Neurohacking Tutorial 7 - Imagination & Related Abilities - NHA Guide to Methods & Technology |
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13.10.2011 19:35 | |||
NHA Guide to Methods & TechnologyThere is plenty of tech for NH. You don’t have to use any of it, if you prefer to use other techniques that don’t involve technology. If you know you are a technophobe though, that’s not a good reason not to try it. It’s sensible to try out all possibilities for beneficial things and then decide what we prefer or what works best for us. Intelligent people don't judge experiences (or tech) until after they've tried it. If you can’t afford any tech at all, you can either go somewhere to try it out (e.g. a Homeworld Embassy; see Homeworld section) Or you can borrow some (many of our members are happy to lend), or you can do without and focus on other methods (you still won’t miss out; your NH experience will just be a bit less varied). You can decide which sort of ‘mind machine’ may be best for you by looking at the ‘F’ scores on your FA. If you got low ‘F’ scores for rear nets, you’ll progress fastest with sensory & spatial feedback. You can use a sound/light machine for this, and a fairly typical not-too-expensive machine that some of us here use is the “Proteus”
The Proteus is a light and sound product that combines light and sound stimulation or allows you to use them separately. It interfaces with a PC and has programming capabilities, so when you get to know what you’re doing you can program your own sessions. It produces two independent color channels, each of which has its own brightness and pulse rate. It can create some quite extraordinary visuals and maps colors to states of consciousness. It has Windows 98+ hosted programming tools, available free. It uses Flash memory for both session and operating system data. You can download new session groups from their online site into the system, and the system can also be upgraded. It offers features such as wavetable crossfading; dual binaural beats and real-time biofeedback control. You can store up to four different waveforms in Proteus, and they include an audio waveform creation tool with the bundled software.
Proteus interfaces with another biofeedback machine called the Thought Stream; a GSR unit that can feed your data into the Proteus, which responds accordingly. It also uses a system called AudioStrobe that enables you to use music as part of your feedback. Fifty preset programs come with the Proteus, but it has plenty of space remaining for you to download your own creations—about 2,000 segments altogether in two separate banks.
When you first start using it, Proteus software can seem very complicated. If you’re just starting off, you may not know what things like binaural beats are, but it doesn’t matter. You can increase your use of features as you learn more, so it’s a useful machine to grow with because you can start with the basics right away. It's also at a reasonable price compared to many similar offerings. There are a couple of small points against it. One is, it looks like a toy and comes in awful colors. Most of us who use one have spray painted it something more decent. Also, it needs 3 x AA alkaline batteries, not included. 110 volt (USA) and 220 volt (Europe) AC power adapters are available but you have to pay extra. Any universal voltage adapter will do, however, and these are not expensive, or you can make a small hole in the case and solder in a DC mains socket. If you’d rather build your own l/s machine, there are instructions in the ‘technology’ files section. These days (2011) the price of products has reduced and the price of materials risen, so you don't save so much as you used to unless you can scavenge your parts for free.
GSR: GSR Biofeedback has long been accepted as one of the most effective tools available for the control of stress and for intelligence augmentation. GSR machines can help you get into the state of mind that improves your memory. This helps all memory networks, but especially 1&2. The most accurate inexpensive GSR machines we’ve found are the Thought Stream and the GSR 2 with ‘CalmLink’. ThoughtStreamThoughtStream uses a non-sticky palm-of-the-hand sensor which is pretty comfortable. There’s an online program to explore more advanced facets of GSR available at no charge. ThoughtStream also works with a software package called Mental Games, and you may get Mental Games Levels I and II free with the unit. It can also interface with and control the Proteus system (above).
GSR II with ‘CalmLink’ The biofeedback machine is called GSR 2. [GSR II]. CalmLink is biofeedback software for Windows. It uses a multifunction graph, game animations and lots of sound choices to customize your feedback. GSR 2 is small, fits into your palm, has a very comfortable finger-rest sensor and looks and feels like a mouse [a computer mouse; not a rodent!] You can also get a temperature sensor, but this costs extra. CalmLink is specifically designed to run with all existing GSR2 and GSR/Temp2X systems. It works in Windows 98/98SE; ME; 2000 and XP, it has just released a Windows 7 version, we don’t know about Vista or XP 64-bit. GSR II is probably the cheapest reliable system you’ll currently find.
