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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

There is indeed quite a bit of research going on about deep brain stimulation. But I believe it is done with magnetism (though magnetism does induce electrical current).

Check it out:
http://search.eurekalert.org/e3/query.h … =0&y=0

However, it's mostly to address problems like depression, parkinson, maybe alzheimer. Though.. I think I remember seeing an article about it showing improvements in cognition yes but... certainly not doubling anything.. anything which would have such an impact in the brain will be short lived as biology upregulates or downregulates its processes to that new baseline. Which probably means one would crash down real bad once the stimulus is removed.

About the acid, ants have lots of formic acid =) It's where its name come from after all, Latin. For example, in Portuguese, Ant translates as Formiga. =)

I was joking with that since your statement about avatars last week inspired me to change mine. ^_^ thanks. The choice to which one was based on all the Alice in Wonderland motif.


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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Hi dude,
About 90% of everything we 'read somewhere' about the brain is not true.
See Tutorial 1, and also these articles:
http://www.neurohackers.com/index.php/e … the-basics
http://www.neurohackers.com/index.php/e … nformation

It is wise not to believe anything without proof. Even if the subject is genuine, most of the info about it is likely to be wrong, outdated or inaccurate.

If the brain stimulation you heard of was done from the outside, it's probably referring to CES (Cranial Electrostimulation or Cerebral Electrical Stimulation). If so, you can find out about it here:
http://www.neurohackers.com/index.php/e … gy?start=2

If the brain stimulation referred to is done from the inside, it's probably DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation), which you can find out about in the same location.

We don't dispense drugs or chemicals, so you will have to get/make your own acids & alkalis  :  )


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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Its not the same as what you are talking about. I don't have an article but I'm 100 percent sure its true, it might be classified information that somehow leaked out from the military by hackers, I don't know.

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Is there a way to make acid easily or extract from somewhere wich doesn't require equipment?Share the knowledge lol.

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Hi dudes,
Re: I don't have an article but I'm 100 percent sure its true

Sorry dude we need facts not opinions. Without proof all we have is blind speculation. As I said, there is a place for this* but not in a science forum.

Re: doing chemistry without equipment
You have a saucepan and a source of heat? You get a bunch of magic mushrooms and put them in water, boil them up, leave to steep (brew), and strain off the TOP part of the liquid. You now have a very nice psilocybin-based tissane which can be dripped into blotters or drunk with honey.
Do not be tempted to drink the sludge at the bottom of the pot, because it has strychnine in it.
*and it's college  :  )

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Proof? Easy go to a morgue, find a person who died of AIDS and check for a cause of death. There are tons of doctors documenting real reasons why these people died, read a book called Inventing the AIDS virus by Dr. Peter H. Duesberg. I think its more than enough proof.

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Gut! So why waste your time on it? =)

Shouldn't you focus on neurohacking so your mind is harder to control by either lies or other means?

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Highly recommended:

A real joy to listen to; funny and concise. Neil DeGrasse Tyson sums up WHY we need proof before believing (plus a whole host of examples from various fields).
Quote from 12:12: "A conspiracy theorist is a person who tacitly admits that they have insufficient data to prove their point. The conspiracy is the battle cry of the person  with insufficient data. So just tell them this. Until they produce sufficient data, they gotta claim this. And so just say come back when you have the data, then we'll have this conversation.
They're gonna claim conspiracy, just tell them they're missing data. Just tell them that, and then walk away. That conversation should be 5 minutes long."

What a guy  :  )
In this particular case however, not even this applies, because: "You're on the wrong forum dude". No interest in the TE here; their whole society/game is a bag of lies; why just pick out individual lies? We want the truth? -Turn away from the toilet.

I was gonna put up a notice today: "incoherent or off-topic posts will be removed". Whether I do that or not, if you don't have any interest in NH, there is no good reason to post here. Would we join a Tennis forum to discuss arc welding? No, cos we're just gonna confuse a lot of tennis players, who will stop listening real fast.

Most importantly, think of this: While your time is wasted talking to those who are not interested, thousands of people who ARE interested are missing out on what you gotta say. Everybody's different, and we all gotta find the right forum/s for our own interests and share our ideas there. Otherwise important connections in our own life journey can be missed.

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Ive read that if you feed certain parts of the brain a continuous flow of 9 volt, it will make you learn twice as fast,get super quick reactions................

You are probably remembering tDCS.  It hit "mainstream" a while back, and it was in the media everywhere.
Here is a BBC article on military use, http://www.bbc.com/future/story/2014060 … ure-of-war

much hype and little fact of course.

here is what Neurohackers.com has on it.
http://www.neurohackers.com/index.php/e … schematics 

here is a non commercial website found when searching CES/tDCS, that has a lot of detailed info and some great DIY hardware.

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Alex wrote:

A real joy to listen to; funny and concise. Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Dr Neil DeGrasse Tyson ?!?!?! I love this guy! Have you seen he speaking about the meteor which may -- or may not (stay tuned for 2029) -- hit earth in 2036?!  (heeey, past the singularity! piece of cosmic cake!cool)

"Apophis.. The Egyptian God of Death and Darkness" -- In classic 'conspiratorial' revelation voice..

