for using and keeping them is limited. The reason I believe that the opportunity to shift matrix is not limited is because synaptogenesis, the formation of new neuronal connections, goes on throughout life,R6 and can compensate for lack of neurons by increasing the number of connections between neurons. Synaptogenesis is I believe, meant to fine-tune our intellects on top of and including successfully developed neuronal modules, not instead of them, but currently it is usable as a backup plan for our brain development despite lack of resources. For I do now have sufficient reason to believe that currently most people's intelligence and brain growth are significantly slowed by these various factors, and pretty much everyone gets stuck in one or another matrix along the way. I believe that neurohacking, particularly with a specific program in mind, is possibly our only way forward with intelligence under the constraints that it currently is (i.e., biological). I have also come to believe that in order to survive in the future, we will need to alter our intelligence to a point where we may no longer consider ourselves human (or others may not). From my point of view, it is the other way round. We are currently not truly human, and changing our minds into what they are fully designed to be is the only way we shall achieve that. (This is unlikely to be popularly recognized, however.) Those humans who currently manage to achieve a reasonably full brain growth and development of even one or two networks, in our society, are considered (or consider themselves) geniuses. (And by comparison to 'the norm', they certainly appear so.) What human genius really is has probably not yet been experienced, and I would hesitate to estimate its parameters. I find this shocking, exciting, and compelling. At ground zero in your everyday life, if you bother to examine other people, most people's lives, (if you actually look at them, without any sentimental gloss-over or pretending), give the impression of being very rarely in an ambient of relaxed inspiration, or even basic happiness. Neither is there an abundance of creative intellectual competence in the world. Matrix Theory can start to give us some possible answers about the reasons why so many humans seem so confused by life or so incompetent. About why so many people self-medicate with tobacco and alcohol, drugs and self-help nonsense and therapy. About what that 'something more' was, that they expected from life but was somehow missing. When I originally began to see the indications of 'why people are what they're like', I felt very pissed off at first, because I realized that we are probably capable of such a lot more than we are led to expect by current society. As I got further in though, I recognized this as self-pity; it was sentiment, playing the victim; it was a part of the problem, not the solution. If I believed Matrix Theory was right, it was time to put my gray matter where my mouth was. I experienced a renewed sense of amazement about intelligence itself, put my trust in the theory I had built around this information, went with it and began to learn how we can hack our way back to that 'something more'. So much more is supposed to happen, and I believe that what should happen is intelligence. I now have some personal experience of the difference n-hacking can make to both cognitive ability and personality, and it has left me, as the Irish say, a bit gobsmacked, but nevertheless delighted. Intelligence need never be lost over time, quite the opposite in fact. I believe now that we should start fighting back, reclaim our optimum and push it, just as we are with our pathetically short 'natural' lifespans. And I believe that I know how to do that, and where we must go from there. The basic overall architecture of the original hardware is pretty much the same in all humans. Imposed upon that from conception you have: (a) Physical platform, (should be safe place from which to explore); affected by genetic influences, (that may develop more or fewer neurons or connections in one or more areas,) (b) Energy with which to explore (Power supply); dependent on nutrition (which may enhance or restrict growth and development,) and (c) Things to explore; (Input, from both within and without the brain.) All of these are susceptible to damage or lack of resources. All are susceptible to both positive and negative interference. That is how our key factors are relevant in all this. Let's have a look at them in a less clinical context...in their real social context in the real world. How people stuck in different matrices behave. (If you are the correct age for your matrix, by the way, you are not stuck. I do not approve of 'hothousing', or trying to speed up the development of a growing mind. If an engine's running as it should, leave it alone.) First, a quick, easy summary: Matrix 1: · Matrix should be: The womb · Locus of attention/awareness: Sensory motor 'old' brain networks · Should take place: In the womb People stuck in M1: · Relate everything to: Womb experience (fists clenched, curled up, thumb sucking) · Get anxious when: Awake, due to sensory overload · Cannot handle: Sensory motor input · Deal with anxiety by: Sleeping heavily, or crying, whimpering and screaming if made to stay awake Matrix 2: · Matrix should be: Parent or permanent carer · Locus of attention/awareness: Sensory motor 'old' brain networks · Should take place: From birth to 3 years of age People stuck in M2: · Relate everything to: Sensory motor input (sex, food, fighting, physical movement) · Get anxious when: Their desires are not quickly met, or when faced with anything too different from themselves, or