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Re: Confession

Fractal wrote:

Have you considered taking any of the other racetams Afrim? The other racetams are a lot more expensive, but active at lower doses, and have slightly different effects.
Not yet. Maybe I try (one of) them after I finish piracetam.
The first 3-kg jar of piracetam is almost empty (2-3 days and it'll be gone). On average I intook 35-40 g/day of piracetam during these first 2-3 months. The range of intake varied from 0g/day to 100g/day; I was not consistent.

I think of intaking 10 g/day for about 1 month, and then change to 5g/day until I finish it off the remaining 3kg.

[who knows!?] Maybe FDA bans other racetams and other big sales [cheap racetams] follow before the ban.
Messed up system. Perhaps the other 3-kg of Piracetam will make me more smarter and I become the Minister of Good Food. smile


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Re: Confession

Afrim till now, can you assume you had some positive cognitive change from piracetam?

I think that your dosages are still pretty high (taking in comparation of what other people normally takes), remember that some people has the same (or better) effect with "microdoses" .. of less than 1 gram! (me for example)... because i didn't take the powder piracetam, i only could buy the 800 mg pills.

You should give a try someday!


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Re: Confession

Yes, seems like it makes me think faster and has some positive effects on dreaming. It also makes me forget about eating and I tend to lose weight when intaking it in large quantities (30g/day or higher).

I'll try to stick to my plan for now, but I may go to 1g/day or less someday and see if I notice any (better) effects.


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Re: Confession

Afrim Wrote: "Nov. 17" ['should have been']--> "Nov. 19". (That's what happens when one does not celebrate the getting of a Doctor of Philosophy in Physics

...Have you noticed your awareness of what day it is (and your handwriting) get worse the more qualifications you get? LOL  :  )

It was mostly the acquisition of a piece of sheet (view it as a "card") that may give me easier access to better tools, services/surroundings).

I haven't found this to be true in UK; the best source of access is still mates. It may be a better ticket to access where you are.

Concretely, about a year ago I proposed to the university where i am getting this piece of sheet that I teach a new subject there: "Physics of the Human Body". I learned that I couldn't teach that subject there if I didn't have a Ph.D. degree.

That's pretty normal in the TE. One cannot teach publicly in UK even with a PhD unless one has GCSE maths as well, which I steadfastly refuse to take  :  )  But there's nothing to stop you sharing your knowledge online! (and you may find keener students)

I think I still would have continued to pursue my quest toward neuro/body-hacking 'myself' to a better state (healthier, happier and with the prospect of staying around for a long time). : ) AA

It's the only way to travel  :  )

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Re: Confession

Alex wrote:

...Have you noticed your awareness of what day it is (and your handwriting) get worse the more qualifications you get? LOL  :  )[/color]
Yes I have noticed that my handwriting is not as good as it used to be; but it is still good I think. Handwriting is practiced less and less each year. Typing is more common nowadays. I haven't noticed much change on the awareness of what day it is since it's kind of easy to quickly check on the computer.

Alex wrote:

But there's nothing to stop you sharing your knowledge online! (and you may find keener students) AR[/color]
Maybe, someday. My mind is kind of distracted lately; it seems like it needs some 'rest' (the living mind does not rest I guess; but the body does need to rest, especially right now. My eylids are closing.


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Re: Confession

Sakiro wrote:

Alex, the 'positive effects', that some people gets taking piracetam (example, some people feels they have more verbal fluidity, and thought'flows' easier) are only experienced when someone is taking it (the drug), or are evidence of some kind of "internal change" (in the brain)? ... I mean some positive change that last when someone LEAVES the drug.

Sometimes i can't avoid to imagine the anology of anabolics with grow muscle, when the effects only last when someone is taking it ..BUT ..in that period someone has more strenght, better protein synthesis etc etc, and can grow muscle faster and train harder when is taking it .. and when they stop taking it, they 'keep' a big part of the 'gains made' ..

