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The beginning of real VR

Hi dudes, in the last few weeks i was looking to all the new cool stuff that will come in 2014 related to Virtual Reality, and how can now be something really inmersive and not the failed attemps that we had with it in the 90'.

Vision VR:

Oculus Rift

Total Inmersion and with head tracking.


Some examples using it.



Walking VR.


http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/194 … orite-game


Interaction With Hands

Kinect 2.0 (Microsoft) or Hydra Razor





Delta Six

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/356 … r?ref=live

Haptic VR:


http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/141 … as-it-gets

Some of this stuff we can get it right now in 2013 and some in 2014, but is exciting to see that now we have the technology to have fun with this toys and experiment with it and how we can use them for NH purposes (something i will hope to do) for example writing specific software for it.

Imagine writing a piece of software that you use with the Oculus Rift (The headset) where it shows you beautiful nature scenarios with relaxing nature sounds and use it to relax and reduce cortisol.

...and where all this will evolve in the next 5-10 years .. and i can only say .. wow!!! =)

Have fun!

Edited By:  Sakiro
Jul-10-13 21:37:47

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Re: The beginning of real VR

Hi dude,

Very cool...and a far cry indeed from the “$35000” estimate I was quoted twenty years ago for full immersive VR, so this is great progress.

The gaming industry is 'the new rock and roll' for neurohackers. Nobody needs FDA/BMA approval for gaming devices. Already people are using toys like the 'Jedi ball game' for treating hypertension  and various accessories for meditation/self suggestion/hypnosis. Through popularity in gaming, it will be possible to produce much cheaper devices than those made specifically 'for medical purposes'. I envisage some really funky stuff turning up from now on, and we should keep an eye on gaming chairs/ controllers/ suits/ gloves/ eyewear etc as NH accessories.

Gaming techniques are proving useful too; already mental decline, visual deficits, stroke recovery, schizophrenia and autism have shown improvement via this medium:

http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/News/Media-of … 052694.htm

http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1 … 0/abstract

http://news.cnet.com/8301-11386_3-57437 … -recovery/

http://www.nature.com/news/a-little-bra … ay-1.12924


We've also seen some enhancement evidence:

"Memory training video games can increase brain power." June 14th, 2011. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2011-06-m … power.html

Sternberg, D. A. et al. Front. Hum. Neurosci. http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2013.00292 (2013).

TED talk: "video games, even action-packed shooter games, can help us learn, focus and, fascinatingly, multitask".
http://www.ted.com/talks/daphne_bavelie … games.html

"Study supports using virtual environment to teach mind/body techniques." March 30th, 2012. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-03-v … iques.html

Since this is a research field I want to move further into, its very exciting for me. I'll also be looking into games that don't use computers, from paintballing to chess to twenty questions. In the meantime, we'll see more game stuff appearing in tutorials too  :  )

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Re: The beginning of real VR

Some update about this!


Seems like the Oculus will be available some time this year!

Can't wait! =)


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Re: The beginning of real VR

Hi Dudes,

so, I, being a non-videogame player and a un-tech guy, want to know...

Here they use the Oculus Rift to do something similar to what I want to do in a somatic therapy context.
http://www.wired.com/design/2014/02/cra … ap-bodies/

But I wonder, does one need such a device as the Oculus?  It is intended to be used with computers and video games, and maybe I need something similar but simpler in that it just needs to connect to a camera and maybe a screen monitor.  But what would I look for then?  Any devices you dudes may know of?

Has anyone here bought this Oculus?  If so, how is it going for you?


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Re: The beginning of real VR

Hi dude,
This is a great idea! However I'm not convinced it needs the tech because other similar work has been done with mirrors, fake limbs & other methods.
http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/ … 2470.short

"Sensory illusion study provides new insight for body representation brain disorders." September 22nd, 2013. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-09-s … ation.html

http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/ … tml?cpetoc

http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn2 … -limb.html

It would of course depend on what specifically you want to experiment on. If you know exactly what you want to do, it should be possible to work out whether you need tech, but 'something similar to what I want to do' isn't accurate enough to guess  :  )

Some interesting related experimental themes:
http://medicalxpress.com/news/2014-02-p … tated.html

http://www.sciam. com/article. cfm?id=phantom- limb-cure- retrain-brain&sc=WR_20080909


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Re: The beginning of real VR

Yes Dude,

I know about those links you pointed to.  They all led me to where I am now.  I have worked with mirrors, and they are good for helping with the limbs.  And if one can suspend belief enough, mirrors can be used as low-tech OBE inducers.

