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"Insert Subject Here" - Fun or Boring?

Hi dudes,

In the last days i have found some examples (personal experiences) where i end asking myself how we can found something (identical subject) and make that stuff boring or fun no matter what is it ..

We know that most people hate doing exercises and we know is good for us but people don't give a fu** anyways .. because for them is just a boring stuff to do ..

And a few days ago i found this site http://www.fitocracy.com/ and i was shocked, how it hook me ..

Is some kind of rpg-game, where you create your profile, and you need to "level up" achieving different kind of feats of strength of fitness ... like "Build up 10 pounds or muscle" or "Run a 5 mile marathon" etc .. all with cool graphics to catch the eye and feel like a game ..

And guess what? now is "fun" to exercises because of feeling it like a game .. and games = fun  ..right? (Association hello?).

And i don't know if is because we associate like that ..

games = fun
work = boring

or real life = shit ..

fantasy world = great where all is possible?

Searching the net i found a concept called "gamification" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamification where similar concept is applied to business and marketing related stuff ..

And later i remember when alex said something in the tutorials like "exploiting the archetypes" (for marketing/advertising purpouses) and i don't know if this concept can be applied to our favour ..

After i met all this stuff i started to think differents way that could be applied to different kind of stuff (especially that ones we hate to do), and i make an example in my mind where i have some kind of software for NH purposes .. like a rpg-game, where i need to gain levels and release achievements like

"Do 100 hours of mindfulness meditation" - Gain Title "Newbie Monk"
"Do 500 hours of mindfuless meditation" - Gain Title "Zen Monk, Master of Attention"

All this with a cool graphic (N3 like that stuff right? LOL) where you can see/feel the upgrade ..

Like this picture taken from a play of strategy card game i'm playing right now (and is fuck*** addict) in each picture the character is getting more stronger with new abilities etc ..


And i don't know as simple like it sounds, it prompt me a emotion, a feeling of "wow that's cool" and get desire to get it ..

Hope this post make sense for anyone ..


Edited By:  Sakiro
Feb-18-12 02:24:57

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Re: "Insert Subject Here" - Fun or Boring?

Hi dude,
Excellent stuff! You are even playing at looking for new ways to play.

It sounds like you are having an enlightening awakening to awareness of the power of play.
Yes this is exactly the barrier we need to break down -that between work and play. There should be no barrier between them.

This is very hard to grasp when we've been taught to think of work as nasty and play as nice.

In a healthy culture you would wander round and play at copying whatever you found impressive. You'd pick up various skills automatically by doing that. You'd get so good at the ones you liked best that others could then watch you and copy you. You'd take pride in doing it well, whatever it was, and you'd be respected for your abilities. The more different abilities you had, the more you'd be afforded social status. Interested students would travel many miles to come watch you personally demonstrate you skills and answer their questions. You'd become a teacher automatically by doing that. Your whole culture would support you and you would want for nothing, being such a valued member of your tribe.
We are designed to become the best of the best at doing things useful to our own progress. When we turn away from our progress as humans to progress in societies, all this is lost.

So, just carry on doing the sort of thing you're doing!  :  )

Good stuff to read: "The Continuum Concept", Jean Liedloff.

“We are born here to play, and nothing else. And as long as we play, fully and completely, ...everything will work as it is supposed to.
"Authentic play is the free exploration of new and appropriate patterns and possibilities. Play is intelligence in action. Play is the essence of real learning as opposed to much of the conditioning we call schooling."
(JC Pearce)


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Re: "Insert Subject Here" - Fun or Boring?

