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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

The difference between Morpheus and Alex

There are two differences between Morpheus and Alex.
1. Morpheus wants to save people because he believes that they have a right to be free.
Alex wants people to save themselves if they believe they have the ability to be free.

2. One of them is a fictional character. The other dresses in black and wears shades.

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

There are two similarities between Morpheus and Alex

1. They both have a knack for showing doors.

2. Both have mod powers in their ships! Alex, could you help me edit the OP in the NH Knowledge Thread?

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Meta wrote:
Alex, could you help me edit the OP in the NH Knowledge Thread?

Looks like you figured out how to edit while I was away? Afaik you just bring up your post and click 'edit' down at the bottom right.
Since I've been busy doing tutorial 6 and have only just got back online, I have more catching up to do than you on other threads  :  )

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Well, I managed to do it once, but the forum doesn't allow me to do so again.

Odd thing. smile

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

empathia Wrote:
I now experience anxiety even reading fantasy.
I feel much more calmer.

Hi dude,
Sounds like this needs some narrowing down...calmer is good, so that's the right direction. You can figure out by process of experiment and elimination where the anxiety's arising, for example:
Do you get anxious reading other stuff? Science papers, detective stories, the telephone directory? If so, then reading is the thing your brain doesn't like right now and that's probably an N4 or N5 glitch (if the problem is with fiction only, N4.)

Do you get anxious listening to audio fantasy? Watching fantasy movies? Writing fantasy? If so, then it's the subject matter that's the problem and that indicates probs in N3

Do a few experiments and then approach the specific network/s that seem to be the problem. If you find the area that's rebelling against activities like reading fantasy then your next question is what cool activity to give it to do instead. Remember to focus on the solution (doing good stuff) rather than the problem (paying attention to problems)

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Hi dudes,

sorry for late absence, lots of bs at the company, lots of work too, lots of kisses outside of it, lots of driven miles...


concerning issues with post edition, I'll have a look during this week-end, I'll keep you up.

f*** anxiety, maybe it will loosen up a bit... smile


PS: o, btw, sorry I won't read 9th chapter of kafka's trial, very bad timing... smile

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Thanks, Scal. smile

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

roger, one, two, testing...

editing, editing...

Edited By:  testusr
Sep-25-11 10:45:54

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is


test has been done... sorry, but it seems you should be able to see the "edit" link on your own posts (meta), and use it to edit them.

is it like you don't see the "edit" link or the link doesn't work in any way?


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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Hey, Scal,

I see the edit link in every post of mine, except in the OP of the NH Knowledge Thread, where I only saw it once, used it and couldn't do it again when I received more links from nhers. A long underline I typed to divide the post also caused it to stop breaking lines within the frame and I can't put the content back in view.

I considered the limited editing of OPs could be a feature, not a bug. Is it deliberate?

Edit: So you see I can normally do it. smile Is there a place to discuss forum issues without derailing someone else's thread?

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Oookay... I think we got a little bugger, dudes... cause I don't even have the ability to act on it either, no links at all smile

you broke the bloody ship, dude, you broke the bloody ship! lol

I'm not totally sure how I can fix that, I'll keep you up


PS: for questions about the site, you got the 'newcomers questions - site related' thread at the bay.

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

But the button was so big, shiny and red!

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Alex thanks for the tips I'll check what's the status.

BUT NOW, for something rather diffe-rent!

I made a breakthrough today and for all I know could very well be making it to matrix 4 now! Because the issue was about going beyond my limited belief systems and doing pretty much as Scal pointed out, fucking them in the eye.

Now I have some experiential knowledge about what it feels like for a matrix to run the ship as let that part of my personality completely run it for a while and everything was cool, it felt right and now what I'm experiencing now feel right in a sense (there's a sense of 'wrongness') but then there is this immense feeling of power attached to it as well and I just KNOW I am really a hugely powerful person in reality. It's like this part of me is like Yang side of me and the Jesus side I gave in to for a while was the Yin side if that makes sense..

I'm having pictures and knowledge about what my family was like and phew, what a load of crap! But it's wonderful to know that I'm on the fasttrack on leaving it all behind, and pretty damn far I might say too! Ha! So there suckers!

On the mystic front some things have happened as well, maybe these developments go hand in hand dunno? Don't really care that much. Everything will just go as it should.

Yay! (once more)

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Hi dude,

This is great news  :  ) Stay cool, take it steadily and you'll get out of space dock  :  )  If you try to zoom off too high too fast you can end up slowing yourself down (You've heard that saying, “More haste, less speed”, right?)
Also, take time to relax and be proud of yourself. It's a real fucking struggle to free ourselves sometimes and we all know that, so enjoy your new clarity as it comes.
When I make a breakthrough like this it actually feels as though I somehow weigh less  :  )

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Re: the start of one persons discovery of just how stupid he is

Indeed great. It's still been "topsy turvy" but there's definite progress. It's weird that yesterday was the first day that I became able to be as really mindful to a degree that it I felt that "yeh this is what it's like to be mindful". I noticed  I didn't have any deep feelings when I watched  children's programming, just a bit of real stuff and a lot of confusive "this-and-that" (noise) but I won't let that bug me.

This ties in with what you write about not going too fast. I've been having a lot of fear and now finally I'm starting to be ready to face them so I can start living creatively a bit.

The community I 'work' with is a blessing, it's so cool to have all these more-intelligent-than-me people around me.

It does effect the perception of weight. I don't want to remember too much about the old times though I guess that's sentimental, but now I've been walking with an enthusiastic stride sometimes and love it.

I recently did an FA. The last one was 3 months ago. There was a huge change towards perceiving myself in the correct light, I think.

N5 was the dominant network still and N3 after that. Together they are 50% for me! It's interesting cause while I'm more ok with people, I do still stonewall etc... Here are numbers for N4 (Function, Wronguse, nonuse) 15,76, 10,52, 73,68.

I just wonder how is it possible that I have so much nonuse... maybe I just can't see myself correctly or maybe there's trauma associated with school etc so much that I never took up those areas again?

Anyway, life's both cool and mysterious so everything is fine..

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