Can taking nootropics be employed to achieve something like this? .. Or the actual nootropic are not enough advanced for such 'comparation'?

Because if not .. i see it more like a cup of coffe, when you only take it when you need a boost, wake up, or something like that ..

At the moment i'm writing this, i remember a post of you when you said that drugs must be used only to achived some particular state of mind or to 'enhance' it ..
Looking at the actual FDA letter (Posted on the FDA website) the letter only addresses the marketing and labeling aspect of one particular piracetam supplier--who made subjective claims (claims not verified by an FDA inquiry) seem objective, and who listed Piracetam as a Dietary Supplement, when it is not, in-fact, a dietary supplement within the FDA definition. Further, the misconception regarding the mention of "New Drug" in describing FDA grievance, has nothing to do with Puiracetam (that word being the approved generic for Nootropil) it has only to do with this specific vendor giving a non-generic label to Piracetam, and thereby implying it was a new drug. For instance, marketing Piracetam is not considered an attempt to market a new drug, but marketing "Super Piracetam 2.0" would be considered a violation of new drug marketing, even if after verification indicates no new or novel substance is contained within "Super Piracetam 2.0" The reason for this harsh conclusion is that if non-regulated materials could be called anything anyone wanted, it would be quite a headache for the FDA to track and/or regulate should the drug be found harmful after review--or in need of regulation after some study. They therefore consider a new name to be a new drug.

So the piracetam scare is nothing--it is a misconception on the part of the company who received the letter--or it is purposefully misconstrued in order to raise sales. Either way, Piracetam is still purchasable, and the rumors should end.

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Re: Confession

Hi dude,
Afrim Wrote:
Yeah I noticed that my handwriting is not as good as i had it at some point.
Yeh me too (I mean I've noticed that about mine; not yours)  :  )

[a]my main purpose of wanting to 'teach' "physics of the human body" is understanding/mapping/learningabout my own body (it's capabilities, enhancement possibilities, etc.) [learning rather than teaching]

Hey dude I think you might love this book: “Anatomy Trains” (Myofascial meridians of force)
Don't be misled by the title -it's not woo woo. It's an actual application of physics to anatomy.

[a]I have to work out a reward system for my cells. I feel that I have starved them for decades. Literally, I am starving them nowadays; and I broke the 'plan' again (I am taking about 30-40g/day of piracetam). I think I wood feel even more rejuvenated if i were to weigh ~55kg. AA

I don't understand what you refer to here in 'starving' or 'reward system' ... I mean your cells already have all that built in...?

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Re: Confession

[sakiro wrote]
the piracetam scare is nothing--it is a misconception on the part of the company who received the letter--or it is purposefully misconstrued in order to raise sales. Either way, Piracetam is still purchasable, and the rumors should end.

Well spotted sir  :  )
It never occurred to me to look into this  :  )  because I always tend to automatically assume such explanations are probably bollox and what's really happened is that some dumbass has badly overstocked on a product, the sell by dates are fast approaching, and they're too embarrassed to tell their customers that's why they're trying to sell it off cheap.

The main reason for the reference (for me) was the wholesale price of a useful substance for those who can't make it at home for nothing, from a reliable dealer who is known for genuine products. I don't tend to follow up any of the political/legal/commercial melodrama behind offers like this because even if it is true it makes little difference to smart folks anyway, but I included the paragraph as it was sent due to lack of time to write any other introduction (it seemed a bit spammy  to say “Oy dudes, cheap piracetam here” without an explanation).

So due to complete and deliberate inattention, I missed the rumors and wasn't aware of any scare. Assuming that everyone else is telepathic or will automatically assume the same things I assume is of course a bad habit and I shall try to address it in future!

