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Recherche de mots-clés informed consent

18 résultats trouvés.

... and whilst there is nothing morally wrong with doing whatever we please with our own bodies and minds, we don't have any right to mess with anyone else's without their knowledge or informed consent.  ...
... something much more complex about it. The reason that people say Bob did it intentionally is not just because of his informed consent, or because of the mental state and attitude he seemed to have, but ...
3. Sakiro's Hackipedia Volume 1
    SAKIRO'S HACKIPEDIA  Volume 1 This is a directory of practical hacks and exercises (H&E) in Neurohacking, including some tests for self assessment. Introduction: When ...
... (for example, because the lecturer is boring), but not at all fine when it happens to us without our informed consent. Either of these problems will increase unconscious anxiety, prevent concentration ...
5. Glutamate & Empathy
(Neurohacking/Drugs & Chemicals)
... was approved by the local ethics committee and all participants gave written informed consent. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy MRS was carried out on a 3-tesla scanner (MEDSPEC 30/100, Bruker Biospin, ...
6. Learning - Memory & Timing
(Neurohacking/Theory & Research)
... in this experiment. Participants were right-handed, native Dutch speakers with no history of neurological problems and were paid EUR€20 for participation. Participants gave their informed consent ...
7. Disorders & Problems - Introduction to This Section
(Neurohacking/Disorders & Problems)
... technique has been used in clinical trials on war veterans [with informed consent] and has so far proved very successful.   Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder [OCD] AGLG Usually ...
... are just working out physically!   Notes on Diet We advocate informed consent, so want you to be informed that if you decide to try the GI diet, you are hacking more than your neurons here –you ...
9. ICMM 1 Terms & Conditions (what is neurohacking)
(Workshop/I've Changed My Mind)
... and why should you? In a way, sex too is neurohacking, since you're knowingly changing your own (and someone else's) neurochemistry and consequently mood and behavior (with informed consent, of course). ...
10. ICMM 9 Disc Cleanup (wiping sentiment)
(Workshop/I've Changed My Mind)
... informed consent, obviously)? What would be your angle? Would you treat it as though it were something that was going to make somebody feel really good for a while, like a long-lasting drug, or would ...
11. ICMM 11 Processor Upgrade (conditioning & learning)
(Workshop/I've Changed My Mind)
... to yourself through headphones and watch your heart speed up to keep pace. That's biofeedback. If you're really creative you can write it into a piece of music. For use only with informed consent, obviously.) ...
12. ICMM 12 Security & Firewalls (protection)
(Workshop/I've Changed My Mind)
... cots. Don't get into friendships with nutters. If it's happened already, get out as soon as you can. Just don't go there. Anybody trying deliberately to manipulate your mind without your informed consent ...
13. ICMM 20 Future Developments (upgrades & uploads)
(Workshop/I've Changed My Mind)
... by making them a healthy meal. As long as they know what they are eating, that's informed consent. My local fish restaurant probably does more for the future of intelligence than a lot of teachers I know. ...
... unbalanced state. If I'd apply this to what we're doing here, I could say: practicing neurohacking with informed consent is an healthy practice, although I think it's important to understand that it's ...
  "What Should I Do if My Loved Ones Won't Listen to Health Advice?"   We hear this so often from people we feel this article is appropriate. When you first learn about intelligence ...
16. Homeworld Introduction
(Homeworld/Introductive Material)
... golden rule is, 'A person should never have to do anything or have anything done to them without their informed consent'. We tolerate no prejudice in this regarding age, sex or anything else irrelevant ...
... against anyone trying to mess with your mind against your will or without your informed consent. Only you should ever be in charge of you, and anyone telling you otherwise or practising coercion is ...
18. The Neurohackers Community
(FAQs/General Issues)
... your informed consent? Where people bring light-heartedness and joy instead of endless hassle and aggro?     Yeah, how would you feel in such a place? And we mean, really ask yourself ...