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Question about Tutorials

I don't know if i remember well, but i believe reading that the idea for the tutorials is that they should be updated once a year because of all the new research coming.

So i want to know if it is planned an update to early tutorials 1-5 or 6-9 (it seems like 1-5 they date from Jul 2009 the others one maybe are older) before the others ones come or first the idea is have more tutorials up before we update them.

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Re: Question about Tutorials

I would very much like to put in time to help here but alas, I'm down with lowering anxiety first sad Hoping to pitch in ASAP.

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Re: Question about Tutorials

Sakiro wrote:

I don't know if i remember well, but i believe reading that the idea for the tutorials is that they should be updated once a year because of all the new research coming.
hmm... nope you don't... smile

I guess you're referring to the quote facing the 'Theory & Research' sub-section of the library:

Theory & Research   ( 21 Articles )

"At the current pace of neuroscience observations and discoveries,

theory should be updated every day." - Alex Ramonsky

so, it was more like a funny conundrum, and about 'theory' and not 'practice' (tutorials).

actually, I would have to ask Alex to be sure, but if I'm not mistaking there are 7 tutorials to go yet (at least) and existent ones are easily updatable now that they are on this site (each article in the library shows when it has been last updated at the bottom of the page when they have been modified after the date of creation).



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Re: Question about Tutorials

I'm glad someone brought this up, as it's a major dilemma  :  )
Lemme tell you the whole story;
There are 12 tutorials. The first 5 are on this site and are only slightly out of date. There are some older ones on the NH yahoo site but they are too out of date to reproduce here. There are some newer ones that I am in the middle of writing.
There is a massive, ever-increasing pile of new discovery and research, all nicely classified into categories and ready to be referenced in new tutorials.
What is holding everything up? -The fact that, from their level of interaction here, most members haven't yet grasped the basics. If people don't get the basics they will never benefit from intermediate or advanced NH; in fact it could do them harm.

There is enough information on the site to teach yourself the basics and draw your own conclusions, and questions related to that enterprise can be responded to here, so the priority has been to make sure the basics are as clear and up to date as possible and answer all queries asap.

At the moment that strategy is working, but I am getting close to the point where I'll have to write up summaries of research in order to keep up to date myself, and if I'm gonna write then they might as well go online.

So it's possible I'll dedicate this winter to getting more tutorials up and running. Because there is only one of me that means I can't work so much on the second book, so since I have no proof that my prioritization is the best choice, maybe we can discuss it and get some feedback here about what's most important to do first. We are the people who interact here most; what would be most useful to do first for us?

Feedback is the most useful thing we can get; I don't mind what's decided as fortunately I enjoy doing all these things  :  )

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Re: Question about Tutorials

Hello dudes,

(i have never before said dude before i came onto this site)

I want to briefly post and give my two cents for what it is worth concerning when and what should be updated on this site.

I have been neurohacking now for less than a month and I feel pretty f-ing great.  The process is FUN as well as making A LOT of sense to me.

In case it is useful to you, here I post my FA scores in percentages.  These were my scores when I first came on:

N1N2  F 80% O 18% X 2%
N3    F 60% O 40%
N4    F 94% O 6%
N5    F 50% O 50%
N6    F 60% O 40%

Dont know exactly what you would make of that, but I say there is a lot of wrong use.

Anyway, it seems to me that there is a certain impatience in me that does desire more and more tutorials.  But on the other hand, it is becoming more and more apparent that one can't underestimate the simplest tutorials... i.e. smiling, sentiment wiping, rich imaginings, modeling, input control, and breathing.  It seems there is a lot of mileage one can get just staying with these.  Plus, since I don't yet have any of the tech like GSR or Proteus, well until I get these biofeedback machines, I can't say I have taken these "simple" tutorials to their maximum potential. 

This is my next step, to get the machines.  I dread it at the same time, because I am so tech-illiterate, and I wonder if I will even be able to connect them to my humble MAC laptop!

So, I hope this helps you Alex, because it seems that in your last post here you were calling for a sort of census on everyone's status. 

Let me also just express my deepest gratitude to those of you that are running this site and interacting with us faceless "students".  I feel very very lucky.

later dudes, daniel (sirhinojo)

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Re: Question about Tutorials

Oh!  And a propos...  I read through the psychological gaming text (the introduction to PG).  And I wonder if I am missing the point.  Is this like an online game, a role playing game like Dungeons and Dragons or something?  I have a feeling not, but I am very curious to find out more.  There is something that appeals to me about this.  I happen to be an actor.  Would it be possible to be allowed access to the resident quarters?  I guess there I might get a clearer understanding about what is meant by PG as NH. 

daniel (sirhinojo)

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Re: Question about Tutorials

Hi dudes,

well... this is a very tricky question in my point of view. So, I'm gonna be as honest as I can and I hope no one will feel bad about it.

