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31. BTPT 1, 3
(Workshop/Beyond The Porcelain Throne)
... so we're going to use a term that we understand to mean only one thing. The term is "enlightened self-interest". It means following a path that is the best for both ourselves and for entelechy ...
32. BTPT 1, 1
(Workshop/Beyond The Porcelain Throne)
... the force shield. Now read on...]   Beyond the Porcelain Throne   Series 1 / 1 - To Be Beneficial, or Not to Be Beneficial, that is the question. Well, we've gotten as far as what entelechy ...
... neurohackers are emerging within a continuity of spirits, an ancestral spiritual lineage that we reckon as beneficial to entelechy. However, as we are among the first generations of human beings entering ...
34. BTPT Presentation
(Workshop/Beyond The Porcelain Throne)
... we’re going to use a not-so-well-known word, and that is “entelechy”.  Because it is not well known, we can be reasonably sure of no multiple meanings and so no confusion. The ...
...  Rogers' 'personality theory' is built on the natural striving of intelligence for entelechy (optimal development), that he calls the actualizing tendency. It could be defined as "the built-in motivation ...
... out on a journey, it's good to know where you are starting from now and where you are going. The optimal path always leads towards entelechy, and that means we don't waste time trying to suppress or give ...
... or away from entelechy. Thus if we take the right steps, we can improve performance and prevent decline.   Neurotransmitters Another area that has experienced much new discovery lately is neurotransmission ...
38. Homeworld Greetings
(Homeworld/Introductive Material)
... society or nation Seems like a badly written simulation, Come sailing in sane company Towards the goal - autonomy - The practice of entelechy, Lighthearted friends exploring synergy. An ultimate ...
39. Intelligence Archetypes
... the Buddha Entelechy: doing things in the spirit of intelligence -the 'holy spirit'   You will find this everywhere, described according to various 'maps' of reality: the triple spiral ...
... entelechy [pronounced en-tel-eh-key]. In Japan this is known as ‘Kaizen’. You may have heard of Kaizen in the context of business, but in fact it is applicable to all areas of life. Practising ...
41. Entelechy
... in more intuitive, more spiritual ways. Here we'll see to show you associations between our vision of entelechy and more traditional ways to describe it, which you might be more acquainted with, and to ...
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