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Neurohacking - Tutorials
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Jueves 13 de Octubre de 2011 19:35
Índice de Artículos
Neurohacking Tutorial 7 - Imagination & Related Abilities
Network 3 & Mirror Neurons
Perception From the Bottom Up
What Happens if Things Go Wrong
The Mind's Inner Model
NHA Guide to Methods & Technology
The Most Important Bits to Remember
Hacks & Exercices
Notes, References & Answers
Todas las páginas



Footnotes, Refs & Answers


[1] “Broken Mirrors: A Theory of Autism”; Vilayanur S. Ramachandran and Lindsay M. Oberman; October 16, 2006.

http://www.sciam. com/print_ version.cfm? articleID= 000B7F38- 893D-152E88E283414B7F0000

Article: Vittorio Caggiano,1 Leonardo Fogassi,2,3 Giacomo Rizzolatti,3 Peter Thier,1 Antonino Casile1*,   Mirror Neurons Differentially Encode the Peripersonal and Extrapersonal Space of Monkeys, Science 17 April 2009: Vol. 324. no. 5925, pp. 403 - 406

[2] “From Rapid Place Learning to Behavioral Performance: A Key Role for the Intermediate Hippocampus” Bast et al, 2009,



[3] http://gallantlab.org/

“Reconstructing visual experiences from brain activity evoked by natural movies”.

Shinji Nishimoto, An T. Vu, Thomas Naselaris, Yuval Benjamini, Bin Yu & Jack L. Gallant. Current Biology, September 22, 2011.


The reconstruction was obtained using only each subject's brain activity and a library of 18 million seconds of random YouTube videos. (In brief, the algorithm processes each of the 18 million clips through the brain model, and identifies the clips that would have produced brain activity as similar to the measured brain activity as possible. The clips used to fit the model, those used to test the model and those used to reconstruct the stimulus were entirely separate.) Brain activity was sampled every one second, and each one-second section of the viewed movie was reconstructed separately.
For a related video see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMA23JJ1M1o
For more information about this excellent work, please check their lab web site: http://gallantlab.org


[4]Gazzola, V.; Keysers, C. (2009). "The observation and execution of actions share motor and somatosensory voxels in all tested subjects: single-subject analyses of unsmoothed fMRI data". Cereb Cortex 19 (6): 1239–1255.

Keysers, Christian; Kaas, John; Gazzola, Valeria (2010). "Somatosensation in Social Cognition". Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11 (6): 417–28. Mirror neurons are found in these regions: somatosensory cortex, inferior frontal gyrus, supplementary motor area, medial temporal cortex and inferior parietal lobule.


[5] Rizzolatti, Giacomo; Craighero, Laila (2004). "The mirror-neuron system". Annual Review of Neuroscience 27: 169–192.


[6] Keysers, Christian (2011-06-23). The Empathic Brain.

Keysers, Christian (2010). "Mirror Neurons". Current Biology 19 (21): R971–973

Kohler et al., http://www.bcn-nic.nl/txt/people/publications/hearingsoundsunderstandingactions.pdf

Science, 2002

Gazzola et al., http://www.bcn-nic.nl/txt/people/publications/gazzola2006sound.pdf

Current Biology, 2006


[7] Botvinick M., Jha A.P., Bylsma L.M., Fabian S.A., Solomon P.E., Prkachin K.M. (2005). "Viewing facial expressions of pain engages cortical areas involved in the direct experience of pain". NeuroImage 25 (1): 312–319.

Cheng Y., Yang C.Y., Lin C.P., Lee P.R., Decety J. (2008). "The perception of pain in others suppresses somatosensory oscillations: a magnetoencephalography study". NeuroImage 40 (4): 1833–1840.

Morrison, I., Lloyd, D., di Pellegrino, G., & Roberts, N. (2004). Vicarious responses to pain in anterior cingulate cortex: is empathy a multisensory issue? Cognitive and Affective Behavioral Neuroscience, 4, 270-278.

