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Tutorial 11

Hello Dude ..

and thank you for Tutorial 11!  I am so pleased to announce, this was a real hit with me.  So very much just fell into place for me in reading it.  All the past tutorials even came into a clearer light. Even my dreams suddenly have taken a turn into unfamiliar themes, new patterns, and auspiscious signs. 

I have a quick question.  I cannot really find any good quality online audio stories....sci-fi, legengs...

I have found Miettes Bedtime Podcast, but she reads Lit Fiction and I do very much enjoy that.  I especially enjoy her talent in reading.  Compared to her, the other audio reading I found sound very hokey, almost patronizing, amateurisch and old fashioned. 

However, perhaps you know of a good source for archetypical story plots? 

Did I already ask this question before on this forum?  I hope not.  ; )

Wonderful work!  And I look forward to any discussions that might take place here about T11. 

BTW, please call me Rico, it is my new name, not sirhinojo. 



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Re: Tutorial 11

Hi dude,
I found some reasonable stuff free on librivox.org and on podiobooks. The latter site carries new authors as well as old.
If you live in a place with public libraries, you can borrow audiobooks and rip your favorites.
Terry Pratchett uses a lot of archetypal themes, could be borrowed from libraries. Particularly good when read by Stephen Briggs.
If anyone wants to send us a flash stick, I can fill it with audio stuff and return for free (obviously you'll have to tell us where to send it, so use private email).
Alternately, borrow books and read aloud yourself, recording as you go. This will teach you a new talent -storytelling- as well as supply you with ongoing material for NH.

If anyone has other sources of good audiobooks, please share!

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Re: Tutorial 11

Hello Dude,

yes, I do know of Librivox.  I really enjoyed the 1001 Arabian Nights on there. But in terms of "archetypical plots" I dont find so many.  But you are right, the library is a great idea! 

Funny, when I try to listen to other tales, like ancient greek myths, like Hercules and his Trials, I find myslef getting restless, bored.  I in general like Literary Fiction, but I suspect that Lit Fiction is very often polluting, despite its cleverness?  For example, there was once a discussion on some passages from a Nabokov novel. And there was a lot of discussion about how it portrays sentimental poison.

I have another question.  Since reading Tutorial 11, I went back to do the Intermediate Functional Analysis.  And I found myself getting stumped again on Network 3 Functional Connection Test where I am supposed to "select the extraction Key.  I am totally confused here as to what logic is being used.  Is there a website where this sort of test is explained a little further?  I find myself in taking this part of the test trying to find a narrative of how the one key was selceted, but there is no consistency with the answers given. 

It is interesting, in doing the IFA this time around, I also noticed that in doing Functional Connectivity Test for Network 2, the part where we are asked to find the "odd one out", I found myself disagreeing with some of the answers given in the answer page. I dont mean that the answers are wrong, but that there are other ways to look at the graphics.  For just one example, for me when I looked for the odd one out in the graphics of hands making gestures with fingers, I say the odd one out as being the big hand that seemed to not be making the same type of gesture as the other hands. The other hands were coordinating different digits while the odd one out is the hand alomost passive in its entirety. 

I hope you get my gist.  The point would then be, is my way of seeing it still dysfuntional? 

Hey, I am really having a blast since reading the last Tutorial. 



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Re: Tutorial 11

Hi dudes, awesome Tutorial! my personal favourite so far i think.

Lot of question .. but i will take my time to process it.

But here a few:


In T11 talks that we should try to see the events/people in our life in terms of N4 context (roles, scenes, plots) in terms of roles, we now know that people are not "fixed" archetypes and are dymanic and can be various archetypes during the day etc (have differents roles according the scenes/events they are in) and that's ok .. but once that i take a guess which one is it, how do i know which kind of archetype (or role) should i take to make the interaction flow better? i think there is not map in T11 saying "if the people you are interacting is "the faithful servant" you must be ...???" that step is something that someone must figure it alone without help?

