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52 résultats trouvés.

... or 'human nature can't be changed and you'll always be worthless and you can't cope' messages, so cut it off at the password right away! Go do your relaxation techniques and review & practice your ...
... how to do many, many things, modifying techniques later on if need be during practice & variation. Imitation is quicker than explanation because it provides an already-working solution to the problem, ...
33. Alternative energy
(Homeworld/Energy Alternatives)
... technologies are broadly characterized as either passive or active depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute sunlight. Active solar techniques use photovoltaic panels, pumps, and fans to ...
34. Passages in the Void
(Workshop/Stuff by Members)
... event." "Of course, but we have direct experience with biological reconstruction that you never had." "The Makers are most likely alien to your techniques." "I am sure ...
35. Building materials
(Homeworld/Bushcraft & Alternative Lifestyles)
... helpful guide to sound blockage and techniques for getting the most out of your materials http://www.stewartacousticalconsultants … AGE04a.pdf   I figured it would be worth mentioning ...
36. Alternatives to work
(Homeworld/School & Work Alternatives)
... techniques. A worker is a part-time slave. The boss says when to show up, when to leave, and what to do in the meantime. He tells you how much work to do and how fast. He is free to carry his control to ...
37. Permaculture: the basics
(Homeworld/Permaculture & Self Sufficiency)
... density of food and materials with minimal input. While techniques and cultural systems are freely borrowed from organic agriculture, sustainable forestry, horticulture, agroforestry, and the land management ...
38. Introduction to bushcraft
(Homeworld/Bushcraft & Alternative Lifestyles)
... can be used for ground signalling; you'll learn some techniques later in this article. Plastic tubing: can be used for solar stills, siphoning, getting water out of crevices or plants, tying up bundles. ...
39. Memory - Processing Experience
(Neurohacking/Theory & Research)
... debate. Neuroimaging techniques are typically used to link brain activity with a particular task or function. In a new study, Christopher Summerfield, Jennifer Mangels, and colleagues take functional ...
40. Epigenetics - Exploring the Genome Project
(Neurohacking/Theory & Research)
... wide spectrum of techniques and approaches. These involve structural, molecular, and developmental biology, advanced imaging, genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, and mathematical analysis. Epigenetic ...
41. Methods & Technology Intro - Part II: Technology
(Neurohacking/Methods & Technology)
... cortex. Whereas techniques such as DOT and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) measure optical absorption of haemoglobin, and thus are based on blood flow, EROS takes advantage of the scattering properties ...
42. Methods & Technology Intro - Part I: Methods
(Neurohacking/Methods & Technology)
...  There are three sections to this part: Investigation & diagnostic techniques –ways of finding out stuff about your brain, mind and health Ways of treating a problem: repair & ...
... yoga, psychological techniques or even just taking a walk can help. Attitude & Behavior While conventional stress-management protocols like relaxation exercises and deep breathing can help you ...
44. Disorders & Problems - Introduction to This Section
(Neurohacking/Disorders & Problems)
... Technology has information about therapy techniques as well as methods of neurohacking, methods of brain scanning, and technology used in healing and augmentation. The library section Drugs & Chemicals ...
...  Article: A Good Rant About Drugs [From: ‘Ive Changed My Mind’ by A.J. Ramonsky –see files]  “I'm often asked my opinion about drug addiction, and whether my techniques ...
46. Imaging - Brain Maps Define Diseases
(Neurohacking/Methods & Technology)
... collaborations between cognitive neuroscientists, physiologists and anatomists and the development of new mapping techniques.   Source TheScientist April 2009 - http://www.the-scientist.com/blog/display/55618/ ...
... stress response occurs. You can learn the relaxation response with various techniques, and you can also learn input control ‘habit-blockers’ in order to keep your mind from habitually reacting ...
48. ICMM Start (introduction)
(Workshop/I've Changed My Mind)
... out various drugs and techniques to alter consciousness, whether for self-help, development or just for the experience. This book is mainly for those who want to go as far, or to know as much, as possible. ...
49. ICMM 1 Terms & Conditions (what is neurohacking)
(Workshop/I've Changed My Mind)
... sort of way, and to me if you want to walk any path it seems responsible to know it first. How neurohacking is possible Neurohacking on purpose uses a conglomerate of techniques, chemicals, technology, ...
50. ICMM 8 Setup (a workspace)
(Workshop/I've Changed My Mind)
... and think, hang on a minute, why is everybody on drugs? Get real. A good rant about drugs I'm often asked my opinion about drug addiction, and whether my techniques could 'get people off drugs'. My ...
51. ICMM 9 Disc Cleanup (wiping sentiment)
(Workshop/I've Changed My Mind)
... really needed before I would lose my reluctance to use this as a very fast method. With nanotech however you could be looking at superfast techniques with ultimate surgical precision, so watch that space. ...
... l'eau et les médecines naturelles ainsi que l'équipement, les procédures, les techniques de survie et les ressources naturelles.    ...
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