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Re: Confession

Alex wrote:

[Afrim wrote]I have to work out a reward system for my cells. I feel that I have starved them for decades. Literally, I am starving them nowadays; and I broke the 'plan' again (I am taking about 30-40g/day of piracetam). I think I wood feel even more rejuvenated if i were to weigh ~55kg. AA

I don't understand what you refer to here in 'starving' or 'reward system' ... I mean your cells already have all that built in...?
I don't know how to exactly explain what I wrote in that message. Later I deleted/editted that message thinking that I probably was too drunk and/or mad/frustrated with some other stupid stuff. By 'starving' I meant 'depriving my body/cells from, probably, stupid/dumbing entertainment'.  It's as if my body asks [have asked] me repeatedly: "When am i going to fuck some pussy?" and I keep promising to my body "after we do this and that 'important/essential' thing." And stupidly I feel that I am in debt to this animal (my body).  That's probably what I meant; and I had some really 'wierd/bad' thoughts at that time (saying to myself: 'Body, I will turn the time back some day and we will fuck every pussy that ever existed!!').

Anyways, I think I probably need some deep relaxation or thinking. It seems to me that I am getting closer to the point of discounting civilization/humanity altogether (I am very pissed off at 'humanity' right now and i can't put it into words; I don't know why [it could be that stupid sexual drive and the apparent sex prohibition that society has built around me (at least)].

This is one of those messages that may need editting/deleting later on. I can tell that I am angry right now. So why don't i just go to sleep and not post anything until i feel 'better'!? Maybe it's the stupid thought that since I wrote something, i don't want to waste it (the anger coming from the waste-of-time thought). It's like an avalanche; it gets worse and worse the more i write/edit/delete.

I'll stop.

Thanks Alex for the 'Anatomy Trains' recommendation; I quickly glimpsed at it and, ... i don't know ..., it may be interesting.

I may not be as active in this forum until i bring my thinking into a 'better' shape again.


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Re: Confession

Sakiro wrote:
Alex, the 'positive effects', that some people gets taking piracetam (example, some people feels they have more verbal fluidity, and thought'flows' easier) are only experienced when someone is taking it (the drug), or are evidence of some kind of "internal change" (in the brain)?

Most improvement in function is due to internal change in the brain, and all drugs the brain is exposed to cause internal change. Repeated use of new pathways is what makes changes permanent. Obviously, not all internal change improves functions  :  )

... I mean some positive change that last when someone LEAVES the drug. Sometimes i can't avoid to imagine the anology of anabolics with grow muscle, when the effects only last when someone is taking it ..BUT ..in that period someone has more strenght, better protein synthesis etc etc, and can grow muscle faster and train harder when is taking it .. and when they stop taking it, they 'keep' a big part of the 'gains made' .. Can taking nootropics be employed to achieve something like this? .. Or the actual nootropic are not enough advanced for such 'comparation'?

No you are right on with this one, but the mechanism is often unknown even to those involved. The secret of keeping the gains is use. Without continued use, signals to the genome will stop and all new gains will atrophy, whether they be material gains like extra muscle or synapses, or physical/mental skill gains. Use it in the right way, or lose it  :  )

Nutrition is an important factor too. Folks who eat low GI and continue working out after stopping steroids keep their muscle and improve the tone. Folks who eat high GI, stop working out and give up steroids turn into lard asses and head down the diabetes road, often with chronic arthritis.

Because if not .. i see it more like a cup of coffe, when you only take it when you need a boost, wake up, or something like that ..

Maybe YOU only take it when you need a boost, but Coffee is a very powerful drug...
It is a CNS stimulant, it acts directly upon the  heart, increases the frequency of the pulse, and sustains the strength under prolonged and severe muscular exertion. It is an antisoporific, and is used in narcotic poisoning and spasmodic asthma. Fresh roasted coffee, freshly ground, is also a valuable disinfectant. It can enhance the body's resistance to urinary tract infections. It is used in many supplements, such as preparations to lose weight, and is part of many drugs, such as painkillers, antibacterials, and antihistamines.
Caffeine has vasoconstrictive properties that reduce the inflammation of pericranial vessels, and some studies show evidence that it can protect against Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease, heart disease, diabetes 2, cirrhosis, and gout.