EMG, used for biofeedback, can improve rear networks and also help you become aware of where muscular tension builds up and how to relax. It makes you much more aware of your body and as that happens, rear networks will improve. The electromyogram (EMG) measures muscle tension. Two electrodes (or sensors) are placed on your skin over the muscle to be monitored. The most common muscles that biofeedback practitioners use are the frontalis (the "frowning" muscle in your forehead), the masseter (jaw muscle), and the trapezium (the shoulder muscles that hunch when you're stressed). Biofeedback with this machine is also utilized after disabling injury and to rehabilitate patients paralyzed by stroke. Even when a person has no sensation in a paralyzed limb and cannot move it voluntarily, EMG can often detect some electrical activity in the muscles. The EMG machine amplifies the electrical sounds emitting from the paralyzed limb and feeds them back to the patient via audio. As the patient becomes aware of the activity, their nervous system can stimulate more muscle activity. Plasticity being what it is, new nerve endings may eventually grow in the affected muscles and the patient regain more mobility. EMG has also been used for the treatment of tension headaches, backache, neck pain, and bruxism as well as in the stress related illnesses such as asthma and ulcers. It is also used by athletes in strength training. In NH EMG is normally used to promote relaxation in muscles that have become tense in response to stress. When the electrodes pick up on muscle tension, the machine gives you a signal, such as a colored light or sound. In this way, you can see or hear continuous monitoring of your muscle activity and begin to focus on what the activity (or tension) feels like. As you become more aware of this internal process, you will begin to recognize in your daily life when tension starts to build. You then can use the techniques you learn in the biofeedback training to control the tension before it gets worse or causes other physical problems, and learn to initiate a full relaxation response. It’s not easy to find a cheap reliable EMG machine. The cheapest one we found was called “Antense”, but the one we ordered didn’t work! MyoTrac portable is the next cheapest at $450-500 (2011 price), we haven’t tried it.
A reminder of some benefits of biofeedback:
CES Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) is the application of low-level pulsed electrical currents (usually less than 1 milliampere) applied to the head for medical and/or psychological purposes. There is now over 20 years of medical experience with CES. Presently, its use requires a prescription by a licensed health practitioner in the U.S. Fortunately it is available without a prescription throughout the rest of the world online, so yah boo to the FDA. In NH CES can pull a nice ‘balancing act’ on early networks and assist equilibrium of association (helping you to learn faster and remember things more easily). There is a selection of CES units around, the cheapest one we found was the BT-7 Brain Tuner CES. We haven’t tried it, so if you have, let us know your results.
NMS NMS is Neuro Magnetic Stimulation, at much weaker levels than TMS but still effective in its own way. NMS is a super tool for dealing with over- or under-active Amys and Hippos. If you got a low 'F' score for N3, you might consider NMS because it has specific programs for these areas. An example of an NMS machine with the required program can be found here: Don’t be misled by the website; NMS can be used for many other purposes apart from spiritual ones; notably the treating of depression without drugs. We currently don’t know anyone else making these machines and they are quite expensive ($650) (2011) so if you want to consider a DIY option on this send us an email for the details.
Other stuff for N3: The ‘Proteus’ machine mentioned above with the program ‘Audio Strobe’. This is particularly useful for improving memory in N3.
If you got a low 'F' score for N4, We'd recommend the 'ThoughtStream' with its 'Mental Games' program, which should improve this network. Also, Direct feedback from GSR to light/sound. Sounds complicated, but isn’t. Several machines are built with this in mind. The Proteus [above] interfaces with the Thought Stream for this purpose, but you can wire an EEG up to a synthesiser, a sound-to-light machine, or a sound-to-pattern program like ‘Dancer DNA’ [view here]: If you are using sound/light machines, set a program that helps you shift into alpha rhythm. NMS can help this network if you also have an over/underactive amygdala.
If you got a low ‘F’ score for N5, you can use NMS to improve this if you also have an over/underactive amygdala. Also, Using an EEG as biofeedback would help you associate analog with digital information. This can be a problem if N5 is underactive. If you are using sound/light machines, set a program that helps you move into beta rhythm.
If you got a low ‘F’ score for N6, NMS can also help out. Use the ‘frontal lobes’ program in the software. Also, N6 responds well to improvement in all other networks, so if you’ve done things in the right order, by the time you get to working on it you may find all the work has been done, network 6 has improved itself, and you are now looking at enhancement on top of upgrading. If it’s not gotten that good yet, no worries! You can use sound/light machines to help you learn how to move from alpha into beta rhythm and back again. This will train up N6 for greater flexibility and performance. DO IT NOW Practical Assignment 1 Imagination Assessment For the first three batches, put an 'X' beside all those that apply to you. If you are not sure, leave them blank. For batch 4, try to answer the questions. Batch 1: Does this happen to you: [ ]I cry at emotional bits in movies. [ ]My imagination persistently generates images and fantasies without any conscious effort on my part. [ ]I see patterns & images in cloud formations, tree bark, smoke, abstract art etc. [ ]My fantasies frequently produce unexpected themes. [ ]I get ideas that I think would make a good movie or book. [ ]Elaborate imaginary themes often come to me instantaneously, seemingly out of nowhere. [ ]When designing or inventing something, or when participating in artistic activities, my imagination often directs the process with little mental deliberation. [ ]My imagination produces elaborate scenarios in an instant without prior deliberation on the theme. [ ]I am sometimes astonished at the scenarios my imagination generates. [ ]If someone is late without explanation I tend to get concerned for their wellbeing. [ ]I doodle a lot absent-mindedly. [ ]If I watch someone biting into a lemon and sucking the juice out, my mouth waters. [ ]If someone else yawns, I have to join in. [ ]I frequently find myself imagining future possibilities, even when I have not chosen to do so. [ ]When a close friend feels anything strongly, my imagination automatically generates an internal image of their predicament, helping me to understand what they are feeling. [ ]My dreams usually have a storyline or apparent plot.
