Neurohacking Tutorial 9 - Emotional Stability & Unconscious Mind - Notes, References and Answers |
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Viernes 20 de Julio de 2012 21:37 | |||||||||||||||||
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Footnotes, Refs & Answers [1] Toshiyuki Nakagaki; "Japan scientists hope slime holds intelligence key." December 28th, 2011. slime mold fun: [2] Professor Zafar Bashir, Dr Clea Warburton and Dr Douglas Caruana, "Study provides potential explanation for mechanisms of associative memory." December 13th, 2011. [3] Dr D'Armond Speers; [4] [5] Joseph E. LeDoux (2008), Scholarpedia, 3(4):2698. doi:10.4249/scholarpedia.2698 [6] [7] Provided by Association for Psychological Science; "The Amygdala and fear are not the same thing." January 27th, 2012. [8] Source: Nature Neuroscience [9] De Grasse Tyson, N., Liu, C., & Irion, R. 2000. One Universe: At home in the cosmos. p.8–9. Joseph Henry Press. ISBN 0-309-06488-0 ] 10. [Louis Sander and William Condon (1974)] 11. [Sperry 1939 p295] 12. (Lamark, 1809; Darwin 1872; von Holst, 1936; Tinbergen, 1951) 13. (Whitehead, 1926/1953). 14. (Packard, 2006). 15. (Bernstein, 1967) 16. (von Holst and Mittelstaedt, 1950; Merker, 2005) 17. (Lee, 1978; Gibson, 1979) 18. (Panksepp, 1998; Gallagher, 2008). 19. (Porges, 1997). 20. (MacLean, 1990). 21. (Turner and Bruner, 1986). 22. (Dissanayake, 2000). 23. (Condon and Sander, 1974; Trevarthen et al, 2009). 24. (Trevarthen, 1999) 25. (Stern, 1985, 1999). 26. (Stern, 1985, 1999; Stern et al., 1985; Trevarthen, 1986) 27. (Bernstein, 1967) 28. (Lee, 2005; Lee and Schögler, 2009). 29. "The Intersubjective Newborn", Infant and Child Development, Special Issue, 2010 further reading: Colwyn Trevarthen: What Is It Like To Be a Person Who Knows Nothing? -Defining the Active Intersubjective Mind of a Newborn Human Being. Willett Kempton: The Rhythmic Basis of Interactional Microsynchrony William S Condon: The Relation of Interactional Synchrony to Cognitive and Emotional Processes 30. Darwin, C "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals", 1872 31. Ekman & Friesen, 1986, 1988 32. Mackintosh, B. "Emotion", from "Emotions and Mind", Open University Press, ISBN: 0 7492 6628 7, 2004. 33. Damasio, A. as quoted in: "Emotions and Mind", Open University Press, pp67-68; ISBN: 0 7492 6628 7, 2004. 34. "autonomic nervous system" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary 35. "Nitric oxide is the endogenous neurotransmitter of bronchodilator nerves in humans Maria G. Belvisi, C. David Stretton, Magdi Yacouba, Peter J. Barnes" 36. 37. 38. Pantages E, Dulac C (2000). "A novel family of candidate pheromone receptors in mammals". Neuron 28 (3): 835–845. 39. Karl Grammer (2005). "Human pheromones and sexual attraction". European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 118 (2): 135-142. 40. 41. Pantages E, Dulac C (2000). "A novel family of candidate pheromone receptors in mammals". Neuron 28 (3): 835–845. 42. Yong-Yeol Ahn, Hawoong Jeong, and Beom Jun Kim. "Wiring cost in the organization of a biological neuronal network". PhysicaA: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 367:531–537, July 2006. ALSO B.L.Chen, D.H.Hall, and D.B.Chklovskii."Wiring optimization can relate neuronal structure and function". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(12): 4723, 2006. Christopher Cherniak, Zekeria Mokhtarzada, Raul Rodriguez-Esteban, and Kelly Changizi. Global optimization of cerebral cortex layout. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(4):1081–6, January 2004. G.F.Striedter. "Principles of brain evolution". SinauerAssociates Sunderland, MA, 2005. 43. Jeff Clune, Jean-Baptiste Mouret and Hod Lipson "The evolutionary origins of modularity", 11 July 2012] 44. Massimo Pigliucci. "Is evolvability evolvable?" Nature reviews. Genetics,9(1):75–82, January 2008. 