And I'd add: "Yeah!" smile

However... Be aware of one thing here. We're not the only ones being aware of that, and some nasty TE lords are putting up websites designed to 'crowdsourcing' productive real-life outcome through seemingly fun & friendly "gaming" platforms where your avatar follows and improves along some "carrier-kind" scenario. I find this very unsettling cause it can be both really cool & really nasty... I don't have any precise example popping up in my mind right now and not the time to search for some, but I'll get back to this...

so, have fun, but keep your eyes open ;)


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Re: "Insert Subject Here" - Fun or Boring?

sakiro wrote
And i don't know if is because we associate like that ..
games = fun
work = boring

or real life = shit ..
fantasy world = great where all is possible?

going back to this, the second version is the one that's incongruent. Real life includes fantasy and imagination as part of itself; they cannot be too different things. It's like saying "Mammals = great, humans = crap"; it doesn't make sense.

What we really need to see is that play, on our part = work on the brain's part. It is the brain's job to do the work of learning, and it's very very good at it, if it's allowed to proceed as intended.

Notice the difference between the intention of trying to learn an unknown language through instruction and the intent of learning it because you're immersed in it and you have to communicate (ie, the way we learn our first language). How much work did you have to do to learn your first language? None at all; you just had to play with words until you got the correct responses through feedback from others. Your brain did all the work underneath all by itself, as is intended.

Searching the net i found a concept called "gamification" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamification

The danger with gamification is believing that there are non-game contexts. To the unconscious mind, all life is a series of games, interwoven with other games. The benefit of the techniques, however, is doing them helps us to realize this.
I hooe to cover much ground on this during T9 & 10, so I'll go and get on with writing the former right now!  :  )

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Re: "Insert Subject Here" - Fun or Boring?

Alex wrote:

sakiro wrote
And i don't know if is because we associate like that ..
games = fun
work = boring

or real life = shit ..
fantasy world = great where all is possible?

going back to this, the second version is the one that's incongruent. Real life includes fantasy and imagination as part of itself; they cannot be too different things. It's like saying "Mammals = great, humans = crap"; it doesn't make sense.

Yeap, i'm aware of that false association, but i'm aware too that a lot of people see life like that =)

And of course i realise that we have all the tools to enjoy life and be happy, and play the game of life at the fullest .. but is hard when we start with a "playground" or rules (culture/anxiety society) that get us away of that concept of "game" ..

Is sad that we have to clean up our minds every fucking day to all the shit of people and input we get along that time ..

And of course there is the key of input control, and the power of being aware that we always have the control to make a choice (hopefully the right choice, the one who get us closer to be healthy), and sometimes that choices is eliminate/reduce going to some places, metting some people, and it sucks when that people are your loved ones.

I think a lot of people could "reset" his life if he could start "all over" in a clean, healthy, free anxiety place .. is like sometimes is a "lot of work" trying to fix an enviroment that is so messy, that is a lot faster just "start over" ..

More that one time, i dream to go live to another country/far place or something like that, just for getting that feeling of get a fresh start ..!

Alex Wrote:
" I hooe to cover much ground on this during T9 & 10, so I'll go and get on with writing the former right now!  :  )
AR "

Yayyyy! =)

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Re: "Insert Subject Here" - Fun or Boring?

Sakiro Wrote:
is hard when we start with a "playground" or rules (culture/anxiety society) that get us away of that concept of "game"

It's more like we are locked out of the playground and restricted like labrats.

.. Is sad that we have to clean up our minds every fucking day to all the shit of people and input we get along that time

This is what I mean by 'dodging bullets'. The idea is to get into a postion where we don't have to, because they can't affect us. As you say next:

of course there is the key of input control

The key that comes free with our rapidly-developing open source cipher LOL  :  )

I think a lot of people could "reset" his life if he could start "all over" in a clean, healthy, free anxiety place

That's exactly the idea behind Homeworld  :  )

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Re: "Insert Subject Here" - Fun or Boring?

Alex wrote:

Good stuff to read: "The Continuum Concept", Jean Liedloff.

“We are born here to play, and nothing else. And as long as we play, fully and completely, ...everything will work as it is supposed to.
"Authentic play is the free exploration of new and appropriate patterns and possibilities. Play is intelligence in action. Play is the essence of real learning as opposed to much of the conditioning we call schooling."
(JC Pearce)

Hey dude, i just get "The Continuum Concept" for start reading, now i'm looking for "Magical Child," knowing that the subject of the two books are related, do you recommend to read one first than the other?