Caffeine blocks the inhibitory effects of adenosine on dopamine receptors and can reduce feelings of depression.

It contains about 30 compounds with antioxidant properties and beta-sisosterol which has febrifuge (fever reducing) properties. Coffee has many components with diuretic properties and can be used for treatment of fluid retention. It is used as a common remedy to combat obesity.

The amount of caffeine contained in 3 lbs of coffee, if extracted and administered pure, is sufficient to kill a human.

At the moment i'm writing this, i remember a post of you when you said that drugs must be used only to achived some particular state of mind or to 'enhance' it ..

I have never said this, and would never claim that anything “must” only be used for specific purposes, because everyone is different and nothing is a must for everyone. Drugs can be used for all sorts of reasons and methods (as you can see from exploring the properties of coffee above), and most drugs are still mostly used for saving lives and treating a lot of nasty diseases, rather than for engineering mental agility  :  )

I have said that drugs are used most advantageously for showing you an example of mental states that you can then learn to achieve without the drugs, because autonomy is always to our advantage and dependence is always against it.

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Re: Confession

Sometimes typing things in words helps us to see what's going on more clearly; it's almost like we're explaining stuff to ourselves  :  )
And this is the perfect place to do it, so feel free to use the tools for what they are for.

There is nothing stupid about a sexual drive. Without it none of us would exist, and the planet would be bereft of animal life.
There are a lot of stupid social attitudes to sex and sexuality, and if we choose to spend time there we have to tolerate or ignore them. I've found several solutions to hormonal frustration; one of the easiest ways with least side effects is to call a reputable escort agency and tell them it's a medical emergency  :  )

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Re: Confession

Alex wrote:

Sakiro wrote:
Alex, the 'positive effects', that some people gets taking piracetam (example, some people feels they have more verbal fluidity, and thought'flows' easier) are only experienced when someone is taking it (the drug), or are evidence of some kind of "internal change" (in the brain)?

Most improvement in function is due to internal change in the brain, and all drugs the brain is exposed to cause internal change. Repeated use of new pathways is what makes changes permanent. Obviously, not all internal change improves functions  :  )

... I mean some positive change that last when someone LEAVES the drug. Sometimes i can't avoid to imagine the anology of anabolics with grow muscle, when the effects only last when someone is taking it ..BUT ..in that period someone has more strenght, better protein synthesis etc etc, and can grow muscle faster and train harder when is taking it .. and when they stop taking it, they 'keep' a big part of the 'gains made' .. Can taking nootropics be employed to achieve something like this? .. Or the actual nootropic are not enough advanced for such 'comparation'?

No you are right on with this one, but the mechanism is often unknown even to those involved. The secret of keeping the gains is use. Without continued use, signals to the genome will stop and all new gains will atrophy, whether they be material gains like extra muscle or synapses, or physical/mental skill gains. Use it in the right way, or lose it  :  )

Nutrition is an important factor too. Folks who eat low GI and continue working out after stopping steroids keep their muscle and improve the tone. Folks who eat high GI, stop working out and give up steroids turn into lard asses and head down the diabetes road, often with chronic arthritis.

Because if not .. i see it more like a cup of coffe, when you only take it when you need a boost, wake up, or something like that ..

Maybe YOU only take it when you need a boost, but Coffee is a very powerful drug...
It is a CNS stimulant, it acts directly upon the  heart, increases the frequency of the pulse, and sustains the strength under prolonged and severe muscular exertion. It is an antisoporific, and is used in narcotic poisoning and spasmodic asthma. Fresh roasted coffee, freshly ground, is also a valuable disinfectant. It can enhance the body's resistance to urinary tract infections. It is used in many supplements, such as preparations to lose weight, and is part of many drugs, such as painkillers, antibacterials, and antihistamines.
Caffeine has vasoconstrictive properties that reduce the inflammation of pericranial vessels, and some studies show evidence that it can protect against Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease, heart disease, diabetes 2, cirrhosis, and gout.

