Neurohacking - Tutorials | |||
Written by NHA | |||
Friday, 10 April 2009 20:37 | |||
Page 6 of 7
NHA Guide to Methods & Technology
From Functional Analysis to Network TemplateWe now need to design your personal strategy for the most rapid improvement possible from the figures in your assessment. Each tutorial from here on will focus on just one function from one area for improvement, so you'll be able to pick and choose whatever exercises and hacks you need. Most of the information from your analysis is number-based. Your intellect will have grasped the ideas that these numbers represent, for example a higher 'F' score means a network is stronger. But numbers are often more easily grasped in graphs, charts and pictures, because your unconscious mind may be lagging behind trying to get an overall picture of things, so now we return to something very simple -a network template. This will give you all the info you need at a glance. You'll need your assessment chart and you'll need to make a copy or sketch of this template below: Fig10
First have a look at your 'F' scores. On your network template, color in or mark the two highest scoring networks. These are your strongest networks, and you can use their skills to upgrade the weaker ones (the blank ones). Here, N1 & 2 count as two networks, so they share the scores (each has an F score of half their joint score). Look at our examples below if you are not sure what to do. Now we are going to mark three networks with mnemonic signs: Mark with an 'X' the network with the highest 'O' score. Currently this network is either overused or in wronguse; either way it will slow you down and cause problems. So practice the hacks for this network and try to keep an eye on the type of input and activities that stimulate it, choosing healthy ones. 'X' marks the spot where you should hack. But DON'T do the exercises for this network unless it ends up marked with a 'Y' or a 'Z' as well (see below). Mark with a 'Y' the EARLIEST blank network (NOT necessarily the one with the lowest F score!) The one you mark will be the one you work on first and the letter Y means 'Yes!' You should do the exercises for this network. Just do the exercises, NOT the hacks (unless the network ia also marked 'X' (see above.) Mark with a 'Z' the network with the highest 'N' score. This network is underactive and the 'Z' means it's asleep and snoring, so it needs exercise. Just do the exercises, not the hacks (unless it is marked with a 'Y' as well (see above.)
To summarize; X = Hack; Y or Z = Exercise. If networks have X plus Y or Z, do both. (Here are various examples below; the first one is our student's, taken from their figures above):
Our student's highest F score was for N4 (78). Their second highest score was for N1&2 (48.84) BUT this has to be halved (because it's for two networks) so N1 got 24.42 and N2 got 24.42, making N3 the second strongest network at 31.5 Their earliest blank networks are N1 & 2, and our student may have right-hemisphere dominance.
If networks are marked with more than one sign: If you find some networks contain both an X and a Z, or other combinations, remember that a network can be partially unused and partially wrongly used, or either at different times. You should apply both hacks and exercises to any networks like this, so make a note to that effect in your Captain's log. In this example the earliest blank network is 3 and this student may well be a 'rearloader'.
Example 3: Fig13
In this example the earlist blank networks are N1 & N2, and this student may have left-hemisphere dominance.
Example 4:
In this example the earliest blank networks are N1 & N2, and this student is almost certainly a frontloader.
Practical Assignment - Construct Your Personal PlanYou can fine-tune the details of your plan as we go along, but try at least to have these basics:
There is no set time limit, so go at your own pace, but be aware that too much or too little is not so effective as practicing regularly for short periods. Here's a plan template; you can fill in the correct networks for X, Y and Z and you'll have a personal plan:
First phase
Second Phase
You should be doing, in all, 6 exercises plus anxiety reduction and input control. This is your NH 'core target' practice, and you should make it habitual. If you have no time for all of it, just do this, and try to do it every day, however little (even a little reminder works with habits. Frequency is more important than duration). In the same way as before, as soon as you notice ANY kind of improvement, note down which practices are most effective and move on to the third phase.
Third PhaseAs you progress through the tutorials, try out new exercises and hacks only for the relevant networks, X Y and Z. Try a different one each time with your core routine, and if you find any with results better than your current choices, swap them. Your core routine should now become dynamic -you may find you are attracted to different kinds of exercises at different times of in different moods, so keep a list of all effective ones and choose those to suit your mood or level of fatigue. Also vary them from time to time, even if they are working really well. When you have noticed continued improvement in either one or several functions or behaviors for a consistent period of time (3 months if you practice more than 5 days a week) move on to the fourth phase.
Fourth PhaseAs well as your usual routine, start trying out exercises for the next blank network in your template. If these make you feel uncomfortable, wait for a few days before trying again. From now on, once you have started hacking/exercising any network on a regular basis, as soon as you notice an improvement of any kind you can start to include the next one that needs work in your practice. You don't have to wait until the previous network has improved greatly before moving on as long as you keep exercising it, because you have kicked a natural process into unfolding and once it starts to improve it won't look back. Once you are sending the signals to the genome in the right order, you have stopped limiting intelligence to impulse power and given it warp engines. From here on in, if you give intelligence an inch, it will take a light year : ) You don't need to do anything to networks at all if their 'F' scores are within healthy parameters and they are around the correct percentage of the whole brain. You can literally 'miss them out'. Once you have worked your way in this manner through each network and got to doing exercises for network 6 (and this takes most dudes at least a year) you will need to do a new functional analysis. Please trust us on this. Even if you feel like the most fantastic entity in the universe with not a problem in the world, and you're immortal and you can resurrect the dead, when you get to N6 you STILL need to do a functional analysis dude. That's how we keep our feet on the path; because we see where its going next. You then proceed just the same way (only you'll be working on different networks). Development progresses like a spiral, and this is just the first 'turn' of that spiral.
Spiritual Advice
“The best way to fight evil is to make energetic progress in the good.” The I Ching, Hexagram 43 “Breakthrough”
Last Updated on Monday, 29 May 2017 17:54 |