I think i will enjoy this! =)


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Re: "Insert Subject Here" - Fun or Boring?

Hi dude,
The Continuum Concept is a great book for understanding the difference between a culture and a society (even though Liedloff mixes up the terms herself, the difference can clearly be seen). It's also a great book for understanding the concept of continua in general, and continua as matrices. Because we can extend the concept to see life itself or biology as a continuum, and so on.

Magical Child is a different approach altogether and looks at overall development, however it has a problem. About a half of it is extremely good science, but the other half is plain woo woo. It's a fascinating example of how someone can see what's going on, and then blame it on the wrong ontology (set of beliefe about reality).

This presents a stark contrast and many scientists won't look at the book because of the woo woo (and many woo woo practitioners won't look at the book because of the complicated science.)

Anyone with even the weirdest ontology can have great, true, scientifically sound ideas. Even Hitler had some great ideas -"let's all have healthier children" -nothing wrong with that! But when one applies incongruent, false ontologies such as a belif that 'all jews are evil', the original good ideas can go badly awry.

Also bear in mind, Pearce was badly stressed our at the TE when he wrote this book, as many of us are when we first discover that we and our families have been damaged. He seems to turn to hinduism "on the rebound" as it were.

It was an attempt to capture and expand the science in Magical Child and miss out the woo woo that inspired me to write ICMM. It's difficult to explain that one was inspired by someone who got something wrong to do a better job of it whilst still extolling the virtues of its science, but you'll understand what I mean when you read it. Chapter seven is a masterpiece. Chapter seventeen is complete nonsense.

It's almost like the book was written by two people  :  )  So you'll have to read critically and take on board only what makes sense in the context of what you know already. It's well worth the effort of mental editing (and gives us lots of practice in reading other things critically too).

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Re: "Insert Subject Here" - Fun or Boring?

Re: 'crowdsourcing' productive real-life outcome through seemingly fun & friendly "gaming" platforms:

Even recaptcha codes do that...you know those things where you have to decipher a word to join something, and what you're really doing is unwittingly helping translate the archives of the new york times or something? Or am I misunderstanding what you mean by this?

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Re: "Insert Subject Here" - Fun or Boring?

Talking about the not so beneficial approaches of "gamification" in the real world ..

A little sci-fi possible future here .. ?



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Re: "Insert Subject Here" - Fun or Boring?

Hi dude,
Re: http://vimeo.com/46304267

Interesting...and very well made!
Did anyone ever read Greg Bear's “Eon”? Some of the tech depicted here is echoed in that book, in very different contexts. In the Eon version, we use VR 'pictograms' to enhance communication; for example to signal intent or type of business, mood or specific meaning. (Imagine you can project a little smiley face when you're joking, for example) -the benefits are obvious- nobody misunderstands. This sort of beneficial use depends on 'sharing what's on our screen'. It's just like sharing the contents of our unconscious with those we trust.

In effect, VR additions to senses like those portrayed here act like extensions of the unconscious. I experienced similar situations wearing a computer. One of the most intimate friendly things to do is to enable another to share your screen, and one of the funniest things is to talk to someone while you search your notes on them and the words 'asshole alert!' and a big picture of an ass flash up before your eye.

But having all these associations privately visible to the eyeballs is no different from the 'extra information' we hold in the unconscious in everyday communications anyway (example: two guys smile at each other at work and cheerily say 'good morning!' while each secretly thinks the other's an asshole.) When we trust each other, we 'share our screens'. Whether the screen is projected in the head or out here makes little difference*, as people already play all these games in their unconscious already and there are plenty of people controlling other people right here in real life. All technology does is externalize their weapons.

