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restricted TED talks?

...What's all this then?
Someone told me these talks were censored. That's not exactly true, but apparently, in the anoyomous ranks of TED's review board, pseudoscience is out:


I only just discovered this, but what puzzles me is, if pseudoscience is out, why is Oliver's talk on 'nutrition' still in?? If you'll pardon the pun, it's complete baloney  :  )

I wouldn't expect TED to care who is being funded by 'big biz' and who isn't, as long as science talks are based in science. His isn't. Decide for yourselves whether Sheldrake's and Hancock's isn't.

It would be a shame to see TED slide sideways into the 'no pseudoscience unless its mainstream pseudoscience' camp. Opinions?
PS while we're at it, why is TED's review board anonymous?

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Re: restricted TED talks?

Woaah interesting ..

Follow up link  here

http://blog.ted.com/2013/03/14/open-for … sheldrake/

I will read it and come back here later =)


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Re: restricted TED talks?

Alex wrote:

...What's all this then?

I only just discovered this, but what puzzles me is, if pseudoscience is out, why is Oliver's talk on 'nutrition' still in?? If you'll pardon the pun, it's complete baloney  :  )

Hi dude, can you share a link to that Oliver's talk? (i don't know him)

Alex wrote:

I wouldn't expect TED to care who is being funded by 'big biz' and who isn't, as long as science talks are based in science. His isn't. Decide for yourselves whether Sheldrake's and Hancock's isn't.
I'm just beggining to look at Hancock's talk, but, what is more important i think, if this guys are trying to do research (experiments) to prove something, that is doing science, i mean, they are not pulling data out of air, one can argue that theirs experiments are flawed, bad interpreted, or whatever (and probably it is), but that's another matter?

And afaik if they are doing that (research) one couldn't call them out saying it what they are doing is pseudoscience? at worst they are bad scientist. (correct me if i'm wrong)

And it seems for what i read this dude (Sheldrake) is open to another scientist to "work" together or try to replicate his findings and see what is going on ..

For example taked from the link above i posted here, he says:

"The TED Scientific Board refers to ”attempts by other scientists eager to replicate the work” on morphic resonance. I would be happy to work with these eager scientists if the Scientific Board can reveal who they are."

In the google talk i posted in mainstream watch he talks about that too, and share experience where other scientist ignore him when he invites them to try to do the same experiment and see if they both get similar results.

So, seeing a people doing that, even if he is wrong, it clicks to me, at least the dude is trying to find the truth out of something, that is science.

Anyways, it always suprise me how afraid people are to recognize that they could be wrong about something, do you ever see someone in a "public discussion" where they have very opposite points of view say "wow, you are right dude, i was wrong!"? Like it seems they are not interested in the first place to find out the truth, only protect their own opinions and belief systems.

Because you know, being wrong/making mistakes = BAD BAD BAD, avoid at all cost.

I want to say to them "Dudes! we just want the f***** truth of what going on!, whatever it's, not what we like it to be, when the truth is lost, everyone lose"

It's sad, very sad.

Alex wrote:

PS while we're at it, why is TED's review board anonymous?

Theorically that board are scientist? because i have my doubts that they are in the first place =)

And if they are public, that could open the windows to "open debate" and that ... could be something .. scary.

Maybe this is just predictble to happen between "rear loaders" scientist and front ones? LOL =)

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Re: restricted TED talks?

Hi dude,
Sakiro wrote: can you share a link to that Oliver's talk?

Sorry man I shouldn't have used the example. I don't put dodgy links in here. If I find lies I tend not to share them, it helps avoid confusion generally. I mentioned it to highlight the prejudice -people will allow all sorts of BS to pass as nutritional science but the moment the work 'consciousness' is mentioned, out come the restrictions.

Re: if this guys are trying to do research (experiments) to prove something, that is doing science

...Couldn't agree more.

Re: Like it seems they are not interested in the first place to find out the truth, only protect their own opinions and belief systems.

If you add 'financial interests' at the top of that list, this IS exactly what's going on.

Read true stuff, not lies  :  )

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Re: restricted TED talks?

Thanks for the link Alex! There was much truth in this talk. I can certainly see why this would be not accepted by the mainstream leaning TEDx organization and why there was so much controversy.   
"Debate is exactly what should happen in a free and open society." -Graham Hancock 

Claiming that this talk was not scientific is obviously poppy cock and a product of the influence thought.  The parallel made of the suppression of this material and that of the gnostics was interesting to me.   

Thank be to science for the liberating and enlightening potential of the internet. George Orwell and Terence McKenna are dancing the Irish jig    I am grateful that we are here discussing this and other topics using this world uniting tool.

I appreciate that Graham was not insisting that anyone believe in the reality of his altered states but that he does profess that there remains great significant in his encounters with "mother Ayahuasca".

Personally, I have never been in favor of consuming a substance that is naturally occurring in my brain and prefer to nurture and encourage its accumulation there supported by the foundation of neuro-chemistry required to synthesize it. (i.e. meditation, dark room enlightenment, REST, etc)

Indeed, "what an incredible opportunity it is to be born in this human body".

Peace dudes!

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Re: restricted TED talks?

Hi dudes,
Mnemo Wrote:
"Debate is exactly what should happen in a free and open society."

...It struck me that TED may go the same way the Royal Society and similar institutions went...

At first anything goes -it doesn't matter who you are or how apparently outlandish your claim, you apply the scientific method and explore the topic or issue. Later, societal synthetic rules are imposed, such as 'To take part you must have x qualifications', 'You must have y amount of money', 'You must be z nationality', 'No women', 'No discussing topics we don't like', ...and so on, and so on... the forum for open exploration becomes a closed club for those providing funding to promote their own research agendas for personal financial gain -and there ends all cultural progress.

Ayahuasca... I have tasted Ayahuasca. It is disgusting. However, to me McDonalds burgers taste disgusting, so what do I know?  LOL  :  )

Re: [M]I have never been in favor of consuming a substance that is naturally occurring in my brain and prefer to nurture and encourage its accumulation there supported by the foundation of neuro-chemistry required to synthesize it.

...So you refuse to eat food?  :  )  Gotta remember, all of the substances occurring 'naturally' in our brains are manufactured using incoming ingredients from things we have consumed.

If I have a magic mushroom sandich for breakfast, the chemicals my brain manufactures will differ from those I'd release if I had steak and chips, or coffee and a donut. All food is chemistry, all chemicals are drugs.  That's why we can set up our neurochemistry by adjusting what goes in.

Sure it would be ideal to hang around all day photosynthesizing all our needs, but sadly this current model needs concrete material input to make chemicals and generate energy.

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