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Methods & Technology

"Do things in the right order, and let your brain do the job." -  NH popular saying



If there is any kind of method in neurohacking, it is about aligning with biology's intent in order to allow things to emerge naturaly. Neurohackers don't fight reality by hitting the wall with their heads, they work with the powers in nature, not against them. And the powers in nature include us and our technology.


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Article Title Date Author Hits
TMS, NMS & tDCS - DIY info on tDCS Wednesday, 10 July 2013 NHA 14023
Methods & Technology Intro - Part I: Methods Sunday, 28 February 2010 NHA 25988
Methods & Technology Intro - Part II: Technology Sunday, 28 February 2010 NHA 19020
Physiological methods - Benefits of Exercise Monday, 17 August 2009 NHA 14378
Imaging - Brain Maps Define Diseases Friday, 27 November 2009 NHA 9864
psychological methods - attitude, cortisol & health Friday, 12 June 2009 NHA 9785
Psychological methods - Meditation - benefits Thursday, 13 August 2009 NHA 21777
Psychological methods - Meditation - A Selection of Articles Friday, 12 June 2009 NHA 11238
Physiological methods - Epigenetics - Hacking the genome Friday, 24 September 2010 AR 17391
Brain Computer Interface (BCI) - BrainGate Friday, 12 June 2009 NHA 15295
Physiological methods - Longevity and Epigenetic Modification (Intermediate Level NH) Sunday, 28 February 2010 NHA 23863