The Neurohackers Community |
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Автор: NHA |
Tags neurohacking - neurohacker - NHA - life with no hassle - home - creative - creativity - sane - sanity - learning - fun There are no translations available.
So yeah, we yearn for what biology intended: a continuum of being, healthy interaction, belonging and love. That yearning fades as we start to believe places like that just don't exist, that crazy people have taken over the whole world and that we might as well just forget the dream, take the blue pill, go to work and get drunk on weekends. But some of us cannot forget the dream. Some of us still feel a longing to go home, to a place our biology and intelligence tell us is half-remembered and half-imagined in the human unconscious awareness of what we are and what we could be.
Yeah, how would you feel in such a place? And we mean, really ask yourself these questions above. Inquire of your self about them. And then, come back to it with an answer. Our answer is: "Yeah! That's Real Life! And we want to get there." Our method is about "aligning morality with biology in enlightened mutual interest", what we call "Neurohacking". And we intend to live it, to share it, and to pass it down to the next generations. It is what we are ready to stand for, what we are ready to live for: the right to develop our optimal potential as human beings and as part of interactive life on earth. Our current nations and societies have not been designed to promote all this - in other words, they don't value love and life, and they don't seem to have the slightest intention to move into that direction anytime soon. On the other hand, we feel it is time for a change... We intend to provide a space that not only promotes it but actively encourages a general movement in that direction, which is - bluntly said - the direction of entelechy and emergence. Having said this, we have no interest in coercion either: we can only show you the door, you are the ones who must choose to walk through it. And we're fully aware that, at this point, you might have like thousands of questions, you might not know where to start, all this talk might seem very abstract to you (and we recommend you come back to this page from time to time in the future, when you might discover words have deeper meanings than what you feel right now), but since you've clicked on the "Neurohackers Community" thingy, your main question for now is probably: "who the fuck are you guys??": We are - primarily - an international group of friends, and our numbers include neuroscientists, computer engineers, spiritual seekers, musicians, psychologists, alternative practitioners, cyber-shamans, writers, nutritionists, biologists, graphic designers, researchers, explorers, photographers, film makers, and people who just want to have a good time. We’re quite a varied crowd and hopefully you'll get to know us better on the forum. So, dear dudes, welcome home! A home that is what home should be. You've just entered by the front door, be sure there are many other doors and plenty of rooms to explore... Nobody can tell you what neurohacking is -you have to go there and experience it for yourself : )
Pictures Refs: "Having Fun with Mud" by Malleni "Home...?" by the NHA is a composition made of "Matrix Code" by Fae-Falor and "High Visibility" by Ssilence "Out of Time" by Princess Nomad (abstract)