I definitely dig the 'cucumber app'; that's like a part of Kaizen  :  ) But again, just externalizing biofeedback.
*Currently the internal graphics are better and there's more density of information, plus use improves the system.

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Re: "Insert Subject Here" - Fun or Boring?

Hi dude, i think if we see all this stuff like "tools" to use in especific situations, or to have some fun can be good and i say "YES!" bring it on.

But similar like can happend with "calculators" when you just stop doing it yourself and not training your brain anymore (or the list from a supermarket related to memory), GPS for spatial skills etc, using it in that way to "replace" what we should do it naturally can harm us ..

Look at the video, like the guy didn't know how to approach an interaction with a woman (and probably anyone else) without the guidance of the app!!

btw i'm very interested in transhumanism/singularity/cyberpunk stuff .. so i think that probably all that stuff will come in our lifetime and can't avoid to think that this only will get better and better* ...

Inspired but this two articles that i read a few years ago:

http://www.acceleratingfuture.com/micha … hnologies/
http://www.acceleratingfuture.com/micha … will-want/

And i remember too i found the NH community  when in some section in that site, a glossary with the definition "neurohackers" and i said, wow, let's google this ... and .. =)

What's are your favorites in the list alex, maybe, "superintelligence"..? hehe =)


* For the people outside "the matrix" of course .. LOL =)

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Re: "Insert Subject Here" - Fun or Boring?

Hi dude,
It's always kind of fifty-fifty in my estimation whether we'll end up with an idiocracy so all-pervading that there is literally no planet left to live a real life on, and no culture to live a real life in, OR enough sane people will carve a space for themselves and intelligence will survive the incredible nonsense currently thwarting it.

Yes, tech brings us great opportunities, but if we don't take up the opportunities it's not going to help us. As you say, if folks only use it through dependence they may as well consider themselves disabled by tech rather than enabled.

I think it's inevitable that a 'crunch' occurs when world population hits overflow (yes, I know it already has, but we are not yet experiencing many of the knock-on effects that will follow, plus there is always the possibility that something will turn it round and reduce the population by lots). The highest probability with an aver-increasing population is that disease, not conflict, will change everything.

I'm still optimistic, because intelligence has found a way to keep itself alive for such a long time I have no fears for it. It has tried out several 'homo' species so far so I'm sure it will eventually come up with a version that's immune to bullshit  :  )  Looking at recent archeological discovery, I wonder if this is how some of the dinos went down -an ever-increasing percentage of them got slowly sicker and sicker until there were not enough healthy ones to group together and produce healthy young?
Being dumb, they wouldn't notice. -Will we?

One thing's for sure -it's a very interesting time to be alive; possibly one of THE most interesting times since our origins.

The balance would tip for me if I saw more groups of intelligent people rather than individuals (like for example Morpheus's crew)  :  )

It's happening in some very small ways, so we must wait and see. But gathering together is always the first stage of creating something new, and a lot of cyberpunk/transhumanist etc  dudes are loners, and notice the 'top ten things' in transhumanism doesn't include “a sane community”  :  ) 

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Re: "Insert Subject Here" - Fun or Boring?

ALEX wrote:

In a healthy culture you would wander round and play at copying whatever you found impressive. You'd pick up various skills automatically by doing that. You'd get so good at the ones you liked best that others could then watch you and copy you. You'd take pride in doing it well, whatever it was, and you'd be respected for your abilities. The more different abilities you had, the more you'd be afforded social status. Interested students would travel many miles to come watch you personally demonstrate you skills and answer their questions. You'd become a teacher automatically by doing that. Your whole culture would support you and you would want for nothing, being such a valued member of your tribe.
This is totally inspiring; great way to be! This is presicely the model I intend to use in the formation of a natural learning academy.  This also reminds me of the way they do things in Japan. Master potters are revered the way pro athletes are here in the west.

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Re: "Insert Subject Here" - Fun or Boring?

In the same spirit I've just been watching Ray Mears learning how to build a canoe  :  )

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