when their 'parental substitute (usually a partner) seems threatened · Cannot handle: Silence · Deal with anxiety by: Using aggression, noise, physical violence, rage Matrix 3: · Matrix should be: The environment/nature · Locus of attention/awareness: Emotion and imagination 'mid' brain networks · Should take place: Between 3 and 7 years of age People stuck in M3: · Relate everything to: Emotion and imagination (fantasy, superstition, magic, religion, mysticism, stories) · Get anxious when: The environment/nature seems threatened, or they believe they have 'sinned (transgressed the moral rules of their belief system) · Cannot handle: Confinement · Deal with anxiety by: Complaining, protesting, moaning and whining, or appealing to a 'higher power' (prayer, self denial), or emotional blackmail (an attempt to make others feel they have 'sinned') Matrix 4: · Matrix should be: Society and the material world · Locus of attention/awareness: Concrete operational 'RH' networks · Should take place: Between 7 and 11 years of age People stuck in M4: · Relate everything to: Material things and constructs (tool usage and manipulation, society, objects, systems) · Get anxious when: Their position in society or their group seems threatened, or material things do not function as they should · Cannot handle: Solitude · Deal with anxiety by: Sulking, leaving in a huff, slamming doors/thumping or kicking material objects, posturing, threats, or legislation and 'official' punishment. Matrix 5 · Matrix should be: self · Locus of attention/awareness: Formal operational 'LH' networks · Should take place: Between ages 11 and 15 People stuck in M5: · Relate everything to: Their own ideas about it, and coming up with those; analysis · Get anxious when: Anything gets in the way of their flow of creative ideas or anyone disagrees with them · Cannot handle: tedious repetitive tasks, distractions, interference, boredom · Deal with anxiety by: Self isolation, running away, self medication, or expressing it in creativity
...Now I'm going to go into this in a lot more detail. Note that not everybody experiences all the behavioral problems associated with a particular matrix; the worse you are stuck the more of them you'll notice. M1 is the matrix we can all acknowledge there is a problem with being stuck in, basically with the mind of a baby. Those stuck in M1 are those spoon fed and incontinent individuals who will never be able to speak, move very far or indicate their needs very well, if indeed they are aware of having any. Everybody knows, if you are stuck in matrix 1, there is obviously something wrong with your brain. If you were stuck in M1, you wouldn't be reading this; you would be chewing it. The problem is obvious because it creates a problem with the body. Being stuck in other matrices does not, so the damage is more difficult to spot. Also, because such conditions are considered 'normal', we don't notice so easily. For example, people stuck in M2 look quite normal (to most people) and can actually be great fun to be with, if you're in the mood for drinking heavily and shouting a lot. (I tend to go home before the fighting starts). M2 people operate from the 'old' brain module. They are emotionally between one and three years old. They need instant gratification, have a short attention span, get impatient and irritable often and have no awareness of the consequences of their own actions. They do or grab whatever makes them feel good now without regard to what the consequences might be later. Anything that goes wrong is somebody else's fault. If they are thwarted they express rage as tantrums, shouting, yelling or fighting. Their greatest fears are failing to get what they want, or facing something too different from themselves to comprehend. Their sensory motor skills will be clumsy and uncoordinated. They will find it difficult to move with grace and to learn anything such as dancing or driving a car, which skills they will perform jerkily, like a machine or like a child still learning to walk. They will have no sense of rhythm or timing and be unable to keep time with a musical beat. Their interests will be those that provide sensory motor gratification; physical sports, sex, beer, chips and gravy. If they like art, it will have tits or manly thighs in it. They will buy the music by the sexiest artist, or performed by people who look like they do. They will interpret the body language of friendship as being sexual, and if anyone of the same sex but from another matrix shows friendship they will think that that person is either gay, or taking the piss (and probably give them a good beating for either). They are likely to be sexist, probably also racist and homophobic, these stances based on their deep fear of anything different. Anything outside of M2 they will either have no interest in or look upon with scorn. Intellectuals, classical artists and musicians they will see as pompous sissies, religious/mystical people as 'bloody weirdoes', and politicians 'money grabbing bastards' or 'upper class twits'. If they vote, they will vote for the bloke who looks most like they do, or the woman with the biggest tits. They do not read books, but they may read comics and popular newspapers, as long as they have enough sex and sport in. They'll be the group with the highest convictions for violent crime and they will look down on all 'educated' types, saying they have no balls. Keywords and favorite topics: sex, food, fighting, status, the team, the gang, sport, and bloody foreigners. They are currently the second largest group in western society. Now, whilst you may find this kind of a lifestyle hopelessly immature and even crazy, there