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Re: Tutorial 9

sirhinojo Wrote:
I have no "O" in N4.
Wow you're lucky dude, mine was full of all sorts of nonsense. When I first looked into it I thought, if this were a computer, I'd wipe this module and start again  :  )  It has got a lot better, so that's promising.

[s] My big problem is impatience.

Make that 'our' big problem, as I have it too  :  )  Mine's a specific based on 'not wasting time'. If (my) N4 isn't working on something it gets bored very fast, and it wasted lots of time in the past worrying about wasting time. It got so silly it would be working on one thing while worrying about not getting something else done. I finally got the hang of keeping N4 focused on what its doing in the here and now by having a selection of projects for it to play with and a habit of reminding it that it's doing fine.
Core conditions helped because it likes to feel 'embedded' in some kind of moral self-discipline, hence (probably) my attraction to buddhism, meditation and bushido before discovering Rogers.

I've found alcohol makes it more impatient, so I always give it something to do at parties  :  )

If anyone has hacked similar issues, do share!

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Re: Tutorial 9

Sakiro Wrote:
And yes, now that are my concious of that process running in background, is a little anoyying because it feels like two sides fighting each other looking to control my will, and is a surprise how many stuff we (I) do in that automatic mode on. Now i see working in N3, a very challange/time consuming task, not only in the sense of exercises "per se" (eg: training your imagination) but because cleaning out all the crap associations/beliefs/incongruence that you must aligned first to have in run smoothly (garbage in garbage out).

This seems to be the big issue for all of us at this stage -realizing clearly how much in control we're not, without paying too much attention to it or getting worried about it. What we experience in that feeling of 'conflict' is what Rogers meant by incongruity, and it's important not to get caught up in paying attention to the problem, because that gets in the way of implementing the solution, which is constructing a strong, flexible, congruent, coordinated intelligence.

We don't need to 'clear out' any crap; it will fade away all by itself if we trust intelligence and give it what it needs -a critical mass of practice using a congruent system. That's exactly what we're working on in intermediate stage. It's exactly the same method we used when we were learning to walk, we don't concentrate on what we tripped over, we concentrate on just keeping on practicing walking. We trust intelligence, notice our mistakes but don't fixate on them, and after a certain critical mass of practice we end up with strong, flexible, congruent, coordinated locomotion.

I like the analogy of the spaceship & crew here because exploring the unconscious really can feel like we've peeked into a 'department' and found the crew all out of order making conflicting suggestions to other departments. As the captain, it's our place to say 'right, everybody shut up, let's start with what we know is real, and work steadily and patiently to build associations outwards from there'.

This is not saying 'forget everything you ever learned', it's saying 'just learn this and don't worry about the rest.' It's the Captain (you) saying "Trust me. I am intelligence. You don't have to do my job; just do yours, and trust me". It can take some time for the crew to learn this trust. But in the meantime, we can also get them to meditate and calm them down  :  )

All the time we're doing this sort of thing, we're increasing connections between the front and rear of the brain and getting modules used to the idea that N6 is designed to coordinate them and make executive decisions, and it can be trusted to do so.

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Re: Tutorial 9

yes, dude!  true true about the alcohol increasing the impatience!  will take your tip and give n4 projects at parties!

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Re: Tutorial 9

Alex, probably i'm asking a question without a clear answer, but, do you have an estimate time of how much time (probably we are talking in years) someone could achieve that "perfect score" with all F scores (no wronguse no nonuse) of course i'm not talking about "maximum individual intelligence" because like the tutorials explain, once you achieve that scores, you just go to "augmenting mode", increase the density of each network even more and repeat it again to whatever your own limits are. (and look that they keep in the green zone and in balance between each other).

In the tutorials says that for most students it take around a full year to end the first "spiral" of exercises (probably the future ones are shorter).

At least i hope get that "perfect" score long before my 40 if i exercise every day. (i'm 29 right now)

I'm very curious how a brain will perform with that sort of balance =) and how smoothly and great life could become, that's one of the things that keep me motivated to keep doing it, because i feel like when i get there i can say "well that's what biology expect me to have, now let's play with it!"

.. of course the journey going to that point is fun too!

Well, there's only a way to know =)

See ya.

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Re: Tutorial 9

Sakiro Wrote:
do you have an estimate time of how much time (probably we are talking in years) someone could achieve that "perfect score" with all F scores (no wronguse no nonuse)

With optimal conditions from conception it takes almost 20 years to fully develop our brains physically, and another 4 years to fine-tune and individualize. From there neuroscientists currently don't know how much intelligence can be augmented.