And it gets more complicated because every role/archetype have grow and protection mode .. plus the idea that most poeple could not run archetypes behaviour and can be running stereotypes so it gets tricky for me =)


The part where it talks about how in archetypal movies we must see how the characters evolve in the same way of the networks of the brain (n1-->n2--n3) and i know that here we talked a lot how the first movie of the matrix is a very good archetypal movie, and if NEO is a N2 archetype (young seeker), i try to analyze in what moment neo becomes the "shaman" (n3) but i don't see that pattern emerge? maybe he goes straight to n4 when he can start to see the code and dodge bullets? or that is N6?


Sorry if i'm lost in this one, but i don't see clear examples/exercises of how to develop synesthesia and learn to "think" in metahoprization? i mean the process are explained but i think is missing the "how to"? again maybe is something the students must figure out for ourselves playing with it, or maybe i must train my attention skills more LOL =)

Thanks for another masterpiece Alex!

More in time.


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Re: Tutorial 11

Hi dudes,
Glad you enjoyed!

Re: Sakiro's questions:
1 “once that i take a guess which one is it, how do i know which kind of archetype (or role) should i take to make the interaction flow better?”

Any archetype is relevant, but we are supposed to intuit the ones most appropriate to our own behavior and the context; for example if you approach anyone with the goal of learning something, you are the young seeker regardless of which archetype they are appropriating.

There are 'natural combinations' and we'll find them everywhere we go. The young seeker and the faithful servant, the young seeker and the wise master, the faithful servant and the benefactor. So you can play the complementary archetype if you wish to interact well and put people at their ease; for example the boss of a corporation who sees themselves as 'the good benefactor' is going to respond very well to faithful servants. A receptionist in a hotel may well be playing the faithful servant, but responds equally well to the young seeker (dude on holiday here to explore), the benefactor (who gives big tips) or the wise master (here for the weekend to lecture at the college.)
Our own circumstances in the interaction can therefore dictate the most appropriate archetype.

There is no 'must be'; we can choose whichever archetype we feel like at any given time, but the behavior we are carrying out must be congruous with the archetype we're playing. It's pointless playing the superhero to go shopping.

We can grow into understanding this over time, the first thing is just to observe how people's stereotypes match their sentiments and how archetypes match (embody) emotions. Remember everything new we learn has to go through the cycle of COMPVC. The first stages are always concentration and observation; this has to happen BEFORE we start modeling.

There will be more about this in Tutorial 12, but no guesses how long that will be coming!

2 ”I try to analyze in what moment neo becomes the "shaman" (n3) but i don't see that pattern emerge?” maybe he goes straight to n4 when he can start to see the code and dodge bullets? or that is N6?

I view 'the oracle' as representing N3 here. She's a guide for Neo and he has to learn to grasp that 'there is no spoon'. The advice she gives him: “Know Thyself”. He has become the shaman when he sees the code; at this point he can protect himself in The Matrix. He has to put this awareness into practice bigtime when they rescue Morpheus, and reminds himself before they zoom up the elevator shaft: 'There is no spoon'.

Interpretations though will differ from person to person; there is no strict 'right way' to attribute the archetypes through any medium. The clearer they are to all of us though, the more popular the movie will be  :  )

3 “i don't see clear examples/exercises of how to develop synesthesia and learn to "think" in metahoprization?”

Yes there are only one or two practical exercises in the h&e section, quite honestly because of space considerations (nobody wants to take 3 days to read through a tutorial)  :  )  But at this stage we are also able to think of some ideas for ourselves; for example consider the colors of a rainbow and assess how color relates to our emotions, or what kind of colors archetypes are traditionally dressed in.

It's not however essential to practise synesthesia at all -it will develop naturally by itself as we improve imagination and memory. And practice is all that's necessary to grasp metaphorization; almost all of us do some of it already so its just a matter of expanding its use. Again, more in next tutorial, so I have to apologize in advance for not having written it!

Thanks for the feedback it's useful to know what stuff needs following up in more detail; this was also a great deal of help in constructing T12.

If I haven't answered these questions satisfactorily let me know what you still need to know. I'll be back to answer the other mails here asap.

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Re: Tutorial 11

Hi dudes,
Rico Wrote:

1 I went back to do the Intermediate Functional Analysis. And I found myself getting stumped again on Network 3 Functional Connection Test where I am supposed to "select the extraction Key. I am totally confused here as to what logic is being used.

