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... rhythm. Self assessment and direct biofeedback between brain and musculature fine tune the performance as imagination compares the attempts, merges and repeats the more successful algorithms. The behavioral ...
...  a new acquaintance to dinner SETI (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) doing a self assessment shaking someone's hand decorating swerving to avoid an accident  ...
...  Self Assessment – Memory Make a list of the different types of memory, like this: sensory motor spatial eidetic procedural declarative working   ...
34. Introduction to Tutorials
... ‘send them in’ to us or anything. There are no grades or exams in this program because everybody passes! Self assessments are sometimes structured in order that you can find out specifics ...
... self assessments in future tutorials will help to narrow down and fine-tune exactly what you personally should concentrate on in each network as you are going along. Don’t forget; if you need any ...
    Neurohacking Tutorial 2 Shaping Up Networks 1 & 2 and Self Assessment Updated: Jul 2009   In this tutorial we’re going to learn about self assessment, particularly ...
37. Neurohacking Tutorial 18 - Intelligence, Consciousness and Comprehension
(Материалы без категорий)
... self assessment and behavioral control, we have set in motion an auto-catalytic process that culminates in te emergence of conscious intelligence and self awareness. Experience in a replicating, self-adjusting ...
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