45. Marco Turi and David Burr, "Spatiotopic perceptual maps in humans: evidence from motion adaptation", The Royal Society 46. 47. Craddock TJA, Tuszynski JA, Hameroff S (2012) "Cytoskeletal signaling: Is memory encoded in microtubule lattices by CaMKII phosphorylation?" PLoS Computational Biology, doi10.1371/journal.pcbi.100242 "Cracking brain memory code." March 9th, 2012. 48. Pearson H (2006). "Mouse data hint at human pheromones". Nature 442 (7102): 495. 49. Wedeen VJ, Rosene DL, Ruopeng W, Guangping D, Mortazavi F, Hagmann P, Kass JH, Tseng W-YI. "The Geometric Structure of the Brain Fiber Pathways: A Continuous Orthogonal Grid." March 30, 2012 Science. "Brain wiring a no-brainer? Scans reveal astonishingly simple 3D grid structure." March 29th, 2012. 50. Maria Neimark Geffen et al; "Brain encodes complex plumes of odors with a simple code" Neuron February 26 2009. 51. Hassabis, D. et al. "Decoding neuronal ensembles in the human Hippocampus". Current Biology, 12 March 2009. 52. Mark Shein, Prof. Yael Hanein, Prof. Eshel Ben-Jacob; "Researchers connect neurons to computers to decipher the enigmatic code of neuronal circuits." July 12th, 2011. 53. Professor James Haxby, Swaroop Guntupalli, "A common, high-dimensional model of the neural representational space in human ventral temporal cortex" Neuron, October 20, 2011. 54. refs "Neuroscientists unlock shared brain codes." October 20th, 2011. 55. In cases where the hemispheric processing tasks are naturally reversed, which happens sometimes just as do reverse-symmetry organs, the inner model is also reversed. We are working with the 'majority of brains' model, and there is no reason for concern if your brain is one of those that does things the other way round. 56. Hasher L, Zacks RT (December 1984). "Automatic processing of fundamental information: the case of frequency of occurrence". Am Psychol 39 (12): 1372–88. DOI:10.1037/0003-066X.39.12.1372. PMID 6395744. 57. Connolly, Deborah Ann (1993). A developmental evaluation of frequency information in lists, scripts, and stories (M.A. thesis) Wilfrid Laurier University 58. Manfred Milinski (2001). "Evidence for MHC-correlated perfume preferences in humans". Behavioral Ecology 12 (2): 140-149. 59. Claus Wedekind (1995). "MHC-Dependent Mate Preferences in Humans". Proceedings: Biological Sciences 260 (1359): 245-249. 60. Smith, A. "The Olfactory Process and its Effect on Human Behavior", 2008 61. Marcus du Sautoy, "The Story of Maths" BBC TV 2011 62. "The Goldilocks effect: Babies learn from experiences that are 'just right'." Psychology & Psychiatry May 23rd, 2012. 63. Xu et al. 2003 64. To be scientifically honest, none of us has ever actually tried replacing missing neurons with bee excreta. 65. 66. 67. Toates, F, 2004, "Motivation", Open University Press 2004, ISBN 0 7492 6628 7 68. Rogers, Carl (1961). On becoming a person: A therapist's view of psychotherapy. London: Constable. ISBN 1-84529-057-7. 69. Duncan-Johnson, C.C.; Donchin, E. (1977). "On quantifying surprise: The variation of event-related potentials with subjective probability". Psychophysiology 14: 456–467. ALSO Pineda, J.A., Shafer, K., & Belamonte, M. "Noradrinergic modulation of auditory and visual P300 in parietal-temporal cortex". Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 19, 1607. (1993). 70. Yu, A. J.; Dayan, P. (2005). "Uncertainty, neuromodulation, and attention". Neuron 46 (4): 681–92. DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2005.04.026. PMID 15944135. 71. Usher, M.; Cohen, J. D.; Servan-Schreiber, D.; Rajkowski, J.; Aston-Jones, G. (1999). "The role of locus coeruleus in the regulation of cognitive performance". Science 283 (5401): 549–54. 72. Jones, BE (2005). "From waking to sleeping: neuronal and chemical substrates". Trends in pharmacological sciences 26 (11): 578–86. DOI:10.1016/ PMID 16183137. 