But I really want to try the immersion of 3D.  Like in my links, the guinea pig would wear the goggles and I would video tape them and feed it into their goggles.  And there is also the intention to use touch as another sense to throw things into wacky modulations.  I could touch them and they would see me touching them but see it as if not in their bodies... I hope you can follow ; )!

The possibilities for people with chronic pain, dysmorphic issues, for creative dancers and other movement therapies or enhancements is fascinating to me. 

I just have to invest bread into this tech.  A camera, a tripod, and the goggles, and whatever surprises the consumer market has to add to the bill.  But I dont have much bread and I am not very tech savvy and dont like to do tech consumer research because I dont understand much about what I am reading anyway. 

I work both as a performance artist/actor and as a certified alternative healer/massuer.  This puts me in a uniquely helpful position to run these experiments. 

I might try and get an art grant to pay for this.  But this will be a long process.  I want to do it now, I am overly ripe!



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Re: The beginning of real VR

Hi dude,

Okay, I think I get what you mean, but not sure. I recall some dude doing this with robots and cameras/wearable monitor, but cannot find the source! If anyone else remembers this -please forward URL.

There is of course person to person BCI:
and thought-controlled prostheses:
Another possibility: take a look at this work with animals:
http://www.the-scientist.com//?articles … -for-Rats/

http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/sci … borg-rats/
http://www.nature.com/news/intercontine … ts-1.12522
http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-02-b … motor.html
http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn2 … nt=dn23221

http://www.nature.com/news/monkey-brain … re-1.14765

http://www.the-scientist.com//?articles … d-Control/

...Is this more like what you have in mind?
There is also 'out of body' work, which may be more relevant...?
http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-02-rea … brain.html
"Visualized heartbeat can trigger 'out-of-body experience'." August 14th, 2013. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-08-v … -body.html
Also might be interesting:
http://brain.oxfordjournals.org/content … 0.abstract

Sorry I can't be of any more help!

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Re: The beginning of real VR


do you know of any used VR goggles you could sell to me?  One that can connect to a modern video camera?

The link to the researchers in Lausanne Switzerland is about the same researchers that inspired my idea in the first place.  Just like it says in the link you provided, they showed the subjects their own bodies two meters in front of them...only instead of using a graphic projection of their own hearbeat, the reasearchers touched the subjects back with a feather.  The subject sees the researchers touching his back as if two meters away, whereby he feels the actual feather touching his "real back" and this leads to strange perceptions that can be guided therapeutically.

That's it.

Thanks for the links. I will check out now the ones about animals.


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Re: The beginning of real VR

Hi dude,
Sorry I don't personally have this tech, but I recall recently someone else exploring the area and there are some links to DIY and other stuff?

Thought you would like some steaming hot research: just in today:

March 10th, 2014 in Neuroscience
'Out-of-body hippocampal amnesia', Loretxu Bergouignan, Lars Nyberg & Henrik Ehrsson, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), online 10-14 March 2014. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1318801111

"Outside the body our memories fail us." March 10th, 2014. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2014-03-b … ories.html

New research from Karolinska Institutet and Umeå University demonstrates for the first time that there is a close relationship between body perception and the ability to remember. For us to be able to store new memories from our lives, we need to feel that we are in our own body. According to researchers, the results could be of major importance in understanding the memory problems that psychiatric patients often exhibit.

The memories of what happened on the first day of school are an example of an episodic memory. How these memories are created and how the role that the perception of one's own body has when storing memories has long been inconclusive. Swedish researchers can now demonstrate that volunteers who experience an exciting event whilst perceiving an illusion of being outside their own body exhibit a form of memory loss.

"It is already evident that people who have suffered psychiatric conditions in which they felt that they were not in their own body have fragmentary memories of what actually occurred", says Loretxu Bergouignan, principal author of the current study. "We wanted to see how this manifests itself in healthy subjects."

