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Re: Mainstream Watch

I thought that was clear, otherwise the eyes would be huge, the genitals, etc just to mention the obvious ones.. sorry for the imprecision.


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Re: Mainstream Watch

Alex wrote:

Hi dudes,

If we note down what we all do to make sure information is as reliable as possible, we should have a good start.
For example I do this:
Step 1: trace the sources -where did the article come from and who wrote the original paper it is based on?
Step 2: find out who funded the author/s -how much financial interest could be influencing outcomes?
Step 3: Question what you read -How sound is the reasoning; are there other interpretations of the information that the researchers may have missed or not know; are they up to date in their own knowledge of new discovery and is this their usual field?

...If we all add any other methods we use, we can build a simple formula.

Database updated =)

Video related for anyone interested ..

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Re: Mainstream Watch

MM800 wrote: I thought that was clear (etc)

We gotta think more of newbies dude, when we're talking in "The Bay", so I tend to jump in if anything could be misunderstood, even if I know the author and I both know what is meant. In The Lab I think it's safe to assume people either have a certain level of foreknowledge, or enough savvy to ask. But in The Bay, people from all over the galaxy are in here and some of them don't even speak human*  :  )
*To be fair, it took me years to learn human too.

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Re: Mainstream Watch

(Aren't we in the lab? =D)

   Sure! I'm glad you do! Thanks =)

  ...I like my accent though ;-) MWAHAHA!


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Re: Mainstream Watch

LOL  ...I said I could speak human...obviously, reading it is harder  :  )
Time to stop writing until I'm awake again...

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Re: Mainstream Watch


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Re: Mainstream Watch

Empathia: Hi dude,
I'm aware that there are various theories on the 'source of joy', including pineal glands, third eyes and ACGs. Afaik what's being described is an overall brain chemistry which floods N6 with, basically, opiates.
Any of those who have ever done that on purpose or by accident will know the feeling you mean  :  )

However, I'm not aware of many studies involving left PFC except for those with TMS, which pinpoint it as a useful area for diagnosing depression, and this one:
"Teaching the neurons to meditate." July 7th, 2011. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2011-07-n … itate.html
Notices more activity in response to repetition of meditation.

There have been a lot more monk studies, most of which show the same gamma/delta pattern of memory defragging & consolidation that we show in sleep, which would imply faster learning and/or better memory. The pattern kicks in when they are asked to access the 'source of joy'.

"Tuning out: How brains benefit from meditation." November 21st, 2011. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2011-11-t … ation.html

"Is meditation the push-up for the brain?." July 14th, 2011. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2011-07-m … brain.html

"Don't worry, be happy -- understanding mindfulness meditation." October 31st, 2011. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2011-10-d … ation.html

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Re: Mainstream Watch

Sakiro wrote:
Video related for anyone interested ..

Good vid, I wonder how long your average person would remember all those points though?

It occurred to me we could use a version of the journalists' interview mnemonic, "What (is the claim), where (did the evidence come from), who (wrote it and who are they), when (was it published), why (was the research done, ie funded purpose) and how (does it fit in with everything known)...?
..."What, Where, Who, When, Why & How". -A suitable candidate for the SCF?  :  )

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Re: Mainstream Watch

Alex wrote:

Sakiro wrote:
Video related for anyone interested ..

Good vid, I wonder how long your average person would remember all those points though?

It occurred to me we could use a version of the journalists' interview mnemonic, "What (is the claim), where (did the evidence come from), who (wrote it and who are they), when (was it published), why (was the research done, ie funded purpose) and how (does it fit in with everything known)...?
..."What, Where, Who, When, Why & How". -A suitable candidate for the SCF?  :  )
A nice reminder that "from time to time you will forget all of this .. "

Don't you sometimes get wondering how that is so damn real?

I see it all the times, to almost all the people (including me), you are in a certain state when you are so sure what you want/must to do, you have all the things so clear.

And then, the next day, (or with luck the next week), you act like you just "forgot" all the things you said.

Can this be a way to the (brain? .. anxiety?) to fight back to explore the unknown? ...

Is because we have certains pathways in our brains (our habits) and is impossible to break them down without feeling uncomfortable in the process? 

... or if we feel that way is just because of anxiety?

This last days i was wondering, "willpower" real exist?

If willpower is real and is a limited resource, we should use that energy to create the changes/new habits that we want to have? and not using it to figh-back trival stuff .. (i remember an study of this related to force people watch and unpleasent movie and after that they saw that their "willpower" was drained because of fighting back internally to force themselves do to something they don't enjoy)

Use that (will power), every day, till it becomes automatic (and when that happens it will not use willpower anymore?) so we can start with another habit change etc.