Batch 2: Do you do this: [ ]I often do not take control of an imaginative experience, but allow the contents, direction and spatial characteristics of the presentation to direct themselves. [ ]I deliberately imagine interesting or extreme life situations sometimes, such as being marooned on a desert island or earth being visited by aliens. [ ]When I retell a story, I tend to embellish it so it will be more interesting. [ ]I tend to terminate imagination exercises once I have reached a pre-determined or desired goal of the activity. [ ]I can lucid dream on purpose without tech or drugs. [ ]I like to read or listen to stories to inspire my imagination. [ ]I tend to guide the direction of my imaginative processes, rather than relying on the possibility that imagination will autonomously guide the process. [ ]I do a lot of stuff that involves the imagination (writer, artist, musician, architect, engineer etc.) [ ]I sometimes deliberately imagine funny or weird things happening to amuse myself. [ ]I usually terminate impractical or unwanted imaginal exercises by distracting myself, emptying my mind, or by initiating a brand new exercise in imagination. [ ]If I'm crying at a movie I can stop doing so immediately if I want to. [ ]I imagine myself doing things quite often in a detailed way. [ ]After I've seen a good movie, I often replay bits in my head. [ ]I tend to allow imaginative experiences to reach their own natural conclusion, rather than me calling a halt to the activity [ ]I can make my mouth water by imagining biting into a lemon. [ ]I am good at mimicking accents, expressions or voices.
Batch 3: Is this true of you: [ ]The images and scenarios of my imagination usually take me time and persistence to construct. [ ]The products of my imagination are usually ones that I initiate; i.e. they generally don’t come on their own. [ ]Imagining is an act I choose to commence; it is rarely something that just “happens to me”. [ ]My imagination is usually not spontaneous and surprising, but rather is used/employed in a more controlled fashion. [ ]I use my imagination mainly for practical means, eg., like how to work out a problem or construct a useful idea or object. [ ]The products of my imagination take considerable effort to construct. [ ]When I imagine something I always control the contents, direction, spatial character, and duration of the imagined scenario. [ ]I can use my imagination but rarely do, spending most of my mental powers using logic and analysis.
Batch 4: (answers at end of tutorial[23]) What does this mean?: E=3rd P in SS What does this mean?: WF @ 0DC, or 32DF
Batch 2: There are sixteen”do you do this” questions: Add 3 points per question you answered "Yes, I do that." Batch 3: There are eight “is this true of you” questions. Add 1 point per question you answered "Yes, that's true of me." Batch 4: There are two 'what does this mean' questions. The answers are at the end of the tutorial. Score 3 points for each one you got right. If you scored: Equal to or less than 42 = low imagination skills Scores of 43 to 84 = average imagination skills. Equal to or greater than 85 = strong imagination skills. Batch 1 (the “does this happen to you” questions) are testing your spontaneous imagination. Whilst psychological health is usually characterized by a high degree of spontaneous imagination[22], there are notable exceptions to this rule in which a florid imagination without any control accompanied by high anxiety can portend psychological disorder such as may be found in delusional, or schizoid states for example. Batches 2 and 4 (the “what does this mean” questions and the “do you do this” questions) are testing your controlled imagination. This is an indicator for creativity as well as imagination. Whilst a high degree of controlled imagining correlates with psychological health and creativity, there are exceptions where anxiety disorders involving obsessive/compulsive behavior or over-intellectualisation can be indicated. If you are anxiety-free (or at least have it under control) however, this assessment gives you a straighforward view of how much spontaneous (batch 1) versus controlled (batches 2 & 4) imagination you use. In ideal circumstances there should be a good level of both. Batch 3 ('is this true of you' questions) gives you a cheeky bonus: if you answered yes to many of these you may have a poor understanding of imagination. If this is true, even if your imagination and creativity skills are good you are missing out on much higher potential. Learn more about the nature of imagination and different ways of using it, and new skills will open up to you.
Practical Assignment 2: Making Congruous Associations Don't worry if you don't have a clue! Just play with the idea and see how you get on. Answers at end of tutorial [24]. Which eidetic core concept/s seem to associate most with each item?: [Example: A heap of sand =MATTER]
An eyelash A jungle A load of people pulling a horse out of a bog A big village A banana A party An earthquake Buffalo poop The moon A cave Kissing someone you find attractive The big oak tree half way to the water hole The water hole A hunting spear A hunt Stocktaking A software program A computer An explosion A successful diplomatic meeting Silk A silk necktie The silkworm tree DNA A complicated problem Tools Seasons Order Resources Being in someones arms Machines Open grassland The air Kicking Bishop Brennan up the Ass
Обновлено 29.05.2017 13:14 |