The study, which is published in the scientific journal PNAS, involved a total of 84 students reading about and undergoing four oral questioning sessions. To make these sessions extra memorable, an actor (Peter Bergared) took up the role of examiner – a (fictional) very eccentric professor at Karolinska Institutet. Two of the interrogations were perceived from a first person perspective from their own bodies in the usual way, while the participants in the other two sessions experienced a created illusion of being outside their own body. In both cases, the participants wore virtual reality goggles and earphones. One week later, they either underwent memory testing where they had to recall the events and provide details about what had happened, in which order, and what they felt, or they had to try to remember the events while they underwent brain imaging with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

It then turned out that the participants remembered the 'out-of-body' interrogations significantly worse than those experienced from the normal "In body" perspective. This was the case despite the fact that they responded equally well to the questions from each situation and also indicated that they experienced the same level of emotion. The fMRI scans further revealed a crucial difference in activity in the portion of the temporal lobe – the hippocampus – that is known to be central for episodic memories.

"When they tried to remember what happened during the interrogations experienced out-of-body, activity in the hippocampus was eliminated, unlike when they remembered the other situations", says professor Henrik Ehrsson, the research group leader behind the study. "However, we could see activity in the frontal lobe cortex, so they were really making an effort to remember."

The researchers' interpretation of the results is that there is a close relationship between body experience and memory. Our brain constantly creates the experience of one's own body in space by combining information from multiple senses: sight, hearing, touch, and more. When a memory is created, it is the task of the hippocampus to link all the information found in the cerebral cortex into a unified memory for further long-term storage. During the experience of being outside one's body, this memory storage process is disturbed, whereupon the brain creates fragmentary memories instead.

"We believe that this new knowledge may be important for future research on memory disorders in a number of psychiatric conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder and certain psychoses where patients have dissociative experiences," says Loretxu Bergouignan.

Wow! Embodiment is truly crucial! ...Or is it...? -Can this one be hacked?  :  )

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Re: The beginning of real VR

Wooah! more improvements in the VR field, very exciting!

Now we have full body tracking and we can walk in our virtual worlds!


Oculus rift headset now has a new version DK2 (devolopment kit 2) with better resolution (full hd) positional tracking, better refresh rates, better panel screen (OLED)

See the diferences here


This will the last development kit, after this .. they will release the CV1 (Consumer Version 1) and they said it will be better in resolution, fov (field of view), ligther, etc and blow our minds! (not release date yet ..probably 2015)

Just wait a little longer .. Neo.  =)


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Re: The beginning of real VR

Hi dude,
Just found:  http://www.technologyreview.com/view/52 … eal-world/

...so, how long do you think the gap will be between (a) getting really cool vr and (b) some twit filling it with adverts?  :  )

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Re: The beginning of real VR

...and another pov:

http://www.mystera-magazine.com/article … al-reality

crappy site but the article gives good refs. On the other hand... I'd be most interested in Ant VR:


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Re: The beginning of real VR

Hi dude,

After Facebook "bought" Oculus there was a lot of "buzz" of people questioning the company for "selling out", and at first i didn't like the idea at all (i was thinking of apps full of crap ads etc) but later i think in the long-term could be great because, all that money was/could be invested in better hardware, research, programmers, engineering to deliver the best headset available with current tech.

And doing that (deliver a good plataform that people give a good inmersion of "being there") will make VR comeback now for real, and after that a lot of other companies (and a lot of DIY crowds) will get in too with their own alternatives (in a case that oculus goes in a "wrong direction" because of facebook being in the middle) ... so "everyone wins" i think in the long-term, as long they are alternatives.

But afaik the best shot is at oculus headset, the alternatives we have right now (sony headset, antvr etc) doesn't have what is considered "vr standard", for example at least 75-90 FPS (frame per second) (less than that gave you what is called "motion sickness") what i liked of antvr tech wise is that is wireless ... but i think that current tech can't transfer data fast enough in that medium to again, achieve a good quality VR experience (you need to sacrifice FPS, refresh rate, resolution etc).

In 10 years if this stuff keeps evolving more and more and gets pretty close to "real world interaction" which world people will spent most of the time ...? and what our brain will think about it? LOL  =)

Like we talked here a few times .. probably people who use it as tools for ehancement and not replacement will be fine ..

If not ... could be another "TE tool" to make us dependent and vulnerable?


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