I am guessing you refer to question 5 'key selection'. What we are looking for is the process used for selecting a key (which can then be applied to any details). In the first question (a) the key we are given is an example key, made using a certain process. Our task is to work out the process that was used for selecting that key (in this case, the process was to select one symbol from each column). In the choice of answers, the only example that also uses this method is 'C'. The others are wrong because they have selected two symbols from the same column; a different process. The second example question (b) uses the same process.
I hope this explains the exercise sufficiently, if not let me know. It's hard to try to explain it in detail without just revealing the answers, and I don't want to spoil it for newbies!  :  )

Re: Is there a website where this sort of test is explained a little further?
I don't know. If you find one, let us know.

“the part where we are asked to find the "odd one out", I found myself disagreeing with some of the answers given in the answer page. The point would then be, is my way of seeing it still dysfuntional?”

Not at all; it's often the case that several different types of categorization work equally well on the same set of details. We too noticed several different possibilities for 'odd one out'.
Here's another example: Alice, Bob and Carl are all dentists. They often hang out with Fred, who's a motor mechanic. -Who is the odd one out?
Maybe we choose Fred because of his different occupation, or Alice because she's the only female in the group. Either answer fits equally well, but which one we choose depends on what's the most obvious difference TO US. If we met these people in real life, we may think of Bob as the 'odd one out' because he's a different age, or Carl because he is the only bald one. What we notice most shapes our own categorization.

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Re: Tutorial 11

And here a few more =)

From T11

"Latest studies are showing that the brains of people with overt synesthesia simply have more ‘cross-wiring’ than the rest of us, and this can be induced by changing inhibitory processes in the average brain (we'll tell you how to do it later on)." 

What changing inhibitory processes means, and i suposse this come in T12?

2º About synesthesia when people see for example colours along with certain numbers .. afaik people could see different colours associated with the same numbers right? one people see the colour violet to the number 3 and another one green .. so the question is about "congruity" here, in some part in the tutorial in the exercise section, we asociate the colour blue with time (n4), so one can have synesthesia but with wrong input and misswired the wrong colours with shapes/numbers etc??? and that is not so good? i don't know how to explain this better sorry =)  this question was originated when i read this part

"Every bit of information stored in memory is located according to coordinates on the inner model. Cells that fire together wire together, and every coordinate in the inner model is associated 'synesthetically' with a particular physical movement, a particular type of smell molecule, a particular frequency of color, a particular pitch of sound, other, similar associated concepts, and so on "

3º We now know the archetypal roles/characters that lead to success in real life, but is missing what are the archetypal sets and archetypal plots that we must go for? (about plots it talks about the bond/heroic ones if i remember well)

Sorry is late and i'm a bit sleepy so if anything doesn't make sense just tell


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Re: Tutorial 11

Thoughts about "Society Counterfeit Games" ..

I was thinking a lot about this, and have more deep implications that i was previously thought ..

Society with all his synthetic rules .. about what one must/should do in x/y circustance .. because is the right thing to do/say, even when i thought that gradually i have a lot of less of that in my life i played some "game questions" that changed the a lot the outlook about how and which game i want to play here on.

This thought was inspired when i read in T11 the explanations about the "six levels" of development, and how every interaction with the right input make us gain "experience points" to go to the next level etc.

And when i read this i thought "wow, it will be very cool if we can 'see' some sort of exp bar in your vision and track your progress that way, exactly like a rpg game, i bet that a lot of people, include me, will play this game with a lot of enthusiasm" ..

After that i said, but wait a moment! why is this? why if i "reframe" my outlook of the world/life, one wher i see life like a awesome game where every free anxiety and playful interaction makes me stronger (more intelligent) i can't wait a second to start playing that one, and if i see life in the traditional "society" way .. is ..meh ..whatever??

I keep playing with that thought and making me more questions like, what i will do if i have a remote control where i can pause/freeze all the people in the world except me for x time? what i will do? and it amaze me the sensation of curiosity and exploration that invade me, like oh yeah i will go to that place, and stay in a nice park cooking something tasty and look at the stars, and walk under the rain, and see what happend if i do x/y in that stuff/place i wonder how ...??? ....