Caffeine blocks the inhibitory effects of adenosine on dopamine receptors and can reduce feelings of depression.

It contains about 30 compounds with antioxidant properties and beta-sisosterol which has febrifuge (fever reducing) properties. Coffee has many components with diuretic properties and can be used for treatment of fluid retention. It is used as a common remedy to combat obesity.

The amount of caffeine contained in 3 lbs of coffee, if extracted and administered pure, is sufficient to kill a human.

At the moment i'm writing this, i remember a post of you when you said that drugs must be used only to achived some particular state of mind or to 'enhance' it ..

I have never said this, and would never claim that anything “must” only be used for specific purposes, because everyone is different and nothing is a must for everyone. Drugs can be used for all sorts of reasons and methods (as you can see from exploring the properties of coffee above), and most drugs are still mostly used for saving lives and treating a lot of nasty diseases, rather than for engineering mental agility  :  )

I have said that drugs are used most advantageously for showing you an example of mental states that you can then learn to achieve without the drugs, because autonomy is always to our advantage and dependence is always against it.

Alex! Deja vu, i think you replied my post twice smile

But is even more clear now, with this one, thanks

Congratulations for the 'little Luke'. Can you sleep at nights? LOL


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Re: Confession

It's okay it's not a glitch in the Matrix  :  )

I often do this...sometimes I reply to things 3 or 4 times as I think of new bits, or if the replies get too long & unwieldy.

Dude, when I'm tired I could sleep in a disco.

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Re: Confession

has been [occured to me that 'it' may not be neccessary] few months that I haven't participated in this forum.

About 4 months ago I finished the 6-kg piracetam. On average, in less than a year, I took about 20-30g of Piracetam daily. My overall impression of piracetam: It keeps mind/body more active/creative (improves verbal communication; lately i felt that i was rusty in speaking and i thought "maybe i "should" get some more of that 'stuff'[piractem]", and so I did get 4kg today and plan to intake roughly 10-20 g daily). 

Somehow,right now and in general too, i don't know what to say. I guess i simply put a period on this sentence. ... and then say:)

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Re: Confession

Allow me to 1-up you here: I also never owned a car (in fact I despise them, together with all who do own them, same goes for the rest of the list).

And, friend Fractal, I dont mean to offend any umbrellas, but I do enjoy using some on the occasional rainy day, though most of the time I find too troublesome even to leave the headquarters, not to mention putting up with needy, attention hogs umbrellas, just to avoid getting wet.. or dry.. err.. I guess that's where the analogy breaks down. ;-)

I do own an old cell phone however, I use it for PAPER WEIGHT. And turned off, of course! I cant believe people actually turn that stuff on! It kills! And slowly... been quite a few scientific articles about it over the years, and even a book recently.

btw, the bubble effect may imply the active factor is being destroyed by oxidation, which explain ur higher doses and little effect (sakiro may probably rest now). Also explains why u haven`t died nor got the alcohol 'intolerance' of fractal's: which suggests the guideline "with" does not mean "simultaneously" as in "diluted" hehehe Which also suggests ur class on "Physics of the Human Body" will be purely  macroscopic newtonian mechanics.

U said u would take it down to 10- and change to water. Have u tried that? Now seems a good time seem u're down-regulating alcohol. Keep the data coming, u.

Alex: "It contains about 30 compounds " I think you copy&pasted from 2 different places and didn't notice the context change. Caffeine is 1 compound, it cant contain 30 compounds! Well, technically it could be COMPOSED of 30 other compounds (which would make for a pretty large compound indeed =] not to mention the recursive nature of this COMPOSition, as they all have the same radical, lol)however it is clear that the paragraph is referring to coffee. but the IT pronoun was used after a paragraph referring to caffeine, thus it(IT) was misattributed to caffeine at this parsing level.


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