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41 résultats trouvés.

31. ICMM 15 AL Tutorial (imagination enhancement)
(Workshop/I've Changed My Mind)
... is a little like saying that being fond of too-tight hats is a result of going bald. It is a correlation, not causality. As far as perception is currently concerned, it's a circle: personality is a result ...
32. ICMM 18 Troubleshooting (problems & solutions)
(Workshop/I've Changed My Mind)
... This has been exacerbated by the ingestion of sex hormones in food, and the extra strain placed on a growing body can often cause fatigue. This is quite an astonishing correlation and more research needs ...
33. ICMM 20 Future Developments (upgrades & uploads)
(Workshop/I've Changed My Mind)
... whole, anxious creatures, sentiment jumps on any series of correlations and adjusts our emotional weighting accordingly. For example, let's say you got hurt quite badly on purpose when you were a kid, ...
34. BTPT 3, 6
(Workshop/Beyond The Porcelain Throne)
... to satisfy their basic needs, there is little to no correlation between earnings and happiness. Why? Because only some things can satisfy humans, and they are Real things. Artificial things, like money ...
35. Physiological methods - Benefits of Exercise
(Neurohacking/Methods & Technology)
... — showing that memory improvement was still evident a year after the supervised exercise period [8]. There is a correlation between certain brain network functions and physical fitness. (If you ...
... with more than 40,000 hours of lifetime practice, these areas were hardly affected at all. The correlation between more meditation experience and greater brain changes does suggest that the changes were ...
... this shows up in scanning. When an FA is done in hospitals, MRIs are usually taken and correlations established. Most 'normal' brains show some hemispheric dominance (just as most people are not ambidextrous). ...
38. Homeworld Introduction
(Homeworld/Introductive Material)
... to.     Appendix 1 - On Human Health and Human Needs Clear factors emerge worldwide in correlation with longevity, physical and mental health, and life satisfaction. For humans they ...
... wrong. But they didn’t have fMRI in those days so we can forgive them for mistaking a correlation for cause and effect. The reality of the matter turns out to be the other way round; it is mainly ...
40. For Newbies
(FAQs/General Issues)
... over time in correlation with data from discourse analysis, interactional analysis and various other tools.   Workshop In the workshop we will publish more personal productions from our members. ...
... How WOULD a wannabe CIA agent answer this as an exam question? What might a biopsychologist write? Or an AI researcher? If you think through the possibilities, you may discover some interesting correlations ...
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