I said all of this, because if all the people want to have a "better" life, do certains things, etc, i really trust at that desire, but with the days it seems like they just forgot, or they try a few days and then leave it etc.

Maybe the trick is knowing .. anticipate that is (normal?) to have certain resistance to that new habit because your brain is just beggining to create that new pathways?

So people maybe (incorrectly) assume that if this is something "we really want" it should be super easy and enjoyable at the right beggining, and when they see that we at the start we only get a "low resolution copy" of the skill/behaviour we want to adquire they give up, not knowing if they keep trying, don't blame themselves, trust his insticts, and keep anxiety low, soon or later they will get it.

But i'm not so sure, if all of this is true, i mean, maybe a free anxiety people, should have a hunger to the try the unknown constantly, and all do it so naturally ... but how many of us are in that zero-anxiety state all the time? lol.

Another stuff i think, is maybe we desire something, but we desire too being in our comfort zone, not taking risk, what other people will think about this/us, etc, and maybe that fear is stronger tgab our desires to change or do some stuff ... and that is where the conflict beings (and "who" will win)

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Re: Mainstream Watch

Sakiro Wrote: "from time to time you will forget all of this .. " Don't you sometimes get wondering how that is so damn real?

That's the thing about reality; whether we believe in it or not, it won't go away  :  )
This is a tasty post; lots of questions.

I see it all the times, to almost all the people (including me), you are in a certain state when you are so sure what you want/must to do, you have all the things so clear. And then, the next day, (or with luck the next week), you act like you just "forgot" all the things you said. Can this be a way to the (brain? .. anxiety?) to fight back to explore the unknown? ...

It can be, but it can also just be unfamiliarity. We're not accustomed to the new associations at first because they're, well, new  :  )  This is a big part of getting to know yourself, and you have to look at things you avoid doing and decide why you avoid doing them.

Concrete reasons are the clues you are looking for. There is no valid excuse for not trying something new unless it presents a clear and present danger. If the unconscious mind thinks some things should be forgotten or avoided, we try to work out why it would think that.

Usually it's incongruent association, for examples: sometimes the unconscious is avoiding making a decision on memory importance because it has started to associate 'decision' with 'responsibility' and all the TE trimmings ("Hassle") which can get attached to that and which it already knows are a waste of time. Sometimes it's scared of change because loss or trauma or hassle have become associated with change. Sometimes it's associating 'responsibility' with jobs and schools and parents instead of understanding the real meaning -Respondability. Your ability to respond to input. So we've gotta learn how to be responsible for our own minds, get to know them, understand why they think what they think and then direct them to the input they need to make clearer associations.

Once we've got anxiety under control, the hunted becomes the hunter. If we feel uncomfortable with something, we go hunting the reasons why, armed with a clear perspective. We make a mind map about it, or notes, we figure out what we are associating the event or thing with, and we also look at memory itself and whether it's getting what it needs (lots of vitamin Bees, adequate sleep) and so on.
I go into this more in tutorial 8.

This last days i was wondering is "willpower" real exist?

Only for those who are responsible for their own minds. Self control is necessary for autonomy (in behavioral terms autonomy is free will) -it's simply doing what you want to do.
Most people can't do what they want to do because they're too anxious. Usually they're too worried about what other people might think or that they might get in trouble or they might lose their job or, ultimate horror, end up with no money. It's all reasonable if you don't have a clue how to survive without (and even despite) the TE.

Willpower is really free will or self-direction, an amalgamate of self care, self motivation, self appraisal, self control/discipline and self esteem/confidence.

...DO IT NOW  LOL   :  )   Can you guess which abilities associate with which networks? Think about their associations with core concepts.

If willpower is real and is a limited resource, we should use that energy to create the changes/new habits that we want to have?

There's no evidence that our ability to direct our own minds is a limited resource. Willpower is a limited resource in humanity as a whole; because currently there are the 'haves' and the 'have nots', but once you've got free will, you'll keep it for as long as you use it.

Use that, every day, till it becomes automatic (and when that happens it will not use willpower anymore?)

Sure it will  :  )  Your brain (and body) forms the habit of  following the direction of your mind much faster in a low anxiety context, with practice that habit becomes automatic; that's exactly the desired result. But the unconscious needs frequent repetition of new habits to build up enough  critical mass of experience to cause that phase shift.

Maybe the trick is knowing .. anticipate that is (normal?) to have certain resistance to that new habit because your brain is just beggining to create that new pathways?

Yeh forgetting obviously can't always be attributed to 'resistance'.

