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Psychological Gaming - Resource

Hey, i don't have experience with PG, (only read the article that is write in the site), but i think that this resource can be of help to make/expand the behaviours of our own characters based of the networks we need to explore/train?

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/M … lCharacter  (this one seems more useful)

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Characters   (this is one can help too)

And this section of the forum has 'open games' for roleplaying (i don't know if is similar to what was talked here, this one seems more lke a "light" version of PG) but maybe we can have one idea or two

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?di … amp;page=0

Hope soon i can see in action some real PG in the forum smile

Have fun!

Edited By:  Sakiro
Jun-29-11 03:21:39

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Re: Psychological Gaming - Resource

Hi dude,
There has been real PG going on in “The Rabbit Hole” forum since August 2010. (Is there such a thing as unreal PG? That would be surreal)  :  )

You can use whatever system you like and whatever works best for you, but bear in mind that most of those you find online or in RPGs are unlikely to correlate with current understanding of psychology. In particular they could confuse anyone studying memory association or imagination and archetypes, as almost all systems will claim many different types of characters (especially their favorites) are “archetypes”.

I would not recommend the site you mention as it includes characters based on sentiment and we certainly don't want anyone playing those in the forum!

Anyway, we felt it would not be good if players were limited to any one system, especially if it might give them outdated neuro-related information, so there's no system involved and you don't have to know anything about psychology to join in; it's just there to give us the experience of being anyone we like and being responded to as that entity. Feel free to join the rabbit hole forum anytime as any character you like and discuss anything you like.

If you currently don't see “The Rabbit Hole” forum among the forums, let us know and we'll send the white rabbit to show you where it is.
Alex R

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Re: Psychological Gaming - Resource

Alex wrote:

Hi dude,
There has been real PG going on in “The Rabbit Hole” forum since August 2010. (Is there such a thing as unreal PG? That would be surreal)  :  )
Alex R
Yes, i read it all, but i think that the thread when it almost seems like it was going to start with a session of PG, it derivate to another topic that i read anyways because it was interesting smile

Or maybe i read too fast!

Can PG be doing alone?

This term is a creation of us? i mean, i tried to look to more information with exactly that title in google and the only site i found is this smile

Maybe is "modeling" the mainstream term?

Yes, i read the article about PG here, is great because if i understand well, we could train any network just picking the right archetype right?

And PG uses a lot of N3 because of mirror neurons? i mean if you have a strong n3 you could model and get skills/behaviours of other people in "passive mode" just "looking" or stay around of this people.

But PG is more like an active way to achieve the same thing?

Sorry you just come back and i'm bombing you with questions LOL


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Re: Psychological Gaming - Resource

Hi dude,

I don't quite get the first part of what you're saying about topics on PG forum? New topics can be started by you, if you're not interested in their current discussions, but I think you may in this case have mistaken a topic shift for a withdrawal from the game? Any tpoic is allowed as long as one stays in character.

Next, we need to do a little bit of retranslating here because I want to make sure I understand your meanings...
You wrote “Can PG be doing alone?”
Does this mean “Can you play PG by yourself?” If so, the answer is yes you can, but like many activities its more fun with friends  :  )

You wrote: “This term is a creation of us?”
Does this mean “Did we invent the term PG (Psychological Gaming)”? If so, the answer is no we didn't, but in psychology mainstream it is more commonly called 'role play' or 'psychological role play'. We chose the less well known term so as not to be confused with RPGs such as Dungeons & Dragons where there are lots of rules and set characters.

We can indeed train up any network if we find or create the correct role model and get enough practice. We can also train up individual skills from different models (although it is best to work with one at a time). I used Mr Spock to train up aspects of N4, for example, and an excellent current example for self esteem & confidence (N5) is “Iron Man”.

Archetypes, though, are a bit like nutrition and imagination -much more bollox has been claimed about them than most other subjects  :  )  The method only works if you get to know the links between animal behaviors and eidetic core archetypes, and it works even better if you understand imagination.

You don't however need to know any science at all to play the games, you just need to be open to communication and interaction with other fictional characters as though they were real (you just need to say hi and talk to people).

PG GROWS mirror neurons (it increases the density of their connections) and what you describe is exactly the way we are designed to naturally learn; by modeling the skills of others as part of the learning cycle. PG will help upgrade the imagination and the control of it, which improves empathy, motivation, memory and learning.

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Re: Psychological Gaming - Resource

Alex wrote:

Hi dude,

I don't quite get the first part of what you're saying about topics on PG forum? New topics can be started by you, if you're not interested in their current discussions, but I think you may in this case have mistaken a topic shift for a withdrawal from the game? Any tpoic is allowed as long as one stays in character.
I mean, as far as i know, was one topic where PG stuff was going on, but mostly about "how we can do this" "what can be done" "rules" "theory" etc. I didn't see something like "ok let's start ..right now."

And the shift i was talking was in the same thread, you talking with roger, but i think that it wasn't a PG session? i mean he was explaining the difficult of same people understanding/filling the gap that when they act like a jerk/troll in an online game for example they are somehow training themselves to do that in the RL (just like happend with PG but we can take advantage of that)

Alex wrote:

We can indeed train up any network if we find or create the correct role model and get enough practice. We can also train up individual skills from different models (although it is best to work with one at a time). I used Mr Spock to train up aspects of N4, for example, and an excellent current example for self esteem & confidence (N5) is “Iron Man”.

LOL i see Iron Man (1 and 2) like ten times each, and i suposse you mean the character Tony Stark acted by Robert Downey Jr? I was thinking the same the last time that i see the movie "Wow this guy have such confidence, self esteem, he act just cool, and has "the control", what a good role to model" and is funny because i started to look some videos of the REAL Robert and to my surprised he is very similar to the character he does smile

Like he was doing some PG without even knowing! LOL

Now we must wait to The Avengers 2012 movie , where he joins with Thor, Hulk, and Captain America smile

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Re: Psychological Gaming - Resource

Hi dude,
I think you are referring to the 'PG' thread in 'residents quarters'? That's not the PG forum; the PG forum is called 'the rabbit hole'. There are three topics in 'the rabbit hole' at the moment (including one by me that I'd forgotten about!)  :  )  They all contain characters who would probably like to be talked to, but if none of them seem interesting try starting a new topic to introduce yourself (For example “Hi I'm Tony Stark, who are you guys?”)  or whatever. The topic 'wltm' began with someone doing this sort of thing. Once you start, it sort of happens automatically.

If you can't see 'the rabbit hole' among your forums, just let us know!
...Actually I'd really like to talk to Tony Stark, and if anybody knows Batman...?

Re: actors in PG: Harrison Ford once remarked that playing Han Solo was like playing himself  :  )

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