73. Himmelheber, AM; Sarter, M; Bruno, JP (2000). "Increases in cortical acetylcholine release during sustained attention performance in rats". Brain research. Cognitive brain research 9 (3): 313–25. DOI:10.1016/S0926-6410(00)00012-4. PMID 10808142. 74. Spehlmann R, Daniels JC, Smathers CC (1971). "Acetylcholine and the synaptic transmission of specific impulses to the visual cortex". Brain 94 (1): 125–38. 75. Yip J, Chahl LA (April 2001). "Localization of NK1 and NK3 receptors in guinea-pig brain". Regulatory peptides 98 (1-2): 55–62. DOI:10.1016/S0167-0115(00)00228-7. 76. Jessica Tracy and Claire Ashton-James, "Pride and prejudice: Pride impacts racism and homophobia." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, April 12th, 2012. Psychology & Psychiatry; "Pride and Prejudice: Feelings about the self influence feelings about others" http://psp.sagepub … ent/38/4/466 77. "Psychologists reveal how emotion can shut down high-level mental processes without our knowledge." May 8th, 2012. 78. J Clin Psychiatry 2001;62(Suppl. 11):22–27 79. "Suspicion resides in two regions of the brain." May 17th, 2012. 80. Chilton-Pearce, J. "Magical Child"; ISBN 0-525-15035-8 Liedloff, J. "The Continum Concept" 81. Mara Mather, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 12 MAR 2012 82. Letzkus JJ, Wolff SBE, Meyer EMM, Tovote P, Courtin J, Herry C, Lüthi A. "From stimulus to emotion: A role for cortex in emotional learning." December 8th, 2011. Also: "A disinhibitory microcircuit for associative fear learning in auditory cortex". (2011) Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature10674 83. 84. Video: The Secret of Schreckstoff 85. Ackerl, K., Atzmueller, M. and Grammer, K. (2002) The scent of fear. Neuroendocrinology Letters 23, 79-84. 86. Science News August 29, 2011 ; Science Daily August 30, 2011 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences August 29, 2011 [Epub ahead of print] 87. Journal of Applied Physiology June 2010 vol. 108 no. 6 1487-1496 ; Cell Metabolism March 7, 2012: 15(3);405-411 ; Science Translational Medicine May 26, 2010; 2(33):33ra37 88. Paul Ekman, PhD; Alan Wallace Margaret Kemeny, PhD, "Om: Meditation a big help for emotional issues." March 28th, 2012. 89. "Zen meditation and access to information in the unconscious", Consciousness and Cognition, In Press, … .2012.02.010 ALSO "Psychologists find meditation increases awareness of subliminal messages." June 8th, 2012. 90. Yi-Yuan Tang and Michael Posner; “Mechanisms of white matter changes induced by meditation,” by Yi-Yuan Tang et al., PNAS, 2012. ALSO "Chinese mindfulness meditation prompts double positive punch in brain white matter." June 11th, 2012. 91. Daniel T. Blumstein, Gregory A. Bryant, and Peter Kaye; Source: The Royal Society 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. Shannon Bohrer MBA, FBI Academy tutor, in an article for "Police Marksman" sept/oct 2005 97. "The emotional oracle effect." February 24th, 2012. 98. Baird, B., et al. Psych. Science. Nature, doi:10.1038/nature.2012.10678 99. Broughton, 1982; Kripke & Sonneschein 1973. 100. 101. Foulkes, D., & Vogel, G. (1965). 'Mental activity at sleep onset'. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 70, 231–43. ALSO Foulkes, D., & Schmidt, M. (1983). 'Temporal sequence and unit composition in dream reports from different stages of sleep'. Sleep 6, 265–80. 102. Goldstein et al. 1972; Hodoba, 1986 103. (Meyer et al. 1987). 104. (Hodoba, 1986) 105. 'Report on a method of eliciting and observing certain symbolic hallucination phenomena', in Rapaport's Organization and pathology of thought, pp. 195-207 (Columbia Univ. Press, New York 1951.). 106. Rothenberg, Albert (Autumn, 1995). "Creative Cognitive Processes in Kekulé's Discovery of the Structure of the Benzene Molecule". The American Journal of Psychology (University of Illinois Press) 108 (3): 419–438. JSTOR 1422898. 