are whole sections of society where this kind of behavior is accepted as the norm, and they would think you are crazy for disagreeing with them. That i am calling it mental dysfunction is not because I dislike such people any more than any other damaged group, it is because it is mental dysfunction, and I am not prejudiced about dysfunction, whichever group it appears in. People stuck in other groups are equally damaged in different ways, so before you start thinking, 'wow, at least I'm not stuck in M2', let me remind you, neither was Hitler. Hitler was an M4 boy. If an M2 person builds enough connections from the 'old' brain module to the 'mid' brain module1, s/he will shuffle somewhat uncomfortably into matrix 3 and get stuck there. There may still be M2-related sensory motor problems, but the locus of attention, awareness and interests will be run on 'mid' brain networks. M3 is the land of (aptly) 'middle earth', of elves and faeries, UFOs, religion, new-age mysticism, superstition, hero worship and deep ecology. People stuck in M3 tend to be anti-tech and often anti-science, saying technology or science 'has no soul', or 'has no heart'. M3 people suffer deeply from sentiment, living with great, whooping feelings, which they believe are caused by external events, ignorant as they are of the wonders of the human limbic system and temporal lobes. Emotionally aged between three and seven, they are drawn to the input relevant to that age; fantasy, stories, music and song, poetry and magic...these are the people you meet at stone circles dressed as wizards, or in protest camps complaining about anything harmful to the earth (or failing that, anything that might be.) They require no scientific proof -they feel it, man. Anyway, 'science' is not to be trusted. The rest of us are just too insensitive or too out of touch with our inner child. They are often obsessed with a 'connection to nature'. Instead of beer, they are more likely to prefer cannabis, instead of sex, 'free love'. (Each person stuck in a matrix tends to use intoxicants that stimulate the relevant networks). They are often anti-materialistic and anti-politics, drawn towards a 'natural tribal' or religious/spiritual lifestyle, but are still quite happy to use contraception, and even antibiotics (if 'alternative therapies' fail, of course; they will go to a spiritual healer before visiting a doctor). They are highly suggestible, and brilliant targets for the placebo effect, which gives weight to their belief in whatever they think cured them. A lot of them are pagans, and those with a more traditional religious leaning are more likely to be Zen Buddhists or Sufis or 'new age' Christians, eschewing organized religion, although 'churchianity' still captures a large percentage of the older generation. They place a great deal of emphasis on being 'selfless', often due to not having one. They may meditate, do yoga, or pay large quantities of their worldly goods to some spiritual advisor. They are often vegetarian and almost always pacifists. They tend to believe in an afterlife, karma, or otherworldly entities. They used to be found in large quantities at free festivals, taking drugs and having sex (sorry, free love). These days, such festivals are full of M2 people, drinking and fighting, but the times they are a-changin'. M3 people can be intensely creative, although they often have little idea how to explicate it to their financial gain (and usually wouldn't want to -material gain is for breadheads, man). They value creative expression, but without the addition of working executive functions, rarely do anything with it. Our ability to predict and control, plan, assess, strategize and execute that plan all depend on the integral functioning of the prefrontal cortex. So M3s have some great ideas, but are rarely able to put them into practice. Often they feel that their talents are unrecognized, and they are correct; they are unrecognized by another bit of their own minds. We always externalize our problems, however, and M3's failures are blamed (by them) upon society for valuing the 'wrong' things. This can actually be quite dangerous for them because strong imagination without frontal lobe computation can seriously unbalance neurochemistry. Artistic and poetic 'genius' is associated in the minds of the general public with insanity for good reason, but it is not only the artistic ones who go loony. The psychiatric wards are full of M3 people gone awry, who think they're Elvis, or God told them to do it. They are especially susceptible to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia (although M4 has its share of bipolar folks). When M3s are placed under stress they behave like any other 3-7 year old; they moan, whine, complain, protest, and resort to emotional blackmail. They may also turn to 'higher powers' for help, including fortunetellers, astrologers, spirit mediums or god. People stuck in M3 tend to make enemies of those in M4, saying they have no soul. Keyword and favorite topics; Spirit, belief, faith, supernatural, sin, fate, destiny, altruism, caring, with all my heart. The idea of a soul would make a person in M4 laugh, or more likely shake their heads in disgust at such primitive beliefs and put it down to an inadequate education. M4 people think most art, especially poetry, is a bit of a waste of time and pretty meaningless. They may appreciate science-fiction (but only if the tech makes sense; I mean, you have to be able to explain how the warp engines work, or, what's the point?) M4 people will more than likely be interested in politics, sometimes as ardently and as blindly as M3 types may be interested in religion. They will put