So people maybe (incorrectly) assume that if this is something "we really want" it should be super easy and enjoyable at the right beggining, and when they see that we at the start we only get a "low resolution copy" of the skill/behaviour we want to adquire they give up, not knowing if they keep trying, don't blame themselves, trust his insticts, and keep anxiety low, soon or later they will get it. But i'm not so sure, if all of this is true, i mean, maybe a free anxiety people, should have a hunger to the try the unknown constantly, and all do it so naturally ... but hoy many of us are in that zero-anxiety state? lol.

Another stuff i think, is maybe we desire sometimes, but we desire too being in our comfort zone, not taking risk, what other people will think about this/us, etc, and maybe that fear is strong to our desires to change or do some stuff ... and that is where the conflict beings.

I think it is a lot about discovering who 'we' are, because most of us start out associating 'we' with the anxiety-based 'society's ideal' personality they are familiar with. Most people don't know that they probably haven't recognized their real selves as a free intelligence yet.

The real 'we' would never desire to stay in our comfort zone, that's not how intelligence operates. The real we makes us bored with even the nicest things unless we continue to stretch and explore as well as relax and enjoy, as all the real we wants to do is constantly improve its own ability to interact.

The trick in NH is to allow the real we the captain's chair and experience being that intelligence in first person context. It can take a while to recognize yourself, and it can occur to us in brief moments before becoming a permanent experience.

Snapback warning: The first time it happens, we may feel embarrassed about having been duped for so long, and alarmed that such extensive loss of control went unnoticed, discovering that we are not as aware as we always thought we were is sometimes difficult, so remember to keep up the anxiety reduction, remind ourselves that the past can't affect our ability now, and concentrate on the benefits of our new awareness and freedom and learning how to use it in the here and now.


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Re: Mainstream Watch

I just find myself thinking that that "not having experience about being free of anxiety" is exactly the culprit. In what activities do I experience play, that is personal. It's something I should meditate on I guess. Then think of transferring that feeling into other areas. So there would be something with which to remind oneself how to change whatever dodginess is going on in whatever situation (in one's behaviour).

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Re: Mainstream Watch

Alex wrote:

Willpower is really free will or self-direction, an amalgamate of self care, self motivation, self appraisal, self control/discipline and self esteem/confidence.

...DO IT NOW  LOL   :  )   Can you guess which abilities associate with which networks? Think about their associations with core concepts.
Well umm, i think is something like this:

self-direction i think is related to motion/space so it's Network 2, the core concept of "Space".

self-care with Network 1, core concept "Matter" (your body is made of matter), and selfcare is one of the behaviours prompted in N1 and the neurotransmitter serotonin.

self-motivation i'm not sure, but probably Network 3? in this one i can make the only association i think is because motivation is related (tigger because of?) about emotions.


self-control in this one i give a shoot to Network 6, if this network is about the core concepto of "power" the power to take control and (strategy) of your thought/actions?

self-steem, Network 5, because i remember when you said in a post that the neurotransmitter that prompt in that area build up your confidence/self-steem.

Well you see, a blank space in there, so if all the others are correct should be N4 =) hehe

I tried to answer it fast so probably if i taked more time, my answers will be more accurate/complete etc

Edit: I was thinking a little more and that maybe self-motivation (motivation = to move = space) can be relatd to N2 too and not N3.


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Re: Mainstream Watch

empathia Wrote:
I just find myself thinking that that "not having experience about being free of anxiety" is exactly the culprit.

...I think you've got it sussed, using an example of how you feel in play & invoking it in various contexts. Approaching things with the attitude of 'let's play with this' is much more productive than thinking 'oh god I have to learn/do/think about this stuff'.
Experience of feeling anxiety-free is a problem for most of us; we haven't seen many real life examples of anxiety-free human beings so feel we have nothing to compare our behavior against. We do have movies with some pretty good models of anxiety-free characters, intelligence is pretty adaptable and these will do just fine. Think of what characters in movies you really admire; those whom no matter what goes wrong or what crap they get, they cope sensibly and adequately and still have a sense of humor. Sure, sometimes things muck up, but it all turns out okay in the end. Practice pretending to be these people.
Also, most real people are not so anxious when doing something they really enjoy or are really good at. Spend time with others in those 'play' circumstances and you will still learn some skills, so start noticing who is good at the things you want to be able to do, and hang around them when they're doing it.
Watching other competent creatures play and seeing how it relates to their adult abilities can also help, so wildlife documentaries are a good learning source. Simple mice, for example, have to put up with all sorts of dangerous hassle in their little lives, but your average mouse manages to feed, house and equip itself for life, have successful relationships and raise a family, all without needing to go to school or get a job, and mousekind has been free from internal warfare for aeons; that's a lot more than we could say for your average human  :  )

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Re: Mainstream Watch

Hi folks  :  )
Long mail; get refreshments

Re: "DO IT NOW" thingy:

Doing an exercise like this 'on the spur of the moment' is a really valuable way of assessing what associations we most easily make. It's a state of mind we can't approach a puzzle with twice, because once we have considered it, the spontaneity is lost. So this is a great habit, because the initial spontaneous answers reveal just as much about what we know and don't know than later, long-considered ones, regardless of correctness or incorrectness.