107. Barrett, Deirdre The Committee of Sleep (2001) 108. Mavromatis, Andreas (1987). Hypnagogia: the Unique State of Consciousness Between Wakefulness and Sleep. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. p. 1. ISBN 0-7102-0282-2. p. 73. 109. Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr., "Is a bad mood contagious?" 110. William Hedgecock, Kathleen Vohs and Akshay Rao; "Reducing self-control depletion effects through enhanced sensitivity to implementation: Evidence from fMRI and behavioral studies." Will be published in January 2013 111. Mavromatis, Andreas (1987). Hypnagogia: the Unique State of Consciousness Between Wakefulness and Sleep. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. p. 1. ISBN 0-7102-0282-2. 112. "Smell the potassium: Surprising find in study of sex- and aggression-triggering vomeronasal organ." July 29th, 2012.
*** ANSWERS Answer to "See which network automatically takes on a puzzle" You build a 3D pyramid, using the plasticine or whatever to hold the sticks together. If you tried to solve this with N2, spatial manipulation and pattern-matching, you probably found you couldn't. It takes N3 and imagination to apply the concept of 3 dimensions to a 2D pattern. The initial pattern you are told to make primes your brain for thinking in 2D, and it takes practice to automatically apply lateral thinking. However, it is a skill that can be learned.
In doing these exercises you may have thought that in some cases all the transmitters are necessary at different times during different parts of the task, and you'd be right. All that's required at this level is that you get to know which main ones are involved with motivating what sort of behaviors. (a) Self-grooming behavior : (Possibly) ACh (body) + GABA (brain); Serotonin + Cortisol You may need to stop the bird flying around, slow it down and reduce its body and mind activity, for that you'd need GABA and (bodily) ACh. If it's already sitting still, you need to make it feel disgusted with its grubby feathers and aware that dirt is dangerous, so you need serotonin + cortisol. It is going to be grooming itself (as opposed to others), so you don't need any 'cooperation' commands. The grooming stimulus must be programmed to stop cortisol release and increase serotonin, allowing the bird to experience comfort, sensory pleasure and the relaxation response when it is comfortable and clean. (b) nest-making behavior : NE (body & brain) + Glu (brain) + ACh (body & brain) + DA + OT You need lots of bodily motion, so you need NE in the ANS and CNS, Glu, and DA. The birds have to spread out and hunt for building-materials (DA), then slow down and gather together their materials into a nest construct (ACh in ANS and CNS). They will need focus and duration for a timed ongoing procedure, tool use, plus cooperation and synchronized working with a mate (ACh in the CNS) and they need trust and ongoing pair-bonding with the mate to maintain motivation (OT). (c) defending young from a predator : NE (body) + Glu (brain) + DA + Cortisol You need NE & Glu for speed of both body and mind. You need DA & Cortisol for alarm and defensive behavior. (d) chasing prey : NE (body) + Glu (brain) + DA + ACh You need NE & Glu for speed of both body and mind. You need DA for desire and ACh for focus. (e) showing young how to fly NE (body) + Glu (brain) + DA+ ACh (CNS) + Oxytocin You need NE & Glu for speed of both body and mind. You need DA to get the birds motivated to spread out and stretch their skills, ACh for cooperation and focusing on nurturing young, and OT for bonding, modeling and empathy.
You can also maybe think of other transmitters that might be necessary in these procedures, but these are the main ones.
Answers to 'Rules into commands'
Última actualización el Jueves 30 de Septiembre de 2021 17:58 |