Wicker et al., http://www.bcn-nic.nl/txt/people/publications/bothdisgustedinsula.pdf

Neuron, 2003

Singer et al., Science, 2004

Jabbi, Swart and Keysers, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811906010780

NeuroImage, 2006

Lamm C., Batson C.D., Decety J. (2007). "The neural substrate of human empathy: effects of perspective-taking and cognitive appraisal". Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19 (1): 42–58.


[8] Gazzola, Aziz-Zadeh and Keysers,


Current Biology, 2006

Jabbi, Swart and Keysers, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811906010780

NeuroImage, 2006


[9] Skoyles, J. R., Gesture, Language Origins, and Right Handedness, Psycholoqy: 11,#24, 2000


[10] Heyes, Cecilia (2011). Psychological Bulletin 137.


[11] O'Keefe, John, Nadel, Lynn (1978). The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map Oxford University Press.

Ekstrom AD, Kahana MJ, Caplan JB, et al. (September 2003). "Cellular networks underlying human spatial navigation". Nature 425 (6954): 184–8.


[12] Sargolini et al., Science, 2006.

Taube et al., 1990a

Taube et al., 1990b


[13] Hafting, T.; Fyhn, M.; Molden, S.; Moser, M. -B.; Moser, E. I. (2005). "Microstructure of a spatial map in the entorhinal cortex". Nature 436 (7052): 801–6.


[14] Jackson et al, 2009.


[15] Lindsay Oberman, PhD,Source: Society For Neuroscience
http://www.scienced aily.com/ releases/ 2007/11/07110612 3725.htm


[16] Jaime Pineda, PhD, at the university of California


[17] Luisa Sartori, Francesca Xompero, Giulia Bucchioni and Umberto Castiello;

“The transfer of motor functional strategies via action observation”

Source: The Royal Society


[18] Suzuki et al, 2009


[19] Marcus Du Sautoy, “The Code”



[20] Morpheus, 'The Matrix'.


[21] Colloquial varietes being (rearloaders)“WTF?” and (frontloaders) “Now then, now then, what's all this then?”


[22] Winnicott, D.W., (1971) “Playing and Reality”. Tavistock Publications, 1971.


[23] Answers to Batch 4 questions in assessment:


E=3rd P in SS: Earth = 3rd Planet in Solar System.

WF @ 0DC, or 32DF: Water Freezes at 0 Degrees Centigrade or 32 Degrees Fahrenheit.


[24] Answers to “Making Congruous Associations”


A pebble = MATTER

An eyelash = MATTER

A jungle = DENSITY

A load of people pulling a horse out of a bog = TIME

A big village = TIME

A banana = MATTER

A party = DENSITY

An earthquake = ENERGY

A buffalo turd = MATTER

The moon = TIME

A cave = MATTER

Kissing someone you find attractive = SPACE

The big oak tree half way to the water hole = SPACE

The water hole = SPACE

A hunting spear = TIME

A hunt = SPACE

Stocktaking = ENERGY

A software program = TIME

A computer = TIME

An explosion = ENERGY

A successful diplomatic meeting = POWER


A silk necktie = TIME

The silkworm tree = SPACE

DNA (code) = DENSITY

A complicated problem = TIME

Tools = TIME

Seasons = TIME

Order = TIME

Resources = ENERGY

Being in someones arms = SPACE

Machines = TIME

Open grassland = SPACE

The air = SPACE

Kicking Bishop Brennan up the Ass = TIME


[25] If you like Oz archetypes, they can be damned handy for spotting 'stuck' states -Scarecrow is a rear-loader (doesn't have a 'brain' = no intellect), tin man is a front loader (machine, robot) with no 'heart' (emotions), and lion is a 'diagonal loader' (he's got networks 1, 3 & 4, but no 2 or 5 -no courage, no self confidence, or as the Celts put it, 'no balls'.) Lion is a pussy  :  )  Notice they all have to find their missing bits for themselves -the goodies help them but don't do it for them.

If you prefer The Matrix: No one can tell you what The Matrix is -you have to go there and realize it for yourself.


[26] A superstition glitch is a form of the fundamental attribution error in which cause and effect get confused. It is NOT the little sugar pill that heals you; it is your mind. When you get really good you can even do it without the pill.







Última actualización el Lunes 29 de Mayo de 2017 13:14