And was wonderfull, and then i realize all that stuff is/was repressed because of society, because the obvious question is .. why if i "eliminate" (temporally) all the people (with the imaginary remote control) i will act in certain way and if not in another? so strong is the belief of fear of what people could think about us ..? is funny because like i said before, i think a make considerably progress about that aspect in my life, but when i make myslef that kind of questions, and realize that i will act in a more playful, curious way, make me think that still i'm not out yet of the matrix games.

What shock me that the only thing i did was a simple "reframe" of outlook, the brain stay the same, but in that moment when i behave as though that what i imagine it could be real (that magical remote control, or that vr game where you gain xp) make me feel very very good LOL =)

Now i think i need to slowly realize that i don't need all that to still play the game of life, even when a lot of people are still in a counterfeit game ..


PS: Yes, i love games!

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Re: Tutorial 11

Hi dudes,
Sakiro Wrote:

1º From T11 "Latest studies are showing that the brains of people with overt synesthesia simply have more ‘cross-wiring’ than the rest of us, and this can be induced by changing inhibitory processes in the average brain (we'll tell you how to do it later on)." What changing inhibitory processes means, and i suposse this come in T12?

No this is covered in T11, it's explained in the section about Rama's experiments, as follows:
“A gene called HTR2a appears to produce the proteins that enable synesthesia and related abilities. If the gene is expressed in these association areas it enables synesthesia, if it is expressed throughout the brain, it increases our ability for metaphorization and for creative thinking. The gene, when expressed, increases the number of 5HT receptors; specifically a type called 5HT2a; causing an increase of serotonin type 2a. [4] There are several gene-transcription factors we can use to turn this gene on and off (see hacks section)”

And in said hacks section:
“chemical hacks to increase/decrease synesthesia & metaphoric thinking

Those of us familiar with psychedelics will recognize the 5HT2a receptor as one which LSD stimulates, increasing synesthesia to the point where it becomes conscious. Before everyone goes out looking for mushrooms, further experiments showed that Melatonin can also increase 5HT2a, whereas Prozac can block it (and this should be of concern to creative types, because 5HT2a increases creative ability). If you have overt synesthesia or problems with hallucination, though, Prozac may help.”

2º About synesthesia when people see for example colours along with certain numbers .. afaik people could see different colours associated with the same numbers right? one people see the colour violet to the number 3 and another one green ..

...Yes this is so, but bear in mind (a) there are a limited amount of colors so some are bound to be the same as others, and (b) there do seem to be some universal trends.

[s] so the question is about "congruity" here, in some part in the tutorial in the exercise section, we asociate the colour blue with time (n4), so one can have synesthesia but with wrong input and misswired the wrong colours with shapes/numbers etc??? and that is not so good?

I think I understand what you mean and if so this is true, yes. It's a problem if for example we were taught that 'red calms you down', or 'blue light helps you sleep'; because physiologically our body is telling us the opposite is true.
It's a similar problem to being told 'sugar is good for you', and following this advice only to find that our body seems to disagree.

3º We now know the archetypal roles/characters that lead to success in real life, but is missing what are the archetypal sets and archetypal plots that we must go for? (about plots it talks about the bond/heroic ones if i remember well)

...Yes I think this needs to be gone into further in the next tutorial, because there simply isn't room to do the importance of archetypes justice in the small ventures we have made so far. Several major factors need to be linked together in understanding archetypes and metaphorization; among them creativity, play, bonding, sync, embodiment, and sequential (procedural) memory. We need to know about these things themselves before we are able to grasp putting them all together and seeing how each contributes to high-level processing and its translation into behavior.

As we go on into Advanced NH, things will become more complex simply because the functions and abilities we are studying are themselves more complex, but they are all based on the simple stuff and procedures we looked at in the earliest tutorials. Doing things in the right order has paid off here I think  :  )

Creativity & Play is likely to be the focus of T12, but at the moment it's a plan in a queue  :  )  In fact just today I started assembling all the research I'm gonna need to construct it.
I'll be back to answer other mails asap.