So funny.. lol and quite related to the topic at hand..

It was on the "trajectory" (if you pardon the pun) to 2012, which made it all the more funny.

Check it out:


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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Another video with the man. A little more my style, as he had to squeeze the same points in much fewer minutes:


  Even more my style is from the 5000th second, when he begins a parallel between humans and chimps.. something, you may have noticed (lol), I do all the time.


  Now that is the kind of "god" I'd 'worry' about, we talked about it long ago by email and in a recent tutorial you listed under "the blame game", non explicitly as a N6 problem: "god screwed up my life" (lol) but...

.. If even Dr deGrasse can be "deeply concerned (deeply)" about it, then I guess I'm at least allowed to, healthily, consider the possibility ^_^

  Except... They would not have fridges to fix their works on (like he jokes with) they'd be world builders (I know I would ;-D). Thus, who's to say this is not already the case? If a little smarter already get you to that point (I argue) and a little dumber you don't create very much (chimps), the only way to have the cultural tapestry humans are able to generate is to have a balance.. again a goldilocks zone, if you like.. of "not too dumb" / "not too smart" creatures.

  Now, if you work out the logical conclusions to that argument, then you'll see why "concern", at the very least, is not at all an all too unreasonable a response. ^_^ (I can go on about that too, but I believe it would make people too anxious evil)

  I must admit tho, I do have conversations with birds.. and I would not only expect one but be very offended if I did not get an answer! That'd just be rude. ò.ó
  Now, granted, we may not be talking Schrodinger equation here, but still...
They are birds after all ^_^ however they've got there..
.. and thus "call" for a more limited kind of.. interaction.

Have a nice day,

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Hi dude,
Tyson is a great talker, and delightfully funny. He reminds me of a sorta 'polite' George Carlin  :  )

We frame 'smart' (ie, intelligent) in tutorials as "better-able-to-adapt" (or 'better balanced'); and 'not so smart' as "less-able-to-adapt" (or out of balance), as this gives a better perspective on green-zone states. The continuum on which the green zone exists isn't about a 'level' of smartness being 'just right' like a point on a number line, it's more like a circle where we get closer to the center depending on how well we can interact. The higher our ability to interact, the closer to the center of the green zone we are. That's 'smart' as far as biology's concerned. The center is optimal development, so we can't really be 'too well-balanced'... the only way away from the green zone is to be less smart.

Maybe it's because we can be less smart in two main different ways that gives the impression of a number-line? Non-input ('not enough') and wrong input (too much) are BOTH less smart, and if we did use a number line for the model, both modes would push us into negative numbers. Our progress along positive numbers (towards optimal development) would as far as we know be infinite.*  That sounds cool  :  )
*...Any temptation to make jokes about imaginary numbers in this context can be prevented by turning our heads 90 degrees clockwise and thinking again  :  )

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

>Tyson is a great talker, and delightfully funny

And can also rap! =)

and not only that but versus his "idol", Sir Isaac Newton... you know, I was also a fan of Newton, but once I saw this being portrayed as a stereotypical excuse for so called humor on TE's propaganda I decided to change it to Gauss. lol
Though I remain a fan by proxy through Neil...

Here is that point again.. (5 min is enough)

and look! he refers to movies quite often! Another stylistic similarity.. Im loving the guy ever more! (hmm, does that construction works in english, like a gradual increase or does it "always" mean "forever"? lol)

>be infinite

So you propose a ratio of adaptative output per computational unit -- whether transistors or the right assembly of 2^7 neurons or so -- thus, as long as they are adapting, the most challenged creatures of the planet would also be the most advanced.... ?

http://omicsonline.org/microbial-divers … p?aid=9953

I've developed a philosophy similar to this long ago, in order to explain the belief (from some parts of the world) of highly evolved 'masters' reincarnating in dogs, cats and what not... Good thing I'm not into forming cults and conning people, there is a lot more pernicious rationalizations possible to many of the most "adaptable" memes that would make those viruses even more dangerous... imagine avoiding the 16th century reformation by giving scientifically sounding explanations to apparently innocuous doubts like priest authority on 'confession' (I heard a history professor mentioning this as an example of the crisis that lead to it)... Think "ebola-flu"... Scary thought...

Anyway, I'm just glad to have got only to a small fraction of that ^_^

Still not enough to figure this out though:

> imaginary numbers in this context can be prevented by turning our heads 90 degrees clockwise

...you allude to the complex plane or somehow... smileys? (=

Have a nice month,

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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

I would love to came experience your community maybe for a month if that's possible, I love your website, and tutorials, I'm into neurohacking, neuroscience, brain chemicals, self improvement.
I would love to check what you guys are doing, I'm interested in studding states of mind like using EGG machines to track brain waves of people in meditation to see whats actually going on.
I also love nutrition and improving my health with suplements and natural nutrition.
I think we could a have a lot to share.
let me know.

All the best,


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Re: Newcomers Questions - Neurohacking Related

Hi dude,
You should be able to see the Homeworld forums, which is the best place to discuss this sorta thing.

As a first move, you will need to decide which country you wish to visit a Homeworld embassy in.  :  )


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