a lot of emphasis on what they see as fairness, often involving irate opinions about crime and punishment, and the issues of social control and legislation. They can be religious, but it will be of the church/temple hierarchical structure type and they will join in mainly to conform. They are likely to be pro-science and technology. They will pride themselves on being clever (they will call it intelligence), and will earn status in their peer group by having a high IQ and getting qualifications. M4 people will criticize M3 people, saying they have no brains. Most of the world's population is stuck in M4. They are pedantic, argumentative, and on the whole take life and themselves far too seriously. Pomposity and self-righteousness rule the world. Keywords and favorite topics: Education, credentials, social, intelligence, fairness, justice, crime, order, progress, rights. Actually, both M3 and M4 people have a lot in common (although they would be loath to accept this). The intensity of their beliefs, their absolute trust in their religious/political system, their conviction of their rectitude, and their opinion that all others have got it wrong or just haven't seen the light or been educated enough yet, are all common factors in their behavior. Both groups will send their more extroverted adherents to knock on your door canvassing for your support. More introverted members will spend their time, money and energy on the aims of the group they are in, and M4s in particular are often afraid of being alone, or without that group. Rejection by those they care about will cause M4s intense anxiety, and when their chosen group endorses them will feel a pleasurable glow. When under stress, M4s will behave like any other 7-11 year old; they will either sulk, leave in a huff, spend time posturing, rowing (they call it argument, but it includes name calling and deliberate insults) and threatening, or resort to seeking help from society; through legislation and official punishment. Rarely, someone's neural miswiring results in them being stuck in M4 with a fully wired set of temporal lobes. These people are the political/religious fanatics/extremists, the tyrants and dictators of this world, utterly convinced that their point of view is the only sane one and that everybody else is not only wrong, but evil. If you ever meet one of these people, run. Run your ass off. They are quite likely to explode, either literally via their suicide vest or mentally via the asylum. M5 should happen to us between the ages of 11 and 15, and people stuck in M5 behave very like anyone else of that age. Their own ideas about everything are paramount to them and they talk about themselves almost without exception (and in some cases, without cessation). They may be preoccupied with their 'image' (although they hardly ever go out in public, being too busy with their own things). They are totally self-centered and uninterested in what anybody else is doing. They resent distractions, and will be dismissive of anything or anybody that interrupts or gets in the way of their thoughts and ideas. They can be workaholics, and they much prefer to work alone, but the work must be that of their own choosing or they will resent the time spent doing it immensely. They find a tedious boring or repetitive job unbearable, and become depressed very quickly if forced to do one. They can find it very difficult to relax without drugs or drink, although they rarely get addicted (this would distract too much from doing their own things). Everything an M5 does is based upon the mantra 'I, me, me, mine'. They have very little interest in looking outside of themselves at all, except in pursuit of the things they are interested in. They deal with anxiety by ignoring it; stonewalling the problem, and doing nothing, often claiming it is 'somebody else's problem' even when it is quite blatantly not. They can appear very flat, emotionally, on the outside, but they are usually in quite a bit of turmoil internally (they cannot show this, however; it would be 'uncool'.) The attitude of M5s should not be mistaken for arrogance. They are quite happy to admit that they are having a rotten time (if they are) and moan about it, as long as they are talking about themselves. Their problems, their difficulties, their lives. If their lives are interesting, many people don't mind M5s; it's fun to hear about someone's adventures if they make an entertaining tale. But M5s find it very hard to listen, and there comes a point when people get tired of a one-way conversation. Keywords and favorite topics: Me. My work, my ideas, in my opinion, in my experience, I'm here now; time to talk about me. That's what I think.
If you are stuck in any of these matrices, you will find you cannot understand, let alone agree with, the mindset of someone from another matrix. Often it won't even make any sense to you; you'll be baffled that anybody could think that way. This causes anxiety and alienation. You really can feel all alone in a room full of people. You may think, 'Oh, they're just not my types', or 'it's just not my kind of scene; I don't feel at home here'...and you'd be correct, You're not. You are never 'at home' until your matrix provides all your needs, and what intelligence needs, is interaction. ...And you don't get a lot of that round here.
1. Remember that I am referring to 'modules' or networks here, not to brain parts. Although the location of many of these networks fall within these brain parts, not all of them do so. The 'midbrain' has suffered several changes of definition over the years and currently includes, anatomically, parts of the 'old' brain module.
Обновлено 26.08.2009 00:50 |