The path that led me to "here and now" is a very complicated and unusual (in the mainstream's sense) set of research and discoveries I mostly made "on my own", in what Alan Watts would call a "goo" approach of the world. (in brief: prickle people sees reality as made of particles; goo people considers it is made of waves. but the truth is that reality is prickly goo and/or gooy prickle)

By "on my own", I don't mean I discovered everything our predecessors had discovered and wrote about by myself, but rather that, whatever I had read before or found on the net or anything, I suddenly "realised" in my own terms / integrated into my cosm a particular truth, while living a particular moment.

So, it is this series of "realisations" that defines fundamentally what is my current "location and position in the universe".

And I've learned to decipher the truth in whatever shape it was taking way before I met Alex, and this is what allowed me to understand that he was spot on a fucking crucial truth for our times, in reading ICMM.

Besides, as I'm rather - sentimentally - on the goo side of the polarity of prickle & goo, I rather see Alex's approach and even tutorials somehow, as a prickle approach. But beware, it looks that way from my own goo point of view. for, let's say, academic scientists, Alex's approach is most likely considered as quite gooish.... smile

But anyway, thing is if I decided to put up this site with Alex, racking my ass off to make it run more or less like we wanted, it's because I felt this corpus of information deserved to be presented in a prettier display than what we had on the yahoo group, and that a lot of people could then - more easily - benefit from it, and so I can understand people ask for more. If I can also benefit from them, finding smart exercices, glorious insights and great advices for myself in them, the path I'm walking is more related to my experience of the flow of the universe - as it flows - and not to a strict application of the tutorials' guidance.

On another hand, I as anyone else, always act towards my very selfish and direct interest (and having more intelligent people to interact with is my very direct interest...), and so that means... in this instance, I'm a bit torn apart dudes... smile

Cause you know... ICMM has been released in 2004... and I'm longing for more...

Okay, voilà ! as we say round here... Unfortunately, I guess this won't be extremely helpful for you to make a choice... smile

I did my best...


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Re: Question about Tutorials

Oh I can't wait to read your second book Alex =)

But, i believe that the tutorials are the "core" of learning of the site, a nice mix of theory and practice, so i think that a portion of the time should be employed to working on them? (update, working on new ones, etc).

I know that probably "not knowing" what are the progress of the members here (we still are very few) make us question "maybe they don't even understand, read, practise the first tutorials and we are thinking to put online new ones?"

And right know i'm looking at the tutorials, we have 5 here, but we must know that 2 of them, are only about the question of FA and how to calculate it.

So it leaves us with 3 tutorials, mostly about N1 and N2.

And i know that most people, this are the first networks that needs training, but if other people needs to train another network first (based of his FA) the tutorials available right now may not be the best choices (anyways they need to read and learn from it of course)

I know that inside the first tutorials we have some exercises/hacks from the others networks (and here is when the "exercises project" can be of help till we have the others tutorials up) but i love to see the research, theory and explanation that the tutorials offer and not only doing stuff and not knowing why or how it works.

From what i remember, in the yahoo group we have N3 tutorials (memory stuff one), and the newest one (don't remember if it's 10-11) about n3 too (imagination?).

So we are like at the half of the path? I mean, the idea is to cover all 6 networks, or there are other focus of the tutorials? I believe you told one day that the idea is to have 20 tutorials up. (and that some people can go even further)

Anyways, whatever we decide, the result can't be bad, both stuff can help the community to grow.

But i feel that maybe having more tutorials up, can be done "into pieces" (probably is faster update the old ones that create new ones) and start to see it and enjoy it in the site faster in comparation to the new book.

But i said this basically because i don't know the current "status" of the book (are we talking of weeks, or months, years etc) Is basically and update of the first one? (i mean same sections etc).

I wish i can have some utiliy in the tutorials stuff but taking account my knoweldge about the subject i doubt it.

A nice reminder that i wll put more time in the exercises project stuff.


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Re: Question about Tutorials

Woh! Dude!  :  )

Sirhinojo wrote: Dont know exactly what you would make of that, but I say there is a lot of wrong use.

I'd say, Holy FA, Batman, where are the N scores?? If they are genuinely zero you are an extremely rare and fascinating anomaly and wow, I want to see your brain right now!  :  )

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Re: Question about Tutorials

Hey dude you got me worried!  What's wrong with me? 

Although I have problems, sentiments, obsessions, I don't lack variety of input.  I am very physical, am an artist, speak several languages, party, meditate blah blah.  I assume that's why there is no N scores.  What I REALLY seem to have is very low use of N6.  Whole brain percentage use for N6 is 6%!

Enough about me...  Anybody want to sell me Second Hand Gsr2 or proteus?

