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Всего найдено 44 записей.

... Fits or convulsions [ ] Water retention or breast tenderness [ ] Depression or confusion   [ ] Total score   MANGANESE (SCORE 2 POINTS FOR EVERY SYMPTOM IN THIS CATEGORY) ...
32. BTPT Presentation
(Workshop/Beyond The Porcelain Throne)
... we’re going to use a not-so-well-known word, and that is “entelechy”.  Because it is not well known, we can be reasonably sure of no multiple meanings and so no confusion. The ...
33. Intelligence - The Basics
... confused with the conceptual use of "black box" in computer science, which is perfectly legitimate. This myth probably came out of this very confusion, from models using the brain-computer analogy] ...
... is a killer, of both body and mind. Medically, anxiety pushes the body into a state of endocrine (hormonal) shock, causing immune deficiency, rapid aging, exhaustion and mental confusion. Currently, ...
... a coma). Compounding students' confusion are folk myths like these, popular books promoting scientific hypotheses (such as the R-L brain hypothesis) that don’t bother to impress upon the reader what ...
36. Diet & health - Diet, Mood & Behavior
(Neurohacking/Lifestyle & Nutrition)
... In older people, there can be mental confusion. An anti-hypoglycemic diet [low GI] would consist of fish, white meat and lots of fruit and fresh vegetables. Another key is limiting sugars, corn products ...
  Anxiety: The Nature of the Beast, a Personal Account   (This article is complementary material for all tutorials)   Q –What do the following all have in common?   ...
... not to turn aside when anxiety strikes. Anxiety will throw you doubt, fear, disbelief, self hatred, confusion, and you will not be conned. Neurohacking is not for wimps. We're starship Captains, and we'll ...
... questions in this part are stated in the negative form; [beginning with “I don’t…”] To avoid confusion, please remember that you are marking with a ‘yes’ those statements ...
... well as those more humanoid staff up front who can think in words. Your job is to get all the sections fully functional and working together without conflict or confusion, and then to improve their performance ...
... deficiency, rapid aging, exhaustion and mental confusion. Currently, 95% of people have raised levels of anxiety hormones that are harmful to their immunity, are risk factors in mental and physical health, ...
42. For Newbies
(FAQs/General Issues)
... we need your vigilance, and we want you to be ruthless with us in order to optimize the quality of our material, avoiding as much confusion as possible for everyone. So be polite, but if you think we have ...
43. IMMMUN Chapter 1
(Материалы без категорий)
... are fatigued by all the hassle and confusion to the extent of not caring, and have slumped into the apathetic-depressive state of believing 'that's just the way life is', without even knowing there's anything ...
44. Neurohacking Tutorial 18 - Intelligence, Consciousness and Comprehension
(Материалы без категорий)
... models calling themselves cultural psychology; because there is still a general confusion throughout between the concepts of society and culture. This confusion is understandable, because throughout ...
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