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Re: Tutorial 11

Oh my lordy, Dudes,

I have had a bit of an explosion in my brain happen.  I was rereading tutorial 9 and sudeenly I the words started to make more sense than ever!  And then I stayed up almost all night, with fireworks going on in my head.  Click click click... so much fell into place.  All sorts of connections were made in my mind.  I even had an insight into mathematics, how binary infomation is a collapse of a wave function (which is analogical and probabilistic) and differentiating that again can translate back to binary... I am not showing off here to you, but just trying to give you a feel for what my night was like.  All sorts of memories came back and honestly it just felt like there was all kinds of reweighting going on because I was recatagorizing and concretiting... woah.... and then I even composed within two hours a new performance theater piece commissioned for next month. I even wrote some stories that which is something that I always found very very frustrating and this time it was not just a pleasure but also pretty easy.

Anyways, I am very excited, and feel like I understand a lot more about interaction.  And honestly, even just looking back into the archive of some of my forum discussions I can see now how I had a very fuzzy understanding of what the information here all really meant. 

Long story short.... when it hit me that every single freaking microsecond memory is going on in order to do whatever comes next.... thats it... taking into account every "banal" microsecond of just seeing and touching and smelling etc, finding respect for that, hitting me like a board in the face...and now what appears to be left to do is to not keep forgetting all this most of the time! And just interact...: ))

Ok, you see I am an inspired mad man here.

Actually, by the way, now going back to say one more thing.  You probably know about Sister Wendy?  The nun, who lived 20 years as a hermit, and who has a bbc series where she visits world museums and talks about art?  It is amazing.  It seems to me that watching like 20 of her shows gave my Network 3 a blast of tonic.  She is almost totally congruent, that Sister Wendy.  Totally magical little lady!

Sakiro, I also had a fantasy like yours.  My fantasy was different in that I would walk around imaging that God made EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the world simply dissappear and left me to see the earth and everything on it with absolutely no society around what so ever. . It used to elate me, it made me see things around me in a totally fresh way.  It mostly made me want to be spiderman and spiderman around the city!

cheers dudes!

thanks so much for this site!


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Re: Tutorial 11

Hi dudes,
Sakiro Wrote:

why if i "reframe" my outlook of the world/life, one wher i see life like a awesome game where every free anxiety and playful interaction makes me stronger (more intelligent) i can't wait a second to start playing that one, and if i see life in the traditional "society" way .. is ..meh ..whatever??

...Because one is real and the other isn't  LOL :  )  Wow, it sounds so simple doesn't it?

[s] I keep playing with that thought and making me more questions like, what i will do if i have a remote control where i can pause/freeze all the people in the world except me for x time?
what i will do?

...Wow this mail is a lot of fun to answer  :  )  What would you do...? Some mundane tricks such as never dropping anything you fail to catch again before it hits the floor? That's a good one. But what you might do is discover the frontal lobe headache and its variations trying to work out the relativity involved  :  )  Or what you might do is get sudden flashbacks into different time speeds or periods. Or you might find most people underestimate or overestimate the amount of time they spend doing different things and you'll have to reconfigure expectations of them, who knows?

[s] ... And was wonderfull, and then i realize all that stuff is/was repressed because of society, because the obvious question is .. why if i "eliminate" (temporally) all the people (with the imaginary remote control) i will act in certain way and if not in another?

Great! To stay in 'The Matrix' metaphor you've started using imagination as 'The Construct'; exactly what it is.

[s] so strong is the belief of fear of what people could think about us ..?

This fear is a chain that enslaves so many and takes away free will, stopping development in its tracks. It is in effect self-imposed determinism; because our lives are determined by 'what we think other people approve of'', instead of by us and what our biology 'approves of'.

[s] is funny because like i said before, i think a make considerably progress about that aspect in my life, but when i make myslef that kind of questions, and realize that i will act in a more playful, curious way, make me think that still i'm not out yet of the matrix games.

The more we learn, the more there is to learn; this is true of self-knowledge as well as factual information and abilities.