With feedback like this we can fine tune our learning to address only the areas that need reminders instead of keep re-revising whole sections.

It also helps in writing tutorials. I for example have now realized, "Direction" was not a good choice of word; I meant 'direction' not in the spatial location sense, but as in the director of a movie (the executive in charge of the whole shebang).

Since 'willpower' is an amalgamate (unity) of all the others, that gives it the N6 position with the final power to decide & interact. ...I could have said "self-coordination" but it doesn't sound very rememberable...?

Sakiro started looking at neurotransmitters for N1 and a lovely string of associations popped right out! If we stay with those associations, (and forgive me for the 'direction' error), you have inspired me for a piece of future tutorials which is not quite finished so it might have errors but here goes anyway:

Overall biological intent for N1-N3: adapt the organism to fit in with the context's needs.

Self care/serotonin (N1);   biological intent: integrity (in the concrete sense of 'soundness', 'keeping myself together' -think, 'hull integrity').
Needs: safety/hygiene/prevention of disease.
Example behaviors: grooming, cleaning, fastidiousness, ordering of self and surroundings.
Emotion tools: pleasure/comfort (growth)/disgust/discomfort (protection).

Comfort to biology means 'ease' and discomfort implies 'dis-ease'(disease) or unease. We know how disgusted we feel if we get something like headlice, or step in nasty things, and how relieving it is to get rid of them and feel all clean and comfortable. That's serotonin; helping us experience both the disgust and the pleasure.

Self-motivation/dopamine (N2); biological intent: liberty (freedom to explore and provide for self.) Needs: Mapping of local territory, search & recover targeting (eg, food, mate, shelter, territory, information, method) and avoidance of hassle.
Example behaviors:  exploring, seeking, migration, gathering, avoiding and warning of danger
Emotion tools:  desire/stress (growth)/alarm/distress (protection).

Self-appraisal/oxytocin/cortisol (N3); biological intent: synergy.
Needs: accurate decisions about own position, eg, bonding with allies/repelling harm.
Example behaviors: amiability/modeling/defense/ camoflage
Emotion tools: trust/amiability (growth) /defensiveness /distrust (protection).

Self-appraisal in this concrete context means figuring out in every situation 'where I stand', and  "How far can I safely go?" For examples, a first meeting of two people initially attracted to each others' appearance, when they are trying to figure out whether they really like each other or not without committing too much about themselves or getting too close in case it's 'not'; or deciding whether you think you have enough experience to perform a task competently without accidents.

Overall biological intent for N4-N6: adapt the context to fit in with the organism's needs.

Self-control/acetylcholine (N4); biological intent: synchrony. Needs: mastery of information as experience (timed procedures) including control of own emotional responses and own behavioral output.
Example behaviors: construction/nurturing/cooperation/diplomacy/categorization
Emotion tools: inspiration/playfulness (light-heartedness)/awe/wonder (growth) /caring/determination (protection).

'Control' and 'Order' are key N4 concepts related to timed procedures. "Order out of chaos" is a good keyphrase for what N4 processes are usually doing.

Self esteem/norepinephrine (N5); biological intent: autonomy.
Needs: mastery of resource allocation information as knowledge (discursive facts) including control of own resources and own presentation (words, appearance).
Example behaviors: display/gregariousness /hoarding & storing.
Emotion tools: confidence/pride (growth) /suspicion/prudence (protection).

All these combine into:
Output behavior:
Self expression & achievement of own 'will' (intent)/endorphins (N6); biological intent: entelechy.
Needs: ever increasing power to interact;
Example behaviors: coordination/communication
Emotion tools: joy/love (growth) /sorrow/grief (protection).

Hopefully we are all noticing patterns in this information, such as, all behaviors serve either growth or protection. Yup; that's pretty much all biology knows about, so never mistake the hardware for the software.

...I hope nobody says, "Where are 'learning' and 'remembering' in those animal behaviors?" because we should all be able to start seeing by now how these types of complex procedures emerge by employing the simpler 'growth' behaviors of each network in the right order.

Whew! Thanks for that dudes  :  )

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Re: Mainstream Watch

Hi Dudes,

Here is a link to a fascinating talk given by AI scientist-artist Jürgen Schmidhuber.  I see a lot of parallels between his theories of learning, neural networks and NH theory. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7F5sCLI … pY04ytdbFm


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