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Re: Question about Tutorials

Hi dude,
There's nothing wrong with being alright; it's just very unusual. I've never met anyone with no N scores before; do you think this warrants a party?  :  )

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Re: Question about Tutorials

On using tech: a lot of students never bother with tech, some find they can get a better awareness of their own body and mind states through methods like meditation and mindfulness. There is no real need to use tech if you don't want to, especially if you have strong rear nets.

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Re: Question about Tutorials

On PG: There are all sorts of Psychological Gaming methods. Stuff like Dungeons & Dragons,  World of Warcraft, and various PG 'techniques' recommended by various groups here and there.

What we do here is simply enter the forum as a character, usually a role model whose skills we need to learn. There are no rules, borders or boundaries; we interact as that character and we are provided with feedback from other characters.

Everything is anonymous as you can join the site again with an alternate username & email address. You can't post as your character outside the PG forum, because unfortunately not everyone is developed enough to perceive the real relationship between play and reality, a fact which has caused us some awful problems in the past! Being aware of gaming as an important skill-development exercise, how it works and why it works, are vital factors to achieve before beginning.

We currently only have one PG forum in the residents' section ('Residents' are people who have worked on the site, had a lot of interaction on the site for a long time or met each other in real life. Most residents are at 'intermediate' NH level, and discussions there can seem ridiculously complicated or even anxiety-raising for newbies.) But I see no reason why we shouldn't have PG 'topics' in the Lab; after all labs are meant for experiments, right?  :  )  As long as the topic is clearly labeled 'PG only', why not?*
If you would like to give it a try I'm sure one of us could start it off!

Because of past problems I would put one caveat on this suggestion -to run PG successfully in the lab, people who want to join in must take responsibility for finding out about how 'behave as though' modeling and imitative play operate to increase our intelligence. This is in chapter 6 of ICMM, so nobody has to get out of their chair to find it out.
*If anybody can think of a good reason why not, now would be a good time to mention it.

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Re: Question about Tutorials

I'll shut up after this one; don't panic  :  )
Re: tutorials:
There are three levels of ability in NH: basic, intermediate, advanced.

Basic covers networks 1 & 2 and the abilities & processes associated with them, intermediate is learning emotional stability, imagination, memory, empathy & control of N3 functions, and advanced level is all about frontal networks.

Ideally each level will have six tutorials, so I'm bearing that in mind during rewrites. In the basics set, students need to learn six 'sets' of knowledge as ability (these are the practical skills the  information should help with):
(1)Material basics: how to initiate the relaxation response [T1]
(2)Tactical (Lifestyle & behavior): how to how to pay attention, how to change concrete behavioral habits (for example start a low GI diet, sleep more) [covered in various tutorials], how to improve motivation [T4]
(3)Environmental Input: Association and input control; how to control physical/material/spatial input [covered in most tutorials, from T1]
(4)Research & development (Methods): how to orient ourselves within the 'big picture' accurately [exercises in T1 & others]
(5)Assessment & Resources: how to use feedback data to improve themselves [exercises in various tutorials]
(6)Output (physical coordination & communication): building your own ontology [T1], understanding the links between the basic issues, how to apply the core conditions in relation to yourself, your space and those you encounter most in real life [hopefully in rewrite of T6]

If sufficient of us already have these skills, then it's most sensible to work on more tutorials so we can move on. If not, it makes more sense to work on long term stuff like books.

...I could always do both, alternating one chapter/tutorial at a time. Slower but at least there's somethng to play with while waiting for the next bit?

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Re: Question about Tutorials

*If anybody can think of a good reason why not, now would be a good time to mention it.

The good stuff is the chance to have more interaction in that forums, but with an increase in chance to break the "fourth wall", maybe we will need some "stickies" in that forum explaining very clear the rules of PG?

For example if we are having a PG thread and someone new come and post "wow great job dude, btw how do you get the idea of this character?"  .... game over!

Of course we don't lose nothing to try? (ok some time maybe =) )

mm maybe having "two levels" of PG forums? (one in resident and the other in "beta test" in lab?)

Anyways personally to me, i feel hard to get benefits of playing PG in "writing mode only" i feel like that is something you must do face to face to work (for me), so i don't think i will participate in there in the short term ..

About tutorials ..

Maybe one way that can help to answer the question about the progress of the members ... is having a dedicate forum about tutorials? probably not worth the time/work because we are still few, but maybe in the future having it to make only question relate to X tutorial.

I know that the LAB is the place right now to that stuff, but to me, can help to newbies to after the reading of the tutorials, can read some other related question of that recently tutorial from others users in that dedicated forum (and ask his own of course)

I will love to have some nootropic/drug forum section too, but probably is too early for that.

And i shut up before Scal kill me =) LOL

News: At this weekend i will have some work done about the network exercise stuff, so i will post it, it will be a LONG post, so get coffee or you prefered stimulant!


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