[s] What shock me that the only thing i did was a simple "reframe" of outlook, the brain stay the same, but in that moment when i behave as though that what i imagine it could be real (that magical remote control, or that vr game where you gain xp) make me feel very very good LOL =)

It's nice to recognize what sort of power we have when intelligence is allowed to play. It's so good at transforming reality through play, that's why I feel it's a bit like suddenly being at the helm of a starship.

[s] Now i think i need to slowly realize that i don't need all that to still play the game of life, even when a lot of people are still in a counterfeit game ..

...Not sure what you mean by 'all that', but if you mean other people's imagined opinions, we certainly don't need those. It's really good to see people stepping through doors  :  )

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Re: Tutorial 11

Hi dudes,
Rico wrote:

  Ok, you see I am an inspired mad man here.

Hey it's totally cool  to do a 'wow!' session here; we all have them from time to time  :  )  But remember to keep the balance by looking after yourself and getting enough relaxation and dream time to assimilate all this new perspective. When we're inspired we sometimes forget to eat or sleep properly; not the most sensible way to go about things. Not sleeping should be reserved for emergencies and very important parties, if we want to keep our brain health  :  )

[r] My fantasy was different in that I would walk around imaging that God made EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the world simply dissappear and left me to see the earth and everything on it with absolutely no society around what so ever.

...Dunno; that would leave you as a culture of one. ...Could be boring...?


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Re: Tutorial 11

Hi dudes,
Rico wrote:

  Ok, you see I am an inspired mad man here.

Hey it's totally cool  to do a 'wow!' session here; we all have them from time to time  :  )  But remember to keep the balance by looking after yourself and getting enough relaxation and dream time to assimilate all this new perspective. When we're inspired we sometimes forget to eat or sleep properly; not the most sensible way to go about things. Not sleeping should be reserved for emergencies and very important parties, if we want to keep our brain health  :  )

[r] My fantasy was different in that I would walk around imaging that God made EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the world simply dissappear and left me to see the earth and everything on it with absolutely no society around what so ever.

...Dunno; that would leave you as a culture of one. ...Could be boring...?


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Re: Tutorial 11

Well, yes, I guess it would be boring with everyone else gone. 

But I used that fantasy a while back when I was bored or anxious and maybe just trying to commute from point a to point b here in Berlin.  And it kind of stemmed out of my idea that I wanted to sort of move around more freely, sort of doing Par Cour ALL THE TIME in my mind. The Urban Jungle Gym.  Not to mention, I had so much pent up emotion, that I wanted to express it in dance, but dancing on the street is not seen as sane behavior. But so.. only Society was holding me back from doing it, so to speak.  And then this fantasy went further, and in imaging all people except me being gone, I went through different scenarios as to how this would play out.  It was interesting to learn what the timeline for big events like nuclear reactors going off etc... I started to create this big super high budget special effects movie in my head and I was the "hero" of the movie.  I tried to empathize with this situation... and everyone probably has a very idiosyncratic answer as to how they would behave in such a situation.  My own idea was that I would have to go on a quest to my homeland, to go to my ancestors home.  That, for whatever psycho/aesthetic reason, was my recurring conclusion.  It was fun to think of new problems that the character in the movie would encounter.  For example, what happens when all the big animals escape from the big Berlin Zoo?  Or, would I be able to drive (i cant actually drive in real life) all the way down to my home in Seville Spain?  I mean, would the highways not be chock full of cars motionless for thousands of kilometers? 

Anyway, that whole fantasy does not consume my time anymore at all these days. 

And Alex, yes, I know that being aware of anxiety is the most basic basic thing to remember now.  I forget over and over.  So yes, I rest, I cook, I bathe and sleep and am realizing that anxiety creeps up very sneekily throughout the day. Gotta watch out for it constantly.  But now something new happens.  I feel I confront this other figure, this transparent constellation kind of connected-by-the-dots human figure that used to embody me, but now I can take a step back and see Anxiety face to face, and it isnt me.

But that night was a party, thats why I stayed up! 

sleep tight!


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Re: Tutorial 11

By the way.  How does one post a photo here.  I wanted to post a photo of a scene of the new performance I am working on.  It is a pretty picture, they say, but more importantly I base my performances on NH stuff.  This show I am doing now is called "The Mammals".


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