How much our development is slowed down depends on the 'key factors' discussed in ICMM. I played with the idea of working out a formula for how much each factor slows us down by, but the game space is way too big and full of interacting variables plus each individual is different and in a different context. Two things were clear: (1) the most important k-factor is bonding and (2) some people, if they started out too damaged, and/or began fixing it too late, would run out of life before they fully matured.

This was a relevant concern for me too at age 29; not knowing how long it would take to crack the problems, but I finally got the rear end in balance @ age 34 and progress got sooooo much easier from there. N3 is like half our CPU, so that's understandable.

The mind in a healthy brain is of course as you say never 'finished' because it lives in a dynamic equilibrium. I've begun to understand the buddhist idea that 'the point of the journey is not to arrive', or more like when we arrive we feel as though we were there all along, and had just forgotten  :  ) 

Ironically if I'd had a site like this to use, It would have been a lot faster (and books like Continuum Concept and MC helped me a lot). In navigating the mind's interactive voyage through a universe of opportunity and danger, models of reality are like marker buoys with the clarity of perception lighting the path 'home'. We now see a deeper meaning of, "all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by. "  :  )

PS Time travel hack:
Being forty is fine, you don't become all normal and boring or anything  :  ) If you want to set your future self up for a good laugh, write a letter to yourself right now and include a list of 'what I want to have achieved when I'm forty', put it in an envelope addressed to yourself and hide it somewhere with stuff you don't throw away. On the due date you will laugh your ass off at some of the things 'back then' that you believed were really important. I wrote mine when I was 14, it begins "Hi Mr. Clever Future", and includes on the list, "not being anything like my parents" and "having the same size ass"  LOL  :  )

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Re: Tutorial 9

Sakiro Wrote:
Yeap i know, i mean, the idea here is just interact with it without being obssesed/dependant of it

It's very difficult to discuss TE props such as money because TE people get very defensive of things they're dependent on (and in some cases, addicted to.) Money is often a 'replacement parent' for unbonded people, so naturally they get a bit upset with those who can achieve things without it.
They're also used to being able to control people by using it (eg, you do 'x' and I'll give you money), and must feel really powerless when someone can't be bought.

Like anything else, money has no intrinsic value unless its being used to benefit us and improve thngs. And like anything else, it can harm us if we use it in the wrong way.

Today, here is proof that there IS such a thing as a free lunch:
...and it's a beautiful demonstration of stress/relaxation too  :  )

[s] I like the idea of one tool "using" one network to approach N3, for example T9 says that CBT works good for people with strong N5, and makes sense looking at the way that CBT works, so is like you are using N5 to access to N3 or something like that?

That's exactly whats taking place.

[s] And the are some technique to acesss directly to N3?
maybe the approach to using imagination and create imaginate scenarios is the way to "talk" to N3?

The format for N3-direct is moving pictures or images. There are six ways in (no surprise there really), each going in through a different network. Each has its own format; N1's format is sensorimotor; when we do the smile hack, that's hacking in to N3 via N1. Other formats are: N2 body language & motion; N4 metaphoric language & stories; N5 formal language & facts and N6, what some may call 'spiritual' experiences unifying various techniques.

[s] Another stuff i was wondering the last days, is how you can apply "tricks" in your association to do less work in the process of cleaning up your incongruence/bad beliefs

The only thing that will clear out incongruent associations is practicing congruent associations. The dude in the example you give should have a party, inviting trusted friends (and you don't need loads; I mean, I could have a party in a room on my own)  :  )  The next step is to go to a party at a trusted friend's place, then to go to a party with a trusted friend. All those cool parties will overwrite and unpleasant ones, memories of parties will be on the whole good but the rule "don't go to parties where idiots might be" will hold, and that's sensible.

You're right in that ALL such conflict is fear of the unknown or prejudice about the unknown (eg, judging a situation before experiencing it). The usual mistake is assuming ALL examples of a thing to be bad if ONE example was experienced as bad.
There is usually no problem if the person concerned is not coerced and is free to leave any situation s/he feel bad in. Wrong weighting happens when they assume they will be trapped in a situation and have no power to withdraw, and it's usually come from being coerced in childhood and having one's like/dislike choices overruled. Parents who force kids to eat stuff they don't like, make them go places they don't want to, or tell them stuff is bad when biology says otherwise, end up producing paranoid adults who can't make their own decisions, and the TE then becomes 'daddy and mommy'.

We're gonna get onto this in tutorial 10, but by then I bet you'll be anticipating tutorial 11  :  )
...You've 'got it' dude.  ...Are you Neo, or something?  LOL  :  )

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